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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
September 19, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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September 19, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Friday, Sephembe~ 19, "52 T H E O T H E L L O O U T L O O K PAGE 3 MRS BONNELL HONOREI) The What's Trump bridge club met 2Mesday evening at the ,home of Mrs. Ann Loeb- miller. Feature of the evening was a stork shower $or Mxs. Lorraine ]3onneil. She ~as presented with crib sheets an,d blanket 'by the :group• :Mrs. Ann Lochmiller won hi~ih ~prize, Mrs. Evv.a Lou Krupa second and Mrs. Lila Brown low. Mrs. Brown won the gMloping goose and Mrs. Pat Venn the. special prize. 'I Mrs. Venn and Mrs. Donnie Gwinett were guests for ~he evening. LOCALS Mrs. A. ]3. Dye and Miss Norma Ellison spent Sunday in Soap Lake visiting Miss E1- ]ison's mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sills and Mr. ~nd Mrs. S. E. Weidner oi Spokane and Mr. ~nd Mrs. L. S. Adams of S,unnyside were weekend guests of the J. D. Adams. RODEO VISITORS Welcome to OTHE~LLO The New Fron~t~er of the West, Truly the ~Land of OPPORT~JNITY Hubbard Insurance Agency Insurance to Fi! Your EVERY Need Phone 3455 Othello FOR AND SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Saturday, Sept. 27th Ritzville Flower & Gift Shop Jennie Leach, Local Agent FEATURING CURB SERVICE TRY A FROSTEE DELICIOUS SHORT ORDERS Hours- 10 a.m. til Beginning, a new fabric, a new trend l I AS ADV[RIISED IN TiME AND NEWSWEEK MJron's PREVIEWER tailored exclusively by Michaels-Stern Worsted with a new texture, a new suppleness.., a new expression of pattern and color. Woven of the finest, selected 100% virgin wool, Rochester tailored into suits with a new smartness, a new ease of line. ECONOMY CUSTOM TAILORED CLOTHES • • • They fit better.., the lack of stress and strain makes them wear longer.., you get exactly what you want in style, color and pattern.., and they actually cost less than you expect. EXCLUSIVELY FOR OUR CUSTOMERS, WE'VE IN- VITED A REPRESENTATIVE FROM A FAMOUS TAILOR- ING COMPANY TO DIS- PLAY THE LA~ IM- PORTED AND DOMESTIC FABB-ICS, -- TH~ SEASON'S NEWEST FASHION TRENDS IN CUSTOM TAILORED GARMENTS FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. COME IN . BE EXPERTLY IVlEASURED -- ENJOY THF- MODERATE PRICE AND" IND IVIDUA~LIZED TAILOR- IN'G OF A SUIT MADE EX- PRESSLY FOR YOU Come In -- lV£'ee! and Consult Joe Bischoff Tailoring expert from the Nationally Fmnous ENGLISH-AMERICAN 'Tailoring Co., Inc. THURSDAY September 25th OTHELLO, WASHINGTON I I I I IIII