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September 12, 1974 The Othello Outlook | |
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September 12, 1974 |
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In Twin Falls, Ida. this past at the airport when Evel cameras everywhere. On one
weekend to watch Evel arrived in Twin Falls. intersection in town, 200
Knievel jump over the Snake "Hardly anyone was there motorcycles went through at
River Canyon were the Cecil to meet him when he got off one time. People arrived in
and Scott Beckleys and they the plane and Cecil got toeverything imaginable!"
came home Monday with some shake hands and talk a bit. He Only the three fellows saw
interesting thoughts and re- seemed a friendly, sincereEvel jump.,"Of the event
actions to the well-discussed guy," they reported, itself, it didn t go so well, but
event. Arriving Friday by plane, you've got to hand it the guy;
Cecil and Dee went down Scott andBonniewatchedand he's a real daredevil, in-
early for a visit with her sister took pictures of the people on pressive, religious and pa-
and brother-in-law, the Ken hand and of the motorcycletriotic," said Scott. "He
Bortles, who live only two races, billed as 'largest in the brought a priest fromhis home
miles from the site. They were world', at which $100,000 in church in Butte for a special
prize money were awarded, service..•and he also brought
--,,--f~-~ Golden Celebrities Present the Butte High School band
Bonnie described the crowdand drill team to play the Star
Pass O~r~ as people of all ages and all
Cultures• "Just seeing the Scott reported people as far
Othello High School officials people was worth the trip• You as the eye could see along the
remindedthis week that could see anything you wanted canyon rims, numbering at
Golden Passes are available to see. Bobby Riggs got there least 30,000 anndunced by the
for all local district residents from Las Vegas and Bert press...and probably from
65 years of age or older.Reynolds was announced as in most states and Canada.
The lifetime passes will the stands• It was rumored Scott's and Cecil's feelings
admit the senior citizens to all that John Wayne, Steve are that if the act was rigged
OHS athletic events and other McQueen, All McGraw and as many believe, Knievel was
activities free of charge. ElvEs Presley were there too, takinga great chance"because
600 feet is a long way down and
The passes are available at but rumors were running wild. a little change of wind could
the OHS office. There were guards and TV have dumped him in the
" - middle of the river_or bounced
l c ,' him off the rocks. Anything
STR|KE5 [itl)#N SPARES justC°uld have happened. HewaSlucky,,.
RY~Z~/ ~ ', n NotRip-OIf
"I don't think it's fair to call
it a rip-off," said Bonnie. "The
-2 ' " •people who were on hand
..... " , ,Mer I u ruing 4 4 didn't. It's just the people who
~+o+~a w l, Eaglesl 3'/2 4~/zweren't there to see for
Carnation 6 2 Rec Hall 3 5 themselves who are doing the
DariLand 6 2 Ful ( r(' e 3 5
l,ampe Jeweh, rs 5 3 Evergreen 2 6 talking."
!,i.uenther+l~ee , 4 4 • tligh team series, Eagles 2, 3155; "We re hoping our pictures
t lm trron Wlot{i '~ ;) m ] I
, ,~ , ,' ~ ~ high teagame, Me's P umbing, turn out. It was all very
~vw£,ean:~naroware ,~ a 1132; high individual series, Earl
[!runswlck Tavern 3 5 Stuckel. 555: high individual game, interesting--and we, hope he
r.vergreenimp. Z o [':~ rl Stuckel. 245. doesn't try it again,' they all
High team series, Carnation, 3044; ************* concluded.
high team game. Carnation. 1042; BALLANDCHAINLEAGUE
mile e~ |llp
high individual series, Bennie Colley,
9.+74 w L
566; high individual game, Ran The BIoovers 6 2
Zumwalt, 224; bowler of the week, ()uthws" 5 3 Dates Scheduled
Ron Brandt 678 Thr ii S~
• " . . ' 'kers 4 4
8-27-72 high team serms, Team2 4 4 The Mini-Royal-Tees tour-
Cimarron Motel, 2939; high team "J"Birds 3 5
game, Cimarron Motel, 1048; high OddCouales 3 1 nament has been scheduled for
individual series lion Hawley 578' m I "
.... • ", , ., Tea 2 6 Sept. 21 and 22 at the Othello
high Indlvl(iual game, I,arry ValentL Team5 1 3 Golf and Country Club, Pro
213; howler J the week.Ron 141~h t ..... rie~ Th~ O-tbwsBilI Porter reported this week.
Haw h,y, .5.(}9. 251" 6"~h*ig'l~'te•'amgame 7r•i~e Outlaws'
************* ' . • . . ' . ' Porter said the 36-hole
....................... 899; hJgh mdwldual serms, Howard
, ~,t,tr.~.=~tH~ ~,r~,~t,~r~ Jensen, 544 and gladys Strader, 484; Chapman play event will be
9.3+7,1 W L high individualgame, Jack Laursen, open to members and guests.
(ientral Life 7 1 193 and Bernice Jensen, 202; Signup is now underway at the
,~IF W • 5 3 bowlers of the week, Clyde Fought,
,~argents 4 4 717 and Bernice Jensen. 662. pro shop.
New thflhmd 4 4 *************
l,ucky l,agger 3 5 SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED I
Kellevs 3 5 w L l LAKE THEATRE
Caba ;m 3 5 T',-: ~,-, ~ 1
........... | 16f-~01| |
Eddu,~ 2 6 The Mirae es 3 1
lligh .team series, New Holland, Team7 3 1 | "~P|" 18"~4 I
3155; team game, Sargents, 2Plus2 2 2 /
1079: h,gh md,v,dua( .serms, Sd TheOumStumb_ers 2 2
Wdborn. 570; high mdwndual game, We'uns 1 3 E~ 18 I~v~l'ythJrlg,l'~
Ed Wilb'wn' 201; b°wler °f the week'Team 2Bob Parrmh,. " DW*E*~*'*" *'* *-'*'* *- "707• .- TeamHigh8 team series, Team+ 1 tl 3 J2317;3 M+ALU[D ~T[STS ;+'~ " "~ +~ /
MllJ E~I~L~AUUIE high team game, 2 plus 2, 842; high l~[~~[~l
94:74 W L individual series, Louis Bar~er, 567
dSm[~}ndCr°p" ... ~u'~ ,'s tmrgam, tlarn 36 ~2 indiand viduaJUdYl game,Kliphardt'Louis Barger,57~; high[214= "flIKI =:r' I ' :: /
F~rme's Am t~o 5 3 and Pan Page. 234; bowlers of the / P AVISION" I
A~,ns I'~