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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
October 10, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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October 10, 1974
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Page 4 - OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1974 IJ "Working for Othello's Balanded growth" Entered as Second Class Matter January 21, 1947, at the Post :Office at Othello, Washington under the 'Act of March 3, 1879. Published every' Thursday morning at Othello, Washing- tot 99344 by the Basin Publishing Company• . ,~R.D. {Dan) tEARY .............................. MANAGING EDITOR f: DEAN H. JUDD .................................................. ...I'.EDITOR .180 E. Main iRICHARD REX ...................................... : ....... AD MANAGER SubscrilXions $5.00 ;:JESSIE M. PLANT .................................. SOCIAL EDITOR yearly in Adams, :. BETTY HASTINGS .................... i ....... . ........... I....SECRETAR¥ Grant, Benton and Franklin Counties, i MARGE FEYDER .............. i ............................... AD LAYOUT $6.00 elsewhere. SHELI,Y HANLEY ..................... ~ ........... ].~,.:COMPUWR!T.ER" Single ? ", . • copies - 15¢ By" RO.BERT CUMMINGS • • ag Reduct Legislators clng,Bu on Of: $150 Millidn. fo'r H.!gh dy Funds. : OLYMPIA - Unless legis-his administration b ie e work or going on welfare. liters can find additional such a goal is attainable.SdaatorPowerless? revenue, the state's highway Revenue from this source Senator Warren G. Magnu- budget for the 1975-77 bien-" would be exempt to the con- sod has long crit|cized the niumwill have tobe slashed to stitutional restriction on i~trstice of the social sectirity ,the tune of $150 to $175 motor vehicle fund money.and lav~, and ihsisted,¢hat those i~iilion. And when they go into could be u~ed "for mass who pay ,into it should • be Session next January, they tvanspor£ation as well as permitted to draw it at age 65 will be virtually handcuffed• highways• • and continue ~;orking if they They cant make a move By the same token, Gover- wish'. " until they know what the nor Evans has left little doubt They Can draw "a private Congress is going to do With he would veto any attsmpt to pension in full, or .their President Ford's proposal for bail out~the highway program retiremeht.benefits from any We will welcome all identifying information, particularly corrections which readers have to offer for pictures appearing in this column. Just call The Outlook 488-3342 or Gladys,Para 488-2812. The pictures are provided by the Museum and Arts Society with Mrs. Para providing the text. EARLIEST LOCATION - This 1916 view of Main looking west from the Hibbard-Ballenger Hotel shows the post office when it was located in the Crockett Store building. Joseph E. McManamon was storekeeper and postmaster there from 1915, and moved with a full-time post office to the larger building shown center• This structure, looking here like a house with trees on the First Ave. side, opened as the Othello State Bank in 1908 which failed in 1921• Other downtown businesses to be seen here, starting clockwise in lower right are the original Menzers Meat Market with the later addition of a sidewalk overhang, and the white doctor's office and clinic where today stands the Prepared by Othello School l)i strict ~,f~ i, i,~i ,~ Initiatiw With the aim of providing He contends full state funding for public support of schools schools without reliance on creased while local special levies, backers of through special Initiative 48 have launched a increased, i statewide campaign to secure "Initiative 48 117,840 signatures of resgis- the legislature that tered voters, decide on certain Louis Bruno, former State pertaining to Superintendent of Public In- are good, they must struction and Mrs. Harriette the financing," Bruno Buchmann of Port Angeles, Initiative 48 will president of the state Parent, on the 1974 General Teacher-Student Association, ballot. It is are co-chairpersons of thestate legislature. Committee for State Schoolreq~ Support, which is sponsoring (117,840 or eight the initiative, the previous In discussing Initiative 48, turnout) is obtained Mr. Bruno said. "Our effort is Dec. 