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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
October 10, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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October 10, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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upon the hereinafter described Co.; total tax, interest and costs due, property, that said certificates are in $1,331.01. book form and were filed with the Name of owner or owners Clerk of the Superior Court of according to treasurer's tax roll, Adams County, Washington, on 3 Ernest R. Whitmore, Jr.; descrip- September, 1974. Lion, NElh plus 101h' x 27 1/2' on SW That said certificates embrace the side of Lot 5 block 11, Original taxes legally existing against the Ritzville; totaltax, interest and costs following described real property for due, $1,396.35. Two seniors at Othello High been singled out for the the year for which said property is Name of owner or owners School has been named Merit honors• delinquent, commencing with the according to treasurer's tax roll, taxes for the year 1969 as JamesE. Peppers; description, Lots Program Commended stu- The two local students are hereinafter specifically set out, that 4 and 5, Blk 27, Original Ritzville; dents by the National Merit among the 38,000 Commended the amount of each certificate being total tax, interest and costs due, Scholarship Corporation, it students named on the basis setforthinthiscolumndesignatedas $768.51. was announced this week. of their high performance on the total amount of the county Name or owner or owners Principa] Robert Johnson the 1973 Preliminary Scho- certificate is the amount of the taxes according to treasurer's tax roll, for the year 1969 and the penalties, Harold L. Bush; description, Lot 4, ruported that Donna Lagent,lastic Aptitude Test/National interest and costs attached thereto BIk 17, Greene and Prouty's 1st, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Merit Scholarship Qualifying up to and including the 31st day of Ritzville; totaltax, interestandcosts I)ean Largent, and Nancy Test. October, 1974, that the certificates due, $118.67. were issued to Adams County, Name of owner or owners Pevshalt, daughter of Dr. and Commended students are in Washington on the 21st day of according to treasurer's tax roll, Mrs. Kenneth Pershall, havethe upper two per cent of August, 1974. Oscar Huebler Estate; description, those who are expected to That Adams County, Washington, W ~/2 Blk 20, Lippold's Supp. Lind; IJ/H['~ea~'~'1%,ml it'la;m graduate from high school in organizediSa municipaland existingC°rp°rati°nunderCreated'and by $ tax, interest and costs due, 1975. Although the Corn- virtue of the laws of the State of YOU AND EACH OF YOU WILL Attorney for the hi: Plaintiff. Ritzville, 10-17-6T Thur-Fri-I TilEY WON'T Co i e F mended students ranked high Washington: that the said municipal TAKE NOTICE that upon your O n o x on the tests, their scores were corporation is plaintiff herein, andis failure to appear within sixty (60) just below those of the 15,000 the owner and holder of said daysafterthefirstpublicationofthis Certificates of-Delinquency, and Summons and Notice and contest semifinalists who were an- each and all of them and the lien for said action or pay the amounts due Here Monday in September by taxes, penalties, interest and costs against said premises set out in said NMSC. Included on that listare included, covered by and certificates, together with interest, Funeral services will be was Danny ~'hieme of Othello embraced in said certificates, and in costs and penalties, that the said each of them. Adams County, Washington, a held in Endicott Friday forHi~rh School. That the object of this proceeding municipal corporation will apply to ('onrad "'Coonie" Fox. 57~ who Commended students do is to foreclose the Certificates of the Superior Court of the State of ~ETE~ was dead on arrival at thenot continue in the Merit Delinquency, and each and all of Washington in and for Adams them: that the Complaint and County for a judgment foreclosing FONDA ::~! :+ Othello Comnaunitv HospitalScholarship competition. Application for Judgment in this the said lien against the property about 2:30 p.m. Monday .... Fhe high standing of action has been filed with the Clerk mentioned arid described; and COMMENI)EI) SCHOLARS - Donna Largent, left, and Nancy Pershall are presented Mr. Fox, who operated the ('ommended students inthe oftheSuperiorCourtofsaidCounty; pleading or process may be served certificates by High School vice principal Jess Cruzen. The two OHS seniors were named Fox Harvesting company Merit l)rogram shows their that more than five years have upon the undersigned attorney for elapsed since - the date of the plaintiff at his address below given. commended merit scholars this week. here, suffered an apparent~r('at prontise, and their delinquency of said taxes. " DATED this 3rd day of Septem- heart attack while working at attainnwnt in this nationwide YOU AND EACH OF YOU are ber, 1974. his shop on S. Broadway. He t)ro~ram deserves public re- hereby directed and summoned to ADAMS COUNTY. WASHING- was taken to the hospital by ('(it~nition," Edward C. Smith, appear within sixty (60) days after TON a municipal corporation,,.:.