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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
September 26, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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September 26, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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p~,OE 2 THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 19S2 Entered as second class matter January 21, 194% at the post office at Othello, Washington, under the Act of March 1879. Published every Friday afternoon at Othello• of Secondary State highway, No. 7C, whk~h ~t~egms .in the vicini,ty of the east end of the Vanta,ge Bri@ge on Primarv State highway No. 7 ,and then '~n a sou, theasflerly direction of Othello, thense easterly to a ~une%ion with ~tate H~ghv~ay No. ii. WARREN BASLEE Editor and Publisher Subscriptions $2.50 per year in Adams, Franklin, and :rant eount~*~. £?, O0 l~er year elsewhere. HERE'S MO~r:- AvtOUT~ ~on, ~as weJl 'as cross-state and ir~tersta~e trawelevs, ,and W}t:EREAS, a s, tu'dy made by the State Higvca~¢ CommSssion ~h,ovcs that this highvcay will caa'ry a~most qJwice as much Sarm traffic ,as "any other high- way in the Co]um*bia Basin, ',and GOOD ROADS ConHnued from Page One a~ Re#soluli~n of the Othello Chamber of Commerce WrJqlER~AS, *the ~critical need ~r the ,Col,umbia ~B;asin e~st- west h~gh'way ¢vom Vantage through Othe%lo to ~ate highway ~o. 14 m appa~en~ to (he 1~eople ~f the Colt~bia Basin ~d ~a~terct Washin,g~ W'HE~EAS, the town of O.theillo *is ¢~he only (own in 1000 people which is not set- %lie state of Washir~gton a, bove red presently ~y a sta~e hi~gb- way, ,and ,.WI-I~tRF_,AS, ~h~ h~gh~ray wiU directly serve two hund- .red ~rm units sched,u~ed to rozeive vcater in ~he spring of 1'953, and WKtEREAS, ¢~hese farms ,and reed access to coastal ium~ber, . ~.. ..,.. .,. building mat~ri~ls and sup- Idles, and ~AS, the people of ~he ~x~wn of Othello, which has :grown over one hundred rand thirty-eight per-cent in ~l~ past yoav, need an ,access highway ,to ,the e~stal areas, ~0nd trE , Two thousand ~arms and the town o~ Oth~- lo will be without any a~cess highway unless ,an ,appropria- tion is made by the 195.3 legis- lature. TH~I~FOI~: We ask that Othello Cit Cab '~]R~:ady'afhi~oci~a~non St:tetsGll9~d n-~eetin.g in Yakima in Septem- b~r, three m iElion PHONE 3692 five hundred thousand do]'lars ~o~" the knm~edia~e construction I - oFS~ate No. 98-500 • REPORT OF CONDrrlON OTHELLO STATE BANK of Othello in th~ SCate of Washington ,a~ the close of business September 5, 1952 9. Investa~en,ts and other assets indirec~l,y repre- ,bank .~rem:ises or other real estate .......... 4 ~0q.20 11. Other Assets ................................ , ............................... 10.802.34 12. rrOTAL A~ ........................................................ 66,8,931£9 LIABILITIES 13. Demand de~oosits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ....................................................... 403.937.95 14: Time deposits of individua~ partnerships, and • corporations • . .............................................................. 81,741,18 :15. DeVosfi¢'s of 4~ S~,mtes ~ernme~,:t~':"iinelud" ':::~;:g~. ~0 " mg postal saVlng, a . ............ .:.. ................. :..-..-: ............. 82 18, Deposits of States and political sttbdzvmIons .......... 90,~4"/. • , , • t S ' 18, O*h,er deposits (certified and o~zcers ehe~k etc ................................................................................. 11,376.56 19, TOTAL ~ ............................ $592,005.81 ~. Ol;he~ Liabilities ........................................................ 10,166.74 2&. ~1, IJAB.TLVVI~ (~t including subordina- ' t~ :~bliga, tions shown below) .............................. 