1, then the to reduce the necessity of will be required to Othello Hardware-Johnson TV building; the two lumber sheds on Broadway [Potlatch public levies throughout our the proposal bought out its neighbor, Crab Creek Lumber Co.] now the location of Guonther Chev.; state. These levies have re- regular 1975 session. and in the upper right the empty Cha.vis Livery block on Cedar where The Showhouse now stands• 1934 LOCATION - D.C. Clark was named postmaster for a year's interim between McManamon's retirement in 1933 and Mrs. Blanch Barton's appointment in 1934. The former bank with its double corner entrance, here painted white, remained a downtown focal point until its replacement by the brick building presently housing the Sears catalug presented an average of 30 per If the legislature cent of each'school district's the measure, it wow budget." law next July 1. -L legislature does r Steo.ens Gets approval, the initiati appear on the 1975 ba rv.."uLl'ca':0n with any substitute the legislature de to the voters. Recognition Bruno said his to provide the • Paul Stephens, a senior at Othello High School, was recently notified that he is to be featured in the Eighth Annual Edition of "Who's Who Among American High School Students 1973-74", the largest student award publication in the nation• Students from over 20,000 public, private and parochial state with a tive" that deals subject only: Do the want state funding ot tion or don't they? The official ballot Initiative 48 will state financial su public schools be increased for school district restricted after a boost in the federal gasolkne, with general fund money• number of government retire- tax of 10 to 20 cents per gallon• This "~cludes~ proposal to~nent sy~tem~, and continue to store• It appears in this Main street view o! the early 50's as it looked for over 20 years as high schools throughout the Copies of the Few if any legislators finance the State Patrol out of work without" penalt3~, country are recognized for be obtained by believe the President can put the general fund instead of ~he " Sen. Magn'uson, on the the Othello Post Office. These were the days everyone called in person for his mail, often that one over, but they also are: motor vehicle fund, which verge of] reelected to his walking, often hoping to find that Mrs. Barton had put a stick in his box. Sometimes t their leadership in academics, Committee for aware that Congress is just as -would free $50, million for s/xth term in the U;S. Senate, parent would take the stick Imek home with the mail, intentionally, so that the kids would athletics, activities or corn- Support, 720 Nob Hill unpredictable as the Legisla- highway *use. is conceded to be one of the have the pleasure o! rmming down to turn it in for the pachnge it represented. The larse munity service in the books. North, Seattle, • Less than three per cent of the 98109. Lure• They are unlikely to risk - One "Pension"Ignored ~ost powerful men in the wooden building on the leR is the Crawfurd building, later called the Commercial Hotel junior and senior class stu- the disaster which would Some o~f Washington s in- Senate. But despite his verbal when owned by John Hicks. The double entryway, described in last week's column, can clents nationwide are awarded follow if they were to go aheacJ- -c-ombent ,congressmen run- attacksqv, the inequities of tbe be dearly seen here. this recognition. S A V E and raise the state tax and the ning for reelection are making social, security law, nothing Stephens, son of Mr. and Congress came• along aridmuch of their efforts in behalf has evep been done about it. Mrs. EwellStephens, Route 1, " $35 added another boost on top of of the recently-enactod pen- True, he isn't a member of the Othello, is a varsity starter in it. sion.reform bill which assures *committee which handles th~s basketball and pitcher in PorcentageGameGalns those contributing to private Sort of legislation• But he is~?