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November 7, 1974 The Othello Outlook | |
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November 7, 1974 |
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tnt the initiation ceremonies,
488-2935 their husbands went shop-
to the end of Expo ping..(That's a switchi)...then
dream", j()ined them at the Temple for
termed.., dinner and program that
it happened. Some evening•
Weren't impressed--- ************
were enchanted. Great Weekend
your thoughts, The Cecil Johnsons spent a
derived from full weekend over in the
or not it brought Pal, ease country, houseguests
of pleasure, oneof his mother•..
sure. It brought a They attended a school
to this part carnival where they saw one
It brought alot of their first students, n dw
of the High School Ag teacher-
that most of us and Andy and Amy had a ball
otherwise have at the carnival where they
to see. And it could buy anything at the
Kris Schmidt and Gre Hanoff
Exchange. Vows .in Church Rites
An h6irloom chignon of
pearls held the waist-length
veil worn by iris Schmidt for
her "wedding* to Greg ~anoff.
Qrang¢. gladioli,, pink car-
nations, and yellow daisy
pampas muss were ar-
ranged in.footed candelabra
and on the, altar of •First
Presby.te¢ian Church" for the
Oct. 5 double-ring ceremony.
The .Rev. Glen Hutchison
read. "the vows for the
daughter" of" Mr. and ~l:s.
Robert A. Schmidt, Oth't, flo.
and the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Page 9
many visitors who price of ten cents, practically
" Jae.'k S. Hanoff, Las Vegas,
B o
great memories of unheard of today! Nee. .
around our beautifulSunday the family attended *~'J "and oran e ew bows ~
• . • r'nK g P 1 i
st. a 50th wedding anmversary "- • "-
• . decoEated Cthe aisle ~v.n :i
e us something to talk oelebratlon of relatives, Dean •which the bride was escorted [ i
aft somewhere to go, and Mary Johnson, at Gar-
fieldand a familydinner .~):y'her .father.
~l in these days of ,art " ." Pearl-trimmed Alecon lace
P Y" 1rimmed ~;he bodice sleeves
tia.g the big Fair was ************ , ~ o. . , .;' ,.,
..... ana iromt pane~ o~ ~ne nrme's ~ ~;'.iil, i:~:
~t burst of lights is rnoemx sauna • • • "
~, ~o,~ ,+ +l,~- .... FINAL PLANS FOR TEA - Jane Franz, left, general chairman, and Elaine Ottem,-" w~ate pot de sol gown.
,'am the sky. The ............ nameoi ~icz .... . ...... i l'
~nt is over. What willant ........ ~er~na lost .... mrmer branch ,premdent' go over final plans for the annual Amer|can Assocmtmn of Umverslt~,. . ." Doslgned m eVictor an,
~f now? ~residents, Mr. and Mrs. Womens Semor Tea scheduled here on Sunday." ": " thu;f~nc~tSttnhan~edg u sKzrt'l'th ~ d! ~ ~i !
• *********** Forrest Wetterow, who make ....... I - " • " " .... '~' ' " '
their home in Sandpoint, Ida., ^^llt^l. a--.._J c ..... P-'rt" Io
LotsaTalk where the Rev Yostserveda MU¥¥ Z) /~IIIIUU| =u 7 la.t|q~tM. .... sp l~o'les "P(''-'
: long two-week visit . • . • . _ _ , • "- -" uoral appnqu . wme mecon
sisters, Hazel FaiRy pastora~.e atone t!me. , , . q= #,, I | I I -- = ~ W~,|[,~,=,~,.~,~ : lace'~dged the hemline of the
~rrwlng rnursoay oz rest VII I IMIIOWg~II • " •
:AnieeRanseiler, tbe week, the Wetterows left lea Scheduled 5unda,, 'sk!rt"anwdelChaPwealst:alnaiHe; ~,,,
:vT'a'c°m-aa,~.~mg, " A party Halloween Eve f6r" n~y ~ y p"
Monday for Phoemx where / . . , ' •
nd a tour of ,~, .... ~,., • ..... a ,~ -..~nter ~nv"-"--~ ~'-v- ~'--n ~-oq ~e-~" T.AA ;--;*o"^ns Jumor Girl Scout Troop 269 pearl~ ear#,lngs, gift of the
-,~.v t,,=,, ~ ~v~,,~ ~,,~ ,,, • , ,~a~,.,,~ .a ~ .~ ,,,a,- ~. a. o~, ,,,v,~a~,o . " ..... - • "~room ~nd she carried a
or Mrs. Ranseiler " ************ ed to all senior girls and their Afternoon's speakers will was nero at the name at Fay'. :s: --of straw flow s "
~e left for home last " * mot al ( " r~ooger. • . • oouque$ er , ano
