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"T~/0rking for Othello's Balanced
,growth" Entered as Second Class
Matter January 21, 1947, at the Post ............. - ....
'Office at Othello, Washington under the TEN YEAR AGO ************
;Act of March 3, 1879. Published every'
Thursday morning at Othello, Washing- ~ '~i "l ROYALDecember CITY 3,. 1964The new FIFTEENDecember YEARS3, 1959AGO
.... $842,000 Royal High School, Remodeling plans were
ComPanY ..... which opened its doors for its completed in time for the
first classes here this fall, will Othello Recreation Hall to
, 'R.D. (Dan) LEARY .............................. MANAGING EDITOR' :180 E. Main
DEAN H. JUDD ...... ................... : .............................. EDITOR 'Subscriptions $5.00
RICHARD REX .............................................. AD MANAGER yearly in Adams,
rE~SIE M. PLANT .................................. SOCIAL EDITOR G~nt, Benton and
~ETTY HASTINGS ........................................ I....SECRETA~- 'Franklin Counties,
',lARGE FEYDER .............................................. AD LAYOUT~ $6.00 elsewhere.
Single copies -, 15¢-
re-open in their new location
in the Johnny J. Para
building for several years, a
new home was found just
diagonally across the street
on first avenue in the Barto
Para building. According to
George Galling•r, manager,
be officially dedicated at
services scheduled for tonight
at the High School gym-
Superintendent Robert R.
Anderson announced that the
event is scheduled for 8 p.m.
with Harold Smith, supervis-
We will welcome all identifying information, particularly corrections which
have to offer for picturee appearing in this c04unm. Just call The Outlook
Gladys Part 488-2812. The pictures are provided by the Museum and Arts
Mrs. Para providing the text.
, . or of secondary instruction for the new location is more in
' ~ the Washington State office of keeping with their business
Ii public instruction, slated to be growth and potential.
By ROBERT the featured speaker. ************
************ TWENTY YEARS AGO
Don Beckley was elected to December 3, 1954
il CUMMINGS succeed Dale the Thomas Booker, chairman
president of the Tri-County of the Othello shcool board, Hereis a car of mixed breed many trips to the county seat the present site of
_, a~ ~ Fair Association here Nov. 26 was elected without opposi- shown in 1927 with its proud and back, but that he always Washington Water
I i' Th es A of Study
at the annual election meeting
tion as the new president of
owner, Charles Lee, who was
had to go in reverse in order
building and parking
• of the Fair Board. the Washington State School a high school senior at the to get up Othello's Main street one on the left, visible
************ Directors association at their time. Even though the carhill, as the gas feed worked the shed, was original
lee Grand opening activities 54th annual convention in was a necessity, (for going to better that way. and owned by Ezra Is~
By ' ate's AaricuJtu e Committee for twobusinessesinOthello Olympia Tuesday. Bookerwas high school meant at that time• " Case, former livery
) ~ ~ r are scheduled for this week- nominated as the presidential drivingto aitzville) the"Bug" In a snowstorm one winter owner, and the squar
end with open house eventscandidate and failed toreceive and its maintenance was also he was stopped, but only house on the right he L
work;n- -u~ :o-it: H-e
alread set at both Vickerys Shop- any opposition for the job. Lee's pride and joy. temporarily, about five miles his daughter May and l
west of Cunningham by the husband Harry O'Nei
OLYMPIA - Horse thiev- however. " g P " " Y ping Center and Loomis and Mrs. Helen Radke of Port It was originally a Model T headhghts going dead. He Case a widower wi
ery, which was a crime Much of the work on many has gone so far as to say it will ......
serious enough to call for of the bills under study by the be difficult to do a good job Shannon International Har- Angeles was last year's when it was purchased from walked to the nearest farmer grown dauuhters, cam
vestor, president.
hanging in the Old West, has various committees is still during the coming two years The observance at Director Walter Danielson Clarence Showalter for $30, and borrowed a kerosene inl901 to Seattle in H~
grown to serious proportionsincomplete, and there is a without more taxes. This Vickery's will be for the new and Supt. Grant Venn werebut it carried many additions lantern which he hung on the a blacksmith They m
again, and the Senate Ag- concerted effort to have as could be the last pass before addition to the shooping also in attendance at theand amendments by the time radiator cap, proceeding with to Othello in'1907, bu)
riculture Committee wants ~o many ready for introduction the bomb.
