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October 10, 1974 The Othello Outlook | |
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October 10, 1974 |
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A jamboree here next at 7 p.m. The format will find participating in the "early will be completed
Tuesday, Oct. 15, will open each of the teams meeting the season" format for the second cember, with
the 1974-75 girls' basketball other in 40 minutes of action, year in a row and will be then having two
Zone competition at Ellens- Jim Hostetter, owner of season at Othello High School• The jamboree will be a competing in league play with practice time just
Coach Wayne Schutte's Logan, 27th, 16:35; Dave burgthis Saturday will be the Hostetter Ford, reported that The Othello girls team, preliminary to the recordfive other area teams for a February tot 'nam
Othello Huskie runners will Boley, 28th, 16:49; Dirk Paris, next step toward possible the Othello champions will be playing under new coach season which gets underway spot in the state tournament Returning from l
be hopingto bounce back from 29th, 17:32; Shawn Logan, national honors for six area competing at the Ellensburg Janice Capps, willplay host to next Thursday, Oct. 17, when to be held in late February• team, which was ri
their worst showing of the 30th, 17:40; Faith Jimenez, youngsters who punted, pas- High School field in the zone Moses Lake and Ephrata inthe local girls will host Colfax League teams include de- race for the league
year at Omak last Saturday as 31st, 17:57; and Jessie Silvaz, sed and kicked their way to event. Winners there willthe event scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. fending champion Wenat- Mary Danielson, '
they run in the .Ephrata 32nd, 18:45. first place trophies hereadvance to division competE- The Othello girls will be chee, Eastmont, Quincy, Chris Bus, Nan¢
Saturday• lion in Seattle the following Moses Lake, Ephrata and Shannon Davis,
Invitational this weekend. Saturday. Othello. The regular season ton and Heather
The Ephrata action is set Huskie coach Glenn Weitz
for 1:30 p.m. on Saturday with and team members assisted
several area schools expected with the running of Satur-
to be in the competition• day's Ford and Hostetter-
"The kids were well off sponsored local Punt, Pass
their top form intthe Omak and Kick contest. Othello's Freshmen, whogame, and noted that Royal
meet and generally had poor
times over the 2.5 mile flat Top chess players from theopen to first time tournament Entered in Saturday's zonelost a pair of close games to completely stopped the
course,' Schutte said. "We Columbia Basin and other players orNCFmemberswith event will be Paul Brown, junior varsity squads during Othello inside running by
are hoping we can show some Eastern Washington points ratings under 1,400. The Eloy Acosta, Steve Hooper the past week, wilt be hoping stunting its linebackers. Top
improvement this Saturday. are expected for the 4th entry fee will be $1, all of and Tom Peters, all Othello; they can get back on the defensive efforts came from
The Huskies could manage Othello Open Chess tourna-which goes toward paying David Kopezynski of Beverly winning track in their next Pete Chiefchild with 21
only a sixth place finish in the meat scheduled here this membership into NCF for and Peter Christensenof action here next Monday. tackles and Terry Poe with
seven team event, which was Saturday. first-time players. Royal City. A contest against the 18.
won by Castle Rock with 30held at the Othello High Both the open and reserveTop three finishers and Carroll freshmen has been In Monday's game Warden
points. Lake Roosevelt wasSchool corridor with registra- divisions will be three-round their point totals for each age added to the frosh schedule, grabbed the lead with a first * ETHYL * REGU
second with 60, with Omak a lion set from nine to 9:45 a.m. Swiss types with time control division follow: , with the two teams scheduled quarter score, but the Frosh
close third at 61. Next came According to tournament of 30 moves per hour. Eight-year-aids - Paul to square off at 3:45 p.m. back in the second " * UNLEADED
Moses Lake at 118 and director Carol Miller, the The junior division will be Brown, 126; Tom Oord, 117; Monday. The game will be quarter on a seven-yard run
Tonasket at 122, followed by tournament will feature three open to ninth grade and under and Jeff Kummer, 1151h. followed by an Othello-East- by Sphar to tie it at 8-8 at the
the Huskies at 147. Curlew divisions for the first time. with no entry fee or member- Nine-year-aids - David Ko- moat JV contest, half. Warden scored again in d~ ~N
was seventh with 178. He said the open division ship requirement. Tourna- pezynski, Beverly, 164; Mark The Frosh were stopped 8-0 the third period to make it ~ ILUP~
Lake Roosevelts John will be open to United States meat type and time control Iverson, Royal City, 157; and last Thursday by the Royal 16-8. Othello came back in the (~ ~~ J]~ ~L~W#
Pryor won individual honors and Northwest Chess Fed- will depend on the number of Mike Hartwig, 136. JVs and then downed 16-14 by final quarter on a five-yard P
with a 12:07 clocking, with eration players with an entry entries. Chess books or Ten-year-aids - Eloy Acos-the Warden JVs here Man- pass from Buck, but couldn't
Neff G!lbert managing the fee of $5. Cash prizes will be trophies will be provided as ta, 183%; Philip Padilla, 180; day. convert the PAT.
