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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
November 21, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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November 21, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: i•:i i::i: ~)TIII:I(! ~ . /~::~!i!!>~: i!i!i!i~ WINNER - Edna Teske is presented with her $10 Who's Who prize by Joe Jack's Bargain Barn. educator, who has busy participant in activities since just over four was featured as in last week's personality "Jack" Clark, of Scootney Springs school. keeps plenty with the active and enthusiastic fifth and Born March 11, 1929 in San sixth graders at Scootney, he Francisco, Clark grew up in also has been a member of the the Bay area and attended Othello City council for more Oakland Technical High than two years. Other com- School. He received his B.A. munity activities include ser- from San Francisco State and ving on the board of the has also completed graduate Othello Rotary Club of which work at both University of he is a charter member and California and Stanford Uni- working as a Little League versity. coach. He is also a member of He started his teaching the Sacred Hearb Catholic career at Orinda, Calif., where Church. he taught elementary grades for five years and then was principal for 10 more years. Clark then left the formal education field to work with the National Park Service on a program for environmental education. The work, based at University of California at Davis, consisted of surveying sites for possible development of a program being considered by the park service. Since the Richland School District was I WHO - Jack Clark, principal at Seootney Springs was last week's mystery personality. BBCC Class I IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SELF-EMPLOYED I In First Aid l UNINCO.RPORATED BUSINESSMEN- it The jackpot in the Who's FARMERS PROFESSIONAL MEN, ETC. I Who Contestwenthackupto Slated Here l I $70 this week as two YOU T well-hidden clues stumped An 18-hour industrial first I SHOULD AC ON THIS BEFORE ] winner Edna Teske. aid course will be offered in Mrs. Teske, a regular Othello to interested employ- I ers and employees beginning i TIlE END OF THIS YEAR. [ entrant in the weekly contest, found only 27 of the 29 clues Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. at the high identifying Jack Clark as the school, l [ mystery personality. She wasn t the only person The first aid class, offered[! The Bankers Life of Des Moin©s, whom I represent in this area, now offers an HRI0 master plan that ! permits use of the new higher limits of up to 15 per cent of earned income (not to exceed $7500)under to be stumped, however, as without charge, is a joint recently enacted federal law (see table). • i only 11 of the 124 entrants effort of Big Bend Community I listed the correct number of Colleges and the Washington I With this higher limit, some of you may be 'able to actually triple your allowable contributions. l 29 clues on their entry forms. State Department of LaborI If you have postponed availing yourself of these benefits, now could be the ideal time to start. This means that $70 in prize and Industries, in cooperation | I |~ All, or a portion of your contribution, can be accumulated for a fixed retirement annuity which The money will be offered this with the Othello school | Bankers Life is currently crediting with 8 pcr cent interest. Gct all thcinformation, now, soyou can take week to some winning entrant district. I | f--- Annual Annual Annual advantage of it during the 1974 taxable year. ..... ! able to locate all of the clues. The class will be held in Robed M. Ashl0n, blasagor ) . . . I Entries can be made at room 22 at the high school i • - i ,ncome income ,ncome Celeste Holm Florist. from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Dec. - Columbia Basin Agency | $ ,000 $40,000 $50,000 I -2,4,9,11,16 and 18. State ~ Call C011ect-545-1805 " . Clues in last week's contest safety standards'require that • PO Box 2831, Pasc0, Wn. [Old limit $ 2,-~00$ 2 500 $ 2,500 ] and their ad locations follow: all supervisors, foremen or California Native, BorninS.F. persons in direct charge of a I T~E BANKERS LIFE ~ ~?,~:: i~, ; ~, ; ~ ; ~ I and SS Principal, all Akin's