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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
November 21, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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November 21, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GUEST TRIES GOODIES - Mrs. Nelson Mink, second from right, samples recipes featured this week from members of the Church of the Nazarene. Cooks from left are Mrs. Jime Morgan, Mrs. Gene Oord and Mrs. Paul Ernest. rn By Jessie M. Plant Special recipes are shared today by woment of the Church of the Nazarene. They all sound so good. This is no time to count calories; you should have been doing that for the past several months. Important thing now, with the price of groceries, is to measure ingredients right and follow directions carefully. From Mrs. Jim Morgan comes a FROZEN CRAN- BERRY SALAD. Directions call for grinding 1 package of fresh cranberries and 6 medium apples. Add 1 fiat can of pineapple; 11/4 cups sugar and 1 package miniature marshmallows. Let stand 15 minutes. Add l/z cup chopped nuts; fold in 2 cups of whipping cream. Freeze over- night. Makes an angel food pan full. What's more sought-after this time of year than special recipes for Chistmas cookies? Try this one. It comes from Betty Crocker by way of Mrs. Morgan and is called CHRISTMAS CAKE COOK- IES. INGREDIENTS: '2 pounds of dates chopped; % pound cut up candied cherries; lh pound cut up candied pineapple; '/2 pound shelled almonds; I/z pound shelled brazil nuts; 21/2 cups sifted flour; 1 tsp. baking soda; 1 tsp. salt; 1 tsp. cinnamon; 1 cup butter; 1Vz cups sugar and 2 eggs. METHOD: Chop almonds and toast. Cream shortening and butter, beat in eggs, then beat thoroughly. Stir in sifted ingredients, fruit and nuts. Drop by teaspoon on un- greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees. Our third recipe is an unusual-sounding tea bread. Sounds as though it might mingle well on a tray for holiday entertaining. It was given by Mrs. Eugene Oord, who calls it CHOCOLATE TEA BREAD. Ingredients are 11/z cup flour; One and one-third cups sugar; one- third cup cocoa; 1 tsp. baking soda; three-fourths tsp. salt; '/4 tsp. baking powder; one- third cup shortening; 2 eggs; 1/2 cup applesauce; one-third cup water; one-third cup chopped nuts and one-third cup chocolate chips. MET- HOD: Measure all in- gredients except nuts and chips into mixing bowl. Beat on low speed l/z minute. Beat on high speed 3 minutes. Pour into greased and floured pan. Bake at 350 degrees 60 minutes plus 20, or until toothpick comes out clean. ************* The last recipe is called MOTHER ERNEST'S DI- VINITY and was given by Mrs. Paul Ernest who says, "For years divinity candy was a tradition in the Ernest home, and after the children were married and gone we could each expect to receive a box of Mother's divinity in the mail. She is 81 years old now and has turned that chore to others. The Christmas trees are my innovation, and the idea came quiteby accident as I was pouring a batch into a pan; it looked kind of like a tree--a few strokes gave it a realistic touch." Ingredients and instruc- tions: I. l/z cup white sugar; x/z cup water. Cook until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water. II. Three cups sugar; 1 cut white corn syrup; l/z cup water. Cook until it hardens in cold water. III. Into beaten whites of 3 eggs, pour number I. Beat well (Have mixer running while pouring the hot syrup in). IV. Add number II and beat well. Add I tsp vanilla (Mrs. Ernest uses twice this amount) and a pinch of salt. V. Remove from electric mixer and continue to keep mixture moving by beating with a spoon (You don't have to beat it hard--just keep it moving) until it is somewhat cooled. Add one cup or more of chopped nuts just before pouring into buttered pan or onto buttered foil if you plan to shape candy into a Christmas tree. ************* TO SHAPE INTO CHRIST- MAS TREES: Prepare one or more pieces of foil greased with a THIN coating of butter, depending on the number of trees you plan to make. Lay face out on a flat surface where you have room to work. Just before divinity is ready to set up, pour a glob onto the foil and drag it into shape with a