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October 24, 1974 The Othello Outlook | |
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October 24, 1974 |
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GM Cagers Are Unbeaten
The Othello Huskie girls dumped Dayton 59-2011
basketball team, which has at Dayton on
....... season moved into its second 10 a m eight miles east of
A final effort to improve week on getting ready for ~melst, o t-z week " "
their times and boost Huskie district," he reported. In action here Monda-y Wildlife" A en " Othello• Limon: said Joe. the Othello Cee.squad dropped. . nere ...... on uct. z~ in ........... ,h~;, f;,o, won tronhiesv -~
g t Jerry LlmonEssensa Tenino was struck in a30-18 contest to Kamiakln at " on
chances in the district meet • . Moses Lake swept both there-or .......... ' ' -- ....... ]eagueplay. TheBsquad game the jamboree held
........ p Leo tnat tne pressure zor the ri~ht heel when a 12-~ua~e KennewlcK last l nursaay ...:' - -
will come this week for the Cashmere Wins nrst two places to nuuu u - -~~ " ~ II s • r • - "" of last week a ainst
P the second weekend was shot un h Led b " , ta t at 6.30 p.m. g
Othello cross country team.Cashmere won the East .... g aid by John Randall y the passing of Stun " ' and Mos
their margin of victory, helnw ..... ~ ..•-,L. ,~. .................. Coach .I:,nwe Capps squad es Lake.
v , mona action witn a~ pomrs M=,,,,~I ~,,~,~ ,.,,,. ,h. ..... + .... ....,a,. w~, t.v Jonnson, also lenlno, accl-t~ucK, the Utflel|o uees moveu -
Coach Schutte s • " ""~?"~" "~.":%'T :: ....... .7,'~2~ weather being a major factor dearly misfired the ball consistantlv through
charges finished seventh in Other team placings were With an *i'za ume, With 1~ ......... " • - o ~
• , _ • zne winos and austy Essensa was treated at the the game, but lost the contest p
the nine-team Easement Invi- umak 63, Lake Roosevelt 66, L?~eS~On~i:st l~eB~.Gilbert conditions Sunday kept lots of Othello Community Hospitalon penalties. The Othello I ~J I I /~ D r j I / I l'J
thentati°nalwerelaStdownedSaturdaY21-35andbv lonasKetEphrata 79,121, ethane zua ant Eastmont 108, ........ nunters home and made and later transferred to squad had 135 yards stepped
~::ni~aoau~tloln:aU~t~l°w;~..0~Y shooting difficult for those Kadlec Hospital in Richland. off against it with KamiakinI[ ~-- | --][ 1 I[~Jm IL'][ ! ]LJ
Moses Lake in action on the Quincy 237. Manson had just . ' , : ;who were in the fields " he losing only 20 via the penalty
Lions park course on Monday. three runners entered. Britt, 7th, 12:03; Scott Bliss, re greed ' -- • --= - ..... ~ ~[~l~
The Huskie runners will be Top individual finisher was 8th../ 12:11".., Bruce ...... Blackburn, PChecks" showed that hunters 5e~0¢S PI~ --~'The Cees scored first on al~
at Hanford this Friday for a John Prior of Lake Roosevelt .... a eraged about a half bird per ..... six-yard run by Dallas S bar
doubledualwithHanfo'rdand.~...1,~ z~a.uwith-a^n~'57DrzL~,eu .e ~°eking'~ tas Htn ,z•az' t~rmn tslacKourn v " -- •
13th, 12:34; and Steve Niblet man " " " P '
Sunnyside. Action is set for Y " 14th 13"32 ' in the local fields.Slnt,,a llndllv but Kamiakin came back with
' •• " " VM ~EII M~ . Blind
4"30 v m They will then ~o Othello effort with a 16:24 ,~:. ~ , ..... Linen said the waterfowl 1/ two scormz pass Dlav nd ~ I~ ~pm.
