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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
September 26, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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September 26, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 THE Huskies Bow To ML Chiefs 'I Saturday, September 20, the Othello ~oot'ball team ~began :,their season by losirrg to the 'Moses Lake chiefs, 31 ~o 6. ]The iI-Iu~skA~s looked :good !bu't were out-m~nned, q~he '-score ,at half time was a 6 to6 :aie. It was a very ¢os~ty g~rae, :as the Othello left 'h'al~ack, :Jerry Schowater, broke his leg and wi,ll be out £or th~ rest of the season. The one %ouc~down was made ~by Rex Y~ng ~ron~ ~he one yard line ell a center plunge. The line-up for Othello ,was LE Farrell Stephens, ].~ ,].~r- ry Geno; C. Fritz Ktiphardt; RG, Gary ~t. Lulse; P~E, 'H~r= o'ld Beebe; QB, Jack lV~uUigan; LH, Jerry ~how~lter, ~I-I, 'Rex K' g. ~StrbstRutes; P~hard ~rrie George Leighton, ~ Charles Fdiphardt, Joe Sha~er, Tom Fer, guson, ~ili Bates and Jem-y Vietzke. SAFETY PATROL IS SELECTED Fifth and sixth grade stu- der~ts have been selected ~or ~le sChool boy patrol this year and have been ,give~a commLs-* • sion cards to show their au- ~nority on school property. They have the right to arrest :anybody ~breaki~g t r,a f ~ ie rules. lV~embers of the ~i~th grade patrol group are Curtis Byr- nes, captain, Miekey St' Lulse i~ Jimmie Mayecta, Dottglas Or- '.~ton and Terry W~i~gh¢. ,The l~sixth grade has as members !~ ILivh~d ~iller, ca~tain, i~R.alph Oppliger, Gary Kanex~- i~ wisher ami J~kie Moore. !~Jackie is the only ,girl chosen ii as a vndmber of the patrcfl. ! These students have an im- !'ipovtant job to do ,and the co- !~,operation of ~all of the stu- i;dents 'and of motorists will be i~greatly appreci, ated, ;~ Mr. Cun~inghmn who " facu'l~y sponsor and who13 ~he asserr~bly at .vcbJch the boys were introduced to the school, introduced Officer Jor- dan, highway patrolman, ¢o ~be assembly group. He talked about safety ~n: c r o ss in g streets and hi,g~W~ys. The Huskies have been working n'ard each afternoon preparing ~or a tough ei, ght- g,a~ne schedule. ~e team n,as, sn,own .a b~g improvement over last year's team ~hich won only a sin~gle game. Coach Waldo predicts we will win at learnt 50% or more of our games. This would bring a second place positions in the conference. The S~hedule is las follows: Wu,h.*ucna..there '..S~pL 26 Moem Lake, .... there .... Oct. 1 Connell ......... Here ........ O¢I. 3 Kaldottm .... Here ....OCt. 10 Waahtucr~ .... Here ....Oct. 17 Comaell ........ Tl~a~ ........ Oct. 24 Kahlotus ...... The~'e ...... Oct. 31 The only non cortference game on the schedule is ,Moses Lake, there, October 1. THANKS TO DR. WARNER We .would ~,~ke to thank Dr. Wa~er for donating ¢m the Othello £oo~ball ~oys 'l~Wsical ~xamirmtions. September 11 ,which wzs ~is day off, he c~me over ~c~ the school and ,g.ave ea~ o~ fhebys ,a through physical. Many thanks, Doctor Warner. Magazine Sale Is Again HeM Here For the last mghteen years ~he fifth, six1~h and sevent'h g~,ades have ,been selling mak- azines for the Curtis Pu,blish- ing Co. The sale this year started September 16 and will: end Septem~ber 30. ~I~he stu- dents each earn a prize and ,the school earns .money to buy somethirrg which it needs. Last year the money ~vas ~used to buy a film-strip pro- }ector, and this year we trying ~or a new tape recorder. The .fifth grade chose Kar- ole King captain, ,an~l Anita Holand co-Captain or their room. Jimmy Spence m C,ap- tain of the sixth ~rade, Shir- 'lay Jvan Vietz~ke, seventh and Lee Ann Stemen, eight. • The sixth grade is leading in the total amount ot sales ,with $154.75 and ,the seventh is next .with $q6.50. At the end of the ~first three d~ays e~he total amount collected was $316.25. ,Last year at the end of the sale the total was $347.- 35. CONSTRUCTION MEN! Ba~chelor Washings Wash Dry and Ironed OTHELLO SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY , ]~UII~D FOR SEC~J'I~TY WITH SAVINGS PASCO BRANCH. YAKIMK FIRST FEDERA~ SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. C. S. C~Iehman, ']~anch .Manager Current ~Dividend 2½% Each Account Insured up ~o $10,000.00 422 W. Lewis St. Pa~co~Wus Phone 3631 Ill l I MOJUD THIGH.MOLD He sta,tcd ,~hat 1952 is the seho.ol :patrOl s ~ year of . . . that makes them fit .~erv~ce m Wa~gtgn state, ao perfectly, wear so ~ :Ffe said that ~e :~ly~ accident ~ ~ng; Amt Mojud Thigh- :~ in which ,a school :~. t~tr61 .,::~ M, ffd. ~ m..;~ ~t,-in~ '" member had been in;volved .............. ~' ...... r- occurred in 1950 in Seattle, i" an accident caused by a driv- ~er with very poor eyesight. i~ PRE-KUT [~7L"5--75%'75-~'~ Low-Cost I / _=--:-.~. .\ I Railings ~1/coMis TO ~oo._~ .o.~ ~J Porches ',~ A 'WIYHOU¥ ~ 1 :l ('~ o'A',~.~'Ko. (() J Pahos Equi~rnent-- '~ D ~) rental and owney s 225 w. Columbia Puoo TRACTORS AND TRUCKS HOT WATER HEATERS RANGES REFRIGERATORS HOME FREEZERS BORNER-WIS£ Mo~m Lake Rd,~vLHo Rita Wayworth's Mojud sheers came through 36 miles c~ strenuous dancing without a wrinkle or a run[ It's Mojud's Magic- Motion... extra "give" and spring-back in the knit in the top that absorb strain, stop garter runs, hold garters firmly, keep seams straight. Try them today! STOCKINGS Dance tested by Rim Hayworth a Pair SPECIAL--- CLEAN SWEEP on our Ladies Dresses -- 65c 99c $1.97 The HUSKY HOWL Staff Co-Editors Sharon Te~myhill, David Yorgeson News Edilor ....Zelma Powers Feature Editor .... Betty Stone SporIs Editors Patsy Martin Joe Moore Special Reporters Jr. and Sr. Class Patsy Martin Soph. Class Ginger Toskey Fresh. Class Gary StLuise 8th Grade Lee Ann Sterrmn 7th Grade Barbara Spitzer l FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEH 26 1952 Try a Classified Ad Birds -- Fisr -- Peis Supplies and Equipmeni --Tropical and Goldfish -- 413 Ave C Easi Kennewick FRESH BREWED The Perfect AUTOMATICALLY BREWED EVKRY 3 IV~NUTES COCKTAILS PHONE 3679 ratu]ations On Your Grand Opening As Adverllsed in / None Genuine Without Th/s~i ............ ~!~:~ ': :~ Sra.ded Leathor label if ~ <