~?!it baseball. He was also named The lawmakers may,. how-pension sysfems will receive "chairman of the Senate MVP in a local slow pitch OR M( ever, go as far as shifting the their money upon~retirement. "Interstate Commerce Com- tournament last summer and -, present gallonage tax to a _ Congressman Lloyd M~eds, mi'ttee, one of the most impor- received the jump shot trophy UALLY ON yI percentage basis, so as the D-Everett, svas especially ~ tint in Congress. Those who from the Cougar Basketball price went up, the rdvenue active in obtaining passage of stand in the way of remedial Camp at Washington State ~JLJT0 ~ FJ~| would increase proportion- what ~dmittedly is meri-socialsecuritylegislationmus, t :i:z~:~i:i~i~:i:ii~:ii~:~ University. IM¢ ..... ately, torious legislation. But done 'have bills in Magnusons ::~::iii:iiii::ii:::i~t In addition to having his ,,,~UKANL£~ But if they do, they probably has offered any explan.ation, committee. iilili biography published in the TRUCK INSURAN will set the rate so that.the tax why nothing has beeh done for Some wonderwhyonewho book. Stephens will also ~ based on the current price thos~..~ who don't have the has wielded his ,leverage so compete for one of 10 scholar- ° ..... i ~ould remain the same, Tbe hen4efit of a:,pHvat~e ~e~n effeetivel~ in behatf Of t,ther ship awards of $500 to $1,000 t~~' A~ impact wouldn't be felt until and must depend solely upon important legislation has been funded by the publishers and ~, gasoline prices took their next social security~. unable to do the same to erase ii:ii~i;:~::i::~,~: ~~ will be invited to participate 4U-364~ ! jump. , Unable to live on even the the injustice of social security, i~!i:i]!!i:~iiii:ii~i~i~i ~ in the firm's annual "Survey - Gov. Dan Evans hash t maximum benefit of $293 a(Incidentally, under the pro- :::,~::~i~! ~ of High Achievers". completely abandoned hisidea month, they have the choice sent law, Sen. Magnuson, now of extending the sales tax to upon reaching retirement age past 65, can't draw his social ~ ..... gasoline sales, but few even in of 65 of either continuing to security, either, as long as he /. " ~ • : .... =~'¢'=~ ~ : i'~ ':~L~ 4 t" '~L ".' ~' p :' ". ,,:] ~ ~ ............................ - -- stays in the Senate)• HERE NEXT - The present location of the Wards catalug store, this brick structure /--:A~l~lt~k i .~ ~]~Ld[~ : ' ~ll~: "" ~ " ~Sll~ The state Senate Ecology Second-Guessing was built on First n-- Cedar by O.F. Kenfield speddically for the post office. It opened in 1953-54 with Jack,n B. Hubbard being appointed postmaster upon Mrs. Barton's It ;':' 'li: t! ..... '' .......... Committee is preparing to retirement. Othello residents parked their cars diagonally then, and this plate glass r ]l ~II~. / ,Ik..~o It c°rrect a defect in the present "d°w was smashed and replaced-at least" five "es bY nmuwuy¢~rs, with ur without Pass _~__ _ --"'era el shot! l ~-~#~/#~d fJl/"mTi~lld~ • shoreline management law drivers, ouonespectaculareeeasio-nadiagonally-purkedearontheeasts/deolthestroet ~, : • J ~(~ ~ ~,j~lF'f~ • which was enacted two years rolled down and tress, picked up a second ear in front of the post office in its q ~ ""7 "" " I/ - ~" ago as an alternate to an wake, sad together they wiped out the entire front o! the building, in sad out o! a • ............................ initiative to the Legislature. the lobby came to be considered the higbest-riak activity in town. Othello s postal volume ~i~"~~ : • .... - ~ ~ ]~ It now requires a shoreline ............ ' ......... " ................. permit for any construction q'kiyoutgrewitsspaco'ImdtemPuraryChristmasmmexeswereneeesmuTf°rab°ut 'h t • ~~ within the flood plain of a river four years,-when customers went to one building fur first class mail ud to another ~ ~ / " or stream. But the historical nearby for packages. Alter exlumding the building to keep lume, the new and present TEN YEARSAGO or as many acres as is desired, flood plains of rivers havepest office was erected and dedicated in March, 1966. Meaty Fraser, appointed ' U III October 8,1964 re 1 a t er The "s otal of 60 a es forshrunken sharply during thepostmaster in July 1958, confirmed Until his death in 1970. Homer Mullun, present bolder New owners officmlly took s e l o • ' _ •.• ,. , al • AI proceeds fr m thepast 100 years, of the position began service under Fraser in 1957, and was first appointed "officer tn ~ \ ~ /,~ over operatmn of the uanana s e of th will ...... al is land • go Lacking any guidelines, the charge" in 1970 and then postmaster in March 1971. • n - ,. Motel here last week muowmg towards h • t e new rodeo agency which administers the I 0 S U I a~O ~,~/1~ t the sale of the local busmess r ands The assoc~atm n • g o • • • n act has bee using the " Any discussion of the origin Mr and Mrs Art Swmk, who tohave th leach . • • " _ . hopes e b ers 100-year flood plain. It doesn t have .