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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
November 14, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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November 14, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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eceive Awards VOL 8, NO. 46 Ten Cent,, In The Hoart of The Grit Columbia Besin FRIDAY, November 14, 1952 75w n, ,in Advis0 B0ard Soil C0nservationis!s coun r Under OPS Kiwanians Pick ~irst annual Will M t He T0 M .t.t Bureau ,ood L.. 0ffi For '53 v everdng the Pre .y er- Tl irteer, a&ld onal church', of ee re There 'will be a meet/rig of Wash. an northern, Idaho corm- cers g the dinrrer was the Soil Oonservation district ties come und er c-ormn rr- the girls' hi~gh scbxml Semte%%e: Sharon Te~nyhill, Judy Cox, Jbanne Beebe, Ginger Toskey, Phylis Hays, arid Zelma Pow- ers, sang several rmmbers. The ~irls were ~nied by Jan~ce Kann enwisher. Five ,di~ferer~t "Looks Scouting' through the eyes Q Soo~, by Ted Wolf, a Scou~, bY Jim Spence, an edu- cator, by~ Ed Stamen, a~ a rno~er, by Jo K~r. The speaker of the eveain~ was Lt. Col Andrew Kn~drat, The regular meeting of the Ci~izen'sAdrcisory oou~cil ~or the Othello schools ~ be ~eld IWonday Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. in the school cafeteria. This meet~r~g is open ~o all citizens in ~he Othello school distr~ct and their atten~ is sir, cerely requested, acoord- ing to Chairman El@on Erm~ and Superinlendent of Schools, Grant Venn. TI~ madn order ot business at the meeting will be the ~s- Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. in the basemen¢ of "the Bureau of Rev.tama¢ion office ~ui~ding. A~t this time there will be a a~gn-up of P~£A co-operators. Johnny Para, who attended a meeting of ,the State Soil conservation ~ct Super- visors in Spokane Nbv. 17, 18 and 19 will talk. on ~i~n. Highway Hearings cussion and ~rnmT2on, of commanding o~icer of the Oth- prelimirmry plans of the new eIlo Air I~ase. Col K~n~rat school building, It is hoped that To Be Held Dec. 2 old of the use that has been the archi ct will be present to vaade of Scotrt tr~in:ing on, the battlefield and lives the train- d~sc'ttss and explain aB features |n State Capital ir~ has saved by those who re- of the building. IT~embered and u~e dthe Scout ,Ime~l Btdlders ~ oor~tra~ A public hearing on the re- program when needed. .tors, and ttmee persons attend- port of thehighwsy clasi~ica- : A court of horror under the mg the first Building and Sites lion mtud~ will be held in ~irection of ~ Committee conm~'tt~e meeting are urtged Olympia on Dec. 2, 1952. The hairman Lee Fevguson to attend this regular Citizen's eleven boy~ up for awards, council meeting. Washin~on State Council of Those receiving the rank of Tenderfo~ Scou~ were Gary Kannem~isher, B~bert Garret, and Ross Kendall. Boys earning and receiving the rank of Second Class Scout wore Allen White, Bill Haight Larry MoCourtie, Howard Carr Jim Spen~ce and Joe M~ore. Brent Smi'h was awarded First Class Scout rank at tha~t ¢irne, too. One Merit Badge was to Robert Vietzke on subject of I-I~ane Repair. §b a,D SETS POUCY FOR SCHOOL At the Board meet- 'm4fl%t a school policy was adopted Which will be adrnfinistered through the Superintendent*s v¢~i~h requires that ant group asking for use of ?~he • chool b~Idir~g m~gt make mmh a request ten days in ad- vance. Information and regu- lations established will be sup- l~lded at the ti~ne of request for facil, ities. The purpose of such a policy is to make certain that the ~u'imary purpose of *d~e school Iding; ,the ~tion of the ~ildren, would receive firsk 0or~ideration. Suggestions and commen~s are desired ~t this time so .~at usable ideas may. be Ir, corpor- ated into the plans in this pre. linin~ry stage. SURVEY BEING MADE A s~.rvey is being made in the Columbia Basin by the E~I church to d~ea'rn~ne tl~e nude number of that ~ith resid- in this area. Any menbers of the Episco- pal religion are a~ked to con- tact Rev. Andrew Daughters, St. Pauls ~a~l church, 619 W. Albany Ave, Kennewick, Wash. Higha y was corn- missioned last year by the Jodrst Fact Fin~ing committee on Hi~ys, Stree~ and Bridges of the Wash~r~:on state legislature to undertake the study through ,the coopera- tive efforts of the UrdversRy of Washington and the State College o~ Washingtm~. The re- sults are presented in the coun- cil's o ieial report to this eom- mi'~ee, whdch will be mailed out later this mon~ when pointing is correlated to all in- terested agencies. The public hearing will con- vene in the Roads ar i Bridges committee room of the House of Repr~ives in. Oly~apia