Huskies best effort with abased on the number of prizes, and Tim Floyd, 174. The Royal contest featured The Frosh defense was led
24th place in a 13:49 time. entries. For information persons Eleven-year-aids - Stevesharp defensive play with the by Armando Gomez with 13
Other varsity placers were A reserve division will be should contact Miller at Hooper, 204V2; Lonnie Click, .Knight JVs getting theirtackles, with Poe getting 11 JOE] VOGt
488-2789 or Mike Ling at Royal City, 189; and Stuart score on a short run in the tackles and playing just the J{ ~NAH ~
Alan Moulton, 29th, 14:09; 488-2650. Bargar, Royal City, 183lb.third quarter. Othello's big- second half. Sphar picked up
Bruce Blackburn, 30th, 14:10; Dates Aanoua¢od , Miller said other similarTwelve-year-aids - Tom gest threat came on a 67-yard 96 yards in 21 carries in the
Scott Bliss, 31st, 14:13; Mark tournaments are slated for Peters, 274V2; Lincoln Bur- run by Dallas Sphar, who was game, and Rene Salas was WHALE OF A SERVICE
Egbert, 33rd, 14:17; Randy The annual city womens Nov. 9 and Dec. 14. Persons ton, 230V2; and Mike Rosi, caught from 'behind at the credited by the coach with a
Britt, 37th, 14:37; and Steve bowling tournamenthasbeen h IJ/P 66 S1
Niblett, 41st, 14:58. scheduled for Nov. 9-10 and interested in sponsoring fu- Royal City, 215. 20-yard-line. Stan Buck cam- "good all around game".
lure tournaments or donating Thirteen-year-aids - Peterpleted 12 of 18 passes in the Spa
In the JV action Bob Harem 16-17, officials of the Women's trophies or prizes for the Christensen, Royal City, game for 142 yards. More r~[~
had a good effort with a 14:20 Bowling Association reported junior division should contact 2761/2; Jim Sandusky, 268V2;Coach Mike Wyknenko
to place llth. Others were this week.
Andy Nuno, 16th, 14:54; John The cost per event was Miller. and Brant Walker, 221V2.credited his squad with a good On Page 12 FIRST and MAIN C School Council
Bloom, 18th, 15:05; Juan raised 50 cents and the ffi
Medina, 19th, 15:13; Doug three-member team event =ffi MODEt CLEANERS a,d -:
EARLY BIRD LEAGUE game, Judy Liphardt. 201; bowler of i 1149 E. Main
9-30-74 W L the week, Judy Kliphardt, 602. 1224 [. Main 48g-3742 = Hext Io Yargers 488.2792 i
************* ~~|~i~|~i~!~i~~
Freddies 16 4
Othello Iron Works 14 % 5Vz MERCHANT'S LEAGUE 1
Empire Seed 11% 8% 10-3-74 W L
Othello Bowl 11 9 Empire Seed 15 9
H(~tet.ter Ford 8 12 Mers Plumbing 14 10 0L0 NATIONAl.
Lampe's Jewl~rs 7 13 Eagles 2 13 V2 lO % 1 • ml i me
Bas'n Excavation 6 14 Rec Hall 12 12 [i~l~~l~ 'ght,
Othello Fabrics 6 14 Full Circle 12 12
High team series, Basin Exca-Eagles l 10% 13,,, Ton Oct. 10, 8 pan.
vation, 3025; high teamgame,ErniesAmoco 10 14
Othello Bowl, 1055; high individual Evergreen 9 15
series, Bonnie Floyd. 573; high High team series, Eagles 1, 2966;
individual game, Marge Neilaon. high team game. Eagles 1. 1013:
213; bowler of the week, Carol high individual series. Ran Zum-
walt, 578; high individual series, 01d Nali0aal Benk 0fWashingl0n
Donahoo, 25th, 15:40; Chris dropped. Other rules will be ~ i *C°mpielef°°dandbeverageiinei COIN-OPLAUNDRY i
Jones, 26th, 15:57; Paul unchanged. Electric tteat : I,'vrB-ylhiltg Io
.... ' " ..... * Open year around * Professional cleaners, laundry and|
shEd service - IFix ]i'oHr t 'aau-
Is. For Everybody * Always ready for call in orders | * 1 hour service available " OTHELLO AUTO PARTS
PN Call: 2686 * Coin operated Maytag laundry
THE WASHINGTON | self-service 13 N. Broadway
...... WATER POWER CO. 488-3378
Ditty, 648.
