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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
November 14, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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November 14, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK FRIDAY, November 14, 1952 SURPRISE SHOWER HELD FOR MRS. A. KUNDRAT Mrs. Andrew Kundra~ was the recipien¢ of many varied baby gif~ at a shower given for her by Air Force wives at the Milwaukee Women's club house ,on T~ursday, November 6. The opening of g~fts was pre- ceded by a sun~tious pot-luck mrpper served at a table deco- rated ,in Autumn coN)rs wVch diapered babies holding um- brellas and chains of autumn leaves. TwenCy-e~ght guests at- tended the shower. Mrs. John. Farrar headed the ccsnmibtee £or plmming and w~ assiSted by Mrs. Stanley Leake, Mrs. Jack Swaim, and Mrs. Allen GwinnCet. Mrs. Kundr~ pro- fessed to be genuinely sur- p~sed. II I i I i till 924 W, Lf~Is Phons 0291 Pu , W hineton III I YOUR FALL DCCORATING DONE B~FORE TEE • HOLIDAYS " Bill ehadwick C aarlSe Ward 1 ene 183 Lind, i ill. I .i ~ i i LOCALS -- Lt. Kermeth To mpkizm le~t last week for Korea aver he had taken his w~fe arrd family *o their home in St. Paul, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack H~2bbard spent Tuesday in S~okan~. The Milton Bisehoffs spent Monday evening in Moses Lake visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J~ke Freealtan. ,Mrs. C. J. Bogardus spen~ Mbnday and Tuesday in Sea- ttle. Mrs. Tommy Para and Christy and Mrs. O. F. Ken- fie4d are spending the week in BeUir~l~am visiting ~'iendS and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barrett at- terrded the Aden~ county TB. Association dinner Monday n't~,t in Batzville. Little Vickie Para is spend- ing the wek with her garnd- parents, Mr. and Mm. ~amrles Davidson. Esther Tenrvyhlll is spending the week in. Seattle. ,Volmn~ Dale of Choteau, Montana was a guest of his nephew, Johnny Ness and' ~- ily Tuesc~y evertirtg. Charles Davidlsort and Wes Kliphardt attended a District Masonic meeting and banquet in R~n!and T~es@.ay evendng. uapt. Homer Stewart has re- turned to the Othelk) /tAr Base after 3 mor~ths schoo~in~ at Maxwell Field, Ala. Floyd Harrima~ of l~tzvtlle was an overn~gh~ guest of ~he E1don Enrtis' Tuesday eve~Irrg. Mrs. City'con Michel, Mrs. Ran St. Imise and Mrs. Eldun Ennis are plarm,in~g to ~ttend a Cub Scout P~r,v-Wow in Spo- kane Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krupa and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dorfley spent Saturday evening in • • m • EVENING BY APPOINTMENTS These portraits will be taken in your own home and are very suitable for your Photo Christmas Cards for this year---Drop in today and "ask for full particulars. PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS BE SURE AND ORDER YOURS TODA~'I! Hours 9 a. m. - 7 p. m. - Sundays 9 a. m. - l p m. • • • GIVEN ME BY THE VOTERS OF ADAgiOS COUNTY IN THE GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE OFFICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. :er Moses Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCourtie and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reno attended the "~fi~hts in Spokane F~iday night. Mrs. Clark Reedy and child- ren ~)f Fairfield, Wash. were weekend guests of ~he Joe Bar- retts. Mr. and" Mrs. Joe Barre~ spent Wednesd~ay in Ellensburg on business. Mrs. Helen Ferguscr~ and dat~ghter Jenny are on the sick list this week. The Ben Kmmertwishers at- tended the dedicatton of t~he new Warden hi~ school Mo~- day r ght. The T. Endicotts raoved in,to the Sinner house Tuesday. The Carl Lochmiile~s spent Sunday in Sl~]mne. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gar~o sper~t the weekend in S@okmme. Lt and Mrs. Dwight Cok re- turned to Othello recen~tly. L~. Cook has been ta,kin,g traindng in fighter type jet aircraft. ~Ps. Sam Rates spen~ several days in Spokane last week in Spokane. Mrs. Vern Harrison of PascO was a guest of his parents the Walter Gam~ hst week. CAW & CAW KT'rO~S Phone 361~ OtheLlo I Mrs. Frances of Wi~ita. Kan. is v£siting her sister, Mrs. J. D. Ad~arns. Save With U. S. Saeings Bonds RENOqJ OFFICE S~ttYICE • Phone ~k~3 OtheUo, Wuhington Office Hours: 8:30 to 12:00 1:00 p~n. to 5:00 p.m. E. M. Scoff C0. Realtor P.O. Box 447 OTHELLO. WA,SHINGTON 3612 I I I You can ob~ a complete set of "Perfection" BRAND 25-YEAR GUARANTEED Aluminum Ware BY TRADING AT OUR STORE 6-q,t. Coveva This piece and ~aa~ny others-- bsolumly free to our custom- ers. We are dividin~ our pro- £its--we are ,maldn(g it more wx)rth ymn" while ~han ever to TRADE wlrrH L~S. No Advance in Prices Come in Rnd see o~.r beautiful, rlisplay o~ the ~N Aluminum Wave. Ask ,for cata- logue desc~bing the different piece. Let us stand E~re ex: pense of equ£pping your kit- chen with Aluminum Cookir~g Utensils. Full Particulars at Our Sto~e PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR----- • ,i 3 POUND TIN JEWEL. SHORTENING 2 POUND PKG. CRACKERS ............................ 7Sc .... 2~C IT'S WONDERFULLY NEWel0 OZ. PKG. CORNFETTI breakfast cereal CHILDREN'S RUBBERIZED MITTENS .............................. pr. 35c Mystery Hour Means Free Groceries Every Saturday to Someone the way--- To WIN OUR FREE $5.00 MERCHANDISE GIFT which we give away every Saturday is io be in our store during our MYSTERY HOUR. The Person neares~ the MAGIC CIRCLE will win the FREE $5 worlh of groceries,..Just to prove that it always pays to shop at LEACH'S Groceryll If You Don't See It, Ask For it, • ,.WE HAVE AFTER ALL, ~T'HE ,BEST PLACE TO TRADE GROC 'MEI~B~h OF U.R. M. STORES ' (You Name It, We Get It) WE TAKE ORDERS FOR FLOWERS Funeral Sprays and Wreaths Bocmets and Wedding Arrangements WHILE THEY LAST MEN'S WOOL sox pr. 35c