~. COX)RBYDEIAJXIT. the date of the first publication of plaintiffandownerandholderofsaid ambulance, iwesidents of NMSC reported, this Notice and Summons, exclusive Certificates of Delinquency. Born Apr. 19, 1917, in St .... l'he Commended students of the date of the first publication FREI)A GREWELL, ADAMS ALSO • Mattes, Ida., Fox moved to should be encouraged to thereof, to-wit: 5September, 1974, COUNTY TREASURER Endicott when he was a small continue their education. Both which is the date of the first BY: s/ Richard W. Miller, Adams LEGIOtl publication hereof, and answer the County prosecuting Attorney and boy. He spent most of his these students and our nation Application and Notice therein, and lifetime in Whitman county will benefit from their further defend this action or pay the amount H ROYAI, CITY Nine girls Ell(,n I,eitz, daughter of Mr. is undecided as to a school and was married to Florence e(hwati(mal and personal de- due on said certificate or certificates will becompetingfor the title and Mrs. Myron Leitz, is a aft.or graduation but sheGatez, Jan. 24, 1944 in xelotmmnt.,, ofdelinquency, against any property THURS- of which you are the owner or in of Royal Slof)e Junior Miss in member of th)nor Society, wants to be a photographer. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.To increase their scholar- which you may have any interest. SATURDAY this year's pageant scheduled l'ep Club, Foreign Language Carol Carter, daughter of They farmed in the Dusty-ship opportunities NMSC according to law, together with the AVAILABLE Saturday, Oct. 19 at 8 i).m. in (:lub. She has been a cheer- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter, LaCrosse area, and later reports the Commended stu- increased interest and costs herein. Sun-Mon-1 the Royal ttigh School gym- lea(it,r, class treasurer and is amemberofHonorSociety,moved to Endicott in 1949 dents' names to theregionally YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI- FIED that in case of your failure so nasium. Mark I,awrence will was seA, cLod for "Who's Who student council, Foreign Lan- where Mr. Fox operated the accredited colleges they ham- to do, judgment will be rendered be master of ci,rernonies. Among American High School guage Club, Pep Club, Girl's Endicott Truck and Tractor. ed as their first and second against you foreclosing said certifi- Wai~LT DISNEY The contestanls will be Students". Ellen plans to Athletic Association and the He had run a trucking and choices when they took the cotes or certificate of delinquency, and the liens of all subsequent taxes, PRODUCTIONS pn~-_,ents judged on poise and ap- attend Washington State First Baptist Youth Group. harvesting operation in tests in October 1973. The penalties and interests at the rate of pearance, youth fitness, s(ho lrn/versity and become a She is also senior classOthello for most of the past reports include home ad-Eight (8%)percent per annum from lastic achievement, creative pharmacist, president, and was Girl'ssix years, dresses, test scores, anddateofissuanceofsaid certificate or and performing arts, and the t)atricia Turley, daughter of State -representative. She He was a member of the anticipated college major and certificates and all other court costs judge's interview. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Turley, is plans to attend Washington Trinity Lutheran Church in YOU AND EACH OF YOUR ARE • l)re-ticket sales began a member of Honor SocietyState University and may go Endicott, Elks Lodge in career intentions of the Corn- willbeadjudicatedagainstsaidland. mended students. HEREBY NOTIFIED that the taxes Monday. Pricesare family $5; and Foreign Language Club. into business management.Colfax and Moose Lodge in which have not been paid against adults, $t.50; children under She was student body stere- Debbie Rexius, daughter of Othello. said property for the year 1969 to Public Notice 12, 75 cents. Tickets will also tory in 1973 74 and was aMr. and Mrs. H. William Survivors include his wife, and including the year 1974, will be be sold at the