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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
October 31, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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October 31, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r °m ~ • IJ| | vices for glaucoma testing duals' family physicians, smoking clinics, weight re- Pnne R . THl: flIHl:lnn ql[ Church Youths /t~mmllnl?w Ntarwlria vvnrl¢ and automatic read-outs on Other areas of community duction clinics and cooking ~ v .nL,,.vn~m,b~v~ ~,Vl|lW|at, Pl||i~ ~wvi~,~,, • •vial blook pressures. These tests service listed were stop schols. OTHELLO, WASHINGTON /flUKM)AT, Ut.IUIH:K Drop i A | -- -- .... are given free and cases (~.'ADPA~J __l f~- I~A RA----J. found to be needin~ attention ~ i~ m ~ l~m Trick! ~,~||~~u L]| ~1~ |v|~| are referred to the indivi- Paid P0liti(al Advertisement Treat' Plans Last Sunday, Oct. 20, the vans standing ready to t .,.. F'.u'st Northwest Federation of answer calls where-ever | ~nurc.n of the Nazarene Young people of the Community Services needed. If such a need should i E]ghth and Ash Seventh-Day Adventist (formerly known as Dorcas happen locally,one of the vans ! DonMcCarty-Pastor LA i~ J~h~ ~'O~t i~pO~t~i't church will not be ' trick or Societies) of the Seventh-Day would come here. | Ph. 488-2283 treating" as in past years in Adventis Churches of the Other places have health | , Sunday Serviees the community for needy Upper Columbia Conferencevans, similar to one located in I SundaySchool-9:45a.m. families, church officials re- met at the Othello SDA western Washington. That |Mornin~Worshin10.45am e t tO N~'O'~l~ ported this week. church for an all-day meeting unit was taken to every fair IEvenin~Servicer~.~(~.. m However, they will still and pot-luck lunch. Seventy in that conference and isIwed eve service Y'00~m |[l~h~ ~'~'g~ f~'~'l'~e~l't ~[~{ be welcoming donations for five men and women were in equipped with a pulmonaryi ,,~...., , - .P: • -- . L.- ~V v--- the program they support. . ~__ • -- "~e~ ~o~..e'~yo attendance ' function analyszerand de- - "~Ir]enpiypiacet°°e Othello residents with canned The featured speaker was ~ ,t, • goods or good, used clothing Mrs. Betty Ahnberg of Med- - - -- ~ah ~.~ ~I, • --.. .~e~t they ~ould like to donate ina, O., president of the LIADff£CT TI lr rDIlCar -t gb should call 488-2152 or - Community Service Center of I[J VlLJ",, ',L t, nujn4 bets , hen every--hey e " 346-2327 to have it picked up. Medina. She brought to the Spokesmen explained thatgroup ideas by which mem- U .....L.. wj.,j aL... |/~1. for years, the food collected, plus °ther f°°d b°ught with bers c°uld be m°re help t°their communities. .~IUVI~IllU'I "IU IIIIU I Vl II,¢,AA ~~ Dorcas Soceity money, has Pointing out that there are $ p.m. been used to make up foodmany phases of community baskets for needy families at service besides helping the ~'-~7-Z~) ~.L ~[I ..j I_ time.Thanksgiving and Christmas poor, she said many of the ~/~'~]~ r~'-~ ~[~UI~l conferences and larger cities( .~j ]f ]]/7 "Since there now seems to ~ Bapt t Ch (-~' U.S Con,re•• b~less need and more groups have fully-equipped disaster • willing to assist in helping the IS ur needy, the Dorcas womenMrs. Jaycees Plan . 5th District Democrat have decided to concentrate on bringing cheer to the Mrs~Richard Jackson was ~k,f /~," 12 AND PINE hostes, to a work party of the ~ J) elderly and loney by giving Mrs. Jaycees Monday even- ~ -~PEAKER m gifts of fruit and cookies," the ing, Oct. 28, in her home. k~ v ~ spokesman said. "Plans are Articles for the December Tram~t4~n ~A-- ,"--.-~ Committee to Elect Tom Foley, BOX 2121, Spokane, WA 99210 also to make lap robes for Beta Flea Market were made Ulll~ill il rrl#]/ Justin L. Ouackenbush, General Chairman older people." and sales items discussed. Giant Day Sunday At Local Church Two giants will be featured guests at the church of the Nazarene Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. on/Sunday Nov. 3. The first will be a "giant" at least eight feet tall who will greet boys and girls as they arrive for Sunday school and see that they each receive a free "Chick Commie Book." The second is a • mystery giant-at-large" in the~commumty. The first person to invite him or her to Sunday School for Giant Day will receive a giant size gift. AGLOW Meeting Scheduled onday A meeting of the Othello AGLOW organization has been set for next Monday, Nov. 4, at the Cimarron Restaurant. Fellowship and dinner are set for 6:30 p.m. with the meeting to follow at 7:15 p.m. Officials said no special speaker is scheduled with the program to be a time of