at I0 a.m. on Dec. 2. Mr. and M~. Wayne Bertton ale the parents of a d~ugtRer ~born October 29 in the Moses Lake hoespital. The -in£an¢ weighted 6 lbs. 9 oz. and has been ~amed Mblly Jean. A girl, Verla Fay, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pease, Nay. 1 at ¢che Samaritart ,hospital in Moses Lake. Weight 7 Ibs 8 oz. A boy, born~ Lt. Col. and Mrs. Andrew Kundr~i Nov. 12 at fhe Larsun Air Force Base h~spital. BAZAAR TO BE HELD The~ Pollyann~s of ,the Oth- ello Chr~sMRn ohurch will have a bazaar on. Wednesday, Nov. 19, in the church .basement at 10 a.m. Luncheon will be served at noon. There will be a food sale and booths fea%urin~ aprons, tea towe~, and pilk~ slips. There will also be a, r~ovelty bo~th and a Ckmrvt~ store booth. ity food pricir~g program .NOv. 24. Jay Kalez, d~rector of the Spokane Mflce of price sabiti- za,tion, made the an~ouncerner~t meat folowi~ a meting with representatives of wholeea|e grocery firms. The wholesalers designated Adams coun~ as being araong*the tbirteen listed as being in the same competi- tive area in ood sales. These counties will oompri~ the secondmry ~PS pricing Nov. 3. Kalez revealed th~ a terti- ary area will come under the fo@ pricing producing program late in December. This will in- clude some 8 cotmtie in the st~e of Washin~on. All food se0ores will charge un~for~n area prices ac~ord~n.g to store classifications. S ores are classified according to an. ual gross business for 1950. Class 1 stares had gro~ sales up ~o $75,000 in 1950; chss 2, between $75,000 and $375.000; class 4, more than -375,000. All stores must play the 17 by 22 inch OI~ posters which li~t prioys of 375 food items. These posters m~'t be placed so the customer can come within 2 feet of them. ~alez explained' tl~t under comu~ty pricin~g, O1~ £~o'ures the ceiling prices on many marketbasket groceries on a mark~in~ area basis. These ceilings are then prirAed on posters and delivered to the grocery stores, wbAch mu~ dis- Election of officers to serve for the con~ing year at the head of the Othllo Kiwanl~ club was held Tue~mdy eve- ning at ~heir ~ meeting. Those who were elected are: PresiderR, Edavin Ste~en; ~irst vice presidtm¢, Hardly Dirks; second vice pve~iden~ John Madk~x; Treasttre~, Rod- erick 22mmpson. The Board of Directors who will guide the dub thrm~h the new year are Joe Camera- to,, Phil Noble, Bill Kau~man, Ralph Ny~ren, Vernon Seki~, Ra]~ Doree an~d M. A. Terry. Lyall Menser h~s bert 1~eei- der~t of the o~tion since it was formed early last year. NEW BUILDING STARTED A new building w~ ~rted this week one-half block north of Main street on the West hi~e of First Ave. by O. F. Ken- field. The new building has ben bid to the gov~r~t for use as a raew Post • o~ice forOth- elba. ~m~tedly the ~ struc- ture is to be done before Christmas. pla~- them. Kalez said the sys- tern helps both the grocer and his customer. The ~ocer no longer has to figure his ceiling prices fo the iierms or~ the OPS chart. C~ers are able to know a,t a $1ance the ceiling prices of many foods they bu~. Handsome GmLS STRONG! ,,4 Come To P.TA, it's DAD'S NIGHT! November 18 8 P.M. New Members 50c An ancient Adams county ewspaper came into the light ~his week. It's a Decem/~r 31, 1951, copy of the long defunct Othell'o Times, pubUshed by Ogden and O~den, in the good Old days when livestofk, wheat and the Milwaukee' railroad providin,g some measure fo rpre-irriga~ion The ne~vspaper was found stuffed in the walls of the A A Automotive garage buildir~g principal clowns. He attended abot~t half the council metings while he was a mem~ber, which is a prety good average as anyone who knows Jones will apreoiate.", But the, article admits that "his wilIingness ~o trade a barrel of flour for a shoat, and %0 allow a debtor to pay back his year's grocery bill with plowing, is said to have kept the wol~ from breaking into many a farm door." lessor, wlm was located in Cle Elum and r~urned to Othello. "He was arraigned Monday and demanded not only at~r- nets but a jury trial and sever- al wi,tnesses /r~m Malden. The trial was held before a jury Tuesday, Cody pleading his own defense. He was found guilty, fined$25 which he couldn'~ pay,and transmitted to the county jail. "During the ~rial the value of the violin was variously es- perhaps the most interesting article in *the entire paper, however, relates in detail .some of the findings of the agrieul- ~ral, exDerimen~ Station near Cunn!ingham. I-lhere is the lat- est farming techniques as re- ported in 1915~ "That the foltowih,g me,hod of tillage is one of the be~ ~o above. The pre drill or press at- tachmerA to .the ordinary driR is a great imprvvemen~ over ordinary drills when pla~,ting gr~in. It firms the ground a. bore the seed, thus insuring: good and quick germination.. "Winter whea~t is the most profitable grain crop tha¢ can adopt to prevent volcanic ash be grown; improved winter cromer and winter barley d~ soils from bowlin,g and to re- fairly well. Winter rye is muc~ duce wed grow',,h at the same• time,. " the surest of a,ll the &train crop; Which is curen~tl¥ being renc~ The account concludes:timated at from 50 cencs to "D'¢~,. th~ ~-,d i~ the autumn"You will find that you can.