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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
November 7, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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November 7, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 8 - OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK o THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7,,1974 Doll Display, Guest Speaker Are Featured Rev. and Mrs. Ran Hunter, pastors of the Church of the Nazarene in Grand Coulee, and Rev. Hunter's sister Wanda Hunter, were guests and speakers at a South American Banquet at the Church of the Nazarene last Friday. In a setting decorated in a South American theme and following the banquet which included Spanish hot dishes, Ray. Hunter showed slides and spoke of the mission work in Guatamala and Bolivia. He told of the privileges he and his sister shared as children of nfissi(maries, of travel, ed- u('ation and growing up with HONORED AT EVENT - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jordan were honored at a retirement party by fellow workers of the Bureau of Reclamation here last weekend. two languages. Wanda Hun- ter. born in Guatemala City, USBR Retirement Evq nt teaches kindergarten in Is Held for Ray Jordan Approximately 90 friends, ro ~orkers, their wives and fanfily attended a retirement party and dinner given for Ray Jordan last Friday evening. tteld lit the Eagles Lodge, a ,tan('ing folh)wing supper was provided by George Salisbury and Sahdy Barclay. Jordan, who came to Grand Coulee and spoke to the dinner guests about what it is like to be a missionary's daughter. Part of the decor was display of cosumed dolls representing virtually all the continents of the world. The (lolls were loaned for the occasion from the collections of three local women, Mrs. I)arrell Shepherd, Mrs. Jim ~leak dinner was catered by Morgan, and Mrs. Bill the Fagh,s and music for l)o,&'ers. Mrs. I,arry Besherse dr- Hobo Party Held ranged the dolls in the display using the theme, "The Sun Costumes were in order last Never Sets on the Church of Friday evening at a hobo the Nazarene" as part of the party held in the basement of Nazarene traditionally recei- the Christian Church. For yes an offering at Thanks- lowing a supper of homemade giving time for World Evan- stew and finger food eaten gelism, from cans, hobo style, Pastor Jack Barker showed his slides of Egypt taken while on tour Othello with Bureau of Rec- lamation in 1965 as a survey party chief, retired after 30 years of federal service. years of federal service, which began in 1941 when he ces, He was presented a watch by co-workers, and I1 wife, Betty, were gifts from friends. The couple, who W. 539 S. 4th sons, Steven, Douglas, all of attendance. By administrative agents for qualitied and groul insurance plans FOR INFORMATION: Hanks & Fields •insurance, ! Othello - Warden Correspondents or hove your C.P.A. call 547-0747 (Tri-Cities) • per tire TRACTIONIZE YOUR FOR SAME TRACTION STUDS, 4,000 MILES. Toothpaste With MFP Fluoride ¥ 7 oz. ,abe with FREE 69' value toothbruth Rqh 89' Hunting Coats Woterpeoof Co.on O~---~amt Pocket Rig. 14.99 Red Cs~ss Cotton Balls 6ox of 230 Sterile ¢ ReI. !.28 Char!es Daly Automatic Shotgun $ shot outOmoth: Vent ¢ib 12 go. only Rell. ! 79.99 Com~shme wqm SUrmo S~Ceml Nyquil T~ ni@l~fim! cold medi:ine. Illlkrve$ minor coati symptoms for hours. Meal Storage Bu//ding I0 x 7 s,ze NO fk~or Reg. 13L$7 lames Western Boots 80 E. PINE - OTHELLO 9 to 7 Weekdays & Saturday Noon to 6 Sunday PRICES GOOD THURSDAY THRU SUNDAY tlOIIOIBOLY" hg. 4.99 Knit Magic l|| Tonka Styl~ Side Model 2360 Metal c~mst• L ifotlme wheel~ Reg. 4.tNt Question: Why does it seem to be getting continually more difficult to get ordinary prescriptions refilled? Answer: Let's start out by saying I have to disagree with your attitude that any pre- scription you bring to us can be called "ordinary" ...because your~ doctor has prescribed prescrip- ;ion to help you regain your best- possible health.., it's "tailor made" to fit tour own per- condition, no one's else. After all, only your doctor can judge how long you should be taking any prescription. Fed- eral law regulates how many times any given prescription can be refilled, and some pre- scriptions cannot be refilled even once without your doctor'= authorization. We're always glad to contact your doctor for you regarding the refilling of your prescriptions, but we do have to abide by his decisions on this. Are you interested in saving money on your taxes? Then just ask us about keeping records on your prescription purchases. Here at Othello Rexall Drug we're glad to offer you this free service at 724 Main. by Bill Bethmann' First Southern Baptist The tiarvest Time Crusad6 is being held each evening'this week, Nov. 3-10 at the church. Leading musical activities is r Pharmacy Facts of the Book of Hebrew• ~vill be continued. $$$$$$*$$*$ . of Pastor [,arson. The annual l)islrict Ilion meetin~ will be held Nov. 16 at th(! l!nited Methodist ('hur('h in Llihr:rta l~eginning al 9:30 a.m. .