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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
October 10, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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October 10, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Crown Tops 'Em All ERVICE ATISFACTION One year free service on new mobile homes New 10 Acre sales lot to 40 mobile homes on display. Choose from wide models. Rex - Leisure Manor - - Elcar - Wildwood - Brookwood -Pacifica - - Rideau - Modular homes by Modular Pacific 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday CROWN MOBILE HOMES o. 1st St. Yakima 248-3090 HAMMER'S MOBILE HOMES BLE WlDES AND 14 FOOT WIDES KILhBLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OR R DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. El) 19 FOOT TRAVEL TRAILER IN STOCK. Servces and Insurance Available. Recreation Ecuir FULL-TIME SERVICE CREW Produce Broadway 488-9202 - New ~a 14 x 70 thermo- hrdwood paneling, ~her. Ready to move I ly now before prices | ) With 1975 models. | I ~,ENT I ~x100' all under-I ~ ~'~tilities. ~LLO MANOR Wanted Taylor Roads newly stereo, 2 snow i06 or see at Apt. 31. MARRIED COUPLE wants rental right away. Call 488- 9595 between 9 and 4. W-41-TFN-C FALL CATTLE PASTURE WANTED. "Call 488-9747 or 488-3734. W-23-TFN-C ************************* WANTED TO RENT or lease nice 3 bedroom home. Call 488-2997 evenings. W-39-41-P ************************* WANTED USED FLUTE. LEMANS Call 488-2740. overhauled, W-48-49-P ************************* WANTED USED sprinkler" system. Main line and wheel Lines. 488-9747 or 488-3734.• W~23-TFN-C TON TRUCK van. New 488-7691, 345 Rea Estate vinyl top, condition. Call 6 p.m. TIAC Catalina in Call 488-9867. M sc. For Sale FOR SALE NEW HOME I bedroom. Fireplace, car- )eting, central air, double :ar garage. Can assume 9 % °/o loan. *********O*** 4 bedroom. Full basement house. Fireplace, family room, large fenced lot. Good location. H e W an ed Call: " Ray Kostad 488-9541 ~E,~tTO~ Kostad Realty, Inc- 760 E-~Main 1 1 I • __ I SPACE FOR Utilities FOR SALE: cometary lots. Peacefull, good view and not too congested. Buy now for later use. Write Cometary, Othello Outlook, Box O, Othello, Wn. 40-TFN-P FANCY wean- Call ~S WANTED, Call 488-2528. ******O ['0 RENT OR for two horses will maintain ur write Garold Hemlock, a88- | FOR SALE Nice 2 bedroom house. Large kitchen, living room, all paneled, utility room, stove and drapes included. Act fast on this buy. I ****OOOOOO** I Extremely well kept homeI in Warden. Large lot, I garage, nice neighborhood, ] stove and refrigerator in- cluded in price. Wall to walli carpets, air conditioned. I Priced to sell. OO******OO*** ROYAL CITY Large home, full basement. Located on 3 city lots. This i ~s a very nice home, good terms available. Call for appointment. This is it, a beauty. See it today. 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, air conditioned, built in appliances, carpets throughout, fire place. Very good location. Call for appointment to see this. ********OOOOO Very nice 100 acre orchard, 6500 apple trees. 6200 cherry trees, all trees 4 years and older. Various equipment to go with sale. ***O*O******* 3% acres. Domestic water available. 3 miles from town, terms available. *a*$OOO****** Neat and clean, fairly new home. Well kept, nice yard, corner lot. Close to schools and churches. Financing available or cash out leaving easy monthly payment. ***O********* Large older home, located on 2 plus acres. Fenced pasture for horses, ap- proximately 50 fruit trees. (llose to Othello. $3,000. down. ****O*O*O**** Nice 2 bedroom home. Newly painted, very good location. $2,500. down, $150. a month. OO****O*O*O** JOHNNY MERCER REALTY Next to Post Office ' 488-5244 Evenings and Sunday 488-3231 THREE BEDROOM HOME in Connell. 1% baths. $4,500. down assume loan. $19,500. 765-5947, Moses Lake. RE-38-TFN-C *****O$***$************** BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom home. Corner lot, excellent condition, new expensive carpeting throughout,heavy split cedar shake roof, stone fireplace. $29,000. 