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December 12, 1952 |
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--FRmAY, DrCZhBEn- 12. 19S2
Published by the Othello Ou'.look as a public service for the Othello Schools
Today, ('Dec. 5, 1952) a flash
,assembly ,was held to say fare-
well to the German teachers.
There .were four German teach-
ers visiting t,he school ,E,ee. 3, 4
and 5. Charlotte Rieger san~ a
,German song in assembly. Otto
Meyer felt in a singi~,g mood. so
~he sang a ,German song and a
~avarian sor~g too.
,Mr. Stemen asked them what
they lik, ed best about Othellm
and Edith ~Schwabenland said
that w, hat she liked best ~,bout
Othello was the fact that no one
laughed ~be.cause they couldn't
speak English very well yet,
.and the way they ,were incIud-
ed in everyt,hing just as if they
had *been here, ~for a lqrng time.
'Mr. Stemen asked if anyone
wanted to ,contrirbute anythin~
else ,and ,Otto Meyer added that
he liked the people and corn
.Then Edith and Charlotte
told us about Christmas and
'how they celebrated it. It
sounds as i,f it would be very
much fun.
Just 4before the students went
back to their rooms Erich A-k-
er told them he appreciated the
way they were treated and ,con-
cluded, "That goes for .all of
After that the t,hree ~'heer-
leaders gave them fifteen
cheers and the assembly was
The students and teachers
,hope that the four visiting
teachers will be able to visit
the school again .before they
leave this section of our coun-
try, ~.
The cougers of Warden, snap-
ped at the heels of the H uskie~
and sent them flying for a now-
The game was played in the
new gymnasiu, m at Warden,
with a victory .for the Cou4ars
of 36 to 19. At the end. of the
first quarter Warden had taken
a 12 to 3 point lead on the 'Hus-
kies..By the end of the half the
score 'was 21 to 10, still in ~avor
of the Cougars. All the points
made in the second quarter
.were foul shots..
High point man for Othello
'was Tom Finl~beiner, and from
Warden F. Sellric~ge took the
On January 13, the Huskies
will play the Cougars down in
their own part of the ~woods.
/:irst Grade News
Mrs. Faudree
Susan Hanna was in Wenat-,
thee Tuesday.
We are busy getting ready for
Christmas. We are decorating
our tree, singing Christmas cre-
els .and making ,gifts.
Second Grade News
Forest Diehl
Thanksgivin~g mgrnir~g was
cold but that did not stop ,'. :~cl
and I from ,going duck hunting.
We got two ducks, one a mal-
lard and the other a golden eye.
gvhhen we ,got home Mother had
a :big turkey dinner. I gave
thanks to 'God for my good
-home, our good schools, and for
our country.
Third Grade News
,Our Christmas Presents
We are going to make pres-
ents for our mothers. We are
.using cloth, needles, t,hread,
bias-tape .and cardboard to
make it. We hope we can keep
it a secret.
by Judy Lee Smith
The German Teacher
We had a German te,~cher in
our room. His name was Erich
Acker. ,We liked him very
much. We asked .him if the Ger-
man people had cars..He said,
"yes, small .ones." ,He said many
people walked or rode ,bicycles
or motorcycles.
by Faye Brittenham
The Train Trip '
We are ,going to Portland,
Ore,gon on the train ,for our
Christmas vacation.
;My ~grandmother and grand-
father will have a bi.g C'hrist-
mas tree for my mother, my
brother and me. We will stay a
few days with ~my grandparents.
Tlhen we ,will covne back.
by 'Marie York
Drawing Names
In school we are going to
draw names. We may not pay
more than fifty cents or less
than twenty cents for the gifts.
We are going to have a Christ-
mas party and a Christmas tree.
by Laura Bisehof:
The Rain
Yain, Rain, Rain.
T~he Rain in falling down.
• " ,by Tommy Kendall
Our Visitor
We had a visitor in our room.
His name was Erich Acker. He
what kind of ,money he had. He
talked some German .for us. We
went in the gym Thursday to
hear the ~four German teaohers
sing for ,us.
English News Story
There was a woman .at school.
She was from Germany. E:he
told us things about bmman/.
~They were imaresting. :~:,e
,wrote for t, he class 5in German
words and letters.
,by Dean Glaston
We Went Hunting
My pa, Zane, and 1 went
hunting Saturaay and 2unaay.
"We went to O'Sullivan dam. ~, e
d.dn't get, a thing.
by Eddie Bensen
'Our ~Blueb~rds are making
puppets .and most of the ,B!u_-
lairds have finished, bntil the
rest of us get .inished the o:,heis
are going to help us.
by 2rudy McCourtie
'Christmas we have holly.
Chmstmas is so jolly,
Christmas we ,aave such fun.
