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November 21, 1974 The Othello Outlook | ![]() |
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Prepared by Othello School District officials
When Teaching Rules function.
We will welcome all identifying information, particularly corrections which
have to offer for pictures appearing in this column. Just call The Outlook
Gladys Para 488-2812. The pictures are provided by the Museum and Arts
Mrs. Para providing the text.
.............. Were a Sentence "Women teachers agree not
.... WOrKing zor utneuo s ~alancea • •
o t.ACkARI:I~ : ........... Male teacherscouldgo to get married. This contract
• .......... growl ~ntereo as ~econo tJtass co • " •
.: '. ............. urtlng one night a week if becomes null and void ira-
. • --.,.- matter danuary it, t~az, at the r'ost the ........... ° " '
~r [mm-~l • ' .......... Wa bin--on n'er the y attenaeu cnurcn reg-mealately iz a woman teacner
~, ~j ,umce at utneuo, s g¢ u o ularl bu" w "
~ ' " v y, t omen teachers marries
;. iD~ £)]~ Act of March 3, 1879. Published e ery' were ...... • " ' "
, ~ ~ mr- ra~.l m q,L.. r~.~ ...... incat r~theU° W~.hin~. not to Keep company "zxtt scnooi employees are
"~ A.mOclatio~ ~P~nd~l 1B$5 ..u ~y.,,~.. ~ ~ • - ,~,? .• ~" with men at all not to leave town at any time ~i'"ii ........
~: .... * ton w~,L ny tne rmssn runimnmg These were "two of the without the permission of the ....... ~ iii~i ~ ~:~i:~i i~ill
:: t~ompany. _ regulations in Samuel M. chairman oftheschool board .... ~ ~ i!~tii ~i: ~ii
'~ .. ..... Barbiero's contract when he The teacher agrees not to i!!!:!iiii:: ~
• : ,n•u. qt)an) LEARY ............................ MANAGING EDITOR• "180 E. Maim began teachin~ school in smoke ci arettes" and, This ::~:~:~::
:~ - . . ~ g • !~.~.-
- DEANH. JUDD . ....................................................... EDITOR ,S.k ......... .... 1927 in the now vanished contract becomes null andof if . i .iiE Ii I " .....
:RICHARD REX ........................................... AD MANAGER ~'~'~" Adams: community Mount Harris void immediately the i~ i I [
:* IESSI ...... "2 .... "~'--"Y - " "'" near Steamboat Springs in employee is found drinking !i i
~. • E M. FLANT ............. ~OCIAL EDITOR ~ran~ ~sonrjm a~l he ' ~::~:~::
~" - " " ............................ Franklin C-,,~ t Colorado Rockies. alcoholic beverages. • ,
.~ BETTY HASTINGS ............................................. SECRETARY ~.00 elsewhere. Barbieros, who recently "Women teachers are to ::i!i ~ |
:~ MARGE FEYDER AD LAYOUT~ Sh e copies "~"*l~" retired a supervisor of the conduct themselves in a :
" ............................................. • imgl ° ~* • ~ ~i~i~i~:: "
"-' ..... - ..... " pupil personneldepartment of puritanical manner as follows: i
~'~ .... " . • the Jefferson County Public not to dress in bright colors; ~i! I
~~ Schools, found a copy of his not to dye her hair; to wear at ~ii~| ~i!i! ~1
.....~ first contract while sorting least two petticoats" not to ~ii~ ..... ~ ~::
!i/~ i a I I till 1. a I--i|...... I'~ret? mementos of his 47 years in wear dresses more than two ii~i~i ~
'~ "~ "~" f~ ~IVJ~A ~r$~ ~y KUDI:KI teaching, inches abovethe ankle; not to ~ [] ~ 1
IIIL Vit'" I Ifll IH 4ba,.Igi,. CUMMINGS Here are some of the use face powder, mascara or ]i]ii~ ]iil;~!:::::: ~ *
:~ ~~ii~ contract's provisions: paint the lips." !:ii:iii! iiiiii! ii !i if! ~ii
i~ ' " ' Women teachers are not to "Each teacher should lay ::~ : ii! ii
........ ~ , keep company with men andaside from each pay a go.od In the days when the
:~'.~ ~ ~ .... • • agree to be at home between sum of his earnings, so ne wit Othello High School basket
:]-~'~fl~ ~" ~}~'~t Ka~fl~a~t ~alli~ the hours of 8 p.m. and6a.m, not become a burden to ball team with allthesubsl
::i~'5/hti.II ~i,// l/~i~l~/ti, JIII ,Pt lltIJIIU/ unlessattendinga schoolsociety." was usually the same group
::. ..... ~ making up the baseball team
• • and there just wasn't a
ave Impact on ProDoseiJ Lealslatlon football team at all because
I- I- ~P ~ ~ there weren't enough guys
OLYMPIA - The defeat ofto bore, such as a three-way session on the common schoolj .~ ~ • ~ j ~ even if there had been enough
4wo veteran Seattle. senators option law for industrialbudget.Subjects covered • /J/. '~=7.,..,,~ • money, for uniforms, this is
~,m the recent election could msurance and liberalization of included the cash balances ~ d aqe~ r~ ~~ • • the way the basketball squad
V v
~ha e some effect on the fate of the small loan act. and cash flows of school ~ v - -~ - - - ~ v " - ~r shaped up for the season
~bills now pending in the Getting Ready a~o*-i,'* bud~,ets" the imnact of ~ 1937-38.