488-2795. RE-40-41-P METAL STEPS, beds, heater, skirting, drapes, dry- er and misc. 488-3142. FS-41-P LATE MODEL Singer zig- zag sewing machine excellent condition. Shop checked and guaranteed. Makes button- holes, hems, darns, mono- grams, embroidery etc. Pay- off balance of $44.30. Easy terms, trades welcome. Cus- tom Vaccum and Sewing. For fre homestrail call 488-9641. FS-41-C ************************* SIGNATURE 12-cycle washer and dryer. $75.00. Call 488-9924. FS-41-42-P ************************* 12'x12%' BLUE GREEN padded carpet, excellent con- dition. Dinette set with 4 chairs. Call 488-9550. FS-41-C ALL ELECTRIC hospital bed, nearly new. $)700. Also rolling walker and bedside table. 488-2452. FS-40-43-C FIREWOOD FOR SALE, by order, tamarack. Call 488-3577 evenings. FS-40-41-P FRIGIDAIRE BUILT-IN oven and counter top stove. Call 488-2702 or see at 1156 Elm. FS-39-TFN-C 25 INCH COLOR Admiral TV, dark contemporary cabi- net. 488-9044. FS-36-TFN-C TWO USED Taro lawn- mowers. Good condition. 1968 Yamaha 80 CC. Electric start. $150. or best offer. 488-2555. FS-37-TFN-C CONCORD GRAPES $4.50 a box. Call 346-2633. P-41-C TOMATOES AND squash for sale. Call 488-9835. P-41-42-C RED AND GOLDEN De- licious apples, 12 cents pound. Windfall 6 cents pound. Bring own containers. Bill Powers Orchard, 488-2401. P-39-44-C ************************* TAX-FREE INCOME shel- ter outside income this year plus 15%+ return on invest- - ment" 4 large 2 bedr°°m units I I by owner. Call 503-399-0122. Ducks, Geese, and **E,-22.Z2N**C************** ~Pheasants picked and[ FOUR BEDROOM, fire- |cleaned. 146 Pine 488-92751 place, patio. Easy conversion 140.42.C , , to home with apartment or shop/office for small business. GARAGE SALE, Fri. and 488-9942. RE-32-tfn-c 8% ACRES IN ALFALFA with 2 bedroom house. Call after 6 p.m. 488-3137. RE-41-C Sat., Oct. 11 and 12 from 10 to 5 p.m. Clothes misc. furniture, accordion, table, etc. 450 S. 10th. M-40-41-C FOR SALE t Used washers and dryers.I Color TVs. | McLeans Hardware | 488-3651 ] THREE SPEED 20" bike. $20.00 See at 530 Elm. FS-40-41-C 1974 PHAFF zig-zag sew- ing machine. Excellent condi- tion, guaranteed. Only $77.80. Easy terms, trades welcome. Custom Vaccum and Sewing. For free home trial call 488-9641. FS-41-C CRAFTS for your fall and Christmas craft supplies, and ideas see Mel's Plumbing at 354 So. First. C-41-42-C $2.50 HOUR FOR GIRL or lady househeeper. Flexible hours. Call 488-9905 after 5 p.m. HW-41-43-C PART TIME gardener needed. Retired person or hobbiest preferred, flexible time arrangement. Mainly supervisor, no lawn cutting, etc. Call 488-3371. HW-TFN-C FULL OR PART TIME typist needed. Call for inter- view 488-3342. . HW-41-TFN-P POSITION OPEN for full time help. Apply at Beauty Boutique, 488-3131. HW-40-TFN-C KEY PUNCH Key punch experience or education required. Full time employment. Excel- lent fringe benefits. Con- tact by mail or in person: Chef Reddy Foods, Othello, Wa 99344, or call 488-9611. Equal opportunity employ- er. ,41-(~ i I II We are expanding our service facilities and will have openings for several men who are looking for permanent employement as farm equipment technicians. We prefer people 26 years old or older who have had some mechanical experience. Farm experience is desireable but not essential. We offer a full range of employee benefits as well as a VA approved OJT training program to help assure success of our employees. For application information, call Bob Ditty, Service Manager, 488-5220,Evergreen Implement. _40-tfn I I " --- HELP WANTED S e r v t,: e s Tire Repairman = : ~ -- BASIN TiRE CENTER APPROVED SINGER Serv'ces MATURE BABYSITTER needed for church service. 488-2541 - 488-2574. HW-38-TFN-C ************************* HELP WANTED Dishwasherwanted FreddiesREstaurant 488-2704 II MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL PRIDE PAK FOODS is accepting applications for experienced maintenance- mechanics. Knowledge of welding techniques is necessary. Full or part time will be considered. Excel- lent wages, fringe benefits and opportunities for ad- vancement. Apply 20013 Saint Street, Richland, Tele: 946-4181. Equal Op- portunity employer. 