door. Prices will foreign exchange student to Rexius, is a member of 4-H Endicott; two daughters, Mrs. included in said Judgment with interest at the rate of eight (8%) be, family, $6; adults, $2; Mexico htst summer. She is Club, Future Homemakers of Sharlene Gill, Spokane, and NOTICEOFTAXFORECLOSURE percent per annum. I I 0ctober 26th I ""' Y'""""?" children und(,r 12, $1. Tickets (.urrently Honor Society re- America, Foreign LanguageConnie Fox, student at WSU; NO. 11674 ' That the cities of Ritzville and may be purchased from the l)|'esent~tive to the student Club, chorus, and First mother, Mrs. George Fox, SUMMONSBYPUBLICATION Othello, Adams County, Washing- nine contestants, council and Foreign Language l)resbyterian Church. Debbie Endicott; two brothers, OFNOTICEOFTAX ton, and the Towns of Lind, Wash- IMON, October 28th FORECLOSURE tucna and Cunningham, Adams SUNDAY 8: The pageant is being Club vice president. She plans was a junior varsity cheer- George of St. John and Albert SUPERIOR COURT OF County, Washington, are each and | I_~t-hool HfllidnvI organized by the Royah,ttes lo attend Brigham Young h'ader and was selected for of Cataldo, Ida.; one sister, WASHINGTON FOR ADAMS all municipal corporations organized ,--..-- .- --,, MON -TUES organization'with l,in~]a l,ew l!niversity to "become a "Who's Who Among Ameri- Mrs. Elizabeth Scheuerman,COUNTY anaex~stmgunaerandbyvlrtueol ison as general chairman. It,ocher. can High School Students". Winona. ADAMS COUNTY, amunicipal the laws of the State of Washington. For Injbrmation corporation, Plaintiff, That the said municipal corpora- The nine contestants are: Karla Hoing, da,ught~t' of She is Associated Student Funeral services will be vs Lions may claim some lien or title in CALL Peggy Martindale, (laugh Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoing, is a Body secretary. Debbie has held from the Trinity Luth- BENJAMIN DEOTIS CURRY, O.and to a portion of the hereinafter ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton nwmbcr of Honor Society, attended the state 4-H fair for eran Church in Endicott onFRANS YORGESEN, ERNEST R.described real property but that the WHITMORE, JR., JAMES E. lien of said plaintiff is a prior lien to Martindale, is a member of chorus, Foreign Language four years. She plans to Friday at2p.m, with the Rev. PEPPERS, HAROLD L. BUSIt, the liens of any of the defendants ttonor Society, Pep (3at), club, l'ep Club and is a varsity, attend "Washington State Fred Schnaible officiating. HAROLD HOLLOWAY, OSCAR above named, or all of them. *' Foreign Language Club and cheerleader. She has alsoUniversity but is undecided as Burial will be in the Endicott tIUEBLER ESTATE, THE CITYThat the descriptions of the 488-5122 OF RITZVILLE, Adams County property and the amount of the chorus. She has tentative I)ven a member of the girl's to career or ambition, cemetery, The fa, mily sag-~&~Washington, a municipal corpora- certificate, interest and costs above plans to attend a business ChrislineIversi:in, da'ught~r gests rnemo3"tal~ gifts to .~r~ion; THE CITY OF"OTHELLO, referred to and the person or school and become a stere of Mr. arid Mrs. Ronald D. Trinity Lutheran Church. The Adams County, Washington, a persons, firm or corporation to tory. Iverson, is Fhture Homemak- Bruning Funeral Home of municipal corporation; THE TOWN whom or to which said land is Mindy Rothrock, daughter erE of America vice president, Colfax is in charge of OFLIND, Adams County, Washing- assessed on the Tax Rolls of the of Mr. and Mrs. l)avid senior class, secretary- arrangements, ton, a municipal corporation; THE Treasurer of Adams County, are It'.. ~ Jt .dl...o TOWN OF WASHTUCNA, Adams described as follows, to-wit: ~lldl'al~-w-.~, ~IL/Ilau~---- --" ,7 Rothrock, is a member of with the, handicapped, treasurer, and Young Women " -. County, Washington, a municipal Name of owner or owners Foreign l,anguage (~lub, t)('t7 Deborah Iverson, daughter, president: She is also member '" corporation; THE TOWN OF CUN- ~ccording to treasurer's tax roll, Club, 4It Clut), band (.horus. of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Iverson, of Pep Club, manageretts, and .• NINGHAM, Adams County, Wash- Benjamin Deotis Curry; description, ington, a municipalcorporation; and Lot 16 and East 45 feet of 17, Block Saturd0y, 0d. 12 She is as yet undecided but is Future ltomemakers of bask.,tbMl statistician. She each and every lot, track, parceland 24, Original Othello; total tax, retarialmaymunity attend (~ courses.