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October 31, 1974 The Othello Outlook | ![]() |
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October 31, 1974 |
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Page 14 .
Steve Niblett, 5th,
• Medina, 6th,
e were Do1
,,, ,,, Logan, 13:02-
~c~ ,~ Othello's cross country Gilbert just it second behind. Brian Blackburn was se-Shawn Locran
STRI KES N , - " 16.18.°:au; anaand r altnpatty
, ' IP I" runner will find themselves in Moulton was third for the rend the JV race at 12"131 .... ? ~ ..L
qlfl the role of underdogs as they Huskies and followed by followed by Metcalf, 3rd,
try for district honors and Britt, 6th, 12:04; Bliss, 7th, 12:19:Bloom. 4th, 12:40; 161401
state tournament berths in 12:15; and Egbert, 8th, 12:16. .-= • mum mm 1 n
~-~"~:~3high ' action this Saturday at East Times and places for other ~ ~1li!g
10/2')y¢Tn&C°untryLeagUew L Strader,227.;'.& Kathy Black,190; Wenatchee. Huskies in the combined T~ m ntemt
" ' The District 6 Class AA varsity-JV event were Keith --
meividual ame Warren event is set for 2:30 p.m. over .... Forbes, 10th, 12:34; Brian
am;'Je welers 23 13 bowler o[ the week Dudleythe 2.7 mile course on the ~::i::i Blackburn, 13th, 12:50; Bruce ~ OJiJ~$ !AR~
L ~ Je ., . ' '
C'~rn'qion 22 14 Watson,681;&Dorls Duncan. 706. Rock Island Golf Club. Blackburn, 14th, 12:52; John J
~'?" " ' 21 15 ************
(!lmarron Motel, :~! Bloom, 15th, 12:53;Andy
GuentherLee, 18 18 ..... JR-MAJOR LEAGUE, • Omak will rank as the :i~
: Nuno, 16th, 13:08;Chuck
Daril~lnd, 1719 ~u/,m/,,, w t~favorite inthe five-team ~ ~ Metcalf, 17th,13:211Juan O/o
Evergreenlmplement, 1719 Thehigh,Rollers, 17 3 event, withEphrata given ~ m '% FOR 3 YEARI
~4.,T.,,~ns lla.dw-T'~ 1R20 zne tmwsers, *z ~ Medina,18th,13:231Doug
i~'R'~'(~ .......... i0 26 The bowling Flirts 9 11 the best chance of challenging Donahoo, 19th, 13:261Paul
lligh team series, Cimarron Motel, The Homes. 8 12 the Pioneers for the title. Logan, 20th, 13:301Chris
Q1 1 t, h • h ! ,~,rr~ (tame Evergreen Ine undertakers 8 12
Implement, 1064; high individual T heOddBalls ........ 8 14 Othello CoachWayneSchutte Jones, 22nO, 1~:03;Olle FOR 4 YEAFII
• k t?oam, S 5K7, hiah rugs team serms zne talgn r~ouers reports that Eastmont has Hofvander, 23rd, 14: 16;
~erles, ,.rLIt'e ........ L , ...._~ ~ . , . ,
individual game, Bob Ditty & Bruce 2475; high team game:'rh, e H.~gh been beating the Huskies in Shawn Legan, 24th, 14:53;
• O ( W l~Ollers ~[~" nl n inOlVlOUal series
th,ame~, .0.1: bowler )f the eek, ",'' ~ .... ' regularseasonevents,but
t ...... ~ q~d(,r ..... 7a~ Don OConnell,559; high ind,vxdual and Dave Boley, 25th, 15:29.
.......... • **";;'~'**'.%"~. game, Don OConnell, 197. feels his squad could have a Split at Hartford FOR 5
MII)WEEKI.EAGUE ************ good chance at third. In action last Friday at
10/23/74 W L LUNDAY MIXED LEAGUE 'lye have been coming on Hanford, tat, Huskies lost Metrooolitan now offers
Soil & Crop, 28 L 10/27/74 W L . lo-47 tn tlanford, but came I r
ErniCs Am(we, 22 14 The Streakers, 20 12 Well In dual meets gurIng the r. - .
Jack's Bargain Barn. 21 15 We'Uns, 2012 past week and wnth some luck throu,,h with a 27-28 decision another way to earn h ghe .