40-42-C I DEALER S;Lles and service. We 'si;rvice all makes of sewing machines. Call 765-7701 in M,)ses Lake. All work Guaranteed. '~ 29-TFN2C ',ENTRAL EXCAVATION Dozer- Backhoe- truck Septic Tanks ',omglete excavation set- ice. ()thello 488-9551 24-TFN OTHELLO ROOFING New re-roofs and repairs. All work guaranteed. Fi- nancing available. For free estimates 488-9502. TFN CARPENTER WORK WANTED III 'Carpenter. Cabinets. Re- modeling or new building. Over 30 years experience.i No job too big or too small. Will trade labor for ? Call 488-9643. TFN SEWING MACHINE RE-i IN TIlE SUPEItIOR COURT FOR ADAMS COUNTY, WASttINGTON NO. 11597 UMMONS IN RE TIlE MARRIAGE OF FRANCISCA SOIJS ALDERETE, PETITIONER AND FEDERICO GARZA ALDERETE, Respondent THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID FEDERICO GARZA ALDERETE YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMON- ED to appear within sixty days after the dale of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 3rd day of October, PAIR expertly performed in 1974, and defend the above entitled your home. Any make - any action in the above entitled court, model. All work guaranteed, and answer the petition of the Call 488-9641. petitioner, and serve a copy of your answer upnn the undersigned at- CUSTOM VACUUM & SEW- torneys for petitioner, at the office ING below stated; and in case of your S-16-C failure so to do, judgment will be , rendered a~ainst you according to THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK . Pqle 13' OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THURSDAY, OCTOB_ER_IO, 1914 the demand of the petition, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of the action is for a Decree of Dissolution of the mar- riage of FRANCISCA SOLIS ALDERETE and FEDERICO GARZA ALDERETE. CAWandCAW By Blythe B. Caw, Attorneys for Petitioner, 41 S. 6th, P.O. Box 255, the following item of equipment. 1-Machinery trailer Specifications are available at the office of the County Road Engineer in Ritzville, Washington. Adams County Board of Commissioners Gordon Hays. Chairman Ralph H. Danekas, Commissioner W.E. Longmeier, Commissioner Othello, Washington 99344Tele-Attest: Susie B. Razey. Auditor and phone: 488-2629 Clerk of the Board 11 7-6'I" 10-17-2T nlllllllUlnllnllllllllllllllllllnnnlullUlll iiIiiIIiiiiilllllllgllgglgglglllll.llgglllll NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given by the Board of Adams County Commis- sioners that they will receive Sealed bid unit 11:00 a.m., Monday, Oclnber 28, 1974, at their office in the Courthouse in Ritzville, Wash- ingtnn, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read for ttlllltlliUltllllllllllttllllllltllllllllltnlnnl " I like a chain saw with plenty of power. That's what the Pioneer P20 is all about. More Power. Even though it weighs only 10 pounds, 3 ounces, the P20 has the biggest engine in its class: 3.14 cubic inches. That means a tot more lugging power than the little lightweights. And with its big 14" bar, \ you've got enough saw to handle a 28- inch cut without a whimper. Easy to use, too, with automatic chain oiling, Easy-Arc" starting and exclusive anti-kick saw chain. If you're a winner, like me, more power to you. Get a Pioneer. A ,IWrATOT A product of OutbOard Marin. Corporauon, mak.rg of Evinrude~. Johnloo*, Culmman% ar~ L&wn*~oy, powe~l products At Large Othello Hydraulks Aht~ K~rmm. rormm ~tde, Detroit LlOl~s F~otl~ll Club 35 N. 1st I ! lit I 488-3902 OFFICIAL NOTICE: Tha following two proposod constitutional amendments are to be submlfl~l to the voters at the state gonoral election to bo held on November 5, 1974. Ballot titles and oxplcmations wore prepared by the of Rco of the &Hornay General. This is a legal publication as required by law from the ot~co of the Socretary of State. @ Senate Joint Resolution Proposed Constitutional Amendment the time period during which the governor is to exercise his veto while the legislature is in session, it would increase from ten to twenty days the time granted to the governor to exer- cise his veto power following the adjournment of a legislative session. Ballot Title: Shall the governor's item veto power be restricted and the legislature be permitted to reconvene itself to consider vetoed bills? Vole cast by members of the 1974 Legislature on final passage: HOUSE: IqS membersl Yeas,bb; Nays,31; Absent or not votins, 1. SENATE: [49 meml~rs] Yeas, 40; Nays, 