~]ommerce Committee,be-and much worse than most.A2,~ronriations'subcommittee was presented at the meeting b.usiness, as theyare u'.r~ga- without a game jersey, is
• -*~.~. r of the Lower Crab Creek Lion mrmers ann they wisn to
v.ause ]t was largely opposedBut because of the new wqlconvene here to conduct a ........... Frank Schumacher, Jr
.... ' School Board here Nov 3 ne on tne u~neiio exchange it "
~Oy the mdustry and the public permanent standing commit- ..~.,~ ..... r,..o~;m; ..... ~,.aoets • • . ....... • Front row, no. 8, bonny
~.howed little, if any, interest tee structure of the Legisla- o~"~t'he" ~'va'ri'o'us'Jju"d~icial Needed improvements list- p~t on the ~5onneu excnange, Morgan• No 2, Lonny Guest;
~13~t Grieve continued totmUre[itggytt~erl:w~tmhakfeeqUe~l~ eag~nClewSho~lyhioChina;:rt~;d~d ...... en ~td ~s~nS:P::~n~necnld~n~RKb:~t-changes, grass plantin , ~°ni~d°}li~nn!~neattlt211mO~hme:lm° N?ckl'oDieC:ryG°ad:~'Bud Madison.. NN°?'15: I~ !
~push the proposal in hisbe betterpreparedtograpple state. This subcommittee is g: *******~**** " Madison and ~1 tnecticOriKin'al
tennis court construction ann Godon both
,~ommittee, seeking to re- with the problem than ever ~, .... a w-.. ....... -t.:... ^~ ......... seniors, are
.commend its passage by the before, reviewin'~ the "reU'-'inar" • ............ ememnered as star players
~ • • -- --- ~,,- . ~ . -n . ... ~5 F' anal j *****,****** OIIICleS Will ne vacant Ior the
'next ~egisiature. Pie wm zne ouaget wit ne written bud"ets of all state a-encies, - • ,,, ..... .
" ..... ~ ~ Othello Gran e members coming ~ou eiecuons next .-.
• ~ontinue as the committees the House this time by the and will hold o,~a~*;onol, g ............ visiting the school for several
~ . . , ........ elected Erhart Me er as iau, ano lnteresteo canoloates • .. ~ i~~~ii~~m!~V$1
~hazrman until the new Ways and Means Approprm- moe,;~s d,,ri,~, r~ .... ~.o. Y ....... months as a basis for deciding
::~egislature is sworn in next Lion Committee headed by A. ""~.~:'~iti.~ "~o'T.~:~o'"~':~;'~,o master at their 'Nov. 13 snou,.~ file in ~ecemnerthe feasability of such a new
~an. 13, but he won't be N. Bud Shin och Renton. . ............ :..~.o.~...~ erection meeting Other new sometime between the llth " ~ in th,~ (~*h.]]. l-l;,,h
~. Y state agencies to s end • P Y
~ The defeat of Fred bore of receiving the official budget unanticipated recei-t~ re steward; Mrs. E.C. Meyer,city attorney now held by measure. The future Othello
~ould have less impact on the message from the Governorceive reports of n~rf~an~ chaplain; Mrs. Howard Sibley, Fred Shelton. Terms for f!ve High School has been planned
~Jegislation pending before the next January. audits and hea~r'~'vor~S from ~easuee~, ,ann Ivirs. ~om ~Clty co~neIi memm~rs msoto include the same feature.
~ommittee on Financial In-One subc°mmittee met a~'nci'es This is a~ivartisan tY~°Ker'.s*e*cre*ta**rY***$c V expire next year. The five Since the idea had only beenleaving office are Lowell tr ! Viewing at 7
~titutions and Insurance jointly here last week with a committee of ~;~.h, .... • ............. " .... " led in Norman, the Board of
• . . . ~t~**,, o~aa~v.o L) O " "
• ~vhmh he heads. If anything, Social and Health Services and eight renresentatives .... ug lv~c~rath, Othe!lo Frevo,~ed Muscott, Clara St Directors felt it would be wise
~there couldbe a reverse~- m " *,, --view ~ o ~ ~ o : mgn ~cnooJ xootoau coacn mr buise, lvii~cn r~imey and wit to visit this bui "
~beo mittee .... four .................. ;o. . lding and see
,~. ........... v ..........,~--.,, the last seven years, an-May. Two councilmenre-"usthow su h
effect, social service program areas nnmh^- ^~ r~^m~.~t~ ~¢1 . J c a feature
• : Most of the legislation as they relate to the budget. ~'D~ul~licffns 'Sh~i'n~oc~h~'is-i~ nounced here Monday that maining inoffice are L.H. worked.