sharing and "Koinonia'. S/SGT. LONNIE HOYE INSTANT LOADING CAMERA OUTFIT o UncoadWonal one year guarantee O Fires X-Type batteryless Meglcubes o l00 XF Reg. $17.95 Offer Expires i!4-74 Cash Value 1-20 of 1 cent • ',LIP AND SAVE VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE BATH BEADS ...... e Lightly scented non-greasy blend of emollient oils that softens dry, even flaky skin el.eaves no oily film or bath ring e16-oz. L~n~ 2 Of(er Expires n ~-~-yn Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent Reg. $1.29 • :LIP AND SAVE CNLORASEPTIC • Anesthetic • Anfisel~c O6-oz. bottle with sprayer Offer res 11-4-74 • Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent Reg. $1.71 AND SAVE OAF COLOR PRINT FILM O126 Camldge fits all instant loading cameras O12 exposures Reg. $1.40 Um~ 3 Offer Expires 11-4-74 Lie 1-20 of 1 cent CLIP AND SAVE BRECK SHAMPOO O~ives your hair natural softness, shine and manogability • 15~z. Offer Expires ll- 1-7 l Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent Reg. $2.25 O CLiP AND SAVE GILLETTE RIGHT GUARD aT he family deodorant • 13-oz. ~ ReS~ $2.49 Um~ 2 Offer Expires !1-4-74 Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent • mmm~ CLIP AND SAVE • NORTIIERN " AUTOMATIC VAPORIZER oGener~es steam 8-10 hours • Automatic shutoff cOne" gallon cop~ciW Reg. $7.95 o Model 1301 Offer Expires I !-4-T4 Um~ 1 Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent CLiP AND SAVE aT he extra s~rength pain reliever • 100 tablets Req. $1.85 I.~mit 2 Offer Expires ll-4-7-1 • Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent CLiP AND SAVE PLA YTEX BABY NURSER STARTER KIT o Most like mother Reg. $2.95 Limit 1 Offer Expires 11-4-74 . Cash value 1-20 of I cent ¢ CLIP AND SAVE er-interceptor weapons meet at Tyndall AFB, Fla. Hoye Active ,, , ~.:~:-~' ".~'-- "- "-:,; ..... "~= : .--- .... 1: - -.';'-: T,,In'William IBESTFnlENO FOILWRAP =2000. ' MoM's REYNOLDS ;:: Give the Holiday Greeting that only you can gi~e! ^Of'l,o |en( Event .=5 .at o...oo,...,,o.o, ~,L 2S COLOR SILK REPRINTS O."x .~__'.'.'.'.'.'.~.~l~'r~,l~:~ ~ Sergeant Lonnie G. Hoye, son •3½-oz. box ,cou,o..u,,,ooo_., o.o,, of Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. "lJmit3 ~ ~|'~~U" ~A,~-~v~, Hoye of Rt. 1, Othello, is Offer Expires il-4-74 . C Offer Expires1i-4-74 participating in the U;S. Air ............................................ " ~ "~.iUO'.~ ~ Force's "William Tell' fight- Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent Keq. $1.09 Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent ':: ,.J ...... r.*,w.,n..~.*,*~.~..,.o ,.~ O CLIP AND SAVE CLIP ANO SAVE Sergeant Hey•, an aircraft maintenance technician, is a member of the maintenance team representing the 318th ighter Interceptor Squadron from McChord AFB, Wash. He is helping support his unit's interceptor aircrews, who are flying F-106 Delta Dart aircraft during the meet. Nine units, representing the Aerospace Defense Com- mand, Air National Guard and the Canadian Air Force, are matching their asrial marksmanship during the competition that is designed to evaluate aircrews and controller teams in the air defense system. Sergeant Hoye is a 1964 graduate of Clarkston (Wash.) High School. SAVE $35- $50 OR MORE NUALLY ON YOUR AUTO & FIRE INSURANCE TRUCK INSURANCE Lo kmiger Agency 488-3642 87 $. Ist OIl Jlo Um~ 2 Offer Expires 114-T4 Cash Value i-20 of 1 ent CLiP AND'SAVE acting antacid o Effectlve in mliof of gastric h ypemcidiW and homt bum 012-oz. bottle or 100 tablets Reg. $1.98 RUSSELL STO VER I~A selected sampling of creams,nuts, miniatures, milk chocolates, dark vanilla chocolates and butter bans. • 13A-pounds Reg. $4.35 Limit 1 Offer Expires 11-4-74 Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent CLIP AND SAVE ........ • ........ KIMBIES NEWBORN KIMBIES DIAPERS • Safety tapes o No pins needed O30 disposable diapers Reg. $1.93 Umit 3 Offer Expires 1t-4-74 Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent CLIP AND oWith IIoudston o Regulor or mint es. . Offer Expires 11-4-74 Cash Value 1-20 of 1 cent CLIP AND SAVE Your Choice ! I J. MILK GLASS ASHTRAY, GLASS ASHTRAY (Spicy Brown), ICE CREAM DISH, CRYSTAL TANKARD (13-oz.) - I.b~4- Reg. 50" eoch Offer Expires :1-4-74 Cash Value 1-20 of 1 cent CLiP AND SAVE 5 KOTEX COMFORTUBE o Exclusive Topered 'l'~ps o30 tampons o Regulor or Super Limit 4 Offer ExPires 11-4-74 Cash value 1-20 of 1 cent Reg. $1.49 CLiP AND SAVE VlETERIINAmAN II~JCT~ , OTNBLLO |. 531 Moire $uNt HU0-$$16 IPNIATA 6$ IOlin S4~eet $.W. 7S4-3515 SERVICE IS SERVING ESS INC COLUMBI/k OUINC¥ 402 Central Ave. S. MOSU$ LAKII Ad Uffoctivo Oct. .,.,. .,,,... $...,.0 thrv Nov. 4, 1974