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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 12, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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December 12, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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OTHELLO. WASHINGTON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1950. FARM-HOME OFFICE NOW IN MOSES LAKE :EstaJblishment of a Farmers' Home administration county of- flee at ,Moses Lake was an- nounced today by Walter A. (Dully, State ,Dtirector of the ~A agricultural credit agen- cy. "The ~ffice .will ~be temporar- ily ~located with the SCS in the ~Soil 'Conservation district build- ir~g ,at Moses Lake. The perman- ent location will be in space be- ing constructed by the Soil Con- servation district as soon,as it is available for occupancy," tDuffy said. "Ray L. Toll, for- merly an .assistant to Wistar Burgess of Ephrata will 'be in charge." Eastern Grant county, com- prisir~g .Irrigation blocks 40, 41 and 42 as ,wel~l as Moses Lake Irrigation district, ~VIae and Hia- watha valley and ~ail of Adams county will be served from this new office. Toll will be avail- able at the office each Friday for interview. "The ' unifies ~H_A program for meeting l~he credit needs of foxily-type farmers of the Col- um"oia 'pasin who cannot get necessary credit from private sources," Duffy continued, "is designed to meet three major .agricultural problems, loans for the production of crops, loans fr farm and homestead water systems and loans for the pur- chase, improvement or enlarge- ment of farm units." ~u~fy emphasized that in or- der to provire effective and co- ordinated service to the farmers of the ,basin, Ephrata ~ Su- pervisor Wistar .]~urgess will work closely with Toll in the operation of the program. Toil, a 27-year-old veteran of World War II, has served with Farmers Home administration for fine past 3½ pears since 'his grac~uation ~om Oregon State college in 1949. lie is married and has one son, Larry Michael. The Toll family will locate in Moses Lake as soon as housing is .found. RESERVOIR TO BE UNDER DISCUSSION ~NPI~RATA, Wash., Dec. 9-- Regional Director" Harold T. Nelson of the 'bv.reau ,of reclam- ation, Boise, has .been author- ized by Commissioner Michael W. ~Strauss to conduct further discussions in the ~ield with the iState of .Washington, the Col- umbi, a ~Basin commission ~nd other interested organizations zegax~ding the administration of the Grand Coulee equalizing reservoir on the Columbia Bas- in project. • I. A. Parker, district manag- e.r, said he ,was informed of the ~tion ~y telel~hone this raorn- i~g. The discussions involve de- velopment of the equalizing res- ervoir for recreational purposes. .No disposition of the reservoir will be made ,until after negoti- ations .with the interested groups have been conducted, Mz, Parker said. f Try OUTLOOK Classifieds They bring Resultsl OTHELLO Shoe Repair JOHN SOBESKI OTHELLO DO YOUR OWN WASHING In New, Modern Machln~ OTHELLO SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY ir ~ET YOUR FALL Dy_,CORATING DON~ B~FORE THE HOLIDAYS Bill Chadwick Charlie Ward l~one 183 LAnd, Wn. Hear Ye Him by Sam May, Pastor "Though he was .a Son, y.?t learned obedience by t~ ~hi'L:.; ,w'hi~°h he suffered;" Iieb. 5:3 Christ, even though _ ~_ :~ the Son of God. lea~n~,d c>~ i.- ence and through K-fi~ bcla,~ our Savior. If he was no' ~c, ) great or high to learn, then, it should ,be a lesson to u; a, part of humblenoo.~ i~ "o ~,~-~., @ in this ~book: ~but these are writ- knows the thoughts of God and His care, love and concern for US. In John 8:55 we find one who knows God. "Yet ye have not known him; ~but I know him: and if I should A / obedience. How are we to learn if 'we are not taught? If we are taught, then who is our teach- er? It could be anyone of many, but if we are to learn of the ways ~; God, then we must h.ave a teacher that knows God. ~,,e n.c,~ nave a teacher that ten, that ye might believe that Jesus is the (~hrist, fine Son of God; and that ,believing ye *might 'have life through his name." John 20:30-31 n,~r m5 Father: if ye had knownsay, I know him not, I shall .be : c ./e r?.ould have known my a liar like unto you: but I know CAW & CAW ~'.~ .h~ r al:~o'" John 8:19 him, and keep his saying." ATTORNEYS But how are we to know Je- So we find one who knows ~w ,~ we may know God?', God, but .what about us? "And many other signs truly '~rhen said they unto him, Phone 3663 Othello did &iaus in the presence of his W!here is thy Father? Jesus ans- • -': ...... ,,lob ~o nW written,wered, Ye neither know rno $198 up Pure worsted wool or ~|on in a wonderful variety of solid colors, hand-embroidered styles and knit-in patterns. Sizes for men, women, children and infants. @ for happy feet The Perfect Gift, ,_, Exquisitely fashioned pajamas and gow by STRUTWEAR All in fashion's latest styles and colors" Shop early for the finest in lingerie. WINNERS IN OUR RECENT BABY PHOTO CONTEST ARE SUSAN LYNN ROTH. First Prize; BILLY And GENE BENJAMIN, Second Prize; HARRY ALLEN, Third Prize. gowns 2.98 to 8.95 -- pajamas 2.98 to 7.95 nize Your Home- 'own Merchant, He's Your Neighbor Shop at Home and Save I son you bla: oth mel It 5 qua per E is a is f say you low spo: i~g. 10, ing' the