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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
September 12, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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September 12, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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) Page 2 - OTHELLO, WA IN6TON THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1974 About.. Rodeo nearly $5 million won by cowboys at 600 association- sanctioned rodeos in 41 states and four Canadian provinces. Entries for the shows will close at 8 p.m. on Friday. Seats Reserved One of the new features of this year's event will be the ,)pportunity for fans to per- County Wheat Queen Contest obtained from the office in Ritzville. A and rules for be obtained by Melvin Gust, local or Mrs. Marian Entries AskedWheat Queen For the ninth consecutive Washington year the Washington Associa- Wheat Growers, tion of Wheat Growers is Main, Ritzville, Wa. sponsoring a "Washington Wheat Queen" contest. Contestants will compete at 162-221f county and district levels. The "Wheat Queen" will be select- ,.h:lse reserved seats. The ed from the five district "" t{odeo Association has set up a finalists at the annual Wheat 700 seat reserved section. The Growers Convention in ~pc~ ;ldvance ticket sales are being kane in December. The handled by the Othello Rotary Association will present a $300 Prints by De Lu×e' i~ ;i~ Club with tickets available at scholarship and $200 for a I nllp~Tl'lrlrll ~, . tlugh Sloan Insurance, eeo- wardrobe to the one selected | ]||| '[ ~|~| ,~': ' pl~'s National Bank or Corn- to represent the wheat ~ ,,ha'"''.----''- -""~ ~ I sanity Savings and Loan. A :~ growers in 1974 I Ifl|~r]r i Ai ! sp~ciai ticket booth will be set 75. The princess will receive ~ I~Llil~H,~m~ I i~ [" ~ up ;it the fairgrounds, and also $50. . " "~'--'~'~ 1:' r be in operation in front of The winner will be the SKYLINE DRI~ } morning during the parade. ' 'i: ington Association of Wheat ~ .~7~ ~. New faces at the show will Growers with opportunity for ! ,* ! :4 .- ~ include the producer, Joe travel andmakingfriendsfor BOXCAR BERI I ~ ~ii K('lsev of Tonasket, who fen- the wheat industry. : i tur¢*s a top line of stock. Also In addition to the normal II making their first appearances ~ ~ qualification~ of a queen, the ~it the local rodeo will be contestants must have a good ~_~i~ IA&WMPURCHASE here.:: The '~ ...... A&W name " Mr. of the Mrs. J.D. has Bnvd been ii:ii:i:!!! :iii !i of changed Othello ~:: ~ to areA&W ...... ~i the new of Othello. owners .... of Earls ' Sunday ('losing clown awil] nnouncer Other be Tim the and Kids' features Bob Oiler. traditional the Chambers Scramble Miss of the Rodeo event- show and on knowledge Eastern commercial family the (1) Applicant must be from a qualifications w.ose Washington. of wheat wheat parents are: farming producers SOmeare of in ~~ ~~ / ~!:i::~~ ~z::J~ ~4~ ~ B~ow~n~r~s~ll ofP~therlCh~avau~rc~ha diAEarl~s W Dr|re In Washington Contest. Com- in Eastern Washington. ---~-L~.JT¢ | [~ , • plete details on the state (2) Contestants must be at ~il~f¢OUN'l! -- pageant appear on Page 9 of leastl8yearsofageorasenior BI~: Y~INEII t • today's Outlook. in high school by convention ~4 The rodeo grounds will also time in December. They must *mueIZ Arkoflpre~nts .. A change in 'p 0 ' ~p "so 'name of the local drive-in be featuring a new look with a Scheduled at Big Be d " not be over 21 years nf aa,~ .......... the A&W Root Beer drive-in A&W from Mr. and Mrs. Earl restaurant will be changed to m ..... ' , ~0 ~ Unl was announced here this Fegert. The sale was effective A&W of Othello, with other fresh coat of white paint on n Jms matenaJ ma De week. Sept. 1. changesalsocomtemplatedfor new corrals, chutes and the Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Boyd ofiii[] B°yd announced that their the future.managerBOyd, whOfor Farwesthas been FoodsSales rodeo office building.The Queen Event Tonightrodeo activities will pfanMtdOnSe;SLirikK:!:;hfiiride o niil ii tDcEuOphri[ t i g ! SHOWI lOUSE i I ~ l for the past three years, is a actually get underway here I i ~ [ nativeoftheRichlandareaand tonight with the selection of men", will be conducted at Big Know Me , the ~mportance of ......... :-, ¢,..,,..