Surprme, Folks. hers to attend the anna b, Jamne Jacobs, Upward ..... • .... .-' ~ .......~l~,~;,~a ,,it~ ,, h;~,
~" More company Tuesdayof Senior Tea planned SundayBound Program director of ,lne ~ose . pa~ro~. ~was • ~"'~,~."ri~,~ .............. MR. AND MRS. GREG HANOFF
w charge OI °ecoratlo~s and "~"*~" " "~'""~"
• *********** last eek from North Dakota afternoon, Nov. 10, by theBig Bend Community College ' • ....'~" ~ - " Sandr~ Mills attended as Photoby Mike Black
From Hawaiian for Lynn and Lila Rosenberg. Othello Branch of the Ameri- and Fuku Shima, Career and games, :e~n the. ~usy .rues .'m,;a of" honor She wore a Schmidt; Nell Wright and fornia coastlines with a tour of
..... set I g r Iresnments •- "" ' •
ld houseguests of Rosenberg. can Assocmtmn of University Gmdance counselor at BBCC, ~ ' ' - %- ." " ' ,,'elbow floor len,~th ,,own of Marvin Scott. I)isneyland, the young couple
• , • ~pecza= guest was 'vamrie -: ' ~P: ~
rge-L. Salisburys These Lester and Elaine Women. both of whom wdl be avallable ....... .._ ..... -ol'ester ~"e in em-ire Providing nuptial music is at home in Lab Vegas,
' • • • • wars WHO toldbf: th~ Juliet -P Y P P
sister, Mildred, and Rosenberg, Lynn's brother The event wdl begin at 2for questmns following the .... %"~ " * stv4in" with ruffled hem~;-~ was Mrs. Tom Pars, organist, where he is employed as an
t~owe House an° ~Sa oun Y ft '"'~
and his wife, of New Rockford p.m. at the Othello Golf and meeting• Betty Shambrook ~ . _. mp~r g .......... The newlyweds greeted ambulance attendant.
|'arrive°Dr" Edwinin Wash-B" who stood with Lynn and Lila Country Club under the librarian at BBCC, and Ruth ~n bv:vannah,.G~?, .which'she"-ara~. ae nl~g~~a~ounat w,tn guests at a reception which The bride, an Othello High
:lay after spend- when they were married..,direction of Mrs. AI Franz Danielson, Othello High nas VlSlte°; IVliss Lowe was .o a,g , . • quet, ozfollowed immediately follow- graduate, attended
Iounoer of Girl Scouts m o yetmw °amy muss yeoow
in Hawii where, Their coming was a sur- general chairman. Assisting School counselor. - .... " * "" h'~ muss a-~ "'" -
prise and they visited two Mrs. Franz will be Mrs. John Musical entertainment will "~merma';l, ne,p:r°b~.am_i~e" O~-lU.s e~°ncon,~i~te~P~:r~::t~aw ing the wedding rites• As- Wenatcfiee Valley College.
I a bankers
days before continuing their Sargent, refreshments andbe selections by Sarah Wilcox memoereo ner.mrthday, O.ct. • o~_~ . r,~..~ ...... we. sisting were Kerrie ttaase and Her husband recieved a
• Mrs ' • ' ~1 .... * zvH'~, uuug ocnmlot at- bride's cousins, Mrs. Curtis diph)ma from Vanden High in
d.ty the two vacatmn to coastal areas., ," Steve Connors and Mrs. harp~st. - rotmwmg.=" .... t-}/e" pt'og?am," " '. tengea" ....... Her szster-ln~aw asEsche and Mrs. Tim Farrell, Fairfield, Calif. and attended
a day at ExpoL-J.-. ~.. ~. iA/.......,~.~I" _ ~./'-" _ _ I I .. games were iplayed "a:nd bridemaid. Also attending as both of Stevensen, and 3am Big Bend Community College,
left for their I 1(.9l 1 t. ,~F~::~rT'l("}r3\/ IIr"ilTg2~c refreshments ,of decorat6d..~ridtesma'ds were~)rlene my Henle. Mrs, Bud Hawley Bride's relatives arriving
---~-------,, , ,,,.Jr t ~.jt~t~x.,,.,~ Mort ue and Mrs S
Mich. ~ ' )' cupcakesand' apple,cider " t~g . teve attended the guest book and for the wedding were Mr. and
C K (~ D P / served. . . Stricker. Their ora,ge gowns bride's aunts, Mrs. Melvin Mrs. Glen Muggy, her grand-
=. t ,., • .'. a~d beige hats maChine'those Henle and Mrs. Walter Brost, mother fr~ Yakima and
has had as her ris eeney an cns a mer .'emstorl'lea. , "o th maid'orhonor' ndthey arr,ngedthegifttab e. Mr. and Mrs. aarence Moe,
this week,Ann a= ! . ~ •n t car['ibd~imilar.floral arraage- Following a wedding trip great aunt and uncle of
Walla Walla, who Roses, daisies and apricot .... ::: :i' ..~ MarKet' ^re Kelly. • merits..'- . - down the Oregon and Call- Wapato.