crew must have a current first l eANxE.S LIFE COMPANY DES MOINES. iOWA E0507 | ~lmmm m mmmmlmnlmmmn mmmm immn mmmmm mnm mmm mmm mmm mml mmm mmlmlmmmml aid card. Persons desiring more in- formation should contact Bob Eckert at Othello High School, or Fred Huston, director of adult education at Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake. 4, DarT-Land; Sacred Heart, Othello Bowl; Little League coach, Ron's Cabinet Shop; 956 E. Larch, Farmer's Electric; 3565, Vess Jewelry; 488-2659, New Holland; and Rotary director, Jack's Bar- gain Barn. Thrift; 45, Came in 1970, From Bay area and March 11, all Copeland Lumber, Oak- land Tech and B.A.-SFS, both Cimarron; U of C and fisherman, both Freddie's Restaurant; Stanford, Orinda, Charter Rotarian and Head springer, all Woddworker; sports official, Othello Fal~ rice; Claire and Councilman, both Basin Tire Center, Clint senior, A& W Root Beer; Theresa freshman, Benavidez Care; Tony in 4th, Zavala's Place; Andy at Hiawatha, Othello Hydraulics; Marty is AT LAMPE'S Lh'amond Dinner Ring Seiko or Bulova Watch Pierced Earrings I.D. Braclet MOM DAD SIS BR OTHER BUSINI[ISS AND PROFESSIONAL Pizza Factory 103 S. Is| 488 2.52. I '1 lOCKER BEEF Custom utting Locker Rentals On .the Farm Slaughtering Bob's Lotker ...... working closely in the pro- Dir tly Behind /~:' gram, Clark made three or (~ ..... four trips to this area, and ]n'¢k% Ba ain Barn lifed what he saw. , OTHER FINE GIFTS 488-995t : ::~:=:':'~ .... As a result, he was among the applicants for the new Mothers l~ings - Diamond Tie Tacs .... //' !iii: i~ , Scootney Springs position Art Supplies - Clocks . when the unique open concept ;nt Pump l 141 school openedherein the fall Lay Away Now For Christmas & Irdgmtion I % ::!:/ ...... • :!iii ~ of 1970. i,:i An avid sports enthusiast, iiiil] Clark spends much of his free , " le I time during school season officiating at freshmen andmffmpe Jewe rs DistriMtorlot junior high games. He also Irrigation [quipmnt ) likes fishing. Diamon ds-Watehes-Oifts Clark and his wife, Claire, Evening by appointment Pump Sales & Ecjuipment [ • ~ii :~!~ have five children, Clint, a Art Supplies, Trophies, Frames u "~ senior; Theresa, a freshman; [ Tony, fourth grade; Andy, 724 East Main Othello, Wa. 99344 1155 S. Broadway I first grade; and MarLy, four. THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1974 Eastern Star Library Board Business & Professional Womens Club Rotary C Rub FRIDAY, NOV. 22, 1974 Othello Orthopedic Auxiliary SATURDAY, NOV. 23, 1974 Nothing SUNDAY, NOV, 24, 1974 Attend The Church Of Your Choice MONDAY, NOV. 25, 1974 Arts Association Pioneer Homemakers Volunteer Fkeman Othello Moose Mrs. J aycees Key Club Boy Scout Troop #805 Boy Scout Troop #806 TUESDAY, NOV. 26, 1974 Kiwanis Club Othello Newcomers Club School Board Beta Sigma Phi l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'REDDIE'S .RESTAURANT Ikwntown Otlmllo Vid! The LOTUS ROOM 1400 on your Dial is-wha) you get more of at AMOCO SERVICE i¸) ii ! > :) ,LOOK Cash Pdzes Weekly, Cash Prizes be hidden in ANY When you. We invite you to do your Employees of other spons "Where to look for Clues," this issue. You do not have to 'ren under 12 'must be correct total number of clues ED (by anyonel. The publisher in any of these best, to outwit us! ! soring merchants ARE eli- above). If by coincidence, the list all these clues-just give the accompanied by an adult, hidden in all ads of sponsoring of the Othello Outlook will be that additional Y CONTEST RULES ~gible. . name of WHO'S WHO (or total number of them. Dont6. This week's contest merchants, a BONUS OF $2]) the judge in all questions and' of that firm This is a family fun contest! 