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01HELLO, WAgflN61"ON,
OLYMPIA- From Nov. 15
through Mar. 15 the Wash-
ington State Department of
Highways will close 22 of its 37
major rest areas for reasons of
The four-month closure has
Spokane River rest area and
information center on In-
terstate 90 near the Idaho
State line: two at Selah Creek,
north ,)f Yakima on Interstate
82; Chamberlin Lake, west of
I,yle on St/he Route 14; Nason
been brought about by the ('reek. north of I,eavenworth
lack of available funds, and on U.S. 2; Quincy Vadey, west
the resultant need by the ,ff Quincy on State Route 28;
Department of Highways to Vernita rest area on State
redirect available money to Rout(, 24; Bh/e Lake, south of
more critical maintenance Coulee City on State Route lT:
requirements. This is a Te!ford, west of Davenport on
c0st-saving technique used by [ .S. 2: and Horn School. near
the Maintenance Division to
conserve funds, to conserve Rosalia on U.S. 195. Indian
energy, by using the money John Hill east of Cle Ehm;
for road surface repair and two at Rye Grass east of
maintenance of those road Ellensburg; two at Sprague
facilities that contribute more Lake: and the Hatton Coulee
to the safety of highway rest area east of Othello on
users, officials explain. State Route 26.
Al~,ut $'83,000 this fiscal Tcm- o--men"
year will come as a result of
dosing the rest areas.
Most of the Department's
Office Now
major rest areas are located on
Interstate highways and are
generally spaced, about 30 uperanon
minutes driving time apart.
The closure of the 22 stops will Job seekers and employers
lengthen the distance and in the Othello area now have
travel time between those rest an employment service, ac-
stops remaining open, but cording to Howard Nauru of
motorists are reminded that
off-highway conveniences are
available in cities and towns
along the highway routes.
Restroom buildings.will be
locked up, directional signs
covered, and access ramps to
and from the rest areas
barricaded. Highway Depart-
ment maintenance personnel
and Washington State Patrol-
men will patrol the closed
areas daily to prevent any
unauthorized parking or van-
the Washington State Em-
ployment ~ecurity Dept..
Moses lake.
Until other arrangements
can be made, the Othello
employ ment office will lbe36
located in the fire station.
South Broadway.
"'In the past, we have had a
seasonal agricultural place-
ment service in Othello, but
now we are trying to provide
job matching services year-
around to all employers and
job seekers," Nanto said.
The two Othello staff
Central and eastern Wash- members, Dick Ross and
ington rest stops to be closed Adrian Moroles, will be
include the two at Winchester working in cooperation with
Wasteway, twoatSchrag, two the Moses Lake office. They
at Granite Lake and the will assist applicants find
suitable work and help the"
Nothing Missing employers fill vacancies by
referring those applicants.
A break-in reported Sunday "We are a public agency so
at the Sprouse Reitz store is there is no fee charge for our
under investigation here by services," Nanto stressed.
Othello Police. Until other facilities can be
Chief I,ew Johnson said a located, the Othello office will
hold was cut in a fiber glass not provide Unemployment
window in the rear of the Compensation services. Ap-
building. The burglary was plicants for unemployment
ll-year-old Boy Scouts were scheduled for an interview on
city business with Mayor Lyall Mens¢ last Thursday, but
instead showed up with a special birthday surprise for the
mayor• The mayor blows out a candle on his "cake" as
Pat Eves, Craig Stoker, Danny Haws, Norman Ball and
Cory Whittle look on• The Scouts, along with leader Sylvia
Gearheart, learned about city business from the mayor and
then attended police court.
Early returns to the Alter-
n~ltives for Washington
St:~tement of Preference -
~howed good response from
the' public, AFW chairman
Edward B. Lindaman re-
[..'ted this week.
The Statement of Pre-
fer,'nre is being widely
distributed throughout the
"We hope for 200,000
rt,sponses ~ind the way the
,lU,'Stjonnairt.s are coming in,
x~, now believe that this is
n.t o~(,rly optimistic," said
l,iKldaman I,indaman and Gov-
(,rnor Dan Evans appeared on
;t statewide telethon Tuesday
~,v~,ning and both nen said
they were extremely im-
i~resst,d I))" the questions
from Washington State citi
"~l'h(, qut'stions indicated
g~.d understanding of what
Alternatives- for Washington
i~ all about and a commitment
b~ I)articipation in planning
The state's future," said
"l'h,, Statement of Pre-
l'~,r~'n('~, in tabloid form has
been distributed through
daily n(.wspapers and ad-
diti[)nal copies are available
at city halls, coutl
I~ouses, County
offices, and mosi
The pre-stam
dressed forms can
out and returned
month of Novem
additional copies
mation write Altert
Washington, 312
Seattle 98109, or ca[
Investigation is
into a hit and
damage accident
curred here last
according to
Officers safd
struck the fire h
corner of 4th and
about 6 p.m. and
away. The incid
reported by Mary
of 302 S. 4th.
ported to the fire
the Jones reside~
Officers said small
the vehicle were
NOV. 7-8-9
The Cowboys
NOV. 14-15-16
NOV• 10-11-12
NOV. 17-18-19
•.. his last performarce i!