°perated the Othello rrs co is the direct result of the ~~~ , \w'/% I Ill and co al mpleted for next apply to rivers which have of Othello s name inevitably ~ motel for the last 12 years,., year s rodeo, beon dlked............ In ~,eh eases abecomes a description of the announced that Mr and Mrs ************* • • • _^_ :_^~ first post office, as the former ~[t(~:::i~ ,~ _ • . • • shorehne perm,t ss ,-~qusz-~u d~tt~~~ .-.. Quentin Sasse of Rwermde A re r p esentative of George only for construction within have purchased the motel and Weir who owns a cheese plant 200 feet. But the Yakima river latter•Although the first general :~~~ ::"::*~: assumed operation on Oct. 1. in Challis, Ida., visited Othello hasn t been diked. Its,100-year ~~- Mr and Mrs Sasse have been r entl for the os in • • . ec y purp e of flood pin" extends from toe store and post ofhce m the ~ ~ ~i in the farming and cattledetermining the number of to toe , requiring a shoreline Adams county panhandle was Billington, four miles east of busmess m the Okanogan arear n malsm the mmed t _ dai y a i • i latepermi for any construction present Othello in the general ~~.~. ........ for the last 22 years, andhave 11 a lso n an where w 26, the area around what is f3 !" { |i-CaJl-Id - --e Ot eoare o e y aroa oft e n er e tiooo " • " den red to obtain infor- Yakima Valley. Billington road and Highway l~i~ ~ - " 99 i farm ou s w ote gr P. mation as to hat the p ntial The Senate committee is l~t C • ************ for the dairy industry would proposing that the 25-year now the length of Main street I~~ : Roddy Barrie, son of Mr. be in this area. This infer- flood plain be made applicable withbecamenewS°farmsheavilYby theP°pulatedfall of It doesn't take much.of a man, nor any andMrs• RobertD;Barne, 245 mation would be very in- to the Yakima and all other particular skill' hoot-oat .wit ueaar,AssocmtedWaSstudentmStaueoBodyaS Pretne whetherfluentialor innot determiningth o w valleys in a simihr situation.- 1903 that the settlers felt a to WIn a • " H~g" h Syh l:- beagoodpotentialforacheeseO ell ould ThoughOddsFaverPunehbeardSGovernor Evans is post office was needed here an insulator. It's a wasteful, irrespOs' ~dent of Ot.hell? • sible act .... and an obvious offens rrmr to ms oemg etectea to havre e on t facry. " g s c d houghts about president this year, he has ************* his nnroval of th " "n The story of how the name ~~:~ ..... • . . a e sectmn] was chosen comes as an ~~'~" And it can't be shrugged off as kid'$ served as treasurer m hm T . . WENTY YEARS AGO the law which legalized i~: play. Anyone old "- shoot unmr year and was then" tober8 nch oards and 1 ]~ ". . ~. O¢ ,1954 pu b pu ltabs, it is anti-climax to many seekers ~~ ~ " for unusual town-names. One • enough - nusmess manager m ms un t • S day, Oc. 3, was a busy doubtful ifhe can persuade the .......... NEXT SPOT - Front wew of Crockett store and post reason zs tna~, m ~ne xn"s~ .- ~ . " ! ................. gun is 01d encmgh to respect--ltS use. : sophomore year. day indeed for Othello school Legislature to change it all the ,qace there ~s no -o .... t~--omee owmg Imrz o me mmum mmewunm wmen m~ea Mama • ************ personnel, teachers and citi- coming session• with Shakesveare'svl'a'v~'A'nv and First until 1951. This site is now occupied by Fred Insulator shooting can knock out Members of the Othello z s of t • en 0 hello as they moved All election indications indi .... " - , Shelten s law offices Cam Fn.e groups are assured t P . furni are and supplies into the cite that the makeup of the relationship to the classic • tric service, "costing untold losses a rmanent outdoor campmte n w pe _ " e Hiawatha elementary next Legislature will be sub- tragedy has been established The daughter of the woman both sides of an orderly Main farmers, businesses:and families. II by the generous act el an s heel c . stantially the same as that afterth.e fact. (The renaming whose name suggestion was street {straight up the hill and Othello