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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 5, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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December 5, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Public Notice :::: :::::iii:i:ii:ii!i[~ii!!:" WINNER - Charley Swan, right, accepts $10 as last week's Who's Who winner Roy Dodge of Othello Hydraulics and Small Engine Repair. "Mr. Jaycee" was is also an elder in the First personality in Presbyterian Churcb. Who's Who Born Dec. 23, 1943 in Ontario, Ore., Jackson grew service has up in nearby Weiser, Ida., and long suit of Rich graduated from high school since coming here there. He then attended the ago. The local University of Idaho where he held numerous was a member of Alpha and national JayceeKappa Psi, national business nd just completed ahonorary, and social fratern- leadership in the ity, Phi Kappa Tau. He Chamber of Com- received his B.S. in business administration with a major in accounting in 1966. has been a leading Jackson and his bride, in keeping the local Marcia, a high school sweet- chapter active and the community. He as president of the chapter in 1970-71, was state vice during the 1971-72 held the office of in 1972-73, and as executive secretary State in 1973. Jackson's haven't been unnoticed .the organization. He of the Disting- Service Award given the local chap- Man award twice. Jaycee activities a major portion Jackson also has in the Chamber completed a the group after having as treasurer and vice the two preceding is also the chair- Othello Housing Board, and was named to the local Committee. He all Fredie's Restaurant; '74 offer said real estate for sale, at public vendue to the highest and Chamber President, Hostet-best bidder, for cash, on the 27th ter Ford; Marcia and Jason is day of December, A.D. 1974, at 1:30 3, both Celeste Holm Florist; o'clock p.m, at the front door of the The Who's Who jackpot Todd in Kindergarten, McRae Adams County Courthouse at Ritzville, Washington. reached the century mark for Music; Presbyterian. Vess Dated, Spokane, Wash., Novem- the first time as cash prize Jewelry; On Housing Board, ber 21, A.D. 1974. amount advanced to $110 forRon's Cabinet Shop; Key Man/s/George A. Locke U.S. Marshal. some lucky slueth this week. Charley Swan of Route 1, Othello, won last week's contest by correctly identify- ing Rich Jackson as the mystery personality, but won only $10 when he missed the correct number of clues. As a twice, Zavala's Place; 615 E. Hemlock, Farmer's Electric; Army 67-69, Woodworker; and Served in Germany, Benevidez Cafe. Estern District of Washington Dean C. Smith U.S. Attorney Plaintiffs Attorney. 12-194T result $30 is added to the $80 Deceased remaining in the, jackpot toNOTICE OF MARSHAL'S SALE Notice is hereby given that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA undersigned has been appointed and bring this week s prize to EASTERN DISTRICT OFWASH. has qualified as Executor of the $110. Public notice is hereby given, that above entitled estate; that all Swan listed only 20 clues, by virtue of a writ of Order of Sale, persons having claims against said with either 26 or 27 eligible as dated November 8, A.D. 1974, deceased are hereby required to issued out of the District Court, of serve the same, duly verified, on a winner. The jackpot prize the United States for the Eastern said Peoples National Bank of would have been given on 26 District of Washington on a judg- Washington or its attorney of or 27, since an incorrect phone number thought to be Jackson's home number - was listed on Freddie's Restaurant ad. Only 57 of the 164 entries received in last week's contest had either the 26 or 27 total. Clues for this week's contest can be found below and on ads of other part- icipating merchants in the paper. Entries this week heart he had married a year should be made at Copeland earlier, came to Othello after Lumber. graduation and joined Quinn Clues and their ad locations and Calahan accountants, follow: Weiser and Vandal, He spent 1967 to 1969 both Cimarron; 1943, Born in Superior Court of Washington for ADAMS County IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF John L. Langdon ment rendered in said Court, on the record at the address below stated, 29th day of October, A.D. 1974, in and file the same with the Clerk of favor of the United States of said Court, together with proof of America and against J. Marcell such service, within four months Pitcher, et al I have, on this 21st day after the date of first publication of of November, A.D. 1974, levied this notice or the same will be upon the following described real barred. estate, situated in the County of Date of first publication Novem- Adams and State of Washington, to ber 28,1974. wit: PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF That portion of the Northwest WASHINGTON Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of By:/s/J.H. Taylor Section 30, Township 15 North, Vice-President Range 28 E.W.M., lying South of Executor ofsaidEstate Canal No. WB3A, in Adams County Address 101 East Main Street Washington. The West 30 feet of Lot 9 and the East 30 feet of Lot 10, Block 200, OTHELLO LAND CO'S FIRST ADDITION TO OTHELLO, accord* ing to the Autditor of Adams County, Washington; and The West 32 feet of Lot 2 and the East 36 feet of Lot 3, Block 38, BARRETT ADDITION TO TOWN OF OTHELLO, according to the plat thereof of record in the office of the Auditor of Adams County, Washington. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereunto be- longing and the rents, issues and profits thereof and all ditch and water rights of every nature appurtenant to said real property. and that I will, accordingly, offer said real estate for sale, at public vendue to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on the 27th day of December, A.D. 1974, at 1:30 o'clock p.m., at the front door o| the Adams County Courthouse at Ritzville, Washington. Dated, Spokeane, Wash., Novem- ber 21, A.D. 1974. /s/George A. Locke U.S. Marshal. Eastern District of Washington Dean C. Smith U.S. Attorney Plaintiffs Attorney. 12-19-4T NOTICE OF MARSHAL'S SALE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EASTERN DISTRICT OF WASH. Public notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a writ of ORDER OF SALE, dated November 13, A.D. 1974, issued out of the District Court, of the United States for the Eastern District of Washington on a judgment rendered in said Court, on the 11th day of November, A.D. Oregon and WHS, all Jack's Bargain Barn; BS-66, DSA Winner, C-J Partner, Ac- countant and PKT, all Cope- land Lumber; Came in 1966 and 488-2633, both McLean's Hardware; Past JC Proxy, Bentley's; State JV VP, Roy's Auto Service; U.S. JC Direc- tor, 835 E. Spruce and 2875, Army Appeals Are Mailed Othello, Washington 99344 Fred Shelton, Attorney ..... for Estate P.O. Box 333 - 190 East Main Othello, Washington 99344 Telephone- (509) 488-3303 completing an Army ROTC obligation and served as a second lieutenant in Ger- many. The Jacksons returned to Othello in 1969 and Jackson is now a partner in Calahan and Jackson. They have two children, Todd, a kindergartener at Hiawatha, and Jason, three years. COMMUNITY BOOSTER - Busy worker in both the Jayeees and Chamber of Commerce, local accountant Rich Jackson,, was last week's Who's Who. 1974, in favor of the United States of America and against Frank F. Soliz and Hortencia Soliz I have, on this R. Dan Leary, chairman, of the local Salvation Army Service Extension Committee announced that The Salvation Army's Christmas Appeal letter has been mailed. The local Salvation Army commit- tee is encouraging everyone to respond, by return mail, which will help .avoid any followuo to this appeal. The locfil Service Extension committee is always ready to deal with daily human needs of their community in many ways - serving those less fortunate with food, shelter, and clothing, and/or other emergency needs, regardless 21st day of November, A.D. 1974, of race or creed, Leary said. levied upon the following described real estate situated in the County of Gifts can be sent to the local '~ Adams and State bf WaShington, to Salvation Army treasurer, or wit: Lot 2, Block 28, AMENDED area representative Mrs. PLAT OF THE TOWN OF Glenda Horn, Old NationalOTHELLO, according to the plat Bank of Washington, P.O. Box thereof of record in the Office of the Auditor of Adams County, Wash- 5671, Othello, Wa. 99344 ington, and that I will, accordingly, THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK - Poge 3 il THE YEAR-AROUND SNOWMOBILES ARE IN SEE CAMPBELL'S (pictured is |014 Eagle with Wheel Kit) Now available with wheel kit & air cleaner For your snowmobile & trailer needs CAMPBELL'S SNOWMOBILE SALES Dealer for Trac-Pac Trailers & Raider Snowmobiles Warden - 349-2753 9:30 P.M. TO 1:30 A.M. Little Joe & The Wranglers Members And Their Guests BREAKFAST SERVED 1:30 AJA. 1 TO LOOK FOR CLUES - Cash Prizes Cash Prizes be hidden in ANY SECTION. When you. We invite you to do your Employees of other spon- "Where to look for Clues," this issue. You do not have to Ten under 12 'must be correct total number of clues ED (by anyone). The publisher in any of thesebest to outwit us! goring merchants ARE eli- above). If by coincidence, the list aH these clues-just give the accompanied by an adult, hidden in all ads of sponsoring of the Othello Outlook will be .~eans that additional CONTEST RULES gible, name of WHO'S WHO (or total number of them. Don't 6. This week's contest merchants, a BONUS OF $20 the judge in all,questions and of that firm This is a family fun contest! 