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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
September 5, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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September 5, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 6 i.... THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK I W'es Just Thinking By Sam Nay HEAR YE HI~," Blessed is He man Itha~ walketh wet ,in the counsel of the wicked, Nor standeth in the way of sinners, Nor sRteth in the salt ,o~ scoffers: Bt~t his del.i.ght is in the law o~f Jehovah; And on ,his law dvth l~e medFmte ~ay and nigher. ,And he shall be ,like a ,tree planted by the str~,m-ns of wa- ¢er. 21hat hringeth forth ~ts ~ruit ha i~s sea, n, Whose leaf also doth not wRher; And v~h,~tsoever he dae~h sl~all prosper. rPhe wicked ere not so, ~But 'are like the c~a~f w~ich ~he wind driv~h ~ay. Therefore E~e wicked shall not stand in ~he j~u~gement, Nor sinners in the con, gre- gaCion of ~he ri~hte~us; Jehovah knoweth t~:e way of the .rtg~eo~; B~ #he way of the wicked sh~ll ~rish. (P~alm I) c; urch PST BAPTIST CHURCH ~l renc~ Blazer Faster ~;ible School 1]:~'' .... ~ub!ic \'vo s., "At Cavalry" 6:30 p.m. Junior Young Peo- ple 7:5.0 p~m. E~enin,g Service "Born of God" 7 ~ nesd,'~v 9rayer servi,:'e and Bible stud,,, 7:3n ~r~hur~day. ~enior young People and Choir Practice. This is David's de~cril~bion o'f 'a re,an who .is s'e~king God {Heb II:6, ~V~att 7:7-I~2). It gives ,bo~h Eae n~gative and the positive si.des, in order to give a clear pioture of a n~an ple~asing to God. 'Blessed is th..e 1V~an' - God deals with men ,~ individ~a:a~ ,and not as a nation, a vace, ~c. The Gospel is to 'vchor.o- ever will'. In fact the er~tire writir~..o'n of thee Bible ~are ~o lhe individual ~and at ~/he judgement it will be ~h~e indi- wdual that will be judged as 'b~ or she lived. Hear ~he words of David ~nd 'l~adken. Fairbanks-Morse Pumps S~LF~S snd O~"~''~'r" WA TC ' " epair ;, :ii: BOX 197 ~:'", L:) [ [ iH II I II Ili ,~,, ANNOUNC " Chevrm : Under new owne: h '~ ;.'Or SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. C. M. Deplete Mass held first Sunday of each month. ,:~tembe 7, 8 a.m. Everyone Welcome ASSEMBLY OF GOD L~ster Byrd, Pastor .~unday I0 a.m. Bible S4udy !~ a,m. Morning Message Services at 7:30 Sunday eve- ning. Prayer nmeting at 7:36 ~a Thursday eve~'~lb .. the theater All are Welcome. PRFSBYTERIAN Rev. Fred Koschmann l0 A.M. Sunday ~cl~ooi II A. M. Morning Service, ~ol~owi.n." the church services qmre will be a congregational m~ettng. Choir l~a~tice. V~cdnesd'ay, CHURCH OF CHRIST Sam May, minister Meels in new basemen! build- ~n9 in Scott -Schroeder addi ,'~on ea~ Of town. ~):O~; A.M. Bible Clas.~e.~ ~" A.M. Morni,n,g Worship .'0 ~vening Service ~ Wednesday Evening Bible ' T ~,~'~ 2:30 p.m. ~unday, Ra01~o Sta- tion A~C Pesco or Spokane, Program, "Herald of Truth." CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Don Fitsslmmons 10 A. M. Bible School -- everyone welcome. 11 A. M. Morning Worship, 8:00 P.M. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study and Choir Practice Be Sure And A!tend Othello Rodeo Sept. 20-21 DO YOUR OWN WASHING 'In New, Modern Machinee OTHELLO SF~.F-SERVICE LAUNDRY ir Portable Acetyline & Arc Welding Light Overall Machine Work Lawnmowers Sharpened Othello, Washington Everett (SLIM) Ccrr Phone 34l| agentS for COMPLETE LINE OF FAMED CENTENNIAL FEEDS NOW IN STOCK y gre er pro s when you change to CenteaniM H Ida.BulMer Ye . These finer fee& are so perfectly balanced, m rich ;,I _proteins, vitamins and nun- als that they go. No other feeds, ¢e rdie o| price, will give you a greater profit per dollar invested. Them is a ba/ ced Centennial Feed for every feeding need. • DAIRY FEEDS • CATTLE FEEDS • POULTRY FEEDS • RABBIT FEEDS • TURKEY FEEDS , ' : " • HOG FEEDS • HORSE FEEDS • DOG FOOD M ke this stem Cmtennl I Jpf l feed lker ture. The valuable am-do• of C~tem~lal's ~peFsmc~ Field Service Men am available to all of msmumm. Com in md ,zqu.lnt with dram feeds stud .enda Of Builders Farmers Supply • STEAM CLEANI~"~ ...... ! ' 2"C.~R P U~GING Come in ....Tr cL: , ATLAS TIR ACC~'2S~')RIE~ OTHELLO ......... Ill I - ._.5 ~,> .--. ORDER YOUR COAL FOR THE WINTER, YOUR SEEDS AND YOUR ELEPHANT BRAND FERTI- LIZERS FOR 2 TO 5 WEEK DELIVERY IN QUA NTITY. SAVE BY ORDERING QUANTITY EITHER FOR YOURSELF OR WITH A POOL ORDER. Old Spud house West of City Hall II I I I I I IIII