.**...******* Ran ZumwaJ%,2~.4~***.. Othello Branch At Eastmont
This senior has played an important part
in the Huskies' five straight victories this
season with his punting• Specializing in
high, hard-to-return punts, Stickel has kept
the Huskies with good field position. A
speedy 165-pounder, Stickel saw some
varsity action at tailback as a sophomore,
but was sidelined all last year with knee
The Elbow Benders 13 7 10-4-74 W L
4 Ssss's 11 9 Four of a Kind 15 9
Mis-For-Tunes 11 9 J Birds 13 I1
Alley Sweepers 10Vz 9 Odd Couples 13 11
Jet Set 10 10 Thrill Seekers 13 11
Ichi Bun 10 10 Outlaws 12 12
Rocky Rollers 9% 10% Bloopers 10 14
• "13" 5 15 Team 5 10 14
High team series. Elbow Benders, Team 1 10 14
2373; high team game, Ichi Bun. 841; High team series, Odd Couples,
high individual series, Bonnie Floyd, 2425; high team game. Outlaws,
563 and Warren Strider, 548; high 844; high individual series, Bud
individual game. Janet Floyd. 207 Hawley, 517 and Teri Jensen, 474;
and Dick Norris, 221; bowler or the high individual game. Clyde Fought.
wt~,k. Janet Floyd. 639 and Bill 213 and Gladys Strider, 178;
[,amb, 635. bowlers of the week, Bud Hawley,
I ira, Jr. cl, i
• iltVIIWtl|
• G*TS - TIO~ttllS
i • lllttDAt ItIGISIllY
" HU 8-N31
66 S. First Ave.
Serving the
Mid-Columbia B(
United Industrial
Root Beer
of Othello
************* 661 and Teri Jensen, 621. injuries. Although still slowed by knee .=
OUTTER LIMITS LEAGUE EARLY B;;;*l~;;E~LEAGUE 4th & Cedar Sfreels problems, he is back this year and has seen i
10-I-74 w L action at both quarterback and halfback on
Central Life 18 6 10-4-74" W L 4SS-Z$51 offense and also at safety on defense. |
VFW 13 11 C and B's 16 8 [ itltllnlnlltttaaeHtllatt
Cabana 13 II Ha Ha 14 I0
Ketleys 12 12 Whiz 14 10 Maytag Appliances
New Holland 12 12 Guess Who? 13 11
Eddies 11 13 }lit & Miss 12 12
Lucky Lagger 10 14 Gutter Rollers 12 12 W|shQrs .Dr¢ers.$ weslmrs
Sargents 6 18 Base Bombers II 13
High team series, VFW, 3143; Shirts and Skins 4 2O We (:over the Bosht : Meat
high team game, Cabana. 1087; high High team series, Ho Ho, 2426;
individual series, Verl McCabe, 683; high team game, Ho Ho, 820; high Chuck Booth & $0ns Ch0rlie & Fl0nk
high individual game, Verl McCabo. individual series, Elaine Ottem, 477 ~ * Frol
~l." * Gr~
267; bowler of the week, Verl and ]Benny Colley. 595; high BKtrkd Con#adtng Nott
McCabe, 767. individual ~ame. Jeannette Krumm 1}~ 01 I -- koruny ' * Pr°(
************* and Kevi Page. 187 and BennyWes(o Fum zes and Air Conditioning i,,: i
TOWN AND COUNTRY LEAGUE Colley. 211: bowlers of the week,
10-1-74 W L Benny Colley. 649 and Kevi Page, Cenlral Vacuum Systems |
I,ampeJewelers 15 9 621. A tough, 155-pound junior, Brown has E
Guenther-Lee 14 10 9-27-74-High team series, Hit & FARMER'S ELECTRIC been a standout this year for the Huskies.
Carnation 13 11 Miss, 2460; high team game, Whiz,
Dari-Land 12 12 857; high individual series, Liz 60 [. }~mlogk ~-]~2] He broke into the starting lineup midway
Cimarron Motel 12 12 Erickson, 526 and Benny Colley, iitttittooitltilttntlallilOllUltllllttlfliUlttllllllilllel~ through last season at tackle, and this year J~ mpu .H' tt m ,aau~
Evergreen lmp. 12 12 605; high individual game, Liz ~ has been shifted to center where he has
McLeansHardware 10 14 Erickson, 215 and Benny Colley, ~ been anchoring the Huskie line and
KRSC 8 16 211; bowlers of the week, LEa
High team series, Guenther-Lee, Erickson. 686 and Benny Colley, providing good blocking strength. Brown ,o
3055; high team game, Carnation, 674. also has seen lots of action on the defense Till, t II I] il rrl
1082; high individual series, Run ************* line this season. • .~|1111"|
Brandt, 562; high individual game, PREPS
Ran Zumwalt. 218; bowler of the 10-5-74 W L
week. Howard Jensen, 681. AIh, vCats 6 0 ~; IItPNIIIIIrtIi
************* Tigers , 6 0
COFFEE LEAGUE Thunder Birds 3 3 : Jning For hJi Your FuJi hctivit
10-2-74 W L Strikers 3 ~ i Rema Games |
Alley Cats L 14 6 Streakers 2% a'/, RAINCAT .
