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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
November 21, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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November 21, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Y i•i~J+ Poge 2 - o tto, W:SmHOTON THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK THURSDAY, NOV[MB[R 21, 1974 FOR FIRST QUARTER A total of 82 eighth graders Kirk Bunch, Greg Carter, and 41 seventh graders SandraCarlson, PaulButcher, earned places on the first Traci Cope, Randy Dainard, quarter honor rollwith grades Debora Eves, Keith Fegert, of 3.0 or above, according to Theresa Elkins, Debora El- the list released this week by liott, Wendy Fillmore, Aman- counselor Gent Oord. da Fosback, Angela Gardner, Topping the list were three Bruce Garner, Lia Gearheart, eighth graders and two Sariah Gearheart, Sheila Gil- seventh graders with perfect bert, Stacy Greene, Letty 4.0 or all-A grades. Guel, Jodi Guenther, Randy The eighth graders with 4.0 Hater and Jeff Hansen. averages were Jamie Moore, Others were Julie Hartwig, Kim Pedersen and Kelly Brian Hilmes, Sandra Holmes, Schroeder. Seventh graders Georgia Howard, Lori Hust- were LaVon Kent and Cath-ed, Joyce Jensen, Cheryl trine Sweet. Johnson, Monty Jones, Val- Eighth Graders erie Kent, Gordon Killian, Receiving honors in the Spence Killian, Carol Kot- eighth grade were Barry twitz, Jonica Larson, Cynthia Adams, Cheryl Allard, Kerry Lindahl, Maria Martinez, Bets, Paula Bird, Debhie Robyn McLean, Kim Mihe- Bradshaw, Dan Brandvold,litch, Garry Miller, Diana Mohs, Laurie Mohs, Charmine Moulton, Pat Ochoa, Molly Para, Beth Padgett, Brian Peters and Cindy Peterson. The remaining eighth grad- ers were Laura Prestwich, Lynne Preuninger, Mini Ramos, Charles Regalado, Randy Roylance, Dennis Sir- leg, Marilyn Scrimsher, Joe Simmons, Becky Simpson, Kevin Skogen, Orrin Smith, Skip Stoker, Patty Surgeon, Leonard Suprise, James Tax, Pare Taylor, Robert Taylor, Cheryl Teske, Kelly Thieme, Ed Valdez, Kelly Weedon, PLAY SCENE - Members of Girl Scout Troop No. 287 ue shown in a scene from a play "Little House on The Praire" which they presented at the Father-Daughter banquet this week. From left are Kathleen Aaberg, Betsy Reames, Jodi Coats, Pare Stock and Jamie Davis. IN MONTHLY MEET HERE New and higher electric ton Commission has ordered rates were effective here the Company to place a five Tuesday for Washington per cent surcharge on the Water Power customers, general service rate schedules Company officials an- for commercial and industrial nounced the changes were power use. effective Nov. 19, with similar Pointing out that the increases going into effect on electric rate increase is the Nov. 13 in the WWP service first for WWP since 1960, area in Idaho. The increases Satre said; "We are very were approved by state much aware of the importance commissions, of electricpower to our Noting that in donforming to the rulings handed down by the two commissions in separate actions, Wendell J. Satre, WWP President, said that electric power rates would be slightly different in the two states. "For a residential cosumer in Washington it means a complete revision in the rate schedule," he said. "He will after Nov. 19, be paying a basic charge of $2.40 per month and one cent per kilowatt hour for all of the eletric power he uses." Based on average consump- tion, this means he will be paying about seven per cent more for his electricity. For a cusumer using 3,000 kilowatt hours per month, the increase would be 14 per cent. In some cases, customers will ex- perience a slight decrease in power costs. The WWP spokesman also pointed out that the Washing- Pony, Police Car Collide A pony was killed and extensive damages resulted to a city patrol car when a customers and dence on it both at 1 at home. Our own and the economic the Inland Empire on an abundance hydroelectric have reached a can no longer ever-increasing riding service to tomers." Great Entertainment for the Whole Family Thursday through Monday NOV. 21-22-23-24-25 THE IN THE WORLD The Biggest Howl Ever Unleashed! ffcHteCO(O~t" East of Java Thurs.