***********~. :\ n ..\ll ('hur('h ('on feren('e " i~ s(,i for Nov. 24 at United Methodist Church in ~t)thello, I)islv'irt Sulwrirm'ndent, the 1~*'~. Merritt Faulkner, Wenatche(,, will 'conduct. Ac complishments of last ydar and plans for the coming year ~ ill he made: ('hur(']~ business disrupted and eh, t'tion of officers for 1975 will-be held. Sacred Heart Catholic An Altar Society Board r • meetin~ is scheduled fo~ 8 p.m. tonight, Nov. 7, at the rectory. . " First Presbyterian Mrs. Robert I)rentice will be hostess to the Marytha Cirele Monday, Nov. li, 7:45 p.m. in her home. Study 488-3395 91 E. MAIN CATALOG STORE III Two cooking speeds, easy-cleaning plugs in anywhere• Very convenient• Ifurrydown offer Ends Nov. 9 WAS $439.95 NOW ONLY I = Specidl Bulletin From Seattle = i ".Three days only Nov. 7, 8 & 9| • THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY _ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~ll~u~~~ll~~~~Hi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I • FREE H0m Bonus Offer " With~ I E' ¢ = = = -- : •Af i ! * "O "0 • • Duck Decoys 1 dozen Mallard decoy~ do=. nighl ex('ep~ Sunday, N(Sv. 10,, Worksh'op has,bieen scheduled Aug. 15 1973 when the crusade will begin at/ fol=9 a.m. Saturday,' Nov. 9 at ' " ' ) S " 7 p.m. S~u~lav s entertainthe (,hurch,of the Master in t o. t meetings are held each ment will be furnished by the Pasta. Cars'will be .leaving second Tuesday of the month '~'o~th Cho~'r and,,Puppetfrom the local ohurch* at 7"30 September through June, and (hglble men ~re welcomed ;how of Richland Baptist:. a.m?that morning. ' • ~ " AND I ' • I" SEAB*;':D-, ~ SALE. --.. ..,..,ld-.. TODAY AND |VERYDAY • A.YS .~ R[S[RVED TO LIMIT '~= • ~ NO SALES TO DEALERS • RIGHT , Int ......,..R Coats & [e .Ptd 9eluXe:$1eep $ -=. ,.Turtlenecks,. ar$ - ' IC etJ .... "' .--' ,oo......,, ...... Jackets Misses I~ to ~0 t AII'I solid colors ..... ', 32 ,o 38 \~ Men's S ..... t ,,s.tWis'~t~etr,w~',go~,~c, " • " • " h11.$.99 ~ Ibl. 3.99&4.99 ..... o ......... Heat Massager " INNERtaPRIN"OR FOAM" LATEX" " '" . NOW l/tl'* I]IAILJI :." , • '* Twin sleO Set" " '$193.90 $128.00 .c_,--, 7 ., ,,.,., Full Sleep Set 233.90 128.00 f~,@f~ Yarda~e,..:g=~:.:~,. ( Underwear Pipe Wrap : , Ile... ..... ; InsulatiOic Oil ---'-- en Sleep." Set" 282.90 ]28,00 " t ICing Slee Set ." 379.90 192.00 " ". SALE ENDS NOVEMBER 9 TwlnIlle~¢ Union Carbide q IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - • • IF _= . f [ n, 2 Year Ouorootee Reduce~ fr~,~on & weo~ Reg. 16,99 it.g, 1.441 :,: egi0n eet ,if the Middle East• (Your Tire Must Have 1/z DOLL DISPI, A Y - An internation~l the~e was featured in thi's'd0U'display at the Othello Set tuesaay j Chureh of the Nazarene t Church of The Nazarene here last Friday night, TWO youngei ~nember.~of the congregation 1 First I $50 Less to pay out - No need to shop for tires i Eighth and Ash I Supermarket for Tirel admire the display.. * " " ' .'";:- ,: ' , : ' theHaase-HenrYAmerican POStLegion219willOf ~ DonMcCarty-Pastor I Truck ~:.`~:::.::~:~¢~:~:~:::~i...~.`::~.~:~:~:~:~:~:~i~:.~::.~::..~÷~'..::!~;;~.``:::~*i``.~`:~:~i~..`~ . " ( hurch. - ...... .::' . .... Ph. 488-2283 1 Tract 0r, :::~~i::...~.~~::~' *" ~::".~:~#.'.,~. ~4".':~'" "~~~-~"~J" Spamsh" Assembly meet lit 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, I Sunday Services i Cash and (art :.-... ' ..:.:'~.~" ....:.:... ..* ..:..~... .:. ~.'. ¢ • . . ~~ f~~. The ~er,e~ of evangehstic Nov I~, in the ZOOF Ha,. I SundaySchool-9:4~a.m. I Passenger, ~~_ l~" sOrvices are Continuing at the .... - • - , Batteries 't~~i- .church .thzs week wl,h the Veterans who served with ~':~ : " " .... " the armed services duringiEveningService-7:00p.m. I • ~"~':':"~ • ('(jncluding service,to Sunday WWI, April 6, 1917-Nov. 11, iWed. eve. service 7:00 p.m.| United Methodist Billy icBee'son,~(tir("ctor'of Nov 10 " ' 1918: in WWII, Dec. 7, I "A f.~riendly place to be" i 125 S. Broadway 488-J A l'astor l'arish relations° Fir'st" Sou't~ern Baptist " : ************ 19411)ec. 31, 1946; Korea, meeting is s('hedule~J Monday, ('hur('h in Mo~es I,:t~,. Me~t- Piigrim'LUtheran June 25, 1950-Jan. 31, 1955; No~. l I, 7:30 p.m. at the home ~ng tim~' is #:30 pore. each " An. ALCW. Fall I,eadership and Vietnam, Aug.5, 1964--