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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
October 24, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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October 24, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1952 end will be served by the girls dressed in as near as possible in their own rmtive costumes. A few exh~bi%s of Aa-ts and crafts as wel as U. N. rn~eri4al will be used on exhibit during the evenir~g. The es~blishmen¢ of the U.N. in 1945 and the "Prayer for Tomorrow, to commemorate Peace" cer, emonies which the e Natior~al observance of Camp Fire Girls observe on the ~ited Nations Day the Cheska ady of the San Fransico con- ay group will gear their ae- ference open__ed,, inageraied the d.ties to the theme. Camp youth agency s direct pa~ici- re's beleif in iaa,ternation,al patton in the UrtRed Nation's en, dship, program. Acording to Mrs. Ron Drake Although Camp Fire Girls e Cheslva May group is hay- will contimae to he]~p the needy g a Ur~ited n,ations dinner throughou~ the world, they are r parents and friends, not unmindful of the needs a/t Dinner will feature National home. of merr~ber U. N. nations ----- J ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE !IN ITSELF IS NOT THE R.E.A~ THE R. E. A. IS ~ BANKER FOR US. JUST AS YOU BORROW MONEY FROM THE OTHELLO STATE BANK TO FURT~'IER YOUR CONSTUCTION, WE BORROW FROM IL E. A. THE BIG BEND COOPERATIVE PAYS INTEREST ON ALL MONEY BOR- ROWED FROM ITHE R.E. A., AND IS PAYING BACK THE PRINCIPLE, TOO. THE BIG BEND ELECTRIC IS A PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESS. EACH OF OUR POWER USERS BECOMES A VOTING STOCKHOLDER IN THE--COIt~ORATION. IF YOU DI~SIRE FURTHER INFORMATION ON OUR ACTIVITIES, PLEASE CON- TACT ~ LUKE BEST AT 3652 IN THE OTHELLO REALTY BUILDING IN OTHELLO. HENRY J DANEKAS Democratic Candidate ' for Reelection Adams County Commissioner FirstDistrict "Your Vote Will Be Appreciated November 4" Paid Political Advertising RECORD SHOP TOPS RECORDS COLUMBIA RECORDS 1.14 Value 69¢ | ml H I OTHE£LO THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK The CheskaM. ay Camp F~e girls had a 'bake sale in Eanry s I.G.A.. The sale took place 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, October 17. The group made abo~t $7. The tkmrth grade Bluebirds Tuesday and celebra~d ~he 7th birthday of the U.N. Mrs. Ron D~ke told the group about Denmark and the girls learned a Danish dance. , :Mrs. Drake explained the ' 9en~pal" letter e~cch~an,ge to them. The group wrote le~rs to Miss. Rename Eggelin,g, who is a teacher in Braunschweig, Germanic. A week ago the group took ,a nature hike and Mrs. Ed. Ste en conducted a class in birdstudy. Mrs. Wanar.aker Addresses WEA Th,trsday Atx/u~ l~fi educators and school administrators fro~ Ad- ams and Lincoln countries met ,a¢ the lVInrcellus Gr~n,ge hall in Ritzville Thur~lay evening for the annual WEA bi-couaty and regional dinner meeting. The gues~ speakers included ~ Mrs. Pearl Wanamaker, state superin'~,enden*t of public in- struction; Wesley Crum of El- len.sburg, state president of WEA; and Verne Archer, asso- ci~ate secre/tary of WEA. Mrs. Wanamaker spoke on "Current Problems in Wash- ington's Education System." Wfrs. Wanam, aker paid, "the biggest problems facing us to- day is adequalte facilities of Washinwton's school children. Due to an increase ir~ popula- tion, 42,650 school children were housed' in ,attics, base- menCs,h~ll~rays and churches, darting the past year. "During the ~aext 10 years state administrators expect to have 25,000 new children en~ rolling each year in Washing- ton school s-ys~ems." Cl~um spoke on "Do You Know Your WEA Board?" He discussed the ways arid means for teachers to bedbme ac- quain~ed with the benefits of- fered them by 'the Washinffton Educators association. Archer ad,dres~ed the group on "Legislative Problems Con- cerndng Education," and stress- ed the importance of house- joinCc resolutions Bill No. 8 Entertainmen~ ~ras provided by Mrs. John Ot~ who flare several readings, and Carroll Elkjer who played a trumpet sol~). He was accompanied by Mrs. R. E. Ed~vards., Try an Ouilook Classified DO YOUR OWN WASHING In New, Modern Machines OTHELLO SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY • H. Varnes, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Phoae Ritzville, Waahingtoat PAUL F. "ONNELL Atlorne, y at Law OTHELLO, WA~t-I. CONSTRUCTION MEN! ~atchelor Washings Wash Dry and Ironed O~O SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY I STAR SEPTIC TANK CO. e~w~ere -- Anytime . Phone 62,3 Dick. Reed Lake I I PHONE 3432 ACROSS FROM CITY HALL Re.Elect El of LIND, WASHINGTON DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE Adams County A Proven Commissioner with the Interests of the entire county at heart GENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 4. l~aid Political Adv. I I II III I I|1 Nationalh3 Advertis CHROME DINETTE SET "FI-~S IS ONE OF THE "MO~T SPARKLING V~q.LUE~ EVER --- SEEN THIS BEAUTIFUL "I~ABLE IS 30 by 42 IN CHES CLOSED,AND 30 X 50 INCHES WHEN OPENED. THE BEAUTIFUL RED MICALITE TOP RESISTS ALL STAINS AND SCRATCHES -- TI-IE FOUR CKAIRS ARE CHROME AND RED DURA~ ~',KSTIC EASY TO CLEAN, WELT"7~ ~CK ANDi SEAT. AS ~%,IART STY~LING~ 2~"IS FOUND IN ~ MOST EXPENSIVE MO~ILB -- v m, OTHER STYES TO CHOOSE Fa0M --