• --" • -- o . rllllSlleS in dv action were hun'i . ** , , . ..... s a__ ~..~ __~
against Connell on the Lions effort in 36th place• Nuno 1st12"35' Ju-n M,~di-- t ng in tne local area nas Golfers 50 years of age and then ran in a touchdown to . .' l]BIDr~l . _,
Finishes for other Huskies ........... also ' [~//~ " _~1~t~1=;
3rd 13"08' Bloo-- ~'h .... been slow due to the over will get their chance for make zt 18-6. ~ ~ I
park eourse next Tuesday at 4 ......... ~t ,,o:,v;"bluebird"weather honors this Sunda-at the The final two Othello ~ ~, "J~L~ SU
p.m. in" their" last regular in the varsity race were Bruce. Boley, 6th, 13:28" Olle Hot- He " ~
season match Blackburn, 38th, 16:34; Brian vander 7th 13.29. , alh .o .. noted that one more OthelloGolfandCountrvClub. touchdowns came in the
The district meet will be Blackburn, 39th, 16:46; John 9th 13'41" Donahoo--10th'nuntmgaccldent was recorded Featured will be the first second half on a short run by ~ ~ ~ill$11 ~" [ ~ ~[~
.. '.'~ :2 " - .'... .7rest friday wlaen a western annual Othello Seniors Invita Sphar and a 65-yard pass from '
held the following Saturday Bloom, 44th, 17:04; Andy t~:a~; ram Logan, ,inn, ta " " - Buck to Ricardo .... ~ /f~[l~l~/IV~ll/ '
tmnal Pro Bill Porter re oft marunez
over the rugged 2.7 mileNuno, 47th, 17:34; Craig flat;Jones 12th 14:11" Shawn 4- . / w u • P " J Every Weekend thru,
course on the Rock Island golf Solbrack, 49th, 18:07; and Logan l~lth '14"38" Faith:)epvemner Dew| ed that the tournament will be However, Kamiakin came I ~.tD~Am~(*
course at East Wenatehee. Chris Jones, 50th, 18:12. Jiminez, 16t'h, i'5:53; and Winners D-':aJ open to alllocal members with back to clinch the win with a ~~ll~/~ Post time: 1:00 p.m,
In the JV race which was
Schutte reported that he . '. Sharon Calahan, 17th, 17:40. IlltlUt:lU invitations also sent out to 30~.yard runlate in !h,e game. I ~~ 12"30 p m All 0that
won in 16 01, Juan Medina was
had five of his varsity regulars : _ other clubs, coach MiKe wyznen~o [ .'t~l,~,21 ....
out of action for illness and 14th at 17:09; Chuck Metcalf, A~dr~ ~~/,~,~,~.~ Warren Strider and Jean- "We have good interest and praised his squad for a good I liki __ .
testing conflicts last Saturday,
F'lildl~ IIrl~'1~lLIIl~ nette r~rumm claimed first a lot of people have said they performance in the loss. and I~.:1~~ •
be lerofthemonthhonorsforare coming" Porter reported noted that the penaltles made I~11~~ i~ ~
but said he was generally27th, 18:39; Paul Logan, 28th,
n • " ,- 18"42; Shawn Logan 30th, Election of new officers and the year in bowl-errs tom- "We c ' " the difference in the ame ~ |
leased with the team s • • ' or anization ta .......... " " ould have an entry of g • [~ ~ []
showing against Moses Lake. 19:05;.Dave.eBo.le~31st,19-20; g• • p nsmrtneyear pleteu last weeKeno at the anywhere from 25 to 75 Buck led the attack as he I~l ~~m'. ..... ,
will be on the agenda forOthello Bowl " .am .... ,~ ..... ~ ....connected on 13 of 21 ....II~ r ~liJ~v MODERN GLASS-ENGLOSEo 15
"We 11 be concentrating this ant l.)lrK rams, ~zn(~, ~v:av. . . . . • dep ....... ~, t'"~o ' V
a meeting of the ActivitiesStrider rolled a 1 289 series Aetiviti.¢ ~,;tt ~#o., , ;,h attemnts for 915 ..... no [• ~ f~ ~' NEW GLASS-ENCLOSED sex S ' I
r .. • IIIIM II ' ............ ~*a ovtL*t~ V~'X~ll r- ,~vv-J HEATED ~RANDSTAND
Booster Club scheduled for to take September honors in breakfast at 9 a m with aMartinez caught five of the [M [~t HEATED
KES SPARES oxt Wednesday. the men's division. Fritz shot-gun start following at 10 passes for 141 yards. IX~ ~ • d | " _ _.