Uesday. . carnations accented with ivy :~:~i~:[ i ii:~iO~¥ t ~i':~ ~ . " . :.. Uenle, Toppenish cot-° k ' I
tyer will also be ina centerpiece arrangement : ~ Othello Mrs. Jaycees meet. sin" of-the,'hrid~, was candle- [ ,sa~a~r, P r"~. m.=~,,~. ~,.e,~ |
dth her many friends and two pedestal candelabra i~' I: Monday, Nov. ll, Sp.m, atthe .l]gbte~:Rdbin, RaeandRenee I H^~t~=~J |l~" |~t~||~ I
during her stay.., holding matching bouquets:::: ~ii/:is;i! home of Mrs. Richard Jack:.- Hawle~ passefi scro~sPI ! I~tl~L=B1 /I I'lL ~t,*|l~#,,#~ 1
'********* formed the background for"~? !!:':~: son. " • : Davicl Ha~ff came ,from | - i ]
the Sept. 28 wedding cere- ii: i Articles for a table atthe LAB.. Ve~a~ te.' attend his | No,ember 3rd ~ro ]0~ I
'.iful Weather , sony in which Cris geeney ~!!i:i!i ;iiiii upcoming Beta Flea Market brother as beat"man. Ushers J ~ , ~.~ I
most informative, became the bride of Daris %: ~i~i I
will be finished and displayed. :~erb .brihle's. b~'o~her, Doug~ °. .,m.
Oct'30"N°v'l'f°r Palmer. ~ii: ~'~:',i~i!~ P yH • -
y, Joyce Rickman " T:o:WOn. ; : °First outb,
'etersen, director:s" Parents of the bmde are ~ ': art osfed :
, Mary N. Keeney and Richard !~::~i~iiii~! :~:'~":~
Mem • . ..~-- w~v...,
~o'°Unty Fa~r,attended Wash-West E. Keeney, botb Othello. The i::~:~ iliill ......... The Ta-Wan-Ka Camp .. ,'af-~-. ~VIar.~e.R~' J. ~.'~-Y//~ J~ .e = ~J[_ I
~te Fair Associa,- bridegroom is the son of s:ii:::;::: .......
Rosena Palmer, Othello, and :::f Fire group, under the lead- mon; Georgia .Meg{nity, and t*- ° ~ ~/ I[ dl~|| 1
;ai convention i~n Clayton Palmer, Moses Lake. ~:~i ership of Mrs. Leo Mollotte,' Viki '.P~r.rq[t: • ~ith :'Na'nc~ I /4¢ ~ ~, ~a ~1¢1 ~ [
hosted a Halloween party at Foulkes. a" prospec.t!ve'mem-.:L "(~" .'$ ~'~ I
included the elec-The 1 p.m. ceremony was i:!~
the First Presbyterian ber: " " :"" • : "'| it. ]2 AND PINE I
• . . . • . - [~) *
' officers, financial officiated by Bishop Hugh C. !::i; Church last Wednesday Fol- A fourth, grade, gT. 0Up -~s. I. ~x-x~___~f) " I
I small group buzz Sloan of Othello Second Ward, i ::::i lowing a short program,, bemg formed at the .present I **."/~]~ ~E~'~]Mr]~'E~ |
ch day for sharing Church of Jesus Christ of games were played and time and a. leader is n'~:eded,..| " (,'r~ ~r~--~-'~fl[ " I
Latter-Day Saints and took
ngwith the install- place in the home of the i refreshments served. Theyaccording tO Mrs.." Mollotte- | ,. ~".-:-d m • • o I
also made and put up and Mrs. B'ill"I=rpll~'man, i "'. ~vuman nerrm I
fiee~ at a Fridaybridegroom s mother.
uet. side, they Given in marriage by her ::~~, Halloween decorations at chairmen. .'. " "[ " ° |
father,the bridewore a Othello Convalescent Center, •
lodged at the chosen as their service project " o
n owoof .vor .--
Which mirrored abridal satin in empire-styling for the year.
of the Capitol with oval lace insets and Grange Meeting ''
• and of the sunneckline. A head piece of lace °
day each day of andher peach-coloredfingertip veil•ribb°n held Scheduled Friday .... . ...