do something about it. as possible. As reported previously, it center, while the activities at two-day convention repre-ingthisaPh°t°set of fendersWaS taken,discoveredinclud- wayn° troublehome.fOr the rest of the AfterneWlYlea'vinulMattedthe liver]h°us~
But Dan Jolly, Connefi, All of them "died" when the isn t unusual for legislators to Loomis and Shannon will senting the Othello School in the Ritzville city dump. . The two houses in the business he~worked :
chairman of the committee, last session adjourned last say in advance of a session represent a grand opening for District.
doesn't have hanging in mind. April, and will have to be that there wont be any new the new firm here. The The Othello Chamber of Lee remembers it as beingbackground of this picture, Milwaukee Railroad
Rather than a cure, he is reintroduced. But even those taxes, but when the alterna- implement facility is located Commerce provided adver- falrlv der)endable during the facingeast on 4th Ave., are on death in 1935.
just south of the Highway tisement for Mr. Booker in ir IMPORTANT
looking for a preventiative, on which work hasnt-been tive means cutting out certain .................................. NOTICE TO SEI F-EMPLOY]"
and he believes he may have completed will have the jump programs~they frequently do overpass on Broadway and is the form of small cellophane
found it. He has a work on numerous new measuresan 180 degree turn. housed in a completely new bags of beans with enclosed
session scheduled this week coming in. .. Sour On Sugar building which was construct- cards boosting Mr. Booker ] UNINCORPORATED BUSINESSMEN"
on a bill which would call for Lame Duck Session Because °f existing view"ed during the last few m°nths" and "Othell° in the Heart °"fIFARMERS ETC
identification and registration The weekend meetings, points, it is doubful if you will ~" Columbia Basin Irrigation. "PROFESSIONAL MEN, •
of all horses in the state, continuing from Thursday get much of a hint of what to teachers' collective bargain- Since Mr. Booker was an•p-
The measure would repeal through Saturday, represent expect in the taxing fielding bill, doesnt have it ready posed, these were passed out I YOU SHOULD
the present branding~law and the first ' lame duck" session- when the legislative commit- yet, but will hear proposals after the election as souven-
replace it with one re(tuiring, at least the first of official tees meet here this weekend, from both the Washington iers from Othello. ACT ON THIS BEFORE
identification by the simpler standing following election--in But Rep. Frank Warnke, Education Association and the ************ i THE END OF THIS YEAR.
and cheaper "freeze" process, state history. At least some of D., Auburn, plans to ask both State School Directors As-After the culmination of
Just LikeAn Auto those who aren t returning in the Senate and the House sociation, many hours of work by
Identification would be by 1975 will be here for theWays and Means Committees A WEA endorsed bill farmers, the post office| ....... r sent m this area now offers an HR10 master -Inn t
numbers one and a quarter coming sessions, to review tax exemptions passed the House last time department and the Grange I The tankers Lira of Des ~aoines, wnom t rep e " " , • p
inches high and containing Sen. Fred Dore, Seattle, granted the state's sugar beet but died in the Senate, while a and Soil Conservation Dis- [ permits use of the n¢w higher limits of up to 15 per cent of earned incom¢ (not tocxc¢cd $7500)un
seven digits, which would be chairman of the Senate growers. The property taxcollective bargaining bill to trict, farmers of the Block 49 | recently enacted federal law (see table).
registered with the state, just Committee on Financial In- exemption, ranging from one cover employment in private and Block 11 areas received i With this higher limit, some of you may bc able to actually triple your allowable contributions.
a serial numbers of auto- stitutions and Insurance, who to three per cent on unsold industry passed the Senate their first mail route service | if you have postponed availing yourself of these benefits, now could b¢ the ideal time to start.
mobiles are registered, was defeated for reelection, harvested crops, was granted but was killed in the House. to their farms.
The bill was prompted by has a full agenda scheduled in 1972, at a cost in revenue The latter measure will be The maiden voyage of the I All, or a portion of your contribution, can b¢ accumulated for a fixed retirement annuity which
the fact that last year, despite for his committee. But Sen. estimated by the State De- back in the 1975 session, but extended Cunningham Star I Bankers Life is
currently crediting with 8 per ccntintcrcst. Get all thc information, now, so ~can
the fact beef prices were R.R. Greive, Seattle, whoalso partment, of Revenue at won't be up for consideration route was run Wednesday I advantage of it during the 1974 taxable year. -- ....
soaring at the time, theft of was defeated, didn t even $15,000 a year. this coming weekend. The noon by Raymond Hicks of I Robed M Asht0n, Hanager Ano. l
Annual Annc]q
horses in this state exceeded schedule a ~ti~ for the Describing retail and Labor Committee in each: Cunningham. Hicks, who h~s | C0hlmbla"" Basin" Afency ¢~." cram no. ¢~a
cattle thefts. With many Senate Commerce (~ommittee wholesale sugar prices, and House will be working chiefly'carried the mails from the | Call C011e¢1-545-1805 ____ ..............
