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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
September 19, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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September 19, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Friday, Sepfemb~r 19, "52 THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK PAGE 3 LOCALS .... Former Resident Miss Jennie Leach spen¢ last Sunday in Cle Elum vis- iting the Stanley Murp~xys, the Hysmiths and ,the Orville Adams. Chuck Palmer is now work- {n,g at Leach's Grocer. Mrs. Howard Loud,heeL and, Eddie Booker visited Mrs. Lou,gheeb's d!aughter, :Mrs. ~ob McCo~trtie ¢ro,m Sa~ur- d~ay %o Monday. Mr. '.and Mrs. Wil, bur Fer- guson spent Fridtay andSat- t~rday in Wenatchee. Mrs. Hattie ~e~guson:is vis- ]~ting her d acghter, Mrs. C,a- lhy Grow in V'ancowcer. ,Mr. Bi'll ]V~urray, a re~resen Mtive of General Motors ~_A~- tric ,Mc~tors division, is ~here tot several weeks. His hotme ia in West Palm Beach, Flor- ida. He was ~a iSunday dinner guest of the ~,am ,Bates. DIrs. M. A. T~rry spent Fri- day in Spokane. Finishes Phase Of Training PEI~SACO/.dk, FLA., Sept. 8, ] 952---N,aval Avifftion Cadet Alan G. Murdo~h of the Unit- ed StaCes N.'avy took ~ff ~md landed his S,NJ 'Texan' train er six successive ~imes recent- ly aboard lJhe IYSS OABOT, cruising in the Gu'if of Mex- ico, ¢0 co~nplete his ~ircract carrier q,uali~ications. Rod In,body 4n 5~itzv"ffle fine past week. Gary Grah~'n of Boise, Ida- ho ,wtas ,the luncheon guest of Phil and D uay~e Michel on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Suko of The JI-~enry Grahams of Boi- Beverly were weekend guests ~e, Idaho, former Oth'ello xes- of Mrs. Ed.~th Pessein. Little iden~ 'and owrmrs of ~he Jackie Pessein e~com~an.ied AAA Service here, le~ Thurs ~ay after spendir~g fine past Che~n home to spend fine week v~,'o weeks at the Elliatt I ~ "~- ~ED ~%nlith home. 1V~rs..Sam Bates left Tues- |~lay to spend ,a Sew days in , ]~kane. lbMr. ~nd ~M.~s. :B. L. Berg ave ,been ~n Spokane several ~ys ~vhere Mr. ~e,rg has en ~eceiving med,ical atten- ion ~for a badly infe~ed eye. Mrs. Grace Scnith ,has ~een Visitir~g ~her daughter, Mrs. 624 W. Lewis Phone 6291 Pasco, Washinglon II III , ,, • Oadet 1VIurdo~h, son o~ Mr. ,and Mrs. William L. Murdoch of 5722 N. 'Lindeke, Spokane, and .formerly of Othello, at- cended Washir~gton S~ate col- lege a~ Pullman, and gradt~,at- ed prior to entering the Nava*l Aviation Cadet program, a,t ~he Spokane l~a'vml Air sta- tion. He reported .to Pensacola, Florida, "The Annapolis of the Air," in At~gust of 1951 .and has completed a ~ringent schedule in mi'litary, ~a~adem- ~c, physiCal and ¢l~ht .train- ing. Yrom ~ensacola he has ,been sent 'to ~dvanced train- 'ing a¢ Corpus Christi, Texas. This will be a four month syl- labus in tom,bat type ,airvr~t. Grad~mtion from advanced training will win him t~he cov- eted l~a.vy ~vi~gs o~ 'gold. Save With U. S. Sa¢ings Bonds ELECTROLUX Sales and Service Polisher and Accessories H. S. SULGROVE RitzviHe, Washington Call Phone 385-W CAMP FIRE-- ership is quite al01~arent." "All of us have a responsi- bility for guiding our young people in growing up, ~but no one contributes more in time ~nd eCfort to this joint com- m~-~ity job than our Camp Fire volunteers," he eonc'h~d- ed. In line with their Member-. ship March slogan, "Be Friendly - Melee Friends Join ~e Oawp Fire 'Girls," Blue Birds, Camp Fire Girls and Horizon Chub members- Cemp Fire's three ~ge groups will base ~heir program for ~he next two .and a ~al~ mon- ths on activities that acquain¢ ~ew members with the organ- ization, it Adult leaders, join.trig in ~he Membership March, ~ave their own version of the slo- ,gan. They say, when asked a- bout volunteer servi~ce, "M,ake ]VIine Cacnp l~ire." Naturally, ~hey hope their words wiil ,be echoed ~y countless other women during the coming weeks. Portable Acetyline & Arc Welding Light Overall Machine Work Lawnmowers Sharpened Othello, Was.hington Everett (SLIM} Carr Phone 3482 "Go m et" SPUT each, hcj load 40,:: each in yard FARM HOUSES and OUT BUILDINGS Dealers For PABCO ROOFING FLOOR COVERINGS PYRAMID BLOCKS OLYMPIC SHAKES and SIDING ---- GLASS --- Single Strength Double Strengih rYstal -- Plate or t T~rmo-Pane ders Supphj ~ DIVISION OF :~e~s & Farmers Supply 1 Electromode Gives you all these Quality Features ABSOLUTE SAFETY -- Cast Almninum Safety-Grid heating element has no exposed hot wizes or glowing coils. SA~Y SWITCH -- Shuls off automat|- ally should air flow stop -- prevents Overheating. & ~..MPKRATURE CONTROL -- Built-in Jher~ has operating range of ~b de~es to 6~ def~e~. 4. CLEANLINESS -- Elactromode heat is Clean, Odorless, Sn~kelass -- always heal QUIET OPERATION ,--Factor,/ sealed motor never needs oiling. Fan and motor operate quietly. No radio in~e~- fere=ce. 6. PORTABILITY -- May be used in any room where proper outlet is located. 7. FINISH -- Beautiful aflvea'-g'rey fimsh blends with turrdshings. 0+ GUARANTEED -- For one y~tr against all d~c~s in material and workman- ~hip. I II I1( I II iiiii Ul ii ii i j rile 4,000 WATT PORTABLE, WILL HEAT AN APARTMENT OR HOUSE AS LARGE AS 25 x 25 FEET FOR AS LITTLE AS 25c PER I~AY. $,000 and 4,000 WATT AVAILABLE EXPOSED WIRES GLOWING COILS Even a child's prying fingers are safe wi/h this electric heater, for only Etectromode has the Safety-Grid -- A pat. emtod heating element in which the resistor wire. has been ombedod within a finned aluminum casting. The~o are no exposed hot wires or glowing elements. You can touch this grid with the flimsiest cloth, tissue, even metal object with comple4o safety. Danger of Fire; Shock or burn are eliminated. • he heating element ia guaranteed :to last a Life.time, aria the fac~ary sealed motor nevar needs oiling. J IIJ IJHJ I till e P. H. Brown Phone 333~ OTHELLO. WASHINGTON