6; Absent or not votins, 3. The Law as it now exists: The state constitution providqs that before a bill passed by the legislature can become law, it must either be presented to the governor for his approval or submitted to the voters in the form of a referendum. When a bill is presented to the gover- nor, he can approve it by signing it or he may permit it to become law without his signature by failing either to sign or veto it within five days if the legislature is still in session or ten days if the legislature has adjourned. Alternatively, the governor may disapprove such a bill of the legislature by vetoing it, either in whole or in part. In the exer- cise of his authority to veto part of a bill passed by the legisla- ture, the governor may veto any section or item in the bill. If a bill is vetoed, in whole or in part, it is returned to the house from which it originated for reconsideration if the legis- lature is still in session. If the legislature is not in session, the bill is filed with the secretary of state who is then to bring it before the house from which it originated at its next session. The legislature may override the governor's veto by the vote of a two-thirds majority of the members of each house. There is, however, no provision in the present constitution for the legislature to reconvene itself for the purpose of reconsid- ering acts vetoed by the governor. Effect of Senate Joint Resolution No. 140, if approved into Law: This proposed constitutional amendment would restrict the governor's power to veto items in bills passed by the legisla- ture by limiting it to appropriation items only. The amend- ment would not, however, affect the governor's power to veto an entire bill or an entire section of a bill, regardless of the nature of the bill. The proposed amendment would also permit the legisla- ture, within forty-five days after its adjournment, to recon- vene itself by a petition of two-thirds of the membership of each house in a special session of not more than five days duration solely to reconsider any bills which the governor has vetoed in whole or in part Finally, while the proposed amendment would not change Ioint Resolution Proposed Constitutional Amendment Ballot Title: Shall a thirty-day durational residency re- quirement be established for voting by oth- erwise eligible citizens eighteen years of age or over? Vote cast by members oi the 1~)74 I.esislature on llnal pillage: HOUSE: [98 memberi] Yeas, 90; Nays, b; Absent or not votins, 2. SENATE: [49 members] Yeas, 43; Nays, 0; Absent Or not voting, 6. The Law as it now exists: The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution ex- tended the right to vote to citizens eighteen years of age or older. In addition, recent decisions of the United States Su- preme Court have also affected the qualifications which a state may impose for voting in its elections. Because of these decisions, a state may no longer enforce a residency require- ment of more than thirty days in duration, nor may it restrict the right to vote to persons who can read and spe~,k the En- glish language or prohibit voting by Indians not paying taxes. Accordingly, certain provisions of the Washington State Constitution with respect to voting qualifications have been rendered ineffective. Those provisions include a minimum age requirement for voting of twenty-one years; a one-year state and ninety-day county durational residence requirement; a prohibition against voting by nontaxed Indians; and a require- ment that voters be able to read and speak the English lan- guage. Effect of Senate Joint Resolution No. 143, if approved into Law: This proposed constitutional amendment would remove the foregoing presently ineffective provisions and simply require that in order to vote in an election in this state, a person must be a United States citizen who is eighteen years of age or older, and who has been • resident of the state, county and precinct in which he resides for at least thirty days prior to the election at which he seeks to vote. In addition, however, this constitutional amendment would retain an existing disqualification for voting by insane persons and persons convicted of felonies, unless restored to their civil rights.