2. Nothing to buy- use any other facts about him or her) forget to add your name and starts when you receive this will be paid. Whenever this his decision is final. elsewhere in thisOne entry per person (family slip of paper for your entry happen to appear in news address, Then, drop yourissue and closes at 5 p.m. BONUS is not won, it will be Family participation gives the paper and of four could submit fourbla~k. Not necessary to be items, editorial matter or entry in the box located at the .Monday of the following week. added to next week's BONUS- you a better chance to win the clues may also beentries(. Anyone may enter pro' ent to win. Not necessary other places in this news- sponsoring merchant, whose 7. At that time (5 p.m. next which will continue to grow jackpot...your Wife, husband of these adsas UNLESS a member of your to oo a subscriber to the paper, these will not count as ad has a heavy black border on Monday) a drawing will beuntil it is won. or some bright-eyed young- family is employed by the Othello Outlook to enter, clues in this contest, this page in this issue,held at the store where entries 8. Every possible precau- ster MAY spotthat clue you will be scattered... Othello Outlook or by the 3. WHO'S WHO may be 4. To enter, write down the 5. There is no other place have been received for this lion will be taken to prevent miss! Ly be from one to five merchant whose ad is heavily any.)ne in the Othello area. name you think WHO'S WHOwhere entries will be ac- week's contest. The first entry d - or none. This is a bordered this week (thisClues for his or her identity is. Add the total number of cepted. Any member of the drawn that correctly identifies of skills...and ,we applies ONLY during the will be hidden ONLY in ads for clues you can find in ALL the family may bring in all the WHO'S WHO will win $10. If b do our best to outwit week this ad is bordered(, sponsoring merchants (see adsofsponaoringmerchantsin entries for that family. Child- THAT entry also lists the ~__- * Lowrey Organs BENAVIDEZ CAFE • Pianos C.omplete Music St~ * Electrophonic Stereo [ ' Mexican & American Foods Open 7 Days a Week Catering Service to Ware- houses, etc. e¢ Is Our Business" Stworthy Stores IIkLEAN'S IARDWARE RADIO SHACK Supermarket of Seumd ~cRAE J~USIC K 488-3651 32 E. MainOthello, Wa. 702 Z. Main 48&3~/ ..- ,, Danny,senior ,, trial-Commercial ' i P-" Residential WIRING Custom Cabinets-Sawffling~[~at,~~r~ '*') 'Job Too Small Furniture Refinishing ~2 N~ ~tric Baseboard Heating ROWS "Chuck" Booth & ...... ~arlie & Frank CABINET SHOP dErS ELECTRIC 60 E. Hemlock 488-3993 Entertainment Lounge Huge Dance Floor C~},R]EtON MOTEL and RESTAU]gA~'T 1451 MAIN STRFET typographical errors that Got any Perry Mason in might be mistaken for clues, you? Think YOU can outwit but errorless typography the contest? Remember you CANNOT BE GUARANTE- can't win if you don't enter. One House For ';' : ~ ,00 All Your Insurance Needs. Complete Tire & "On .the $ ( )i ) A& W ROOT BEER RICCIO-JENKINS Farm Service OF OTHELLO INSURANCE ' BASIN TIRE CENTER GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZESI 4th&CedarStreets AGENCY 488-2451 22 N. First 488-9751 Don Ruttan PH. 488-9686 DSA-68 I ~ I I I I I Now At 97 So. 1st St. £ t .itte 488-3902 26 I=. LAnG. Floral Arrangements Business-Office Supplies BENTLEY'S 97 S.lst PH. 488-2751 ..- , ,,, OTHELLO, WASH. 99344 Kell~ at McFarland i DOC ..... COPELAND Authorized Singer Dealer 'iendly"Su r Mar- ii [~ Fabrics-Lessons- ~ HOLLIDAY ' [kJ[)) ~t saves on your ~ ~ ~"~" Notions , ~.. * Vr~l~ LUMBER budget every day. CHEVRON SERVICE .... ~ i~L~[~Ol * Meat H~ * Frown l~**d, Complete Building Sup- I !-:~\ 745E. Main Free Pick-up & Delivery, , ~.' * Gromry "~ ~- . ~"~]~)? Air Conditioning Service ~, NaCiem Do-It-Yourselfers IN'S THRIFT i ~" Othe![O Expert Atlas Tune-up , ~t~~¢~ *Fr°dum 'plies for Contractors and in " Othello , ,~' ~ ~" IL~," 488-~,1~i '!' , Joyce FinancingAvailable ~a 445 E. Main PH. 488-7636 Open 6 Days a Week TopGrade ~,dEEZER MEAT ~ CELESTE HOLM JOE'S ~¢ Home or Locker A Division of Sl~rr~ Ram/ FLORIST 488-9953 -New Holland Hay Equipment No Answer Servis Blades & Cutters NEW HOLLAND- s ,s OTHELLO rb~iee Othello '645 S. Broadway -4~i7 I i i *Flowers *Office Supplies *Ceramics *Candle _C~rner *Terrarium Plants ~ng Invitations HOSTETTER L FORD SALES' INf" 83O Z. Main Rotarian ~38'i CENTRAL 66 Tires Lubrication Batteries- Motor Oil ll0 E. Main '488-5222 This Week's "Who's Who" Special! 1975 F-750 10 Wheeler Truck. -Kitchen Cabinets '-Carpeting -Wallpaper - Paints THE WOODWoRKER 341 So. 1st PH. 488-5219 ZAVALA'S PLACE Mexican Food-Beveragas Beer & Wine to Go Open 7 Days a week 1796 S. Broadway Othello Or TemHp Roy's Amti Sm'vko ~126 S. Broadway 488-2012 in i ENJOY FRESH PASTEURIZED HOMOGENIZED GRADE A i Sfushe;'-AiiFiavors .N. tlth.2aml E: M~n 488-~01 Basin booster ,, EVERGRffN IMPLEME iT, INf" United Industrial Park Othello 488-5222 Sell;t;ac~&- VESS JEWELRY *Diammad Rings *Earrings *Seiko Watches *Ear Piercing 61 So. 6th~488-2852 I ,,, , . FREDDIE'S • RESTAURANT Chinese- American Food Nightly School board 7 years 67 S, Ist 488-2704, Guild actor Men - Women Le, OTHELLO BOWL- " 1312 E. Main 4~1.