-.. sell-assessment of the indi rHURSDAY-FRIDAY-SAYg-RI I I has spent most of his career in the 1975 Othello Rodeo court. Be.u ~u...u.~ '- .... s~ .. , - I 1 [ ~ - the food business. The new queen and princesses Sept. 27, with discussions vmuaL , ..... .~ panel wul o,scuss a I centering around the theme of . , VALDEZ [ ~ 1 1~ He was in the food broker- will be crowned by Debbie "D,~v,q,)nln~ - ,, variety of subjects Members I ~ r • age businessin Seattle prior to Brewing, who will be reigning ...... ~...~, Potentm]s . _ _ • CHATO S LAND I _wo h.~,hhoht sTa ers at ......... of the 1974 event. T i~ "~ n k otthediscussiongroupinchde ~ • l~ ~ ~ coming to Othello in 1971, and with Charles Bronson LUlIIII ~v~rs ~warjone lvlassart adult i~ : (,ompetition will be held at the seminar will be Norman D. • , i ~i:::;! served as general manager for ~ with Bed Lank the grounds beginning about ....... ^"*" .......... " basic education instructor at D~g ~ena norence Fuh • Franklin Potato Growers here 7:30 p.m. with the winners to counsultant, and Antionette ; " THURSDAY- FRIDAy 7: O ~A,TURDAY before the operation was • • shima placement counselor at :\ j~ purchased by Farwest. be announced at the conclusion (Tom) Joseph, an executive of .... , ...... ...... :" ~' ..... ~--'--'--:-- Z~D~;~vzrs zvtargaretuecK Ol SUNDAY-M_ONDAY- TUES ~$'~ Boyd and his wife, Sandra, of the evening. The Old Time the ,~t .......... ~;~, .......... - , ~,. ;; .... , • the ~tate neath and ~ocial !e¢ have three daughters, Kerry, Fiddlers group will be playing s~on. . _ _ -- ...... Services Agency and Marie ~EI ~N • ~ -. c Iv___a u.._ lVla(llson business eaucauon / Kim and Christal. during the evening at the Willis wdl d~scuss Salary ...... , , .. ) grounds, rracuces o~ women a.u lvzvzz . & REDt OR ) ........ 1"--| ..... instructor at Central Wash- p K" " Competing for the queen as r~e~ateu to non vase,lngton" State College , f To iwanls honor are Julia Lewis, 16, which will inchde a study of • n • . • The afternoon Session will ItllO~E HIEI I i : 0ffi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AI fmdmgs made m a survey of ....... a ser,es o, round ao,e Dis wash. uu. uacc .zpzuy- I,ewis: Linet Palmer, 17, m~n " n' cuss~ons on various subjects .... .. ~ ce Goes daughter of Mrs. Rosena ...~..t. The tltle of Ms. Jose~hs .... lnvolvmg career opportumt~es ~ q Palmer: Karla Miller,17, talk has not been announced, !: ..... ;::: A~ for women and how to get ~ To Sunu ren ,laughter of Mr. and Mrs. but she will discuss women in Robert AI Miller; Tovi government positions, started. The conference begins at /. stalled as the new Othello and Mrs. Thomas Maxwell of ~.~v~.. . ~.u.u,~v.. at the Community Center George Sundgren was in- Maxwell, 18, daughter of Mr. ~/~1~ a~/~l]lf 8:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room ........ KiwanisChbpresidentduring Royal City; and Dawn Kas- .,-I . Building on the North Cam- ~ili: installation ceremonies held parek, 18, daughter of Mr. and, , [-It~p'J'|~ ~ pus. The womenrs program is Tuesday night at Freddie'sMrs. Simon Kasparek of. 'L|I~I~|I, IJ|| jointly sponsored by the State Restaurant. Warden. ,. ...... Coordinating Council for Oc- o~sen with the rtepuDucan ....... Sundgren, who has served ................... - .... ' ........ cupauonal Education and the IlelCl lnClUCilngr~enny rOulKeS, ~,. . ~ . o ,~ .. as vice president for the past Sales Tax uar~ .......... ~ocnmmer ana lea ,,~tate,, uoara_, zor.. uommum[y year, succeeds Dale Hastings Muscott ~ouege ~aueauon. as the club president. Take Shows The other key primary con- Similar workshops are be- JOINS HOSPITAL STAFF - Physical therapist David Strickland has been added to the staff at the Othello Community Hospital. Above, he works with a patient. Brothers Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Strickland spent two years in the area about nine years ago on a mission for the LDS Church and reported he is pleased to be able to return to the Northwest. He and his wife, Marilyn, who is originally from Kenne- wick, have three children Sharilyn, 6; Michelin, 5; and Mark, 2. Strickland is working under a contract with the local hospital and will generally be available for patient treat- ment Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Appointment of a physical therapist to the staff of the Othello Community Hospital was announced here this week by administrator Ray McRae. McRae reported David Strickland joined the local hospital last month and gives the facility its first full-time physical therapist. A native of Georgia, Strick- land attended high school there. He received his B.S. degree from Brigham Young University in Provo, Ut., and also completed one year of work on his master's degree there. He recently completed a_ two-year training course in physical therapy at Mayo 488-3553 II i Days. Sept. 13-14-15 q LUIU DISII TECHNICOLOR' 11tree RAYI[S BE I I?Y POWiES • MclNTIRr WY,NN COMING Sept. 20-21-22 I m" Sept. 27-28-29 Serving with Sundgren for the 1974-75 year will be Gordon Hays as first vice president, and Ray Phinney, second vice president. Wes Kliphart has been re-appoint- ed secretary-treasurer. Directors include Lyall Menser, Paul Goertz, John Russell, Joe Counsil, Everett Cole, Henry Bongiorni and Don Lockwood. Hastings also serves as a member of the board a past president. Also officially installed dur- ing the meeting was Dick Yost, who becomes lieutenant governor for District 14, replacing outgoing lieutenant governor Erick Soderberg of Moses Lake. Gain Again OLYMPIA - Local revenue from the half per cent sales tax continued to climb, according to August payments received last week. The two-month payment for the City of Othello totaled $17,830.57, bringing the total for the year for the city to $85,654.84. For Adams county the pay- ment was $15,291.33 for a 1974 total to date of $54,680.58. Other payments in the county with year's totals also listed were Lind, $4,116.45 and $17,995.40; Ritzville, $6,293.01 and $26,126.41; and Wash- tucna. $1,278.31 and $3,520.63. test is for the county clerk position. There long-time in- cumbent Mildred Womach is opposed for the Republican nomination by Frances Kem- bel, Ritzville legal clerk. Since no Democrat field for the position the race will be decided in Tuesday's primary. No other contests show for county positions with all of the other candidates unopposed in both Tuesdays primary and the November general elec- tion. Special Outlook election coverage on the county candidates appears on Page 20 of today's paper. Each of the candidates was asked ques- tions on issues selected by The Outlook staff. Polling places are on Page 21. ing held at Ft. Steilieoom Community College in Tacoma and Columbia Basin College in Pasco. It is not necessary for women to attend all three of the workshops, said Mrs. Marilyn Mizer, chairwoman of the project. Women who desire additional information on the conference should contact Mrs. Mizer or Fred Huston, Director of Contin- uing Education at Big Bend. Both may be reached at 765-7821. COLUMBIA P1CTU~S ~.d P:.ASTAR PEOOUCTION$ pr.e.~ A PAY Uus,c MARVIN HAMLISCH. w,.ite, by ARTHUR LAURENIS ' Produce~ I~ PAY STARK" 0i~e~te ~v SYDNEY I PANAVISION® SUNDAY- 8:00 MONDAY-TUESDAY a~ Award winning Short Subjed. Featuring The Burlington BY POPULAR DEMAND PRESENTS Piano Bar In The Lotus Room FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT featuring 7:30"-- 11:30 Tues. thru Sat. 9:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. C( CAN PLAY ANYTHINO inclv~ 1rap 40 • COUHTllY WI Mon.-thru Sat. Sunday 6:00 a.m to 11:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. CllilIARRON HOTEL aid Twin with Twins OTHELLO t Biggest and Best Facilities in the 1450 E MAIN ST. PHONE (509)