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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 12, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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December 12, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/~.~G~ TWO THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK IC~tlDAY, DECElV~ER 12, 1952 Entered as second ~as$ ~ Jmauary 21, 194q, at the post offk, e ,at Othello, Wa~hir~-ton, tm~ler ¢axe Act o£ 'March 3, 187a. l~]i.~hed every ~rida~r a~erlmo,n at Othello. WARREN BASLEE Editor and Publisher ~tdmcriptions $3.00 per year in Adams, Franklin, and GranV Counties. $3.50 per year elsewhere TOWN iHAS TREE, AFTER STRUGGLE Three stalw~art and hearty Junior Chamber of Commerce members who went elk hunting in the M]ission Ridge country above Wenatchee last weekend had civic ,pride more on their minds than four-footed beasts with hat racks for toupees. Cleo Stotler, Paul Brown and 'Phil ~Ianks, with two of Stot- ler's cronies of professional foot`ball days from Seattle, braved the icy blasts to venture far back into the timber in search of, among other things, a tree. The tree, mind you, could not ff~e just any tree; no, it must ~be a special tree, just right to em- bellish Othello's main drag tor the forthcoming Christmas par- ty for Othello youngsters. rrhe quintet east 'aside their rifles when falling snow made it certain that an elk would be out of the question and picked II up an axe to venture out in search of said tree. After 'much searching and re- searching on the part of the five members of the party, a tree which was just right was found and felled. Thence the story begins---all ,five, .who .are all plenty husky lads, bent to the task of moving the tree some 200 yards through two ,and three-foot snow banks. Unh! No soap! Try as they would, they couldn't budge the tree an inch. After trying some twenty or thirty minutes the boys decided o ,get smart, cut ~ive feet off the trunk. Fine! Again 750 pounds of pro-ball tackle beef bit the saplirJg. It moved this time, so much you could almost see it. The fellows did manage to get it down to the road and in ,position to load ,it on the top of Brown's panel truck. After two more hours of struggling -~vith the Yule :pole and still it 'was on the ,ground, t~ne boys rigged an in, genious tvipocl to Ill For SECURITY Entire Famit] THE GREATEST YEAR-'ROUND GIFT OF ALL IS THE GIFT OF SECURITY--ONLY YOU CAN GIVE YOUR FAMILY THE FEELING OF SECURE COM- FORT-WHY NOT START THIS LASTING GIFT TO THEM TODAY WITH A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT THE-- OTHELLO STATE BANK t Member Federal Depo6it I urance Corporation OTHELLO. WASHINGTON I II I I IIll Illl Ill IllI II II I I I II II I I STATEMENT ON BATES FOR STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY are not affected by the recent increase in auto- mobile rates in this state. State l~arm'e~ aim is to select only careful drivers is one of ~te features which permi~ this leading writer of full cover- age automobile insurance to es~blish its own rates. STATE FARM rates are set at the lowest levels consistant with its policyholders careful driving practices. Our rates in Wash- ington were last adjuated Jpne 80, 1952. No furtlmr changes are pending at this time. Call or see me today for low automobUe insurance rates. STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INS. CO. (Bloomington. nli.ois) Harold Rorvik i I I I I I I II bold the trunk up in the air high enough for Brown to ram his truck under .it with the force required to load ~it. ~oaded and ready, the five left the ridge country over ~niles of near snowed in roads, ,drove another 160 miles through a howlir~g windstorm, several times nearly capsized by the vch,ipping of the tree in the force of the wind on top of the truck. ~It is now near its final resting place at 'First and Main streets awaiting erection and decorat- by the less hearty Junior Cham- ber members. If anyone in town doesn't like the looks of the tree, broken ~branches, poor shape, etc., may we issue a .word af warning-- don't say ,a word a~bout it, at least where ,any of the three can hear you., It is rumored that next year the Jaycees are going to ,buy a tree, preferably one set in the standard and decorated. CEMENT PLANT TO CLOSE 10 DAYS The Othello Cement Products plant closed down today for a period of ten days ~or altera- tions and remodelir~g, accord- ing to plant manager Phil ~Ianks ..... &Iterations will include the removal of ~he loading ramp which was ~ased by dump trucks to back up and dump into the ~atehing hoppers. ,This method is being discarded by ~he com- pany in favor of stock-piling the sand and ,gravel at the batch plant site. The new system will increase the efficiermy and speed of op- eration at the plant, according to Hanks. CHURCH TO START GOSPEL SERIES HERE The O~hello Church of Christ will start a series of Lectures on Christmas day and will contin- ue them throt~gh December 27. The religious meetings will be under the direction of twelve different speakers. ~here will be four speakers per day. r£he principal speaker will ,b~ Dur- avood [Biggerstaff, ,who will speak each evenir~g throt~ghout the three-day meeting. There will be two one-hour classes in the morning and two in the afternoon, according to ~S,arn May, pastor of the local church. The morning classes will 'be from 10:00 until 12:00 and the afternoon ~rom 2:00 until 4:00. The evening meetings start at 7:30 p.m. WHAT'S TRUMP MEETS rghe What's Trump "bridge club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ann Loch" rr~iller for ,a Christmas party and --~gift exchar~ge. The tournament play was continued with Mrs. Olive Cam- eron leading, Mrs. Paul Brown second and Mrs. Evva Lou Krupa third. Mrs. Cameron won the galIopir~g goose. LADIES AID MEETS The Ladies Aid of the Othello 'Presbyterian church will mee'~ on Wednesday, December 17, at the home of Mrs. G. W. Klip- hardt. The meeting will be pre- ceded by a potluck luncheon and Christmas gi,fts x~dll be giv- en $or the church kitchen. Danekas & Dunkan Funeral Home RITZVILLE TELEPHONE 83 Monumen~ and Markers 24-Hour Amb~tlance Service SPOKESMAN-REVIEW Available at Bates Hotel ÷ ,1. Now Doubly Protected wits the purest, whitest, sweetest pillows ever made/ For the ultimate in sleeping luxury, get the finest foam latex pillow made...Restfoam®--doubly protected with chlorophyll, nature's amazingpurifier. Priced from only $7.95 --- OPEN EVENINGS -- FrL & Sat December 19 & 20 -- Tues. & Wed. Dec. 23 & 24. Free Delivery Liberal Terms "QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS" PHONE 3431 OTHELLO, WASH. _ First ~ Hemlock I I II + OgOSt;9$A#-.f XVhen you manage a household, care for your family and carry your fair share of civic responsibilities, time becomes important in your life. It may seem a minor thing--to c~fll a number of friends and inform them that next week's club meeting will be at Jane's home instead of Ruth's. But even such a minor chore takes time. Will you let us give you a time-saving tip? Start a personal number book. You'll be surprised at how much time it will save. And if you check these numbers from time to time-keeping them up-to-date-you'll also avoid the embarrassment of calling wrong numbers. ; _ for keeping local and out-of-town telephone numbers is yours for the asking. Telephone, send a postcard or drop in at your nearest Pacific Telephone " business office for your free co . Pacific Telephone