Akins Food Center, 19% 16'h2Minus2=4, 1814 could be a surprise at over '~Sunnvside in ~touble est!... 8*/, General Obli
F.xtir,' Ranch. 18 18 The Busy B's 1616 district," Schutte said. 'We dual action
Mer,.,,r's re.arty. 15% 20'/z 2 Plus 2. 1517 are running the best we have ,~ ,: . • ..... Bonds. If you wish, we will
Potter Drug. ~ 10 26 The Miracles, 15 17 LdlDert led the HUSKies •
YargersMarket, 10 26 The Zip Coders, 13 19 all season." with an 11"16good for 6th your iflterest check every i1
Itigh team series, Soil & Crop, The DumStumblers, 11 21
2901:high team game, Soil & Crop, High team sereies, We'Uns, 2389: State Spots p.lace behindthe, winning • Average annual yield on.~our original t,..
1032; hiL.h individual series, l,lz high team game, We 'Uns 837; high In order to qualify a team time oi lo:~oset Dy Steve menl when allowed to compound to maturIw.
Ferguson, 556; high individual individual series, Larry Widman
~anw, l.~z l:vre,!~son,:~Z7; bowler of 589; Neva Barger ]5181 high for state, the Huskies would Skinner and Greg Kaiser of ...... .~.=...
the ~,.(,k, l,izr'erguson, 661. individual game, Larry Widman. have to finish five runners in Hanford. Write teeny or Cell= I$~1g15-;$111
• *********** 206; Neva Barger. 206; bowler of the top 15 places. Indivi- Other Huskies in the
varsity rac~ w(r( Moulton ohn II
COFI*'EE I,EA(;UI':the week, Fritz Kliphardt, 642; Pat dually, the top ten finishers ' -' ' '~ ~ * , J E. De'e
ttot1023'71Mama", 20W 12L Vah, nti.647.************in the district will quality for 8th, 11:32; Britt, 12th, 11:38;
Pin l'al~ 19 13 MERCIIANTS I,EAGUE the state event. Bliss, 13th, 11:43; Egbert,t ...................................
Mi~l'it~ 19 13 11/24/74 W L Top hopes for the Huskies 15th 11 58' Bruce Blackburn ~ ^ _ ,
................ ::~: : : ........ : 17th' 12"16: and Nuno 18th' , ~enltemen Please INIno melutl INIrticute¢l---no~lMi(}
Alley Cats 17 15 Empire Seed, 23 13 Will Be l~lell Ulloer[ ann Alan . ~!~'::: i~1%.~ : ::: • ) ',),~ .... ' ! Name
Stra'ngvr~ 16 16 Rec Hall, 22 14
ll()l lt,dh'r~ 15 17 Eagles No#l, 21Vz14% Moulton who both had career :iili iii~i, ,2:oo. ,
lb,val Chick,, 1418 MelPlumbing 17. 19best timesIn leading the : ::. ::'::~:':~:~::: :~:: ~A _. _ ,
ttigh l¢.(,Ih,r~ 8 24 Eagles No#2, 16% 19Vz : .......... ....... .... ' I ray
Huskies toa 26-30 victory : ~ang$0me ~laled 0
lli*~'h tram series, Ilot Mama's. Evergreen, 16 20 over Connell here Tuesday :::i~: =. ~. .. . , A OO-1
l~;17;hi~,h t('am game. ltot Mama's, Ernies Amoeo 14 22
ti:~5: hh~h individual series, Karen Full Circle 14 22 afternoon. Gilbert posted anBEST CAREER EFFORT- ConneH's Burrell Cox crosses A| .0urse unaay :
l,:a~ordav, ,179; high individual ltigh team game. Rec Hall. 1043111:40 to cut 10 seconds off his the finish line with Neff Gilbert of Othello just a second ,~ , . : I m I llllll
}~am(', A)iilaMuscolt,216; bowler.)f high team series, Eagles No#l
L, angsonl(m ]s scne ,
Ihd~e,,k, Anita Muscott,651. ;~40; high individual game. Ray previous best, while Moulton behind in the cross country meet here Tuesday. Gilbert had .... ~ -P " Y " " t I I I I I ~_~'_~ • ee.~o~r~.
