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October 3, 1952
Publish~i by the Otht~llo Ouii0ok as a public s~-vice for the Othello Se, hools
Vol. I --- No. I
Attend Kid's
by Barbara Spitzer
and Sharon Olson
day was held at Larson
base at Moses bake,
were an estimated 140
who won't on .buses
Othello. Children from
Lake and .Ephrata were
tour began when the
were conducted thr-
,the lookou~t ,building.
airplanes came next
most of the children
.the littlest "to the biggest
to be very interesting.
end of ,the tour came
a big thrill for all ,the
A jet, which was o~f
~se, w~as set on ~fire. The
the m~tch touched the
plane, the field became
inferno. The airmen
took the fire truck and
;h'ed the flames.
High and Grade.
.students would l,ike to
the ,Kiwams club for
the tour o.f the
Air Force base. They
'it very much. They
,also like to thank the
who were the drivers
Sharon Tennyhill,
David Yorgeson
Editor .... Zelma Powers
Editor .... Betty Stone
Editors Patsy Martin
Joe Moore
Sr. Class Patsy Martin
Class Ginger Tosk(w
Cla~ Gary St.Luise
~rade Lee Ann Steman
~rade Barbara Spilzer
The kick-off at Washtucna
started a very sorry day for
the Huskies. A.t the kick-off
Washtucna took %he 'ball and
went for an easy l~uchdown.
From ,then on Wash.~ucna just
did everything bue~ wal, k over
the Huskies until lh,e half
time, ,the score then 56 ,to 0.
After half time the Huskies
coach, Mr. Waldo, sen,t m a
new plan of a~t~ck, the second
squad. They stopped the Wash
tucna team and completed a
pass or ~wo counting up yard-
~ge. Then when tire second
string was being pushed up a-
gMnst their own goal line the
coach sent in the first string.
No one knows ~vhat happened
,then-whether the first string
was mad or ready to play ball-
but ~t/rey sure went at it. They
were starting to look g,~od but
it was ,too la,~e in the fo,otball
game to do much g~od. The
boys played good clean foot-
'},all just the same. Af, Wr that
th,e Huskies really coufiied u9
the yards; but, so did Wash'tuc
na which made one more
Well that was just ,an ~L'f
@ay bu.t ~he Huskies are glad
they, got it out of their system
before the big Connell game.
West .the 7th grade tea-
is from North Carol,inn.
Wen~ to Washington Sta~
and she started teach-
because she thought she
she would like it. She
;Nug~t two years amd is on
third. She h:as nineteen
in the sevenl~h grade
5,ear. She is married, but
no children
ei.ahth grade teacher
Kendal, has tau~ht for
~ears. ,He went to West-
State Coltc,ge e,f Educa-
comi-:~ to Othello
,at C~t:heart. Wash-
His .favorite classes are
Studies and Math. lie
th,at his reasons ~or be-
n were that he
he would enjoy ~t and
it was very interesting
chitdren develop in
Kendall is married and
Ihree children att'endin~g
,a.d one that is not. He
Othello :and the ~tin~a~e
rnueh ~ne st~a~ei~ that he
that Othello would .b~
nice town in ,a ~ew
has always ~au.~ht
Jn a small school.
Mr. Corbin taught a.bout six
months in Sunnyside. He re-
ceived his education at Wash-
ington State College. He teach-
,es music and Errglish. Of ,the
lwo his favorite is music. His
largeSt class ,is Girls General
Music in which he has thirty-
two. He is not ,married OR en-
Mr. Stemen is principal of
the Othello school year.
He came to Othello last year
from Ohio.
~Ic .has attended college and
chose , teacbir~g because be
likes ~p~rts. He ,first b::gan!
his teaching c'ar;~er as a coach.
:Dr. Venn is the superinten-
dent of %he Othello school this
year. He has attended the Un[
verMty of Washin,gton, Minn,
and CA]ic~go. JcIe has taught
school for e~ght years, spent
f~ur years in 'the service, and
previously ~as ,a professor at
Wasahington S~ate college. Dr.
V, enn ~is married anal has three
children, John, Debbie, and
Vickie. ,Dr. Venn said there
a~e about ,a hundred new stu-
dents attending school here
lhis year•
rade News
Stories From the
Second rade
by Donna Lindsey
I helped my father and
mother mowe from Ogden U-
tah. I packed the ~oys. My sis-
ters helped me, and I helped
father and mother roll up the
• ugs. I helped carry the things
ou~; to the big truck so ¢'hat
Dtaddy could l~ad ~them. When
,the truck was loaded ,and we
veere on our .w~y to Othello I
rode in the truck with Daddy.
by Carol Koschmann
Last week we g~t a pretty
hlack and wh~ite kitten. Yes-
terday we couIdn'.t ffind it any
where. We looked all over and
even asked the ,neighbors if
they had seen it. When I was
going .to bed last night, I
heard a faint "mew." I opened
lhe linen closet door and tthere
e:he was. Som~eone ,had closed
.~he .door on her and ,there she
had been all day.
We have had one new pupil
this week, David Cline, from
Orovflle. This makes 35 tha~
are enrolled 'in lahe ~irst g~ade.
Fourteen children of the