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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
September 19, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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September 19, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SECTION TWO Friday, Sepfember 19, "52 # Base Notes y =.oo o, o, m m EastJern duty with the Air ,-~/~Sgt. P. C. ]ddshop. Force. His wife,Grace, and , ......... I¢ was by way of being a daughter, Kathie, will return ] SSgma Nu fraternity reunion 'to Wilkes Barre, Pennsylv_~,-[ Danekas & Dunkan when the weekend guests ~as- ~a ,to live with Mrs. Caplans sembled at .~he home of ~ee- ond Lieutenant and Mrs. Stan parents vchile Major Caplan is I Funeral Home ley Leake at Othello. The gues'tswere Mr. and 2YIrs. Gran,t Wade and daughter, K,athy,of Condon, Orc);on, ahd S.ceond Lieutenant a>ct Mrs. Re, bert Peterson and son Danny, of Larson AFB at Mo- ses Lake, Wash. T,he ,mEn hat Leon fra.ternity broth(rs at Ore,gon S't,ate college, Corval- lis, Oregon. The very extxellent prod,uc- overseas. "]?ne Tompk:ins ,and Leoke families attended {he rodeo ~tt }:cndieton "'.:;t w(ekend. A one-d~y visitor a,t Vhe home of Lt. Gol. Andre.w Kun drat was Mrs. Allie Hunt of D~s Moines, Iowa. She .~pen~ Friday in C'thello enr;;ute, Trom Weodinville, WaMling- ton to Des Moines, Iowa. The Hultz's were Sunday "Be Friendly Make Fri- ends Join ~he Camp ~ire Girls!" W~ith this ~as flaeir slogan, RITZVILLE Camp Fire girls in Othello will usher in their annual Membersh'i,p March, which be gan 'September 15 ,and contin- ues through November 30. In announcing lhe cam- paign to enlist more girls in Camp ~Fire's :fun and griend- TELEPHONE 83 Monumen~ and Markers 24-Hour Ambulance Service lion of "The ~ourposter" 5n ~,.~~ ................................ , for in Camp Fire, there is a Seattle drew M.ajor and Mrs. p]a,ee ,for everyone. Fa~,rar as spectators kSal- Al,tho:u~h girlsancladult urday ni,~ht, rPhev report i.t • ~ ' ' ' to be completely amusing and volunteers join the Camp Fire scr~histieated comedy. program throug0hout the year, Mr. Jim Be'lEher, t,he ,RC,A ~.echnic,al representative with the Air Force Last Ohhello, 'was a~anied ~by his wife or~ his recent business trip to Ta- coma. Major Aaron Caplan of the 637t~h AC&W squadron recen't '/he Memberghip 'March is the period when peak enrollm'ent as achie~red, she said. "This year we expect an even larg- er num0ber o¢ girls to join and this means we m~ust seek more vo~lun'~eers to serve as leaders and s,ponsors." Because, Camp ]ieves , t'hat the growth of?girls c~/n best b~ realized ,through c'lose associ- ation aWith their lead,ers it pre ~ers ~o organize smaller groups raeher than large ones, ~rs. Drake said. "Y~ars of mhkp program, Mrs. R. ~. experience in the '$ield off Dva~e, cha,irman of the Le~d- youth ~vaining have taught ~as ers association, stated ~at that the creativeresources ~his year the Othello council win make ~n intensive effort to enroll more ,adults, as ~¢e11. "From now tmfffl the end of November, Ca~.p Fire ~ill swing open .i~s doors to enroll more ~errfl~rs," she said. "Of ee~n'se, our doors are open all ~e.,ar round ~bax,£ duming ~)ur Member~h~,p 'March we will make a spe~i, al effort to ~erv,e more .girls, and to enlist ~he help of moffners and ~athers -, ,Fire 'be- ~ A} ',a'dg'£hai£e~.aPIlgcinch to individual . these okras, an organization has been for~ned ff~r adult mem~bers. Ally a,d~alt ~aho is in,terested .i~ working in the adult ~ield, o:f Camp ~ire on a local level is asked to conVaet Nldon Nn- r~is or Mrs. V, ictor ~VIeLeod. and personality of each girl can be developt~d best if she ~vnjoys a sense of comradeship with her leader and m~-abers of her group. ~y o~ganizing more Camp Fire greups v, ath- er ~flaan ~addir~g ,to the member ship of our l~resent ,groaps ~e ~are a~le to create ~n atmos- phere of unders,tandir~g and appreciation which are impor ~ant to 2he individual growth ~f each girl." £ M Scott Co ,S,aluting C'amp Fire Girls Re, hor " ..... and P.O. Box 447 OTHELLO, WASHINGTON 3612 as tomorrow's !good ~:itizens r~nd home*trekkers, IVIayor. Cly- de W. ~VIatthews today gave his official good wishes ¢or ?he suocess of Camp Fire's Membership March. [During t~he 1V~a~h ~hiVh be g~n Septegnber 115 and ends Novevn!ber 30, Oam,~ 'Fire Girls not only will add new girl mem~bevs to their ranks, but will seek especially ,to en- roll ,a suf:ficient nttrn~er o:f women vokmteers as leaders for all the seven-to-eighteen- ~car-old girls ~arho want to join. "Camp :Fire Girls have been an im~*ortan¢ Dar~ of our com- munity ~for two years," Mayor tOtatthews s,aid. "(In ~hat time '"" ffiey l~e~re , to mako .... Othello a ,better . city. Ba~by- Mtting ¢or voters on election aay and cleanin, g ttp ,the lO~ c,n the corner-of First and Main are but two examples. \Ve are proud of our Camo Fire Girls and .we are grate-: ¢ul to %he adaxlt volunteers who make possible t~he Camp Fire program, rio tham espec-. ,'_'ally Othello owes a vo~e of thanks." "Volunteerirrg to lead a group of youngsters in a lei- ~*ure-tia~e .getivity such as Camp Fire is one of the fines~ ways £hat a woman can ~ke part in the ~growth of her com- ~manitv." t~he Mayor contin- trod. "When you covsider that truly a ~ew years from new the girls in our ,grade ~nd high schools will be the :home makers in their eommunrties,, the importance of you'0h lead- (Continued on Page 3, See. 2) I Ill II I Ill I I I Ill ORDER YOUR COAL FOR THE WINTER, YOUR SEEDS AND YOUR ELEPHANT BRAND FERTI- LIZERS FOR 2 TO 5 WEEK DELIVERY IN QUA NTITY. SAVE BY ORDERING QUANTITY EITHER FOR YOURSELF OR WITH A POOL ORDER. Old Spud house West of City I [] Illl II II II O[ Builders Farmers pply I II III I II I Ill a;, ' FREE ESTIMATES OTHELLO 'v v~v ~v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 'vv' v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vvvvvvv~vv~ I ~ IIIIIII II I III I III IIII I I[ Ill. U. L PAT, O~r. • ore e The West's Most Famous Brand- LL .... the toughest, wearingest waist overalls you've ever seen ! , made of the heaviest denim loomed , cut snug and trim, not loose and baggy • the original copper riveted cowboy paat, • guaranteed---a new pair FREE if they ripl There are lots of blue jeans, but there's only o~ Levi's ! Look for the Red Tah on the back pocket. Waist S~e$ 28 to 38 HARLEY'S CLOTHING I IIIll I ATTEND THE OTHELLO RODEO l lll H I I