• *********** G(uMsmith, 235: high individula sliced 11 secondswith an his best time ever with his .... a nl=oe finish a= thoflUleO at the Othello Golf and , ~ ,,~.~,~,'~ t ~-~.~eam
II()(!SEWIVES I,EAGUE series Earl Stuckel, 564. 11 52 Huski w'-- *=" a. ,, ...... =" ........ Country Club this Sunday ! W Oil SPRAOU! AVE. SPOKANE WA {IO{NI4/AC
• • es u|| ~ll~ UU4m| .... ' ~ ' ' '
102471 w L ************ Joining the two seniors as according to Pro Bill Porter. ' ....... - ..........................""
Crazy l,adies 23 9 MAJOR TRIOLEAGUE varsity entrants will beBrian Blackburn and fresh- Y " Breakfast will be served v .................. ' - -
Alh.,~ Burners, 20 12 10/23/74 W L ~'~ .............. Burrell Cox won the dual ............ -- r. ....... ='~ =~,~,~.,.WU=,~.~
R,~ll[ng I'is, 16 16 Hanks & Fields ~ 80Vz63% senior ocott BliSS, junior men rtanuy t~rltt ann Mark Iron] ~:au to IO:~U a.m. wits
tlandi,'appers, 15 17 Othello Bowl 76 68 Bruce Blackburn, sophomore Egbert. here Tuesday at 11:39, with tee-off set for 11 a.m. -, ~ -,
lIot Strik. 15 17 Jack'sBarn 75% 68% ~ ~ w ~ ~ m= m ~ [~
C, utler ])usters, ]5 17 Akins 75'/z68Vz d-'-_ I
llit & Mrs. 13 19 Lockwood 74'h 69V= i - MODEL CLEANERS an
B,ank.vl*,anks. It 21 aggaros 74',. Ilu AM
l *am ser es, Roning Pins, Mutua of Omaha 62V 81'/, . ., " *Complete load and beverage line " t'fllld.flD IAIIIdhDV =-- , !1 ,
21~7: high team game, Alley Kentueky Fried Chic. 62 82 Electric Vl,,m | -'= " m,:vl.i vlllill,~ to I iz mlp
Hurn,,r~. 774; high individual High team series, Jack'sBarn, ~ ..... i = a ' ~" "--~1~
~eri., Terry Kohn, 548; high 2425; high team game, Jack's Barn, * 0"ca "ear around " * Pr0tessi0nal cleaners, laundry and-". II t" EWEL
individual garne, Betty Bagwell, 662; high indivndual series. T.D. verybody = " shift service = Fix 4 ';,r In
McKenney, 795; high individual I For E
19'i: t ..... h,r ,,f the week, Lorena game, Nevan Page,246; bowler of i i II " .s ...
Malllev. 591 . -" * • w~,c •
• * ......... ** the week, T.D. McKenley, 859. " c II " | * Always ready for call in orders = 1 hour service available | OTHELLO AUTO PARTS |l
I~AI,I, & CltAIN I,EAGUE ............ . . a : 2680 i i * Coin operated Maytag laundry ~ II ,L '
10/25,7,1 w 1, EARLY BIRD LEAGUE
• 1' Birds, 13% 22Vz10/21/74 W L It It . | ~-- " "~-"
()dd Coupl,.s 20 16 Othello Iron Works 23% 8% THE WASHINGTON | #1 Alri e' hBIII/IC IliJI " self-service = 13 N. Broadway II " NU 8-11031
l"our ,)t' a Kind 20 16 Empire Seed 20'/z11%
Th,, No Names 18% 17VzFreddies 19 13 WATER POWER CO. | qJ, AIIl { MIMI IG'In | 1149 E. Main l 488-3378 I ,Z4tASTI~m-OI"NttLI
Thrill Seekers 17 19t)thello Bowl 16'/z 15% {{1224 E. Main 488-3742 | Next to Yargers488-2792 | I
The Turkeys 16 20Hostetter Ford15 17
2|9~: high team ~ame, Odd tligh team series, Freddies, 2958;
C.u tics, 93¢i; high individual high team game, Freddies, 1078; NATIONAt |
~erie~. Bud Corr ~12; & Ter Jensen high individual series. Carol Ditty,
541; high individual game. Carol
Ditty. 213; bowler of the week,
Sandv Ferguson, 636. {
Hunting Slow 10/21/'/4EAGI'ESMEXEDLEAGUEw L Final Regular Season Game { 66 5. First Ave.
