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September 26, 1952 |
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Good Roads Men
To Push For N,
ffantage Road
Onelahoffe the 'finest rod~os
seen in basin in some time
was the FJfth Anrm~al Othello
Rodeo which was tleld ~ast
The event encited much
comment as .~o the speed of the
of the show, the 'fine stock
~¢rr. and Mrs. Robert Caw
have ~nnouneed tha, t they will
open law offices in Othel~ in
the Gunnel/ ,budding, Main
and Broadway in th6 near ~u-
much ¢~alked about and
more hoped for, new F.ast-
West highway came one step
nearer ,a reality this week ss
the Othello ro~d committee O4
the O~eI:lo Chamber o~ Cam-
meece .presented ,}ts ease %o the
Washington Good Roads aesa-
elation at its annual co~ve~-
ttmn in Yakima, September22.
used ,and the class of the The Othello T~wn Council '~ot~ a_ne tmen%b~rs of ~ahe The request w~s presented
competition seen in the arena.
The two day 'ferny heldthe went evo~ 'far~er th~an ,~lhe lu0T"'s to Have ~ and Ob~ined trelr de~ees ~lnthe form off aresaalgion by
ususl midnight oil when they at Wash,burn in T~p~ Kam Gh'amber president ttarley
spectators and contestants stayed ~p until 3:30 ,a.m. %o [ ~l~r. (~a~¢ ~.,as I)e~n doingDi~-ks, Johnny Poma and ~.
re,like on the ec~ge of their finish the task of drafting the title instmanee work sinoe in .W.C. ~/la, ttgu~t off Odessa.
seats thro~g.h .evry roAnute of prdl/rn,imary ,bud~get at tlheir lJ-ag at Lar--s0n Washin,gton for the ,past twD ,Highway 7C, as it is 9re-
the events, which got rougher i)egular meeting Monday eve- years in Olympia. posed and designated on the
and faster as the day l~ogres~- ning. - YOU 'led!gers of the h2ghway depart-
ed. The complete budget will be .ment, will run ~ Van~ge
Winners in the events were presented .at t~e next regu-
as ~ollows. ci'ossing on ,the Colum,bia B.~v-
In the juvenile event of lar council mee%in,g for l~he ap- e~S~oK~h~ndoM:mre Jidd~ er ~o Othello ,and on to the
lPole bendir~g, imrry McCour- p0o~al "of the taxpayers. ~¢e iT .,AS R~L
~ic picked up ~irst pNze men- Other business inel~uded a Othello Kiwanis crab. IT ~i i-.? east to connect with rou~e 395.
ey and a silver buelde d~n~ted ~rom John J. P~a, scat- In o,bservance of the J'm~ t " ' " edThetheCh'arrrbeVwhOle groupseeory preserzt-in ~a~e
ing his intention to start a F, idler, N, ational Kids ,D~y As pro that y u can see ~orm of a resolution showir~
by Town Marshall J. ~gdson. new building sOuth off the oneFoundation, the club in con- almost anything around ethel- the poter~ti~.l 'farm ~o marke~
Gary Zyph ran secomt money [he has j,ast emn~leV0ed for ~ne junction wit'h the Lavson Air lo these days is exemplified traffic which the road would
~n the same event.
,Keith Hytandof l~.oses Imke new IC~A siore. F