Dragon - 7:30-11
Chinese - 9:15
Dragon -
Chinese- 8:45
reported at 10:46 a.m. on insurance should continue to NOV• 21-22-23-24-25
Strnday by manager Larry contact the Moses Lake Office,
a ..... , .... .......... : A Double Feature For The Whole Family
by Wednesday of this week. th,'ough Friday. e • let are Mark Beth=an, Todd Paris, Marlene Kenner and Jadde Snyder. L KRAKATOA
Donohue Asks mr l,lcense Term Change For ChamberSet , *
)~,..n....Hubert Donohpe objecting to these, word years or mort,. He said this legislator said he agreed with Football and queens will be . "" " ......... v""" 0NE TIME ONLY !
tl) 9th l)tst ) t(may requestea b~ing prommenuy stampeo involves the issuance o ....... ~'-~--: .... ~ ..... ~- ........ "~" ..... - t.___
!he State Gj~me Department on the f,~'e of the !K'enses, I0,000 licenses in thi~ c°t~: ~,ga~i~nU°onf Cl~';t la~Ys~enI~ n'Txtt"~'~;n'es~:;Ur~or Jq " vmlltlP I laqUA -II li EVENIN6.,= SUNDAY, n=
~o rt muvt tne woros "tree n,na~or uonontre sate. gory each year *.~.-.~-~ ~,- ---~ .... -~:,~ular hi-mon*h|v ! .... he,, A ~a[gTAgULAR WONOB1 OF NATURE! men - /uc -
and "Resident Oldsters hsh- "It goes w,thout saying,' In a letter" to Director .":,",~i.'~:~a~,~'..,c,,u~.'".s',h~; ma~finlr~fth~()th'rt~lt~'~h'~w'~ NOV 28-29-30 SATURD
ing I,icense" on licenses "Senator Donohue told State Crouse the 9th District ,"~"~'~,.~v~'-=~*~•~.~i=:;,:,::'~,."~ b"er-of'Co~mn~ercV~ ...... v .....
granted to citizens 70 years Game Director Carl Crouse, ' ' ~,",~'.'~,~'",-,...'~,~,~'a"~,-,'~..~'~"~'r"~ .q du|,ut k." ann .........
ano OlOer. people el senior citizen • •
.............. ~ ~ • in of the permit, are Othello Hushe football
l ne cnairman of the ~enate statusIn our societynave ,, • • •
............ /nvraa¢ Hnld I would apprecmte very Coach Glenn Weltz. who will I~~ ~'--'"" ----'"--"
I King K
waysano means~ommtttee earn,o every respect we may .~--jl,--vv. ,,v,. m,,,.h ......... id.,......~*discuss the team's unbeaten- [l~,~ ~~l~mlt~tt "E;;;p(
said the terms are objection- grant them. ~/*'1. w ' I " *•h;~"'~-,,"*'~'," ~'"~"~-~-"~",,~ season and entrv into the state
able to himself and'those "In this particular instance, (.11111 PPPd ~'hL"~,~'h'L~,,:Lo~T~2 olavoffs a -" flihdh ~ UNIBSTAII$
receiving the license, most of these people have ........ vv~. tl~'ese vafue'd"rne'ml~er~'o~f'our ~lana Beus, ndhy~li di'seuss
"Complaints '~have been~aid taxes and bought fishing A chili feed for qJa-cees ........ re-ara'i ' " ~ " "
made tomebysentorctt,zens [icense.s throughout their their wives and friend~was :°~de~Y'his~e~a~°tr thJ:~:u: Pthe~tat~e~nSi~/Mne:;:g;Ynt~n H~ ~ t 2:00 P•
_ . years _as resloents 0t ~ne held Saturday evening at the Director January. :i~?i~!~!~;~!::~~i"
(_gJ ~'.._ ..... state, lit seems disrespeetzul home of Pat Pearson; with .......... -- Also planned is a. short !~'(~!!i~!iiili!!i!iiiiiiii~ili ! COMING ATTRACTION
~Oll OUlVt/¥/ tOrelaxattonmStSt tnat a narOof such earneafiscal Bruce Jones assisting as The National 4-H Service discussion on the retail sales i! i: ONE NIGHT ONLY
u~* t • t . ~: ._ . co-chairman of the event. Committee, Chicago, provides promotion planning for the
support ne accompante¢l by
- Following supper, Tripoli re r rv" . - • coming year
Work p g am se zces, mformatlon
Lead e r public identification of their and other table =ames were "resident ~' .....
• = . -- age status and the fact that played'" ~ services, publishes National an~nvitationlt°omai~Y~e~S:s~:~ ::ii..:..:.::.::::.::, Wednesday, November 6th
Is AaooJntad they, are receiving a gratis Gathered were Mr. and 4-HNews magazine and oper- persons to attend the no-host ~
,TF serv,ee. _ , L Mrs. D.T. Bigham and Mr. ates a supply service offering event set for noon, Nov. 6, at ~ ROSE MAD
........ Senator Dononue noted and Mrs. Paul Eide, both some 1450 4H emblemized Freddie's Restaurant. i)OX
Appointment el a new SOil that the ~egislature proviaea Moses Lake- Mr and Mrs " "We are =,-bart~i .....
survey party leader for for the free heenses forLarr'M ....... s ........ ]ems .... ~ :~ AMERICA'S ME)ST COLORFUL ENTERTAIN
. y a==aun, zvxr. anu Mrs. " . . . new year ano are
hoping IOr
USDA soft Conservation Ser, sports fishing to those 70 Richard Jackson, Mr and 4-H and sunflar orgamza, lots of narticination from the
vice work being completed in years or older @ho had been u__ r,:_,. .......... " ..... tionsare thrivin" " o~ .... ~ '- • ....
.... .......... ~,,ra.t,x=r, evney, anuneme s ....= ousmess eommumty at tne R CH
brant county was announces resioents us tne state tor xu Norton count-;o~ o-'~u-n *~- ...... ~-~meetin#s" L"da said
ti'hs week. • - ...o =.. ,,,. t.~ wu.u. a , : •
Herman Gentry will re- . - , . i l .... l_ it ..