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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
October 31, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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October 31, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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held [strict 3 (rut ;outh~ 7 Fran NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on Tuesday, November 5, 1974, in Adams County, Stbte of Washington, at the polling places in the various precincts thereof, there will be held a General Election for the purpose of electing National, State, County, Judicial and Precinct officers and for the purpose of voting for or against Referendum and Joint Resolutions as printed below: Proposed to the People by the Legislature REFERENDUM aLL No. 34 Shall a state lottery be conducted under gambling commission regulations with prizes totaling not less than 45% of gross income? YES ......................................................... r] NO ............................................. Iml Amendment to the State Constitution Proposed by the Legislature SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION Shall the governor's item veto power be restricted and the legislature be permitted to reconvene itself to cunsider vetoed bills? YES ........................................................ D " r-I NO ....................................................... Amendment to the State Constitution Proposed by the Legislature SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 143 Shall a thirty-day durational residency requirement be established for voting by otherwle eligible citizens eighteen years of age or over? YES ......................................................... D NO ............................................................ D s) ts 550,0u The names and addresses of the candidates and the offices for which they have been nominated, together with their party designation, if L impr0| any, are as follows: !or caPl m date[ .,cond Y| n the ar | ts adopt OFFICE UNITED STATES SENATOR YES NO NATIONAL NAME ADDRESS Plrty Jack Metcalf _ 4469-S. 3260 E., Langley 98260 _ Republican Warren G. Magnuson Olympic Hotel, 400 Seneca, Seattle, 98101 ..... Democratic JUDICIAL OFFICE JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT Position No. 1 (6 Year Term) ADDRESS Charles Horowitz ............. 3923 N. E. 38th St., Seattle 98105 _ Liem Tuai ......... 4015 25th Ave. S., Seattle 98108. Part,/ Non-Partisar Non-Parlisar Clare Fraenzl 1417 N. E. 55th St., Seattle 98105 Socialist Workers Gene Goosman 7177 Beach Dr. S.W., Seattle 98136 American Independent Position No. 2 Pat Ruckert • 2520-2!st Ave. S., Seattle ........... U . S. Labor (6 Year Term) Robert C. Finley .... 717 N. St., Olympia 98501 ....... Non-Partisar "UNITED STATES ' ' ' Position No. 3 r " the R~PRESENTATIVE Gary G. Gage 1638-9th Ave., Clarkston 98903i Republican (6 Year Term) Robert F. Utte ............. 3013 Sherwood Drive, Olympia Non-Partisar • -,,n I.ongressional Thomas S. Foley E. 1228-29th Ave. Spokane 99203 J Democratic ....... ' ..... District ' )GE, COURT OF APPEALS ]0 sqt9 ,,-._ I Division 3, District 2 Dale M. Green ......................... S . 3914 Cook, Spokane .......... Non-Partisar 1V[ o---'~ , PI ECINCT COMMITTEEMEN *'ntIll PIEC,NCt I NAME ADDmS e Ge~ I "°" L k-- "1 -__ , ,TATEI .. ;t== ' J Richard KemCl ..___;_._:[:._.+::i ....... Ji,I Rt.','";, 8o: 229, Ritzvi'le':_.:."._._.i::_.:IRepub|icen J l l Heron (City) | Harold Johnson ~+4 Ha+ton+..................... IRepu b " c'" erviSOJ| --.--. OFFICE I NAME J ADDRESS Psrty ~ J- .................................. STATE;~iiATIVE ]Ott~.+~a?)npatte++On- II~. j[~ [[-[:+J ~?UEt'e4~:~;m4pSu~l~'lllrneagn~961961:: RR:pP3bb'~: H!i~n°i!i!! / :'l::rtH~+s~nr+:sii[[[+'[i I[IIIIII[I[I+[[![I[L Ew'''1211::::/ :::: iiiii+!+iiii[[ iiii:iii:[:[ii:::::llii::: r~" ~ " ' ' ' r J ', Lind No. 3 Outside l I I. ~i * .... o,,.,,0 ........... ++,,+ j mhe,,o No. 3 / W lo..++IRepublic'n ..... ++, , h.,IoNo.+ I ..... IRepub,+can rnor tO ............... ?:::~°1; OlhelloNo. $ t ~+..~ii//i. i R/publican I Othello No. 7 l Carmen A Re~th, Othello ............. Republi.n --q[ i COUNTY J ~ , , , • .... Othello Rural Southeast I El '~tem ~o, Othello .............. JRepublican o.,c, l M I .0o,,- I,.+ Othello Rural Southwelt I W~ ..... --~21 Republican +''I i+. +r. ................ = .............. +,,,. .... "'" I + +e. + | ~ COUNTY CLERK / Mildred Womach ............... 1516 W. Main Ritzville ................. J Republican Ritzville Ward 1I S 'usle B~t zville ........ .IRepublican / .. ~ / ' I ' ' ' ' ' I / El '~~tzvill~_ IDemocratic lendJ rKOUNTY COMMISSIONER I Kenny Foulkes ............ 1449 Pine Place. Othello .............. l Republican ' I .......... I ...... -~- bYt~ ._ 3rd District / Gordon Hays ................ 116 E. Spruce, Othello .............. I Democratic Ritzvdle Ward 2 / M~o ch ~~ ............ ~Republican 7+ II~-~SEC ....... , + .... Elizabeth Meyer ................. Democratic ~J4:_+'ECUTINOATTOmNEYJ m,chardW. M er -Imoutel +ashtucna J,epub,,can / ~'~+ ~----I°:~~''''+ ~+ l ~ j ,, + j .............. j Ri~ville Ward 3.I Irene McMurray ~tzv/lle ............ _+IRepublicen J,,.. C LOUNTYSHERIFF J R. D. Snowden ....... 1602 S. Adams, Ritzville ............JRepublican J~lle~ ++i Republican The Polling Places for the Ge ,, Election+ ;halE Be as Fomlows: ~,n~J~;L Mennonite Church Othello No. 2 Hostetter Ford Silos " Ritzville No. 1 (Outside) Marcellus Grange Hall ns h~ ~ge Benge School • Othello No. 3 High School Gymnasium Ritzville Ward No. I City Hall iremainopen nti in Adams County, Washington.