HotMama's 13 7 Black Missiles 2 4 Oct. 18 - Quincy, here* Nov. 1 - At Omak* Cimorron Your H~'~dqu~
Pin Pals 13 7 Tumbk.weeds 1 5 THUNDERBIRD
HotRoners II 9 PinChasers % 5'/~ i Oct. 25 - At Hanford Nov. 8 - At Connell 1450 [. Main HU $
Royal Chieks 9 11 High team series, Alley Cats.
Misfits 8 12 156h high team game, Alley Cats, 488-3348 i *Conference games
Stranger 8 12 831; high individual series, Lori
"'-- --'i--d'-- "------ --i-'-''" -- '~ i ~'0~"'~'''
ross Counf ~°~' '"'"'"'"'"'""'"'"'""''"
l~igh team series, Hot Mama's. Lore Pegram. 195.
1829; high team game, Strangers, *************
701; high individual series. Cyndi SUNDAY NIGH MIXED LEAGUE
Rea, 509:. high individual game, 10-6-74 W L "TOSHIBA :
Sally Kbehler, 193; bowler of the The Streakers 14 5 AgKWUNUU' Ephrata
week. Cyndi Rea, 665• We 'Uns 13 7
.************ 2Minus2-4 11 9 * ~ ~ One of several outstanding 1975 COLOR T.V,
MAllET rational {~ ~ freshmen on this year's squad; Integrated
MIDWEEK LEAGUE 2Plus2 10 10 In v# ,,F 0e,en, ,on,.
~:~ii~ Britt has been one of the top
10-2-74 W L The Busy B's 10 10
Soil& Crop 19 5 The Miracles 9 11 • ~ .... :!:i~ three or four finishers in 0Bad 8 hack
Ernies Amoco 15 9 The Dum Stumblers 8 12 _ Entedainmeut Music Syria
day, 0 t. 12 .
Meree.'. ,'-a,. 12',2 11',2 The Zip C~ers 5 15 Satur C ~ ~ meets for the Huskies to date. ,oo F .......
Akins Fond Center 12% ll'h High team series. 2 Minus 2-4, %~ Hts best effort came two CHRISWELL'
Jack's Bargain Barn 12 12 2294; high team game, 2 Plus 2, 828; TAYLOR ROAD ~ weeks ago at Hanford, when
Fox Fire Ranch 12 12 high individual series, Larry WEd- 30---- Pan i ~ he led the Huskie team with a 441 S. 10lhOthello
Yargers Market T 17 man, 516 and Pare Page and Sharon ~tCROSS FROM LABOR CAMP
PotterDrug 6 18 Burns, 462; high individual game, 11 • i~! i~i~ 10th place in a triangular
High team series, Jack's Bargain Jim Oase, 226 and Pam Page, 200; ::~:~,~ meet.
Barn, 2893; high team game, Jacks bowler of the week. Ken Jensen. 638
Bargain, Barn, 1007; high individual and Guyann, e, Jen, s,e,n,,**6p. ~ lllall~i ........... laHHIIIIHIIHIIHlunaoI/_.~i, ii~
series, Terri Kohn, 535; high //" ,l~
individual game, Ruth Zumwalt, ~i~X%
200: bowler or the week, Terri Williamson Grad ErnWs Amoco *Complete In S
Kohn. 619. /
.OUSEW~S~EAG~ Mth Coast Guard ~.~ ", -,, Baking '
10-3-74 W L
Handicappers 14 6 & Me
Alley Burners 13 7 Coast Guard Seaman Ap- / 1.
Crazy Ladies 13 7 prentice Murray A. William- the Freshnes.
Hit&Mrs 10 10 son, son of Mr. and Mrs. PEOPLES
Rolling Pins 10 10 Clifford L. Williamson of
HotSrikes 8 12 Othello Air Station, Othello, NATIONAL BANK
BianketyBlanks 7 1~ Akins Food
GutterDu~ters 5 15 graduated from recruit train- MEMBER F.D.I.C.
High team series. Crazy Ladies, ing at the Coast Guard 565 E MAIN ~ THE PRIDE OF OTHELLO
2157; high team game, Crazy Training Center, Cape May, OTHELLO BRANCH
Ladies, 775; dgh individual series, 488-7602 425 E.
554; high individual N.J. 103 $.