602,172.55 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEI~IBY GIVEN, lJmt fine qown Cou~,ctil of th~ To,wn of Othello, Washington, has completed and placed on h]e with the .Town Clerk of ~.aid Town, the preliminary budget for the year 1~,53, and that ,the said Council will meet' ~m the first Monday in Octo- ber, 1952, *being the 6th day of Oeto*ber, 19.52 for the purpose of fixing the final *bud,~et Soy .the year 1953 and makinrg ~bn levies at whi~ tithe any 4ax-payer may appear ,and 'he heard for or against ~ny lvart said budget. A copy of said preliminary budget will ,be furnished to any taxpayer who will vall .at the Town Clerk's office there- -~or. Dated at Oth~ello this 2~zd day of Septmber, 195:2. Homer Reno Town C~erk MOORE REGISTERS REGISTER FORMS AND ACCESSORIES \ ASSETS I. Cash, balances w~it~ other banks, inrclttdir~g re- serve ba}ances, and ea~h i~ems in process o~ collection ...................................................................... $191,620.14 2. Un~¢ed Sta,tes Government obli~ga~ons, direct Othello 0utl0& , ~nd gua anteed ................................................... 324,253.84 8. Loans ,and discounts (including $875.22 overdrafts .................................................................. 1~9,778.19 7, Bank premises owned $ rm,ne, furniture and fix- tures $8,169.01 .............................................................. 8,169.01 Phone 3342 PERFORMANCE Continuous and automatic forms-feeding .~EEO h Fastesl method of writing multtple copies LEGIBILITY Perfect calves assured PROTECTION Features locked filing compartment A MOORE REOISTER ~md FORM FOR EVERY FORM OF [IO'$IWE~ / Yes..+economy, PLUS enduring beouly, is accom- plished with. textured sidewalls of pro.stained OLYMPIC Perfect-Fitsl No other sidewall gives an appearance as smart and distinctive. Two layers of ge,ui,e red cedar ~ovide double imulation ...ancl deep, graceful shadow lines. PROTECTED.. agaimt termites, rat and decay by TOXAL the dependable new wood I~eServative. CAPITAL ACCY)UN2~ ~, Capital* .... . ..................................................................... $ 5~,000.00 ~, Su_~plus ............................................................................ 15,000.00 Y/:. Undivided pro~ts ........................................................ 1,759.14 ~. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ............................ 66.759.14 SO. ,~mAl, LIABIL~ AND CAPITAL AC- C~ ...................................................................... 668,931.69 *'Fhis b~nk's capital consists of: Common s~o~k v¢~th a par value ~f $50,000.00. PRE.STAINED IN 5 DISTINCTIVE COLORS lVIEMORANDA |1. Assets p ed, ged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes ............................................ 82,1.10.48 I, C. N. Loohmiller, Caal~ier, of ,the above named bank, do sOlemnly (swear, affirm) that the above statement is true, and that it fully a~d correctly represer~ts /~he true state of ~ sev- eral m~tters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my Inlow]~ge and belief. : C.N. Loe ,hmiller Correct--Attest R. E. Polachek Gordon Hays Everett Michel ~t~= of Washin~o'~. C~u-+v of Ad'ams. s.~: Sworn and ~ubscribed be~ore me this 20~h day of Septem- ber, 1952, and I ,~y cert~y that I am not an officer or director of this My Co~io~ expires ~ 7, 1956 (Seal) Jackson ,I:) Hubbard Notary Public Residing in Othello "tHeE ]~IGC~ST L~ttle money- Makers in to~rn, Try Out- lo~k classified ads. ALL ATLAS TIRES, BATTERIES AND ACCESSORIES OTHELLO PHONE 3641 -- 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE -- STEAM CLEANING Call Us for+ FREE OLYMPIC Color Folder RADIATOR PURGING Under new ownership and management Come in --. Trade With Confidence E. M. Scoff Co. Realtor 447 OTH~:~, ..`:~. WASHINGTON P one Dealers For PABCO ROOFING '-'~,~CO FLOOR COVERINGS PYBAMID BLOCKS ~LYMPIC SHAKES and SIDING .---- GLASS -- ~ingle Strength Double Strength : v,+~al-- Plate or Thermo-Pano F'~A~M HOUSES and OUT BUILDINGS an Bt~;!dors Supplg DIVISION OF Builders k Farmers Supply + Phone 3887 Othello III