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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
September 5, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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September 5, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK PAGE 3 LOCALS lheir way from California to mm,ke ~Jmir home in Spokane. • - • • Clem Morisette, Jr. of Spok ,ane and Mr. 'and ~Mrs. C. R. Mrs. ~eon Haase returned Morisette went to Seattle Sun last Wednesday after spend- day. :several v~,eeks with her ,ather "I]he Henry Grahams cf in Aberdeen, .Sourah Dakota. Boise spent several d'ays 'here 21he C~nub Witsons spent visiting friends. Saturday pin Van*~age ~and El-Wayne Benton and Eddie lens~urg. !3ultch were in Moses i~ake Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bogar- 'l"ues~y on business. dus of Wbrley, Idaho were qVne Johnny 'Mercers went :gues~ off the Clark Bogardus'~o Pasco ,Friday. Sunday afternoon. Fonmer reaiden,ts Lt. ,and ]Fir. and Mrs. .Paul Bonneli Mrs. Wayne Peterman were spent the week.e~d in W~alla luncheon g:ues~ of the John- WaHa visiting her parents, ny Mercers last 2]hursday. ~5_x..and Mrs. l~aul ~rown They were on their ~a?¢ ~to and children visited theBen Shreveport, Louisiana. :Browns ,in EDensbu~g ~his :Mr. ar~ct Mrs. F. W. Oney weekend, sper, t ~r~n Thu~d.ay to Tues- "l~he Glenn W~rnevs spent dmy fishir~g on Cu.rle~v lake. IYIr. 'and Mrs. Jerry" Lmim, re thee holiday in Ellensburg. are new .residents of C~2mllo. Gvovge Ti~sworth vis~ct Miss Nar~y Noble arriv,~d his ~ in .Elle~g this ~ekend. The Herrnen K~l~as drove ~o Seattle Sunday ni~,t I~. CoL and Mrs. An~ Kundrat le~t Wednesday to ~end two d~ys camp~g on lark lake. tho week*nd in ~l~vw Ply- ~¢~,eh. Idmho visiting her ~'r~. F lorenc~ Hallqui~ re- tu-~d to boy home in ]~rem- ~r~on Monday after spending ~o wv~ks wi~h the tLal~h ~*r~ ~z'n Hodson a~d Mrs. ~]liot" ~iCh ,spent Wednes- ~,~v in BRzville. .7 J. Vall~r,w ~and G~or~,e ~h.'11 -(~rere in Moses L~ke u r,~dav evening on bu~- T~- I. C'. Jordans ~k, dted q ~,~ Goor~e Halls last week o~ ] i,..__ ,,'r~'LI..o. WASH, CTROLUX and Service '> q aher and "cessories :: " TTT, ROVE ', ,' zvi)]r. Washington ' ':~", Phone 385-W ,home Thursday ffre~n St~attle where s~ spent the s-.m~mr working for Boeing .~rcra~t. She will spend se~neral days with her 1~arents before 'leav- ir~g to ~gradua,te work a~t ~ne Pacific School o~ I~el~gion dn Berkley, Calfforn£a. "Dhe John Ston~s returned Sunday a~ter a week picl~ buckle,berries on Mr. Ada~ns. O. F. ~[entfield sper~t ~h~ weekend in R~udyard~ :Mon- a.arm a~tendir~g ~ family reun- ion. RENO'S OFFICE SERVICE Phone 3382 Othello, Wm,hingtoa Office Hours: 8:30 to 12:00 I:00 p.m. to 5:00 pan. 1 MILE WEST ON TAUNTON ROAD Prepared the way # PHONE 367" COCKTAILS CLOSED SUNDAYS Support the Othello Rodeo! thoroughbred... here's "postage stomp" • ., STETSON ' the little bit ' From dawn to dusk, you're fit 'n' ready for act/on in the Yearling. X dmt-defyinf that does everything wind..q.dl , hat th.t --: mira you esr y r. Stop in 8rid by m dd0 S im thoroushbred wdsy. ms • # Get Hues tmlayl) Emhold It~ most w¢~'~l~,ful .ow figure.fixer...Janmm "postage st@mp" nam~ because that's about the ~ze of it...and that's about all it we~hs... a tiny job that do s b nws-lik Ihings h'ke dimming ond Irimmlag and moothing ond thin$. J@nlz a invented it...k.i it a vm7 spec d way of veey special Lasts-powered nylon yam with a wondwhd hnl a.d wo lm l ve.icol ,tretch. G~ OR PANTY GIRDLE $3.95 Marvelous new JANTZEN BRA fofr curve with verve $&95 Patronize Your Hometown Merchant, He's Your Neighbor ' ' ' i II I I I