Alley Sweepers 19'h 12t/z • •
Elbow Benders 19 13 It
h'hi Ben 19 13 .....
Jet Set 17 15 01d National Bank of Washin~ton
The third weekend of the Mis-For-Tunes 17 15
hn,,l[n~ ~eason was sow with The4S'ssss 16 16 Othello Branch Friday, Nov. 1, 8 p.m.
R(wky Rollers 10'/z 21'/=
d,'v ('o,~ditilms hindering deer "13"' 10 22
an'd bird hunters, District tligh team series, Alley Sweepers, At Omak
(;ame I)epartment officials 2394; high team game, Alley
Sweepers, 869; high individual
r,'tlO,'led Monday. series, Ruth Zunlwa[t, 590; & Del
The la('k of nnrLhorn ducks Billman, 232; bowler of the week.
in the area, coupled with mild Ruth Zumwalt, 680: & Del Billman,
weather has been discourag- 664. * .... ""*"** EVERGREEN
ing to duck hunters, Donald OUTTERLIMITS LEAGUE :l~mlr | Serving
S. (;albreath, regional game 10/22/74 W L
hiolo~ist said. Central Life" 25% 10=/= Mohs has seen lots of action on both
Goose hunters are having Ca banaMotel 21 ,5 A & W ":
offense and defense for theHuskies this E Mid-Columbia
E, oales Tavern 10 17
better luck, with pit and New Holland 19 17
decoy hunters showing goodV.F.W 17 19
success in several areas on SargentsM,F.G. 16 20
Kelley's 13% 22V~
Saturday, but rather poor Lucky Lagger 12 24
success Sunday. High team series, Central Life,
Galbreath said pheasant 3112; high team game, Central Life,
1051; h~gh individual series, Larry
and duck hunters are real Widman, 587; high individual game,
scarce although lot~; of pheas- Don Kelley, 21-4; bowler o~ the
ants are being seen. week, Bud Carr. 672.
Root Beer season. He has been regular at end in the
Huskie offense, where he has been a strong United
of 0~I~I0 blocker and good pass receiver. The tough .~
160-pound junior also has been a steady | 488-3343
4th& Ce r Streets performer in the center of the Huskie
defensive line and has capably filled in at
488-2451 the middle linebacker spot when needed ....
Maytag Appliances |
Washers-Dryers-Dishwashers =
We Cover the Basin
Chuck Booth & Sons Charlie & Fraok
Bectrkd Contracting
Wesco Furnaces and Air Conditioning
Central Vacuum Systems :
60 E. Hemlock 488-2S22 .... =
| This 160-pound sophomore has been a |
[. key man in the Huskie defensive unit most
of this season. Taking over at the safety -
position in the second game, he has been a i T{m4, {
regular there since. With good speed and a |
good pair of hands, he also is a top l a,|
prospect on offense and has been on the
receiving end of several passes from his m|a"NI
end position. .= For All Your Fall
RAINCAT Make the
Cimarron You,r,~eodc~
= ]450 [. MoinHK
Another of the fine fresh- 1975 COLOR
=.. At Eastmont men on the Huskie squad.
Nuno has consistently finish- UHF
= ed anmng the leading runners 0uad 8 Track
It in junior varsity action this
It [nlertuinment Music
| Saturday, Nov, 2 season. He has also had some loo F ..... c,
2 pcs. Kentucky TAYLOR ROAD = competition at the varsity
Fried Chicken i level where he has shown + 441 S 10th Othello
potatoes & gravy, ACROSS FROM LABOR CAMP well.
coFn on the cob,
It's a deal on a meal for less ErnWs Amoco '
• *Complete In
than a dollar. "', --, aking
It • ,~
ooo ,,,oA,,, ,ov., PEOPLES + the Fresh,,e.
MEMBER F.D.I.C. Akins Food
4th & Main Othello 488.7002 OTHELLO BRANCH .== 103 5. First 488-3252 425 E. I in