teaspoon; make the final strokes outward and upward to give the illusion of screen frame; put a medling Dance Nov. 23 Cooperative Extension Service strip over the top. Tack Pock Meetit through both the molding A Pack meeting Decorations with a Thanks- strip and the plastic to secure Scouts 805 will be giving theme will decorate the both to the frame. For more 21, 7:30 p.m. at the strength double under the Springs multiptrpo: IOOF Hall Saturday, Nov. 23, edge of the plastic before for the Merrymaker Dance Hosts for the evl Club party, scheduled to tacking it to the frame, bethe Webelos Den ...... If you don't have screens, begin at 9:30 p.m. oy Lorra,ne Kmgoon ........ direction of Sgt. T~ Decorations will be by Mrs. ms~en tne piasuc to measure(] All parents are invJ molding strips and then tack Planned are a skip Gordon Hays. Art Chruch and or nail to the wood around competition and a i; his Merrymaker Band will We don't have storm each edge of the screen; you your window. The 'storm Boys are reminde[ provide the musical downbeat windows and we can't afford can make them from light- windows" wilt work just-as clothes that are and a lunch will be served at 1 to buy any this year. Will weight wood or even heavy well inside as out, but you without the need of z a.m. Food committee members plastic work just asweil? How cardboard from a box. probably don't want nail holes The clothes are should we put it on? Lay the plastic on the on the inside window sills, need r families. are the Laurel Flesbmans, the Heavyweight plastic will do J°hnny Hays' Lyman Hanleysa g°°d J°b °f keeping the c°ld y~,e ~.~3 ~/,~) " and the Pete Bymers. winter winds out and your The club welcomes guests heating bills down--it just and new members, won't be quite as aesthetic. ~" If you have tight fitting branches. Decorate with bits window screens, use them as of candied pineapple in green a base for the plastic. Walt and red. When tree has cooled Hill, Extension housing thoroughly, you can peel foil off gently and place it on specialist atWashington colored foil or decorative tray. State Univeristy, says measure the length and width If you cut and serve pieces of the screen frame and cut a from the bottom of the tree, it piece of plastic to fit. Cut four will remain an attractive piece "molding strips" to fit along down to the last crumb. I I STARTING NOVEMBER 27 COMMUNITY S&L SAVINGS ACCOUNTS WILL BE INSURED UP TO s40,O00 With doublc insurancc covcragc, you can bring double savings to us, where your money is secure as it has been for years. 450 E. Main Othello 488-9601 ~'ENATCHEE 7(X) NORTH MISSION STREET, PHONE 063.7144) BRAN(:|! OFFICES IN MOSES LAKF • ELI,ENSBURC.. OTIIELLO • SPOKANE ING LAST FURTHER... Now In It really happens with Mohawk carpet- you're kept cooler in summer, so you can run your air conditioner at lower speeds, or turn it off for periods, be- cause air pockets in the carpet's pile trap cooled air and insulate the room from outside heat. In winter, Mohawk carpet hold~ warm air, conserving en- ergy year 'round. Tests conclude that carpet, a highly efficient thermal insu- lator, significantly reduces the quantity of heating fuel consumption-by as much as 13%! And what a personal en- ergy saver-you'll cut hours off clean- ing, never to sweep, mop, wax, or polish again. Our cut-price sale helps you even more, so for more comfortable summers, and winters, come get your Mohawk carpet today. CUSHION HELPS INSULATE EVEN MOREt SHOP AT HOME EASY CREDIT TERMS MANY MORE CARPET SPECIALS. SAVE MORE THAN SAVE MONEY...TOO! Canyon Paradise s14.85 $12.9Lo,o Elegant Choice $13.10,so,o Dawn Fantasy wao $14.25 $12.40, ,o FiHn!cing evaibble wilt Ipproved credit. 341 S. Ist 48&5219 i: ! %/ 2 pcs. Kentucky Fried Chicken potatoes & gravy, corn on the cob, roll DINNER SPECIAL i It's a deal on a meal for less than a dollar. OFFER GOOD THRU NOVEMBER 30, 1974 II F----fffi -~ff~i -.-~ .... 71 ! Now available in the following plastic ~l I container sizes at Kentuc'ky Fried Chicken lJ I I l, 7 lb. 14 1/8,b. 42 ,b.,l I L ..... ..'2 o_ _443_ _ _ __ , 2_o2_ _ _ ! I THIS CRUSHED ROCK IS GOOD FOR DRIVEWAYS, ROADBEDS, ALLEYS, FILL MATERIAL OFFER GOOD 3 WEEKS ONL Y & Main Othello III I III I I I 804 S. BROADWAY OTHELLO 488-2662