TDI ~ne meeting will be held Kliphardt was second witha r0 The coach said Buck and~:~7 1"~1] -~V Ill
, I)i Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1,227 and Dale Carlson third at Martinez were also outstand- I~t'~ t~/ l{ ~l i il il~lii
'~ li 'J~ il
104 at the High School with all 1,215. --~ A -- ing on defense. | • ~ I ~l • • •~
"" '~'--~'Ch persons interested in Othello Mrs. Krumm won with a chore ports The team will close its Pp~0,~,~l~;, ..... l J -- m _
High School activities and 1,280. Judy Kliphardt was A ~__~__ .~ season in an all-Fresh game Jas39~0 ~~lit li~lllll~~ --
,~h ,nd,v,dua, serles Sh,rie "athletic programs invited to second with 1,247 and Jessie un age z,: today (Thursday) at 4 p.m. at J • I •1[:: 41L I~i~ 1
EAGLES MIXED LEAGUE ; g " " " " , " " Y attend. Bauman placed third at 1,215. Huskie field. -- m, -- ~ ~
10-14-74 W L Layne. 555; high individual game, ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ 1
Alley Sweepers 17V~ 10% Shirley Layne, 196; bowler of the
Elbow Benders 17 11 week,Betty Bagwell, 592. i " MODEL CLEANERS and "="
JetSet 16 12 ************
IchiBon 16 12 BUSINESSMEN LEAGUE ,,~t [ *C0mplete food and beverege line -= ¢01N-0P LAUNDRY " , . : 1 [ AM.ffi,,
The4SsSSSMis.For.Tunes 1415 1413 Full10"17"74Circle #1 W20 L8 Electric ttea[ | " i IF, vl,l-V| |llll~ lip !/ 1 r lifE,
Rocky Rollers 10Vz 17VtHammers Mohile Homes 18 10 =-" * Open veer around " * Professional cleaners, laundry and[ . ' ' | EWELI
"13"- 6 22 SunRoya] 18 10 Is* For Evervbody -=" " | shid service "-= I;Ix • our | "ann- r I ~,,,,'~ .,+, •
High team aeries. Alley Sweepers, Full Circle #2 16 12
2393; high team game, AlleyOKTire 14 14 ~'~'~ ~ : " | .m~$
Sweepers, 826; high individual Jack's Bargian Barn 12 16 .... | * Always ready t0r call in orders | * 1 hour service available | 0THEtL0 AUTO PARTS :z'=::.-"
series, Marion Dearer, 484 and AkinsThirft 11 17 ~all: 2086 -= . :. ......... ~ .un-~.s
Warren Strader, 550; high individual Simplot ' 3 25 | il L01n 0peraTeu ay!ag launory i! - •
game, Cora Wigan, 192 and Warren High team series, Hammer's, THE WASHINGTON -'-
eB Itln,e lMUr lilt | self-service | 13 N. Broadway
Strader, 299; bowlers of the week, 3059; high team game, Sun Royal,
Marion Dearer, 619 and Warren 1087; high individual series. JackWM[R POWER ¢0. U, AIR 3 IL/IMVl[=lll .= 11t9 E Main | ,00 :~-te nu ir~s
Strider, 637. Thomas, 561; high individual game, : : • -~ 'tOO-JJ#O
• ************ Jack Thomas, 205; bowler of the [[ 1224 f. Main 488-3742|Next t0 Yargers 488-2792 |
EARLY BIRD LEAGUE week, Larry Jensen, 681; ~ni~nnuun~nnuuu~u~n~n~n~un~nn~h~uun~nu~nnnn~nnnnn~unnnnmn~nn~n~
Old National Beak at Washington
10-14-74 W L ************
Othello Iron Works 21% 6%
Empire Seed 18 % 9sh 1 0- 1 0- 7 4
Freddies 17 11 High team series, Full Circle #1,
Othello Bowl 14% 13% 3063;high team game, Hammers,
HestetterFord 13 15 1066; high individual series, Larry
BesinExravation 11% 16% Valenti, 590; high individual game,
Lamp•s Jewelry 9 19 Larry Valenti, 232; bowler of the
Othello Fabrics 7 21 week, Don Trupp, 661.