- Friday 7:30 Saturday 7:00-10:00 Canda Whittle, Mike Wil- speeder chase ended in an Sun. 8:00- Mon. 7:30 liams, Kevin Woody and Tom accident here last Saturday night. PAULE. HART Wright. Enthused members of the been approved for the Pasco result in the involvement of Othello police reported that SATURDAY MATINEE! Hart Admitted Seventh Graders new Columbia Basin Water schools. This will involve an interested 4th, 5th, and 6th The seventh graders were Safety Council met in Othello experiment with 3rd graders graders throughout the Basin. Patrolman Mike Conrad was in pursuit of a speeding DIGBY & KRAKATOA James Allard, Lori Ammann,for the second time Nov. 13 to in a pilot program which The Councils next meetingvehicle on West Main extend- To Bar, Joins Marcia Bennison, Diane Ber- discuss action plans to further should be dramatic evidence is scheduled for Dec. If, 7:30 ed when he struckand killed a 2:00 P.M. d Sh on Burton,ner' Laurel Bird, Jamelynjudith water safety in the Basin. of how easily a child can learn P'm" at the Vashingt°n Water pony" Black, Bonnie Brett, Lincoln The Council, after discus- to swim with early training. Power buildingin Othello. All The incident occurred about lie e Jt Coffman, Mar- sion, concluded that funds for Other Programs interested persons are invited 7:55 p.m. Conrad reported he tin Crowley, David Davis, water safety education should .... o .. . to attend. .... lvlemners oI the t~ouncil was attempting to catch a Notice has been received Norma Dickson, Patricia El- ~aa:::ludedtthnea~Y bsolat~unrgehilnl reviewed several action pro- Timmon$ Teaching 55 miles per hour west on from the office of the liott, Joann Flirts, Susan blue car which was traveling Washington State Bar As- Hartwig, Christy Hilmes, - .... Y ......g . ,-, grams to be cooperative sociation that Paul E. Hart, of Marjorie Hobbs and Curtiss ~n:un~ct~ite°ZaWmaSnZs~gt°n" .~enc~ efforts of the Council and Assistant at WSU Main and failed to stop at the 1333 East Juniver Street, Huff .... y .gr.. agencies represented. High- stop sign at the Milwaukee to seek an(] support tnzsli hts were Othello, has been admitted to Others were Kathy Jones,inclusion g : PULLMAN - Jonathan S. Railroad crossing. practice law in the State of John Jordan, Karl Kisler, -. " ....... 1. An attempt will be made Timmons has been appointed The pony walked into the Washington by order of the Laurie Kolb, Julie Layne, c°~ltnrCl~ut:n~lgngfi~anClt~;nts Guard Auxilia -"s t° inc°rp°raterthe UaStcf'°]~ a teaching assistant in speech path of the police car. Damage 'ONE OF THE BEST,EVER MADE!" "A SPELLBI Washington State Supreme Linda Mattly, David Mont- water tragedies this time of ., , ~ .... Court. ague, Thelma Montermayor, ear th .... ~oung' program into tno sity for the fall semester. 1973 vehicle and Conrad was Hart graduated from thePat Niblett, Pete Olson, Robin Yized a ee~(~u[l:lltials° 7aC~)gr sch°°~sh:e;:aSP~nga. .. ~ Timmons is the son of treated at the Othello Com- sa t • • • n no t~ranL University of Idaho, College Para, Duane Salsbury, Lori G~f'~un Y'~'t'°~tl"" ""+hWu"+""S~a)et~ ",i.'r~lmn'" '~t~e County Sheriffs Gordon Timmons, Rt.I. He is munity Hospital for minor of Law, in May of 1974, and Scorup, Jacqueline Snyder, a graduate student in theatre injuries. graduated fr,~+, Central Jennifer , Snyder, Eris ., .. . :s-... be offering water safety arts at WSU and is working Police said they are still ~ouncl~ nmvea ~o maKe+tins a edUcation to the schools A attempting to determine the Washington State ~ollege in Stevens, Cheryl Tisler, Peter recommendation to the Fire- fan ori inated b S t Ricktoward a master's degree. Ellensburg with a degree in Vanourek, Jesse White, Dan arms Safety Division of the p g.~ .~ y. g~ . The Othello student is a ownership of the pony. A S~ ....... t.orson oi tne rranKun t;ounty graduate of the University of . WORE[] OF Business1971. Administration in Woolley and Linda Zumwalt. ~w~act~ ~:me.ur~sl~Ptr:me::(i Sheriffs Office will extend Texas, Austin, Texas, with a Expo Tickets A native ofSunnyside, Hart Mor~ Ab0~ .. ...... J ° "' their "Officer Friendly" pro- bachelor's degree in drama. is married. He and his wife r esponsmlzny zor tn]s pro. gram to include water safety. • Tickets went on sale this '~ :i: ..... ........ i:i::::::::~, ~i Patricia, have one child, Brian ~1 _| g' " The Grant County Sheriffs Solid Waste week for the 1974 Big Bend 18 months. ~TUa Dick Mueller, an elemen- Office is developing a similar District Scout Exposition Hart joined the law office of ents tary Physical Education program, l! • scheduled for Saturday, Dec. Fred Shelton, Attorney at teacher of Intermediate 3. The Council approved a [1earing Set Law, of Othello, as a legal are Donna Largent as Mrs. School District #123 outlined plan outlining a water safety 7, Theat Luacagaeventis scheduledElementary'for 6 ~ i intern in August of1974 and is Carew, Carron Calahan as for the Council a plan that has character contest being de- ~:y'~2y~:=~=~~ presently associated with him Mrs. Dowling, Kathy Briggs ~-a veloped by the East Columbia RITZVILLE - Regulations to 9 p.m. and will feature in the practice of law. as Miss Arnold and Winnie|hO[~D_~on Basin Irrigation District and on solid waste handling and booths from all Explorer U /INII /UI UAI Burton as Miss Smith. --''--"" l--"'" the U.S. Bureau of Reclama- facilities in Adams county are Posts, Boy Scout Troops and November 26 