~( )liege Bigand Bend take Corn sec ' s(,hool youth Adwrica photogra~)her, pianist, president, and Deborah church I,.D.S. or butts plans to a~tend Ricks C911ege ambition, undecided as to car~er n n ' 'on'" ng ry , ,ods portion of the bore,palLor doseribed and porson tenements firm or and corporation each and a cord,og interes, and costs doe ,2,,3 88 Name of to treasurer's owner or tax owoer ro,, t--o JoE known or unknown, if any, having or Benjamin Deotis Curry; description, claiming to have any lien, right, title, NW V4 SE of Canal 14.7, Sec. :4, Twp. • claim, interest or estate of any kind 15 N. Rng. 29; total tax, interest and 2:00 P.M. TO 4:00 P. M mln areanow, but noted that indi- or nature whatsoever in or to the costs due, $2,501.16. cations are that the migrant landsandtenementsdescribedinthe Name of owner or owners application, Defendants. according to treasurer's tax roll, O. Frans Yorgesen; description, Lots - ' mallard population in Canada TTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON is down somewhat. . 1-4, incl., blk. 38, Othello Realty Co.; He explained that for this i3ENJAMIN DEOTISCURRY, O. total tax, interest and costs due, C) reason hunting will officially FRANS YORGESEN, ERNEST R. $121.44. hdmissi n: 75¢ WHITMORE, JR., JAMES E. Name of owner or owners end at sunset and gunners will PEPPERS, HAROLD L. BUSH, according to treasurer's tax roll, O. not have the additional half HAROLD HOLLOWAY, OSCAR Frans Yorgesen; description, LotsBRING THIS AD FOR FREE POPCOR/ hour past sunset which theyHUEBLER ESTATE, THE CITY 14-19, incl. Blk 39, Othello Realty OF RITZVILLE, Adams County, ~ll~mmmmm~mm were allowed last year. He "Washington, a municipal corpora- ~2~,~~'~- emphasized that there is a Lion; TttE CITY OF OTHELLO, mistake on time directions in Adams County, Washington, a thq state pamphlet and oFmUnicipalc°rp°rati°n; THE TOWNLiND, Adams County, Washing- !i i: i~iiiii!!l "hunters should subtract an ton, a municipal corporation; hour 'from-the closing time THE TOWN OF WASHTUCNA, when standard time goes into Adams County, Washington, a ?!~i i!!!!!!~i iii i!i!i effect in late October. municipal corporation; THE TOWN OF CUNNINGHAM, Adams The duck season runs from County, Washington, a municipal Saturday through Jan. 19 corporation; and each and every lot, with limits set at six daily and track, parcel and portion of the BY POPULAR DEMAND , hereinafter described lands and WE'RE NO. 1 - That's what Huskie team members indieated Friday as they rode in the 12 in possession. The geese tenements and each and every Homecoming parade. The parade, a feature of the new Homecoming /ormat¢ traveledseason includes the special person, firm or corporation, known through the Othello business district at 12:30 p.m. and was followed with an assembly, extended season from Jan. 13 or unknown, if any, having or to 19 when jump day regula- ciaimingtohaveany lien, right, title, ] tions will not be in effect and claim, interest or estate of any kind or nature whatsoever in or to the daily hunting will be allowed, lands and tenements described in the Geese limits are three per day application. and six in possession. YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby notified that heretofore The agent noted that there was issued by the County hunters should refer to the Treasurer of Adams County, Wash- game pamphlet for any ques- ington, Certificates of Delinquency Lions on the regulations. Safety Urged He also made a plea to area featuring hunters to observe all safety measures and use common DAY [ sense in their hunting ac- tivities. "Last year we had the HAII~ fewest number of hunting ac- ,~..t cidents in any year since 7:30"--11:30 hunting began to draw big Tues. Sat. 9:00 p.m. "crowds to the Basin,' Limon said. "We hope that record . to 1:~0 it,Ill, WILD FOOTBALL ACTION - Featured following the assembly was powder-puff flag will be improved upon this CaN PLAY'ANYTHINOi~c|mi~D TOP 40 • ¢OONlfRV year.' football action between girls of the four high school classes. The seniors won the COMPLETE FAMILY EN' three-game event by topping the juniors in "overtime" action after both teams had tlailed to score during regulation play. COFFEE SHOP OPEN 24 HOURS Dining Room Open 7 DAYS A WEEK 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. SUNDAY a.m. to 10 p.m. TRY OUR EXOTIC SALAD BAR /CllARRON MOTEL and AWAITING DECISION - Candidates tor queen anxiously wait with their escorts as OTHELLO ASB preddent Neff Gilbert opens the envelope with the name of the wiuer. Football aad ! ---~, -Rl''e$ ~mt Facilities In cross eountry team members voted on the queen e~mdidates. From left are princess Cindy Eppieh and escort Gary Peterson, queen Cindy Coffer and escort Brad Solbrack, princess * ]450 F. MAIN ST.] PHONE (509) Bambie Stock and escort Jon Calahan, and princess Mary Danielson and escurt Riehard Bisnett.