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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
September 5, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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September 5, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK SEPTEMBER 5, 1952 (Formerly the Othello Progress-News) tered as second class matter January 21, 1947. at the office at Othello, Washington, under the Act of March 1879. Published every Friday afternoon at Othello• W£RREN BASLEE Editor and Publisher Subscriptions $2.50 per year in Adams, Frankhn, and Grant counties. $3.0{} ~er year elsewhere. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given by the Town C'ounci,1 of ~ne Town o~ Othello th~at ,a public !¢~e:~- ing will be held 'at l~he OLhc.Eo City hall at P o'clock P. M. on ~onday, Se,gtember 8, 195,2, ¢oncermng the ~nnexa~mn of: AI~ of ~locks 1'54 to 157 in- elusive; Lots 1 ~o 6 inclusive in Blocks 1~4, 166, an~ ,~,; : All of ~logks .~67 add '~r~3; Lots 7 %o 12 inclusive dn Blocks 178, 179 and 180; All of ~t~loCks 1~1, 182, and 1~83; GOOD FOOD ANYTIME! e All of Bl~cks 1,84, 185, 192, ]93, 194, J95, 196, 197, 198, 189 206, 207, 208 and 2{)9, All in t~he Othello [.and Corapany's .First Addition ~o ~he Town of Ot.hello. WARDEN LOIS BERI~.N FETED WITH SHOWE~ A bridal shower ~as held Tuesday, A *u~s~ 26, for ~is B~rd~n a¢ ~he Edward Kneehle h~e. T~ose ,v~ho attended were Mrs. Mavilyn '~eeman, Beverly Steele, Verni.ta ~ur- k~l~z, Sylvi~ Kisler, Marjorie av/d ,Dorerm Crosby, Bonnie Felton, Mrs. Wy~ern Celd- we~i ,Ruby B~ler, Jean Heev, Beeny S~ko, the ' guest ,Qf .honor and ehe hostess 'Mrs. AuRon ~erd~n. Co,, . O~hollo, Wamhin~on de~ oommunity ch~ for I~ev. and Mrs. [-)]auser. " ' ~',-i ,~li'~ ; ,ll,:: '"~,i;li~ The new minister/who will' CHECKING ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAFETY DEPOSIT [. OTHELLO STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation OTHELLO. WASHINGTON HUNTERS PI~E ,NOTICE No Hun,ting West o~ Adams County Line ~or a distance of 3 miles because v~f ~agtured stock. Ci~yton Michel OUTLOOK WANT ADS FOR SALE FURNITURE O~hello Second Hand Store_. Phone 3322 LANT) ~or sale by owner, a~- proxtm,ately 1 mile from city limits West on Tauntor~ road, F. H. Houvaholder. fin HALE & EI.~B~RTA Pea~es, You Pick. $2 per apple box. Purser's-~in,gald, W,a~h. 2~e kER'~'S ChrE .t'or C=e book,--- 80 acres, '55 alfalfa, 20 corn, 2 d~el'l~t~s, Gross Incozne oVersouth$30~0~0of $25,00017 mi. t't~rold ,RoPvik, ,Broker, Othel- lo I¢~ GYs -- , .REIA,DY TfO ---MOVIE ,in? 2 ~droom Hocne, Ne~, Down Paymen% $275.00. Harold ,lq.orvik, Broker. ltc re~la~e ~vhe Ha,users is ~v. Madtson of Harrington. He will ~su~e his duties: Sun-, day, Se~, ~. Vera Gutschmid.t and ,,Alden Beem,an from Thermolikis, Wyoming and Mr. and Mrs. Don S~zang, spen¢. ~he week end in. T~coma. : IV/~. and ,Mrs. ~arry I~ o~ We~atchee spen% the holida~cs at ~e Chrence Kisler ho~n~ Mr.and :MRS. A. J. B~ler, IX~by .azid 'Rodney spent the week end in NOz~tb. ~owder, Ore. Mr. and W rs. Don and Mr. and ~rs..J~hn Mont-. govnery are s~endi~ ,a v~a~a- .tio~ in Montarm. ~Ir..~ad M~, ~P~ ~Worl'ley of I~e°Se~Ia~:~r~ hS~.ay i.a~ OTHELLOr Shoe Repeir " JOHN SOBESKI: OTI41LLO 1951 CHEVROLET V~ TON ........................................... 1595 LI~E NEW 1949 FORD V~ TON ................................................ 1095 VrE~Y CLEAN 1947 INTERNATIONA~L ¾ TON ........................................ 945 GOOD S~E I; BETTER VALUES --- BETFER BUYS BETTER CARS 48 CH'EVROLET 5 PASS. COUPE ....................... ~ ....... 1145 NOtN~ F:I~IEIR 49 NASH 'SEDAN ... ..................................... 1095 ::,, :7j£::. ........................................................ .. ~t~LY ,EQI/IPF~ 46 FC)RD 2 ~]R SEDAN.: .......................................................... 595 39 ~UICK SEDAN .............................................. 245 36 CHEVROLET SEDAN ........ : ........................... 165 39 FORD COUPE ...................................................................... 165 ~ P~,,YMOUTH SEDAN ......'. .......................... :. ..................... 145 $6 FORD. COUPE ..................................... 95 36 FORD TRUCK ............. ................................................. 285 'SEE THEM AT THOMPSON EHEVRO T O~ HOOPER°S CORNER RITZVILLE "REDDY" POWER FOR FREEDOM'S D I:L: SE . .. FOR FREEDOM'S REWARDSI record +;me, the Washington Wafer Power Com- pany ;s pushin9 fo completion the great new Cabl- .el Gorge Dam and Generating Plant Soon Cabinet orge will add more fhsn 200,000 "Reddy" kilowaffs of power fo spark and power the nation's defense efforts.., and to bring you the rewards of free- dom--, beffer living af low ¢osf.I PRODUCTION FOR FREEDOM IS EVERY AMERICAN'S JOB...AND~i[MERICAN PRIVATE ENTERPRISE IS DOING ITS JOB WELL!