,Christmas will soon bedone.
by Mary Jane Decker
Our Trip
My mother, ~£amer and I went
to Billings, Montana. We wtnt
to ,Great ~alls, Mom.ana. La~c
we went to Billings. We had
fun at Great ,Fails, We went to
the park and ,pla/ed wi:n the
'ducks. There were all kinds of
ducks. We went to pla:." .¢....~
the squirrel. We fed the squirrel
sunAower seeds.
by Wayne Burleson
Fifth Grade "News
Victor--~Went to Spokane 2at-
G urday.
Mickey--~I went to my grard-
mother's Saturday 'be.~,u,e
my aunt was sick.
S,ally--The Camp Fnre ,r i''~
'will meet Wednesday at 2:30
'p.m. instead of Monday at
2:00 p.m. ' ..........
Joe---Than,k you for the fine co-
operation you are showing
. my patrol students and me.
Jay---Why does a ,bird never go
!brol~e? Answer next week
Mike Wilson-- Two O'clock
The Black Cock crowed;
The Moon was bright;
The Red Co~_k answered; the ni~,ht.
IBig Gretchen, sleeping;
Turned in bed;
Then tossed her arms;
Abave her head.
The old haund str.etahed;
And ~breathing deep;
He settle¢ rown;
Again to sleep.
Terry--~hat has 8 win~ and
flies? Answer next week.
Vi.ctor--t ,went to ~Spokane Sat-
This Son Reminds Me Of You
Shirley Jean--"SA:M'~ S,t~h~G" F'hirley, "what is this about Sam's
Song, or don't you know? Could it be Sam Passch of. Warden.
Kathleen Martin--"I'M NrEVEt~ ~ATI.SFIE~D." First Perly, then
Rex, then Chuck P. ~hat next????
Chuck JPalmer--'~DO I ONG rT~S ~ta,~EN GO,O,D TO /KNOW YOU,
When did you learn to sing ~bis song Chuck?
~AND." M*ay~be iCs one of the majorettes?"?
7th & 8th Grades--'~LWl~?S HtAVE A 'PA.RTY"
Audrey"ENJOY Y~O~I~ISELF." No sense telling you that
is there??? 'How ,do you like your jc'b dwn at Non's'??
Miss Jette--"t'I,L DAII~CE A~T YOUR WF.~DDING." ~That is if I'm
invited Is that all right with you Tac??
Harold Beehe--"JI~T. LOOKI'IN' " Harol=l, j'ust looking around
huh? Are you enjoying yourself???
Jaekie Beebe---"YOU BFtL"~NG T'O ME." How many times ha~
Harry D. heard that song Jackie???
Geraldine Blaker--"I'M Y~I.~RIS" ,Watch out Box!!!
Cheryl Barrie--"LM~t~ET MR. OAI.,LAHAN" Cheryl, I overheard
you telling Betty ~S. that you would like to meet a .good-inking
by, well. meet Mr. Catlahan.
~LL]PN .MA~T~N---'*NlrV1E InOOT 'FvVO" You'r always whistling
this son~g. 'How tall is Peggy????
Marvell Cole--'~GIVIE 1WE A Kt~SS 'PO BUILD A D,RE~%M ON"
Yes, Marvell, w,hat about this dream.
Sharon Tennyhill---F[T'S rN TI~E BIOOK, No. 1" (Grandma's
lye-soap) I hear you take to that son. won't you tell us why???
Janiee Kannenwisher--"IT'S IN THE BOOK. No. 2" ( Mary had a
little" it should go Janice has a little lamb 'w~ho's name is
Jack Mulligan.
Barbara Stone--"ALWA~S" Always Ellensburg, isn't it????
Betty Stone--"~O,UR Gt~rI'T~N~G A GOOD GI, t:?!L WHEN YOU
,GET M~?' ,I heard that's what you sing to Chuck K. or is it
Et~gene? ???
What They Want For Christmas --
In substivqen for 'W~hat is I:" this week. we. have asked
r~me of the students and teachers what they want for Christmas.
P~'ZT~" ,¢ '/~" H Mv two ~ront teeth.
I =} ~l)Y -,~X. I'll take what I get.
~t. r:~I~:'Y YD;G,,Wants the team to get to the tournament.
%H2/R(,,N O~L,~C N, A game of 2¢Ionopol)
• C1HF,R~YL ,BAR.RItE, 'Wants an A in Math
.~R. KENDAIL,L Wants a lot more things
DL&NIg :POW~I~, Wants Chuck Palmer back.
MRS. C,O:bEaVIA, N A radio.
GIN, G,E~R 2X>SK]EY, Ice Skates.
MISS JNIrI1E, A. cooperative sophomore class.
MRS. IVORY, Wants all the boys and girls of Othello School to
'have a wonderfull Christmas and a very happy New YeYar.
MISS ,D~RUMIttE, LLEI~, A Cad:llYm¢ with leopard skin upholstry.
BAR;B~R~ W.RI~HT, A dell.
JOEY VA, ND~E~ VIX>Der, ,Boxing bag.