~hanl.o.n;nthe cnmmi+fa.]o ln,~l,,A,aA ...... ~ ....... ~. . ~. • r-- ne has resigned as head Menser andArt Swink ************
.~)ased on recommendations of tenance, community social football, coach at the schoo, l ** **. . As a result of balloting
100-member Citizens' Ad- services, medical assistance Highways, Too . and will devote fullttme to hm TWENTY YEARS AGO Tuesday evening, the Othello
~visory Committee appointed and administrative and SUl~ and many other unique &
:~y bore some 18 months ago. porting services.
• A majority of the com- The following day'another
~nittee members appear toappropriations subcommittee
~avor most of the recom- held a joint meeting with a
~mendations, including a House Education subcom-
~eouple which aren't palatable mittee for a hearing and work
The general fund isn't the
only budget receiving the
lawmakers' attention. With
gasoline tax revenues dwindl-
ing ever since the petroleum
crisis, together with rising
gasoline prices, the law-
makers have had ample notice
of the plight faced by the
Highways Department, and
committees have been work-
ing on it for months.
The Transportation and
Utilities Committees of the
Senate and House have been
tackling this problem jointly,
and are going far beyond the
overall problem. They cur-
*i Before too long winter will worse by allowing your rently are holding joint
;be upon us, and thesnow, ice, braking system to become sessions in various areas
:(og and freezing rain will be as less than maximum in ef- throughout the state, to get
common to Othello residents ficiency. Also when faced with firsthand information on the
~hs sunshine in the summer, a braking situation, a slow impact on each individual
• !Cold, wintery days and nights intermittent pressure on the region. Their most recent
i~are good times to stay in th~ brakes will be much more meetings were in Vancouver
~arm comfort of your home, effective than a sudden and Bremerton.
but unfortunately many must locking.
:~travel during winter's most Chains should be part of Who Needslt?
~dverse conditions. Now your winter vehicle inven- Though agreement on a
~vould be a good time to tory, particularly when plan- new contract is expected to
~mention some of the es- ning a trip over our mountain get striking miners back to
:~sentials to safe travel during passes. Remember when work, even a prolonged strike
:~this time of year. "~hains are Required" stud- wouldn't have had any effect
Speed limits are relative, ded tires are not a substitute, on electrical energy producers
~ot the rule, and during the Do all in your power to in the Pacific Northwest.
~vinter months the road and drive without accident. Wint- The only coal-fn'ed gen-
;weather conditions will dic- erize your car, yourself and erating plant in this state is
,Ate what speed is the safest, your driving before winter the joint operation near
Driving too fast for conditions comes, you are the only one Centralia, which is supplied
:is not only hazardus but who can avoid getting your- by a mine near Tenino.
~legal. self into vehicle trouble. But the 400 miners el-
" Cold weather will require When weather is bad, stay at ployed there don't belong to
~lose scrutmy of your ve- home if possible, but when the striking United Mine
kicle's safety equipment. Be travel is necessary, check Workers Union.
~ure wiper blades are in good with the State Patrol before All are members of Local
~vorkingorder, keep adequate leaving, we'll be happy to 612B, Operating Engineers,
}ressure in your tires and inform you of the road and which is under a three-year
maintain proper and legal weather conditions in the area contract with the mine opera-
~read depth. Constantly check to which you are going, tors.
~our lighting equipment, tail- t "1 ti I H~
gAtE, brakelights and turn-
Why Not Install an
Alarm System
' .488-2337'
}ignals, as we regularly
~xperience mishaps through-
~ut the area as a results of
~efective rear lighting.
~" Always scrape all the frost
~rom the windows of your
Cehicle to insure adequate
~.ision before embarking on a
nter trip. Exhaust equip-
~nent is extremely imp0rtant,
I~articularly during cold
~eather when windows are
~)lled tight. Check for leaks,
and remember carbon mow
~xide cannot be detected and
a killer.
Be sure your brakes are in
~ood condition, remember
stopping distance will be
~ffeatly increased in snow and
ee, and don't make matters
position of activities and
attendance coordinatorfor
the district. Courtie and Donald Lenders,
************ High School principal inspect-
FIFTEEN YEARSAGO ed Norm-al High School in
November 19, 1959 Norman, Okla., last Sunday
Several farmers in Block 18 and Monday. This high school
have a problem that seems to won a National award as the
come up everytime telephone best planned high school in
or postal boundaries are set. the United States in 1952.
These farmers live in the The school board had been
Connell area and will bediscussing the wisdom of
November19,1954 Kiwanis club elected Wes
Jack Bracken, Robert Mc- Kliphardt as president of the
organization for 1955. Further
voting showed Harold Rovik,
vice pi'esident; Vern Marsh,
The board of directors
elected are Roy Staffod, Keitb
Lebacken, Fred Koschmann,
Dick Paeth, Dave Hartl,
Kenneth Ramm and Chuck
wise investment for the future. Silver is
The Turquoise mines are running
fabulous auction and select turquoise and
jewelry from over 200 outstanding
your investment grow in value, while
of wearing it.
Up To
All our inventory must be sold before'
the new owners con remodel and
transform store into new concept of
hardware retail