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October 31, 1974 The Othello Outlook | ![]() |
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October 31, 1974 |
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Glen Hutchison, now
year as pastor of
First Presby-
Church, was last
Who's Who mystery
Hutchison came here
of 1963 and has
an active leader in
~nity as well as church
since then.
d, 42 years ago in
Calif., Rev.
grew up in the
area and graduated
Technical High
there. He attended the
of California at
and then graduated
seminary at
-~ompleted his student
at work at Presby-
churches at Cohutta,
~nd Apison, Tenn.,
the two border
at the same
st pastorate was at
Ore. in 1957 and he
came to Othello from there.
Rev. Hutchison currently
serves on the Adams County
Retirement board and pre-
viously ha~ been chairman of
the Othello Library board,
was active in opening the
migrant daycare center here,
served as chairman and board
member for the Help Thy
Neighbor Thrift Store which
formerly operated here, and
h~/s been active in Scout
At present Rev. Hutchison
is busy with a concentrated
Bible study course for teach-
ers in the local Presbyterian
congregation, having attend-
ed the Adult Christian Ed-
ucation Foundation in Madi-
son, Wisc., for several weeks
of concentrated study. He
enjoys gardening and fishing
in his spare time.
Rev. Hutchison and his
wife, Marge, have two child-
ren, Laura, an OHS fresh-
man, and Andrew, a second
WEEK'S WINNER - Douglas Haverkamp, right, is presented with $I0 as last week's
Who's Who winner by Phillip King, an employee at Dec Holliday's Chevron Service.
Clues and ad locations in last Andrew in 2nd, A&W Root
week's contest follow: Calif- Beer; On Retirement Board,
grader at Hiawatha.
'~i~ii~- :~: ~ aurant; Born in Upland, Riccio-Jenkins Agency; 450
Drain Native, Freddie's Rest- Farmer's Electric; Fisherman,
i~ii' i .:~i, :~i~ ~ii~.Cimarron; Grew up in Oak-Pine Place, Yarger's Market;
:: :~ land, OthelloHydraulicss;U of At pulpit, Celeste Holm
Cal and 42, both Woodworker; F[oriest; and Presbyterian,
~, Seminary in Decatur and Vess Jewelry.
Stanfietd first, both Akin's
Thrift; Cohutta and Apison, Just one missed clue once
both Copeland Lumber; 2990, again made the difference
between a $10 prize and a $50
i ~: :~ iiiDoc Holliday Chevron; 9957, jackpot in last week's Who's
Joe's Central 66; Here 11
Who contest.
::: :~i~il years, DarE-Land; Came in '63 Douglas Haverkamp of 735
ili!!ii::;::~ and Likes gardening, Jack's E. Juniper correctly identi-
ii!ii~ Bargain Barn; Wife Marge,fled Rev. Glen Hutchison as
Ron's Cabinet Shop; Laurathe mystery personality, but
Freshman, Mob's Lockers;
Tax Payments
Go to County
Representatives of The
Washington Wate Power
Company will deliver checks
totalling $1;222,193 to the
Treasurers of 16 Washington
counties this Week in payment
of the utility's property taxed
for the second half of 1974.
Jon Eliassen, tax account-
ant for WWP, said that the
Company's total 1974 Wash-
ington property tax bill will
amount to $2,451,308.
"Total 1974 tax payments
will range from a low of $23.74
in Chelan County to a high of
more than $1,400,000 in
Spokane County," Eliassen
The company's tax bill in
Adams county came to
$56,558.94. In surrounding
countries it was $14,919.38 in
Franklin and $23,341.90 in
.b: "
PERSONALITY - Rev. Glen Hutchison,
the Othello First Presbyterian Chm'eh, was the
in last week's contest.
found only 21 of the 22 clues
included in the contest.
That means that this
week's jackpot prize ad-
vances to $70 for some super
sldeth who is able to find all
of the clues and get his or her
name drawn.
Last week's contest had
114 entries with only 37 of
them listing the correct clue
total of 22.
The contest entry box will
be located at Hostetter Ford
Sales this week. Clues can be
found on this page and in
advertisements of other
participating merchants.
Rep. Pat Pstterson GOP
Rep, Otto Amen GOP
We have appreciated the oppor-
tunity to represent the citizens of
District Nine in , he Legislature and
ask for your continued support.
Paid political advertisement
Series Continues
in the Stone," man's emer-
gence as an architect and a
builder, will be the subject of
the third in the film series
entitled "The Ascent of Man,"
to be shown Thursday at 7
p.m. at Big Bend Community
The 13-part film series,
acclaimed as an achievement
approaching the status of
"Civilisation" and "America"
of television fame, is open to
the general public
Paid Political Advertisement
R. D. "Ron" Snowden
Republican Candidate for
Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated
Photo Special
Movie or Slide Processing
Shave Cream
$I.09 size
Theragran - M
$1.89 size
130 tablets
$1.59 size
Wetting Solution
Cough Medication
$1.98 Size
:/_, .... - - ======================== :. : !~
White Rain
$1.25 size
Hand Lotion
Almond Roca
$3.25 size
Cash Prizes
Cash Prizes
'be hidden in ANY
When you. We invite you to do your Employees of other sport- "Where to look for clues/' this issue. You do not have to ren under 12 must be
in any of these best to outwit us! soring merchants ARE eli- above). If by coincidence, tile list all these clues-just givethe accompanied by an adult.