High team series, Basinexca- ************
vation, 3113; high team game, Basin BALL & CHAIN LEAGUE
Excavation, 1135; high individual I0-18-74 W L
series, Donna P~xiua, 559; high J-Bird• 20 12
individaul game, Laverne Hollen- FourofaKind 19 13
beck, 211; Bowler of the week, Cora The No-Names 17 15
Wig•n, 671. Odd Couples 17 15
************ Thrill Seekers 16 16
10.15-74 W L The Turkeys 13 19
Central Life 22 15 The Bloapers 11
V.F.W. 17 15 High team series, The Turkeys,
Cabana 17 15 2472; high team game, The turkeys,
Eddies 17 15 935; high individual series, Jack
New Holland 17 15 Laursen, 544 & Char Robinson, 444;
swept to three straight im- That win followed !
pressive victories, willopen its decision over Colfax h
Both hunting pressure andWashington hunter had a foot An awesome offensive conference season here next Thursday.
success were reported down seriously injured, showing which included 414 Tuesday.
here as the 1974 bird hunting The accident occurred about total yards wasn't enough to The Othello cigars are The Othello var~
offset repeated penalties as scheduled to face Eastmont junior varsitysquads~
Mereer's Realty 15% 16% individual game, Roger Hartwig 214; 488--3348 ~-
PotterDrug 9 23 Sue Bunch 177; bowler of the week, |HillHiHiilHiiliHHHmlllll011illlli
YargersMarket 9 23 Roger Hartwig 648, Neva Barger
High team series, Jack's Bargain 618. . -=
Barn, 3049; high team game, Jack's ************ *
Bargain Barn, 1063 high individual BALL&CHAINLEAGUE
series, Barbara Brandt, 547; high 10.18-74 W L
individual game, Myrtle Edson. 210; J- Birds 20 12 Y
Four of a Kind 19 13
~vler of the week, BarbaraBrandt, [D(WDt] $
The No-Names 17 ,~ IAIXET j
• ************ Odd Couples 17 15
HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE Thrill Seekers 16 16
10-17-74 W L Outlaws 15 17
Crazy Ladies 21 7 The Turkeys 13 19
Alley Burners 18 10 The Bloopers 11 21
• Handicappers 14 14 High team germs, The Turkeys, !
Roiling Pins 13 15 2472; high team game, TheTurkeys TAYLOR ROAD
HotStrikes 12 16 935; high individual series, Jack ACROSS FROM
Hit & Mrs 12 16 Larsen, 544; & Char Robinson, 444;
Gutter Dusters 12 16 high individual game, Warren
Blankery Blanks 10 18 Strades, 221; & Jayce Watson, 171;
High team series, Crazy Ladies, bowler of the week, Dudley Watson,
2122!.high team game, Crazy Ladies, 669 and Judy Hawley. 636.
Paid political advertisement
All Military Families, klivn.Rntired.Vnlerans, to vote
Congressman Foley 0UT0f oflice- . We urge
Concerned Milibry Citizens to support 6age tor!store
government to tim people wko have served it most,
am mifltiry citizens.
Committee for Military Entitlements
1119 E. 205,_
Spokane, We. 99203
Ned Free, USAF MSgt., Rot., Chairman
Ernie' s Amoco
and Sunnyside
At Hanford
Friday, Oct. 25
Tuesday, Oct. 29
Kelley's 13 19 high individual game Warren
Sargents 12 20 ~tmmll
Strades, 221 & Jayce Watson, 171;
Lucky Logger 12 20 bowler of the week, Dudley Watson,
High team series. Central Life, 669 & Judy' Hawley, 636. ~ J~
2975; high team game, LuckyMER*-*-**-**--*-**-*-**-GUECltANTSLEA
Logger, 1062; high individual series,
Bennie Colley. 608; high incividaul 10-17-74 W L Root Beer
game,Bennie Colley, 217; bowler of Empire Seed 22 10 g ~
the wek, Bonnie Coll., 671. RecHall 19 ,3 or Othello
************ Eagles #1 17 Vz 14 V~
• Town&Country Eagles#2 16% 15'A 4th & Cedar Streets
10-15-74 W L Mel's Plumbing 16 16
Lampe Jewelers 21 11 Evergreen 13 19 488-N51
Carnation 19 13 Full Circle 13 19 ~llllHl|llnnl|illnallllllllll|ll|l i
Cimarron Motel 18 14 Ernies Amoco 11 2!_
Guenther-Lee 17 15 High team series Empire Seed,
Evergreen Imp. 16 16 3120; high team game Empire Seed, mav,a~ ,,m,,,ances
Dart-Land 15 17 1075; high Individual series Mel
McLesns Hardware 12 20 Gallenger, 592; high individual game Washers -Dryers-Dishwasheis
KRSC 10 22 Howard Shindler, 221.