landowner. Bud our trucks k wh • . F ept up a ich overrode his vetoes of o~ man,on ~o ~mer to chosen by postal authorities the widest in the county) could even be vital to the medical wel Hampton. Locatmn of the sste shuttle relay as willing hands seven other items in the Hamlet m ~ 1905 )s one recalls it this way Then the defined the growing town, of being of someone. . ' is in the Crab Creek area and boosted materials on and off gambling law earlier thisyear, example, and then tnere is desire for a post office course, but formal incorpora- tbe portmn loaned for Camp te t _ " the trucks and quickly set Despi he advisory ballotthat, wrster named Ja.mes W. resulted in a petition being tion did not occur until after If you see anyone "shooting at ins zl$' Fire use by Hampton is leased them in rooms where teacbers which went against punch- t'mmpswnonas, m nLsoooK circulated among all the the Milwaukee Road had tors, report the act to your county al ¢ by. h~.m from the Fmh and arranged the furniture for the boards and pulltabs in King called "Washington State neighbors for a radius of ten nrovided insurance for its Wfldhfe Department • ***********~ opening of school Monday. county, most lawmakers arePlace Names"_ gotten ~t .all miles or so...We two older existence by deciding upon if~. You'll be helpin in a ;crac • ************ inclined to opt for local option, wrong a.vout .u.~neuo.. vv.n.ue children sent in names. I the site as a division point, on crackpots. : , FIFTEEN YEARS AGO "The seventh annualOthelio and let local governments ne nas mcmoed a straight- recall mine was Viva, after a October S,1959 Rodeo is behind us now and decide whether they want to ahead account of the naming very dear girl friend...But my Actual construction of the Lower Crab Creek Schoolalong withtheuntiringefforts allow the boards, of Royal C~ty, when he got to mother (Mrs. R.M. Chavis),line past Othello began in ..... . ~ i ~ District voters approved a put forth by all members of the Othello either he or his vresentedthenameof'Othel- September 1906. The West- $100,000 bond issue for an Rodeo Association, merchants Tw,, Dl .i..a sources assumed the obvious 1"o', it being a particularly ern Townsite Co. platted the elementary schoolwat Royal and others of the community~t# rt ~ -:~u~J~u and let it go at that.) favorite name of a post office town in July 1907 and turned II C~ty. The vote cast as 226 for it has been a terrific success, PULLMAN Two students In the spring of 1904 a in the state of Tennessee, it over to the Milwaukee Land li the 25 against. The proposed rodeo offieials told the Outlook ° m "the'lo "are homesteader, Aaron E. Lee, where she lived as a girl. Co. in December the same ~ / zro u l among a I!!! trade schools at Beverly and this week circulated a petition for the Mail was hauled first from year. It was not until May ' ' s l~|~ ~to"alCam"lost b" a vote of: v # .... l ne reseed" assoctatmn-"~s record 480 men who acceptedled e bids from 24 frater establishment of a new post Hatton and later from Can-1910 that Othello was in- Bi9-n end Elec tr,~ |i 148 to 95and 1.27 ~. 119.looking forward to the possi- p,a.g a, ,-;,,. ¢.n ..... t~: office, enclosed a suggestion ningham by team and wagon corporated as a 4th-class city, l~:~ ............. " bilities of incorporating the ..... 7o ?.=::?~ ?.,:. o~.:.~o?~- for a name for it and for its to (he Othello post office. "the choosing for. itself the name of '~ COOP|RATIV|, INC. : .~ |~ The nthello Rodeo Associ ........ rusn acuv~tms a~ wasnmgton postmaster, (h~mselig, and m Milwaukee Railroad took over the post ofhce, whmh not only [ . " _ . " lrl-coun~y l'an. ann top norse o._._ ,,_: .... :.. [ : a tlon. announced today that racing along with automobile o~eaT-?~:dS~;ys. o,o ~-,.o. due course the new office was delivery when its first train had become indispensable but [,u,Pzor racing, for next year, which n.~'~.~ r~o~'.~o,,n'o~,oV-'~,,~ set up in Lee's home which came through in June, 1909. had already loaned its name to Rlt=viile ~ 659-1700 :~ I~le an(] Will De sola In lo~s oI would round n.t o ,,nmnloto ....... u, ~--~,~ --~ ..... , t..,~ =~ ........ ? ..... v .... rian" nes !" lta°" nh'. stood about where the Mode- The cluster of buildings the previously platted town- O~bC~Z~m{~F~. ¢