~ans that additional CONTEST RULES gible, name of WHO'S WHO (or total number of them. Dont 6. This week's contest
of that firm This is a family fun contest! 2. Nothing to buy- use any other facts about him or her) forget to add your name and starts when you receive this
~lsewhere in thisOne entry per person (family slip of paper 'for your entry happen to appear in news address, Then, drop your issue and closes at 5 p.m.
the paper and of four could submit fourblapk. Not necessary to be items, editorial matter or entry in the box located at the Monday of the following week.
may also be entries(. Anyone may enter pre, eat to win. Not necessary other places in this news- sponsoring merchant, whose 7. At that time (5 p.m. next
of these ads as UNLESS a member of your to o,, a subscriber to the paper, these will not count as ad hasa heavy black border on Monday) a drawing will be
family is employed by theOthello Outlook to enter,clues in this contest, this page in this issue, held at the store where entries
correct total number of clues ED (by anyone).The publisher
hidden in all ads of sponsoring of the Othello Outlook will be
merchants, a BONUS OF $20 the judge in all questions and
will be paid. Whenever this his decision is final.
BONUS is not won, it will be Family participation gives
added to next week's BONUS- you a better chance to win the
which will continue to grow jackpot...your wife, husband
until it is won. or some bright-eyed young-
8. Every possible precau- star MAY spot that clue you
rill be scattered... Othello Outlook or by the 3.' WHO'S WHO may be 4. To enter, write down the 5. There is no other place have been received for this tion will be taken to prevent miss!
' be from one to five merchant whose ad is heavily inV.)he in the Othello area. name you think WHO'S WHOwhere entries will be ac- week's contest. The first entry typographical errors that Got any Perry Mason in
.~- or none. This is a bordered this week (thisClues for his or her identity is. Add the total number of cepted. Any member of the drawn that correctly identifies might be mistaken for clues, you? Think YOU can outwit
skills...and we applies ONLY during the will be hidden ONLY in ads for clues you can find in ALL the family may bring in all the WHO'SWHOwillwin$10.,If but errorless typographythe contest? Remember you
outwit week this ad is .bordered(. sponsoring merchants (see adsofsponsoringmerchantsin entries for that family. Child- THAT entry also lists the CANNOT BE GUARANTE- can't win if you don't enter,
/m~.~., " Lived in I,ongview S';~' : I'21 O0 ...... *
. Lo.,eyo. a One.oose
BENAVIDEZ CAFE • Pianos All Your
• Complete Music Store
• * Electrophonic Stereo Insurance Needs.
Supermarket of Sound
Catering Service to Ware- " OF OTHELLO INSURANCE
Honored by ALA GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZES! 4th&CedarStreets
/~ 488-3651 32 E. MainOthello, Wa. 702 E. Main 488-3554 488-2451 22 N. First 488-9751
Milwaukee Club
~ i | || | i m I I i i I ~1
~rial-Commercial ~[ "~ ~*'~%~' ~ ~"~t
/~!~esidential . , ~'~.~ ;'..
~-~WIRING CustomCabinets-Sawfiling -'~I~,~..;", : • Ot/l~ff-~ ~d'~'a4~'CJ -Kitchen Cabinets ZAVALA'S PLACE
~lob Too Small " Furniture Refinishing ~/~f -Wallpaper - Paints
~ric Baseboard Entertainment Lounge
~Heating ROWS Huge Dance Flo,r ~,Sl')g~g~-~ Fi#e
Beer & Wine to Go
1 "Chuck" Booth & THE Open 7 Days a week
ELECTRIC 60E. Hemlock 488-3993 OmE[L40~: w~s:. S9Tg'~:: 488-3902 ..... 2e E. LARCH 341So. lst. PH. 488-52191796S. Broad, way Othello
h president Authorized Singer Dealer DOC COPELAND Here 45 years
.... -
]~t~t~' ~uper ~ff.," Fabrics-Lessons- ~ HOLLIDAY LUMBER ix.__
.~q~t saves on your
dget every day."~, Notions CHEVRON SERVICE Or Ttu'lp EasternEVERGREENstar treasurer
~', 745E. Main Free Pick-up & Delivery. Complete Building Sup-
~ | ~'S ~ 'i~: Air Conditioning Service plies for Contractors and ~MPLEMENT~ |NC.
[fill ~i , ~ t t~ ~ri~~, . . Expert Atlas Tune-up Financing Do-It-Yourselfers Available.. R$,'$ A.' ,~1~¢@ United Indusi;rial Park
n Othello ~ 488-3233 445 E. Main PH. 488-7fi36 Open 6 Days a Week 126 s..roadway488-~01, Othello 488-5222
,:! "~.TopGrade [i'' 1 ..... VESt JEWELRY '
~1 :grH°me°rL°cker " ADivi~ion°fSPe~A~-~ ~R
" " l L~ 488-9953 . -New Holhnd Hay Equipment This Week's "Who's Who" ~ CE At ,0~00EN~ZED
'i~l,,~! ~ ~~. No Answer ServEs Blades & Cutters Special!~ ' :F~p!es Batteries- Motor Oil SlushesGRhDE A~(d/lb ~i, ~(~a" All~i~kFlavors *Ear:Diam°ndpiercingRings
~] ~,4~-20s NEW HOLLAND- New '75 4 wheel drive Ford Earrings
pickup available. Tires- Lubrication ~)~.. #_..j *Seiko Watches
A '7'ice Othello 61So. 6th 488-2852
645S. Broadway 488-9607 w0iu SALES~ INC. 110E.Main 488-7696 ~ ,, ~,,d M ~0~
Complete Tire & "On the
Farm Service
Don Ruttan PH. 488-9685
245 S. 3rd
IgJl I ,H
Chinese- American Food
Featuring - Ross Gibson
at The Piano Bar
67 S. 1st . 488-2704
Sign Up For Leagues
Men - Womem
Mixed Leagues
Married in Vancouver
1312 E. Main 488-9561
ii i