High team series, Guenther-Lee, ************ We (over the Basin
3042; high team game, Lamp• PREPS LEAGUE
Jewelers, 1070; high individual 10-19-74 W L Chuck Booth & Sons Chadie & Frank
series, Bennie Colley, 562; high Tigers 12 0 , ,
individaulgame, BruceReames, 219; AlleyCats 8 , Eledrtcd Conlrading
bowler of the week, Dan Jansen. 665. Thunder Birds 7 5
• ************ Strikers 6 6 Wesc0 FurnaCes and Air Conditioning
COFFEE LEAGUE Tumbleweeds 5 7
10-15-74 W L BlackMissiies 5 7 Central Vacuum Systems
Hot Mama's 17 11 Streakers 4 V~ 7 %
AlleyCats 17 11 PinChasers % 11% FARMER'S ELECTRIC
PinPals 16 12 High team series, Thunder Birds,
Misfits 15 13 1522; high team game, Tumble-
Strangers 15 13 weeds, 785; high individual series,
Royal Chicks 14 14 Lee Ferguson, 251; high individual
Hot Rollers 14 14 game, Tim Floyd, 138.
High Rollers 4 24 ************
High team series, Strangers, 1679; SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED ' the Huskies.
Friday, Oct. 25, 8 pan.
At Columbia High Field, Richland
66.S. First Ave.
Biggest man on the Huskie squad at 240 | EVERGREEN
pounds, Lampe plays at tackle for the team i Serving the
both on offense and defense. The big junior
won his first starting assignment last == Mid-Columbia
weekend against Quincy and came through | _
with a top game. He is in his second year of | ~ United tndu!
play after seeing mostly JV action as a _|
N illnUHIIIUnl inl
- a •
i •
Tilt- i
Remaining Game
• Nov. 1 - At Omak*
= ol t,I
| &
| For All Your Foil
Make lhe
= Cimorron Your He~dq0
i 1450 E. Mnin HU
't IIl~nllllUlllUUnllll
This senior has gained a "
varsity in his first year of cross
country competition. Bliss
joined the Huskie squad late
after returning from his
wrestling trip to Japan and
since has consistently been in
the top five or six spots for
Coach Wayne Schutte.
1975 COtOR
"UHF Detent Tuning
Quad S Track
[ntertainment Music
441 S, lOthOthello
103 $. First 488-3252 425 E. Main
*Complete In
:Produ(,e &
the Freshne
Akins Food
high team game,strangers,588; high 10-20-74. W L
individual series, Marsba Holmes, The Streakers 19 9
456: high individaul ~ame, Marsha We'Uns 17 11
Holmes, 175; bowler or the week, 2Minus2=4 15 13
Linda Schafer. 593. The Busy B's 15 13
***-*****-•* The Miracles 14 14
MIDWEEK LEAGUE 2 Plus 2 12 16
10-16-74 W L The Zip Coders 11 17
Soil & Crop 24 8 The Dum Stumblers9 19 HAl N CAT
Ernie'sAmoco 20 12 High team series, The Miracles, DE-ER R
Jack's Bargain Barn 18 14 2436; high team game, The Miracles, TH U N D
Akins Food Center 16%:15% 854; high individual series, Ro~er
Fox Fire Ranch 16 16 Hartwig, 600 Neva Barger 501; h~gh
Othello Bronch