the convention Attendants to the bride Othello Grange will meet ~¢i,: *
directors was were Sarita Cooper, maid of Friday, Nov. 8, 8 p.m. in the ~
~ife, Laurie. honor, and Susan Guenther. i Washington Water Power
,***** Their floor-length apricot building. ,
gowns, designed in empire ~i Officals note there are
Meyer was styling, featured ivory lace several issues to be voted •
of ruffles at the neckline. MR. AND MRS. DARIS PALMER upon by members during the
ceremonies at El Cindy Tosh, groom's niece, Photo by Mike Black business session.
in Spokane and Leslie Reese, bride's ushered guests.
niece from Kennewick, were Mrs. George Walker, or- LAMPE JEWELERS ING LAST LONGER,
to Spokane withjunior attendants in apricot ganist provided wedding -
were the Ray floral print gowns styled~ as music. FURTHER...
those of the senior attendants. At the reception which
Pfeiffers and Brian Hanks attended as followed in the Palmer home
women attended best man and Doyle M. Mrs. KenOverfield, Mrs. Carl
Palmer and Dell C. Palmer Tosh, Mrs. Joe Buck and Inez
tO Pledge Ritual Is Robinson served punch and "
cake. Attending gifts were
with Liner Palmer and Kati Kee-
Scheduled Tuesday Hey.
Delta Upsilon chapter of The young couple took a
Beta sigma Phi will hold a wedding trip to Seattle. They
formal pledge ritual Tuesday," are at home in Othello.
purposes of theNov. 12, at the home of Mrs. Special guests attending
discussed at anGeorge Keenan. from out-of-town were Mr. . •
meeting of the To be pledged are Mrs. and Mrs. Howard Hughs, Pitt rgPaint
Center Auxi- Frank Palmiero, Mrs. JayMissoula, Mont.; Mrs. C.A. sb~
Blanehard, Mrs. Wesley Hall- N e e r g a a r d, b r i d e' s
will be tuist, Mrs. William Rose, grandmother, Seattle; and Sale Now In P ogress
volunteer in- Mrs. Dick Norris and Mrs.Dell C. Palmer, groom's
group efforts to Milan Heath. brother of Rexburg, Ida.
~ursing home ' " ' JtreallyhappenswithMot~awkcarpet-
personal touch. • you're kept cooler in summer, so you
can run your air conditioner at lower
include speeds, or turn it off for periods, be- I • " ' ,
eommunit e:f- 'Eye-cat~:hing beauties- cause air pockets in the carpet'st~tile
trap cooled air and insulate the ~m SAVE MORE THAN FU~LII.
and of rare disti0¢t]on"'" -~ from outside heat. In winter, Mohawk
and assisting TRI CHEM and charm. For those.. : carpet holdr, warmair, conservingen- . SAV[ MONEY..=IDO!
projects wi'th a flail'for" , ergy yeaq~¶j2und. Tests conclude that
Beta Flea q fashion in everything carpet, a hl~hly .,,icien! thermal insu- Canyon Parmlise
~,~,¢.~. bf/~/~y~t(, f~ • . . . . .lot, signilicsntly reduvas ,be quantity $12
of the or- zc. 3.diamond they wear., .. of heating fuel cdnsumption-by as :
pair in a lovely *. muchas13%!Andwhataper~onalen- °$14.85 ~,~ 95so o
Monday, *~"~"c~ TI P R E PAl R? {J# bridal bouquet. " orgy savor--you'll CU| hOlMS off CleaR- • ,
craft room of "" in,,nevertO SWOep, mop, wax,orpolish Cbk
Cente/", again. Our cul-pric, sale helps you Eleganf e
even more. so for more comfortable
are helping summers, and win/~rs, comeget your $13
session eac'h Mohawk carpet today. ~ s]5,0 ~ lOsovo
1-3 p.m. The CLASS WILL BE HELD AT ° "
POWER ,,. 15 di,m=ds 2P.&~IN=i~aof Fam ,
= rnoon ofWASHINGTON WATER CO. inthis3-r vfitry
mending day dinner ring. di=moocl el~rinls:
)tomend Lay Away Now'For Christmas, ~AS~R~,,~fR~S ~ $14.25 ~ ,
on patient; 107 S. First : . tAN,¥ MORE CARPET"" Fin;'m¢iug ,.ibbis ,fit ,ppr0ml credit.
in help :" SPECIALS. . /i(
at the WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13TH • , •
urged to 9:30 o.m. to 11:30 o.m. Diamonds-Watches-Gifts •
of their •
meetings. For 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Evening by appointment "
is avail-
Mark Brain at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL Art Supplies, Trophies, Frames p
Mrs. Darohl 946-0422 - Richland 547-3564 - Pasco 724 East Main Othello, Wa. 99344 . 3 1' 1st . • 48g.5219