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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
October 31, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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October 31, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Local Speech Winner Gains Area Finals :4. ABOUT LAND MEASURES Jack surveyor for the Bureau of Reclamation, explains of a township to six grade social studies classes ::iii~/ at Scootney Springs Elementary last week. McFarland gave the students a close look at how land is measured. At right is instructor Dan De~cr. Othello High School junior Jeff Rea has been named one of three Central Washington area finalists in the annual Conservation Speech Contest, officials announced this week. Henry Bomziorni, local SCS conservationist, reported that Rea's selection was made in judging of district winners' speech transcripts. Rea will now be competing on next Monday, Nov. 4, at 1 p.m. at the Columbia Hotel in Wenatchee with other area finalists. The local area takes in most of Central Wash- ington. Rea was the winner of the district event here on Oct. 22. The competition was held at the Othello Kiwanis club meeting. Theme of this year's event, which is sponsored by the state Council of Farmer Cooperatives and state As- sociation of Conservation Dis- tricts, is "Energy Needed to ~Produce a Food". PRACTICE - Instructor Dan Dever looks on Steven Tennant looks through a theodolite, in a magazine I00 feet away. The activity a special land measurement project [or the More About.. Activities LAND CLASSIFICATION- Two students at Scootney study land classification sheets showing irrigable land in the Columbia Basin project. Field and Sharon Bray, programs; Junior High Art Det)artment, posters; Les Swink and Dr. Ernie Dorow, tickets; ttarriet Swink and Jean Muscott, publicity. Ray Gama is serving as house manager with Grace Brueske and Vie[an Gama in ('harge of serving refresh- ments. Handling arrangements for the cast party is Mrs. Doug Muscott. Sch, presently still on s' leave, but has also notivied that he will be unable to return to duties for an extended period of time. Superintendent Tom Lyda reported that substitutes are presently replacing both teachers, with efforts under- way to obtain permanent replacements. In other action the board Individual beets under a unique part- net returns from the sale of content, the more the grower members voted to accept Sugarbeet growersicipating contract, he said. An sugar made from his beets, receives for his beets, Scalley enrollment of James and ~gton and Oregon initial payment is made tte also explained that the said. Sugarbeets are about the Stephen Hunt from the $17,886,409 were shortly after he delivers his [)rice per ton, stated above, is only farm crop in which the Wahluke District and heard a week by U and I beets. Th~en he r(~ceivesan average figure, because grower shares in the net report from Principal Edmund as the final additional periodic payments total returns to a grower are returns from the sale of the Preuschoff on promotional 1973 crop of during the year based on the also related to the quality of end product, he added, work for the Lutacaga his beets. Repeated laboratory U and I Sugar Company hasmodernization bond issue. together with Local Revenue ,est are made of harvested operations in Utfi.h, Idaho, ]111 " " [11 '1 IIi1[ .......... illl I II ments made dur- beets from each grower to Washington and Oregon. In all [sT determine the sugar content, of its producing areas the ~, brings the total O[~ So e ox and this becomes an important company paid a total of %'~ for the 1973 crop I-$81,180,363. The factor in calculating his$104,821,648 for the 1973 crop Tops Records returns, of sugarbeets, an all-time : al price per ton waS)ared to $17.59 per -- The higher the sugar record. I . I r the 1972 crop. As a direct result of Paid Political hdvertisemeal ~are sometimes con- inflation, local revenues from ,ca we speak of athe half per cent sales tax !r~(!~] ~, .......... % last year's crop," continued to break all records. Scalley, Wash- Reports released Wednes- Manager for day by the State Department ~pany,"but that's of Revenue showed the City of the sugarbeet Othello's two-month payment crop year begins .for October as the largest yet his har- received at $24,351.45. That payment raised the city's proceeds for the year to date to $110,006.29, with one more two-month payment still to be received. The current total is already more than was re- in ceived for all of 1973. Payments to Adams county for the period were $19,846.26, bringing the yearly total there to $74,526.84. Payments and totals for in the fall and a final payment later." paid for their ler Event 12 other county municipalities ~f the 1974 Othello are Lind, $6,350.87 and Farmer of the $24,346.27; Ritzy[lie, $9,974.82 the highlight of and $36,101.23; and Club Farm-City Washtucna, $2,060.25 and Nov. 12. $5,508.88. In Grant county conserva- communities figures are Othello Con- $2,400.80 and $11,023.25 for announced Royal City and $108.42 and four finalists for ;057.46 for Mattawa. re judged during Friday. ~-- are Byron Low of ~e and Darrell Melgren of in the judging were Ex- Kathy Stag~ and Lyall members. ~aid the finalists will be special Kiwanis- spon- scheduled for Nov. 12 at A for the event next week. Due Plan The Depart- will hold a ag here Tuesday, to announce for the )f ground in y Basin. be held at ounty PUD d policies re- administered ~ includes the of a permit a setting of criteria for nd use of the waters in REPEAL OSHA IIII II ELIMINATE THE SENIORITY SYSTEM IN CONGRESS VOTE FOR FAIR TAXATION RETURN HONESTY TO YOUR GOVERNMENT I I I I I I II ELECT GENE U.S. SENATE J AMERICAN INDEPENDENT PARTY Paid for by Delbert Besherse P.O. Box 82, Othello, Wash. I " Adams County Auditor I Republican Adams County Clerk Republican Adams County j Prosecuting Attorney Republican , '1 Adams.County Treasurer Republican P Paid Political Advertisement Waters, PERCENT Per Annum Score a Big 7-112% by joining Our Team of Community Minded Savers. The "Team Plan" is as Follows: I You ,Cross Out Pete Lefev and Write in Start by opening up a four year Sav- ings Certificate Account. Deposit $I,000 for a minimum of four years. Your interest will be compounded daily. The odds are all in your favor as the points continue to tally up. Remember though, there is a substantial interest penalty for early withdrawals, so hang in there and you will be a real Winner. INSURED Othello 450 E. Main 488-9601 WENATCHEE 700 NORTH MISSION STREET, PHONE 663.7146 BRANCH OFFICES IN MOSES LAKE . ELLENSBURG • OTHELLO , SPOKANE I D Henry Franz ~, Then the Box Paid Political Advertisement 12 i~ii