A.J.c iLehrman lengendaboutdeathfoUowing"Which is The Way to I~ . I~ Basin,ti°n" This will be presented t°and if approved, will scheduled to be adopted Cub Scout Packs in the ONE DAY ONLY Boston?', a drama, concernsa oOOsTer rrexy school superintendentsinthe during a public hearing county Among the displays scheduled for next Monday, will be Pinewood Derby SHOW~oU:$E [unera, Rites Ed Thompson was elected Nov. 25, by the county competition by members of a stranger coming to the door new president of the Activi- Meeti. r~,,^ £A. commissioners. Pack 805. and asking the way to Boston. II IA "r A,. Featured are a couple an- ties Booster Club during the ai~ vu~ /Ul The hearing is set for 1 p.m. Tickets are being sold by SHOW TZYlES S:O0-7:00-g:00 ilelU /uesuay xiously awaiting word about a organization's meeting here ¢~ . , rl l with the regulations schedul- Cubs and Boy Scouts. ~ORRYNO~(S sick daughter. Cast members last month. He succeeds tOrT IS t.nangea ed to be adopted at the ~ , ~ :~ ." ..... Funeral services were held are Danny Thieme as John, Johnny Jones, who has conclusion. ~~~ here Tuesday for Arthur J.Kristi Taylor as Martha; Jeff headed the organization forA changein meeting dates The regulations, which are I.~hrman, 78,illness.resident of ReaasChrisandGailLargent " the past year.clair was announced this week by required by the State De- !ii !!~!! !i!! i!i~ 'i~ LOVIN (~OL t Rainier Tracts who died last as Mary. ,, Other new officers are Clair the Port of Othello board of partment of Ecology, cover Friday, Nov. 15, at the Othello The Anastasia scene is Bets, vice president; Tomcommissioners, three typewritten pages and Community Hospital follow- described as one of tremen- Strate, secretary; and Mrs. The regular official monthly describe how solid waste !l ing a short dots power and emotion as Bets, treasurer, meeting of the board will now disposal is to be handled in the : Aresident of Othello for the the daughter of the deposed The next meeting of the be held on the first Monday of county. past six years, Mr. Lehrman Czar, thought to be an impos- club is scheduled for Dec. 11 each month. The official It describes the engineering featuring Bobby Allen was born Mar. 9, 1896 in ter, attempts to convince her at 7:30 p.m. at Room 104 at meeting date had been the study which must be complet- ~i ~_ Colville. He spent his child- grandmother of her true the High School with all third Friday. ed for the county program, hood and early life there, identity. Danny Thieme ser- persons interested in boosting The meetings are held at 1sets regulations for landfills ! moving to Oroville in 1928. He married the former Margaret Newland on June 10, 1933. Mr. Lehrman worked in saw mills and later purchased and operated an apple orchard. He retired in 1966 and moved to Othello in 1968. He was a member of the Tonasket Eagles. Survivors include his wife, Margaret at home; one daughter, Mrs. Barbara Teas, Othello; five brothers, Victor and Albert of Oroville; Frank and Joe of Chewelah and Leo of Umatflla, Ore.; two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Dailey or Oroville and Mrs. Mary MeKinney of Washington, D.C.; and nine grandchildren. One daughter, Mrs. Coleen Steele of Moses Lake, preceded him in death in 1968. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the First Baptist Church with Rev. Dan Brandel of the First Southern Baptist Church officiating. Burial was at Bess Hampton Memorial Gardens with ar- rangements by Muscott Fun- eral Home. "LAKE THEATRE Nov. 21-24 765-3011 I _ __ II The biggest dog in the world yes as the • narrator with Othello High School activities Kathy Briggs as Anastasia invited to attend. and Cindy Huff as the Empress. A fast-moving, hard-hitting play, "A Note to Myself' deals with Thanksgiving wholly in terms of what there is to be thankful for today. Through a series of short episodes - some serious and others funny - an attempt is made to find the meaning of the holiday. Cast members are Donna Largent, student body president; Jeff Rea, boy; Kathy Briggs, girl; Leah Vowels, mother; Mike Prior, father; Tony MoAt, son; Linda Emerick, daughter; Dany Thieme, annopncer; and Jackie Page, reader. SKYLINE p.m. at the Port Office at 62 and provides for a penalty for N. Venice. violations. 9:30 P.M. TO h30 A.M. The Rick's Brothers Members And Their Guests BREAKFAST SERVED 1:30 A.M. APPEARING FOR 2 WEEKS featuring 7:30"- I 1:30 Tues. Ihru Sat. 9:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. COMPLETE FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT COFFEE SHOP OPEN 24 HOI S Dining Room Open 7 DAYS A WEEK 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. SUNDAY 6 v.m. to lO p.m. TRY OUR EXOTIC SALAD BAR IIII MOTEL and OTHELLO Biggest and Best Facilities in the 1450 E. MAIN ST. PHONE (509)