ROD ~AMMIEaR, A bike.
VIC'TOfR KOSCHM~NN, A sock in the nose.
PATSY 1V~ART~N, A model "A" Ford
MR. COR~IN, A new Chrysler.
Sixth Grade News
,Last ,week we had a German
teacher visit our room, His
name was Erich Acker. We re-
'corded him as he talked. We
asked him many questions a-
by Jimmy Smith urday. *bout Germany.
WHO'S WHO IN Christmas Celebration Donn--The Cubs are having a
•iu, Mexico ,bean feast. In our room we ,have t~o par-
THE NEWS- In the third grade we acted Linda---We have anew boy in ties. These .two parties a're the
out a Mexican Christmas eele- our His name is D~n l=tept~blicans and the Democrats.
,Well, Welt, here we are, the bration. This is how we did it., and ,we 'havon new Each party nominates its own
people w,ho writh t'ne at ticle, We took a piece of cloth for gihl named Sandra Colley~ candidaSes for room president,
'*Who's :Who in the News.", The a stretcher or the litter. There Dennis--,We stayed home nd vice president, secretary, ser-
students used in last week s at'- was a picture .on the litter of cleaned uo the yard and ear- geant at arm~ Monday we cam-
tide were Jackm Boone and Mary and Joseph and an angel, tied wood over to the wood paigned. '
Harry Ealtiy. • Four children carried the litter. ~oile. . . Tuesday we are .going to vote
Gixl A procession of children fol- Mike--I 'went hunting w~th my on a secret iballot.
lowed the stretcher. The pro: dad nn, d shot my ,-,un. We drew names for Christ-
She is a .cute little ~:ive feet cession knocked .at a Mexican ~od---We of the :fifth a.rade ~re mas Monday.
"two, eyes o~ ~b:ue and see has h.ouse. ,That was chosen for the planning to decorate our , ;Donna Stewart, Reporter
blonde hair. '-'o some she is a posoda. "tahe ~procession called room for a Christmas play.
mystezy and to so'me she isn't,out for lodging at the house. JoUn--,14m,, ~,~,,*, is the Emoire [::i~h~
When she .walks, it is with aFinally the dweller asked the State,building?
little hop, ki~p and jump or a people in. Ag. ter that there were ~,hirley---A di'me .an4 a n~ck~ 'The eighth grade is going ~o
.run. She is .always here andprayers and singing. Then the ,wore on a t.~,hle. The n;,-kel choose new officers next week.
penata, a fancy.pottery jar was foil oi~f. How come the dime "i~,hey will have a campaign for
broken .by one of the blindfold-
~d children. In the penata were
Christmas gifts ,for the children.
bv ,Larry Spence
went to Pasco. ,We looked .~-
round for aw.hile av.d then we
,went across fhe brid~o .%
~Kenn~'wlr'k and lo"~'°'' a-
round, then we ,went to ~Ri-',-
land and I-I~nfo-4 -rid l~o~-~d
,around ,and went back to Pas-
~-o nnd saw a show and ~ent
back home.
• Susan--We are sendin~ ~n~
~nme book~ of entertainment.
~r~ ~v~ alsn send;nq for "~
Christmas play. ~hese are
som~ ~f the th;n, gs inolqde4:
country s.~hool, di~lo=ue~,
.choice readings for children,
merry monoligues, i.vr-nil e*
eomedio= ,~d the r'h-~=tm-~
pla~r, '*Christmas Doll for
Ann ."
,We, are going to use the
class treasury money ~h:.~h
is $4.30, to pay for these
a week. 2~here will be a pres-
ident, vice president, secretary.
treasurer, sergeant:at-arms and
two reporters.
The seventh and eighth grade
are going to .have a party Fri-
day the l~th and one the 23rd.
They will *be to exchange
'Christmas gifts.
The Skunk~
Once ~here were two lit'le
skunks. One was In and the
other was Out. When In was in,
Out was out.
One day the Mo',~her Skunk
said, "In, go and find Out." So
In went to find out.
In a :fe~ minutes In and Out
ca~:oe in. The Me'her ,c;~"o.
and, none should uo asham-d -'
the s,~ore. F,~,e.cia]lv s!nce i;
.was the Hu,kies' First a~:~n~
Terry Fer~uson was hi ',
point man for Othello wPh 1~
,points. Pry. '~randon of ",i--~
was ,hitch point man with 15
There ~¢as no plo,,er eol,l?~
out for Othello, but 'L:nd t-.~4
one fouled .out and two were
near fouling out.
I'm sure the ,bo',s trir4 ~,he}'-
,best and we're all proud of
This arqcl~ wa~ read +o the
boys just ~before ~he game.
To The Bovs on the Team
Is vour s~pirit as ~high as th~
Score'q ,going to. One. Fure ','~4
we'd like to get it ~hro,,:-h ,,m,-
t'hi,ek nc~.gins.