* Voted by Tax Lindsey, one of "When Jones has some real S150. leisurehe can en,tertain you Pages 2 and 3, 6 and 7 were lhe nt~ris~ after weeds have tcria, mile maize, 'kafir corn! ~eh owners who purchasedhthe for summer f~Uow and again in not usually profitably grow f~ sudan grass, broWn corn mid S:ructure from~Henry Gra. am. with tales of experiences thatdevoted to news of the world .~Droul'cd. P]mv bof~e the mo~- let and o~.her fodder crop~ : The Othello" Times of 1915 will make your hair Stand and mostly concerning "~he Kaiser's h~re has ~o far lef~ ibm, l~nd lha,t Yeas a healthy lookin~g 8 pageyour breath depart. If you wan~ inva,sion of Russim This news it ca~ot be m~do c)oddv, mainly because of t~hc low tem~ ~ewspaper wri'tten in a fran,k some real en.ertainmen~t, get was in the forr~ "ready-print," "VoUow ~he plow with the peratures. md lucid style which with- little the editors feR ~tigkh be of interest to the read- log public. For example, a prominent article on Page 1 wrote up one the city's leadir~g business- as .,)art of a know-your- ~ei~hbor series. The Othello Times was peas- to men'fion this civic leader name. We shall not, since have no way of evaluarcing 1915 Si~uati.on. B~ lets call Jones. "When Othello was in, cor- borated," the article said "in bert, "Jones was pu,t on the although he was not ible on account of being stmas{er. "At ~h'at time a council was more or less of a and Jones was one of the hhn loosened up. An'olher article concerns the cruel hand dealt b.V justice to one Prof. Lou Cody, whose stay in Othello appears to have been brief but eventful. "The professor arrived in Othello early last week carry- ing a violin as luggage," this epic reports. ,"He gave a cotmert or two in local saloons and then dis- posed of the musical instru- ment to Joe Long for the sum of $2. Shortly after .the sale was made the marshall re- ceived a telegram from Malden asking hin~ ~o get the violin, the messa,ge ~tating that i.t be- longed to J. J. Lewis of Mal- den. "I'he latter then came to ~thello persona'lly and swore out a warant against the pro- a new..~aper service which was pre-prin~ed in the eaPt and sent ~a news~aapers to prin,t 4 more pages of local composition on th~ back-side thereof. On page 5 appear a number of legal notices signed by the ]~'e Adams coun't~r sheriff, A. C. Jansen, father of Ritzville a~[torney Leon,ard Jansen, and by the ladle George N. McCol- lore of Ritzvtlle, then a deputy sheriff. On page 8 we find. advertis- ments nlaced by the Crab Creek 1:umber company, P. J. Vanderburg, agent; The Bruns- ~iek, E. Troxel. prop.: OthelR) arness Shop. C. W Showalter prop.; and W. A. Struppler's ~giant douartment gtore where early Othello~,tes could pur- chase anything from "needles to threshing machine,." ~.~,~rk9r and do nor barrow. Thi~ w, iU leave the m~rface covered with .~ll elod~ ,-h~eh ord~,- ar~v ~rill prevent blowing. A terrible storm, of course, will blow ever~.thinff away as it usually does. "After sum~r fallow has been ~bus hacked, the aim should be to d;~ur~ the soil as litle as po~ible. Subseouent wec~s that will certainly grow can be kept down by the ~ud.i- cious u,~ of tb~ Chancy rod weeder or the F~ulkner marin,~ ¢oo¢h "harrow, bo~h of which are su~po.sed ~o leave the sur- face ~omewh~t rough. "Weed,,~ r~v algo be ken~ down very efficien+]y by keep- ing on the ]a~d a band of shee'D. Summer fallowine" by the lis- ter method has no advanla¢~, over the method outlined "It is highly probable that alfalfa and sweet clover can be grown profitably for' hay anc~ pasture and also for puttin~ humus in the soil to aid ira binding it. and that corn may: profitably be grown on lan " which would otherwise be. sunmmr.fa Howed, "Live~ock may be suc~ss.* fully and profitably grown it/ the entire absence of grass pas-' lure on a blow soil farm, where' the normal ann~al precipita, ti )n is below nine inches. Horses, Cattle, sheep and, swine were raised at the Curt ningham experimenCal farm by being grazed aImd~ entirely on rye pastuers sown in the fall and also in ~he spring, the corn in the summer fallow fur- nishing grazing for them in the driest wrath of la~e Bummer and autumn.