2. Nothing to buy~ use any other facts about him or her) forget to add your name and starts when you receive this will be paid. Whenever this his decision is final. One entry per person (family slip of paper for your entry happen to appear in news address, Then, drop yourissue, and closes at 5 p.m. BONUS is not won, it will be Family participation gives where in this of ~our~ could submit four blank. Not necessary ~o be items, editorial matter or entry in the box located at the ,Monday of the followingweek, added to next week s BONUS - you a bette~' chance to win the ~ the paper and clues may also be entries(. Anyone may enter pre.,ent to win. Not necessary other places in this news- sponsoring merchant, whose7. At that time (5 p.m. next which will continue to grow jackpot...your wife, husband ~ ~ny of these ads as UNLESS a member of your to be a subscriber to the paper, these will not count as' ad has a heavy black border on Monday) a drawing will beuntil it is won. or some bright-eyed young- • ~ family is employed by theOthello Outlook to enter, clues in this contest, this page in this issue,held at the store where entries 8. Every possible precau- ster MAY ~pot ~hat clue you Will be scattered... Othello Outlook or by the 3.-*WHOS- -~- WHO may--be 4. To enter, write down the 5. There is no other place have been received for this Lion will be taken to prevent miss! , be from one to five merchant whose ad is heavily anyone in the Othello area. name you think WHO S WHOwhere entries will be ac- week's contest. The first entry typographical errors that Got any Perry Mason in, or none. This is a bordered this week (thisClues for his or her identity is. Add the total number of copied. Any member of the drawn that correctly identifies might be ~istaken for clues, you? Think YOU can outwit, skills...and ;weapplies ONLY during the will be hiaden ONLY in ads for clues you can find in ALL the family may bring in all the WHO'S WHO will win $10. If but errorless typographythe contest? R~member you our best to outwit week this ad is b0rdered(..sponsoring merchants (see ads of sponaoring merchants in entries for that family. Child- THAT entry: also lists the CANNOT! BE, GUARANTE* can't win i| you don t enter. Booker * Lowrey Organs One House For * Complete Music St~re S ( ~ ~ 0O -ALL Your Insurance-~eedsl Is Our Business" ' Mexican & American Foods * Electrophonic Stereo Worthy Stores Open 7 Days a Week Catering Service to Ware- cLEAN'S houses, etc. Ill)WARE 32 E. Main Othello, Wa. .=O..A¢, A & W ROOT BEER RICCIO.JmKINS Supermm~et of 8eund • --- - ceAe ustc OF OTHELLO INSURANCEAGENCY GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZES! 4th & Cedar Streets 488-2451 488-3651 702 Z. Main 488-~84 22 I~. First 488-9751 I II I II ~al-Commercial -'sidential tIRING ~b Too Small Custom Cabinets-Sawfding Furniture Refinishing 'ic Baseboard ~eatin,g ,~ ROWS Chuck Booth & die & Frank CARIMET SHOP 60 E. Hemlock 488-3993 m 7" Entertainment Lounge Now At 97 $9. let St. Huge Dance Floor Floral Arrangements ' ~ON ~OT~L Business-Office Supplies and ]P,~TA~ BENTLEY'S i45! ALE, IN STREET 97S.~~" "~.488-2751 OTHELLO, WASH. 99344 r$ ELECTRIC Authorized Singer Dealer ~ D OC ~lly" Super Mar- -~ " saves on your Fabrics-Lessons- H0tUl)tI Udget every,~b~v. |~! ~.'~l ~ Notions CHEVRON SERVICE tterson ~ ]~- "~:\ 745EMain Free Pick-up & DeliVery, rS THRIFT Othello Air Conditioning Service ~, ~..]~ Expert Atlas Tune-ui~ ain Othello ) ~b~i~ ~ 445 E.Main PH. 488-76~6 ,'t k.V 488-8233 ~Eop Grade ZER MEAT orae or Lecke~ -New Holland Hay Equipment ServEs Blades "& Cutters H0ttkHD- OTHELLO 645 S. Broadway 488-9607 This Week's'"Who's who'; .S ec_ia!! New "/5 4 Wheel drive Ford pickup available. _HOSTETTER ;FORD SALES, INC. 488-3902 26 E. LARCH 4 995a if No Answer ~., .LOCKERS ~ce ~hello -Kitchen Cabinets -Carpeting -Wallpaper - Paints mE , WOODWoRKER 341 So. let PH. 488-5219 ZAVALA'S PLACE Juanita Mexican Food-Beverages Beer & Wine to Go Open 7 Days a week 1796 S. Broadway Or'hero Complete Tire & "On the Farm Service BASIN TIRE CENTER ,* Don Ruttan~PH. 48&~ • I COPELAND LUMItER Complete Building Sup- 'plies for Contractors and Do-It-Yourself ere Financing Available Open 6 Days a Week 0 tSml 0t by's Am mnko 126 S. Brmdway 488-2012 EVERGREEN iMPLEmW, iNC. 'United Indus-trial _Pgrk . Othello 488-5222 FREI)DIEES RESTAURANT Chinese- American F~d Nightly Featuring orgo hnos nt Tho Plooo Bor 67 S. let 488-2704" CELESTE HOLM FLORIST , "*Flowers *Office Supp~_e~ *Ceramics *Candle~rner *Terrarium Phmta -~W~ng Invitatimm D_ Or 830 E. Main JOE'S ENJOY FRESH PASTEURIZED CENT___RAt HOMOGENIZED 66 GRADE A I Tires .... Lubrication -SIuts-hes - All Fls, vore, Batteries - Motor Oil 110 E. Main. 488-7696 • ;~~ ,N. llth and E. Main 488-3~1 VESS •JEWELRY *Diamond Rings *Earrings *Seiko Watches *Ear Piercing 61So.6th' -~88-2852 ,i, up For Men - Women Immm OTHELLO a gr..Main i Ell ii i~i ii~ • i