saddle horses valued in excess which he heads. However, profits to refineries as "out- on unemployment compensa-Northern Pacific trains at
orS1,000, it has ceased tebea Sen. Frank Connor, Seattle, rageous," Warnke said thetion. Cunningham to Othello for I P0 Box ~837, Pa$¢0, Wn. Old lind! $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $
problem confined to the wide who didn't seek reelection, state can't do much about the Mail Order Protection eight years, has negotiated a | THE BAN KERS LI FE Nc~ limit $ 4,500 $ 6,000 $
open spaces. It is equally
serious in the urban areas.
Continuing Legislature
The Agriculture Committee
is only one of numerous
committee sessions scheduled
for the coming weekend.
Nearly all of them will be here
for what could be the last full
round of the periodic commit-
tee meetings this year. There
could be numerous individual
committee sessions between
now and Jan. 13, when the
44th Legislature convenes,
Proficiency Honor
CHENEY Howard L.
Owens, and Army Reserve
Officer Training Corps cadet
staff sergeant at Eastern
Washington State College,
has been awarded the Physi-
cal Proficiency Excellence
Award (3rd Torch Device).
Owens, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Owens, Othello, is a
sophomore at EWSC. He is a
graduate of Othello High
Pharmacy Facts
by Bill Bet hma-nn'!
QUESTION: I try to be
very careful where cleaning
my baby's diapers are con-
cerned, but I'm still having to
contend with diaper rash. Is
there a better way of cleaning
diapers than putting them
through the washing machine
the way I'm now doing?
ANSWER: One of the main
causes of diaper rash is the
detergent residue the average
is un-
to remove
its rinsing
~cles. Since
is almost
to be
some of this
will be here to preside over
the Labor Committee which
he heads.
Fasten Your Belts
Though virtually all legisla-
tive leaders in both political
parties say it will be "impos-
sible" to pass a tax bill in the
coming legislative session, it
would be well to fasten your
seat belt and be prepared for
the worst.
Gov. Dan Evans still isn't
ready to say whether more
taxes are needed, but at each
news conference it appears
more and more like he is
national problem, but at least
can cut off any benefits sugar
beet growers are getting in
this state.
Broad Coverage
Virtually all types of
lagislation will be before the
various committees during
the three days of meetings.
The list is far to long to
published here. It includes,
numerous controversial
measures which failed to pass
during the past two years and
will be up again. The House
Education Committee, which
has been working on a
:iing after diapers
: have been
washed you'll do best to use a
non-woven diaper finer IN
SIDE your baby's diapers
each •time you change them.
this clean, non-woven finer
will help protect your baby's
tender skin against any
detergent remaining in the
diapers you've already care-
fully washed.
Why be like the two
corpuscles who loved in vein?
Here at Othello Rexall Drug
you can always be sure of fast
friendly service. 724 Main is
the place where we re always
glad to see and be of service to
You can make your Christmas shop-
ping easier by checking our wide
selection of gift ideas first. Action
toys for boys and girls.., bikes and
accessories... "fun shirts"...
barbecue grills.., top-quality tools
i Un ed Industrial Park
New legislation coming up
includes a bill designed to
provide relief for people who
feel they have been stung by
mail order insurance. The bill,
which will be before the
Financial Institutions and
Insurance Committee in each
house, would empower the
State Insurance Commission-
er to get cease and desist
orders against false or mis-
leading advertising, and levy
fines up to $2,000 for each
Complaints could be filed by
any person with a grievance.
contract for the extension into |
the local farm blocks.
.... • • : ::i i!•
j: ::
!i ii::i
Always green
for shop or yard.., welders, space
heaters, battery chargers.., all
this and more. And, it's all backed
by the John Deere name. Stop in
soon.., and have a Merry
Equality for women was at least partly recog-
nized back in settler times. The pioneer mother
shared hour-for-hour in the exhausting work.
Before killing frost she was storing the spuds
and onions or whatever they had in dugout cellars.
Putting down salt pork or beef in brine barrels was
tiring, messy work, but the family was mighty
thankful for it as winter wore on.
Gourmet dining? No, but it kept them alive.
Nobody wasted a bite and the family was thankful
for mother's providence.
Her appalling burdens have been lighten~
greatly now thanks' to work saving and comfort
giving home appliances, but it takes energy to ru~
them, and like the storehouse on the homestead
energy supplies have to be replenished. --
Here at The Washington Water Power Corn
we think that if everyone cooperates and
wastes, enough can be provided to meet the