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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 12, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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December 12, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:: ~-) ":: (~:~ ;: :i : ~ ~:~' - ..¸¸¸7 ~!~i !~ .... ~,~,~,,~,..3.~,~,~,~.~~ ~ ~, / LOOK NO W PLANNEl) To Resume The Community Schools roller skating program will be evidence of possible ing Foulkes in the case, a auditor Susie Razey and counts in each precinct." for 9:30 a.m. next Monday, resumed here this Saturday, 'tamperir ~" in the more complete study of the prosecutor Richard Miller. He noted that Pointer, who but will probably be delayed Dec. 14, with open skating [ Adams county corn- ballotsis planned foriater this 50Separated has 28 years of experience until Wednesday or Thursday scheduled from 10 a.m. to ,r contest has been week. According to Moynihan, with the detective division of of next week due to conflicts noon at the Lutacaga gym- [ly found during a At Moynihan's request, Pointer picked out about 50 the Spokane Police depart- for the visiting judge and the nasium. " inspection by a Homer Pointer, a handwriting ballots "which are question- ment is recognized as one of defense attorney. ~ -- -- T ting expert last week. expert from Spokane, spent able". He said those ballots the top handwriting experts Judge Ralph Edgerton of sessions are now scheduled iey for Kenny Foulk- most of last Thursday at the are now being kept separate in the northwest. Spokane was named to hear for each Saturday morning 0 Y 1, b has filed suit in courthouse in Ritzville ex- in special envelopes. "I am not ready to make the the case last weekafter Judge through the winter months. Court charging that staining ballots from disputed "Last Thursday s examine- charge of ballot tampering in Gordon Swyter of Ritzville Other special evening dates in the election have precincts. Present at the tion was cursory, and the the case," Moynihan reported disqualified himself. Hays will are also being planned and ~: ~ed, ha~kn~wleedg:2 session were attornies for expert picked out irregular- Wednesday. "We are still in be represented by Robert A. will be announced next week. both Foulkes and incumbent ities that could be determined the process of discovery and Southwell of Spokane. Lang noted plans are also ots were found Gordon Hays, who is listed as with the naked eye or a light attempting to determine just The ballots from the elec- being made for special skating a session held last defendant in the case; as well magn!,fying glass," Moynihan how good a case we have." tion have been kept in the dates during the Christmas as county officials including said. ' Our next step will now The attorney noted that the vault at the auditor s office at vacation. to Joseph T. commissioners Ralph Dane- be to completely review all of hearing in Adams County the courthouse in Ritzville directors here Tuesday night. who is represent- kas and W.E. Longmier, the ballots and re-check the Superior Court has been set since the Nov. 5 election.~ The proposal, which was 15 cents per copy OTHELLO, WASHINGTON - IN THE HEART OF THE COLUMBIA BASIN !?" VOL. XXV NO. 50 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1974 • , A .:.::5:: :::z.- -':::k i~: • + i?: Local Men CROWD - A close pinewood derby race gets lots of attention from Purchase :" Bruce Firm attending the Big Bend Scout Expostion held here last Saturday. The event, held gymnasium, featured more than a dozen booths presented by Cub, Boy and Purchase of the Western Cold Storage Inc. by three local men now associated with the firm was announced here Wednesday. Officials said the Bruce fresh pack potato operation has been soldby C.F. Mattson to a group that includes Jack Krum of Moses Lake and Robert Skogen and Joe PresneU, both of Othello. The sale was effective Dec. 2. ..... ~ Krum, who has been vice president, will serve as president of the firm. Skogen, sales manager, was named vice president, and Presnell, warehouse foreman, is new ::,:i iiill: iiii! ,ii! i iiii~i[ :i:: iili! ! il iiiiii~ 4iiii!!i !iiii i!i!!! lease of 76.5 acres of farm land spokesman saidat the Municipal Airport site. are to close the High bidder was Terry ii from MondayHollenbeck at $131.50 per Dec. 16 to acre, A second bid of $75 per BACK FROM CONVENTION - Othello High School junior permits acre was also received from Jon Krupa looks over the policy statement which was tracks. Becklev Farms. developed by the National Democratic party during its ;to The present lessee, Keith Mid-Term Mini-Convention held in Kansas City last Use by Continued on 2 weekend, served as n at the event. officially submitted as matter for negotiations with the district, was offered by OEA president Will Coats. The package calls for the 20 per cent cost of living salary adjustment for local teachers and restructuring of the current salary schedule. Pro- jected cost of that item would be $250,069, with an ad- ditional $19,440 requested for health medical insurance at $15 per employe per month. The health benefit would be in addition to the state con- tribution. Also requested is provision of the WEA/ Washington Dental Service Plan for all certificated employees at a cost of $18,273.60. Instruction Requests Other general instructional improvements in the package total $40.000. They include the request for employment of an additional elementary librarian, a fulltime elemen- tary music teacher and reduction in class size in the elementary schools of the district by hiring to additional teachers. Coats reported that the package has been turned over to the OEA negotiations team which is composed of Cynthia Lancaster, Dan Dever and Marilyn Moore. District Superintendent Tom Lyda was officially appointed as the district negotiator by the board during Tuesday's meeting. He indicated that a neg- otiations meeting will pro- bably be held prior to Christmas, with concentrated negotia~ior~s expected in Jan- uary. Levy Planning During the Tuesday meet- ing the school directors also indicated that they would prefer to hold the special levy election for the coming year in late March or early April. Plans were tentatively set he adds to the nation., Festival Cimarron restaurant. i il iiiiiiii¸ Scout groups in the county. More pictures appear, on page two. secretary-treasurer ..... :~:::: Officials said no major for public informational meet- ings on the matter to be held ins changes are contemplated in ::~:!! in mid-January or early the operation of the firm, February. which has been handling fresh i In other action during the ~1 rganlze pack potatoes in the Basin ........ : meeting the directors also ur Ja'"~ Y .... ill since 1938. approved plans for the district Western Cold 8t~r~g~ we,' ~' P,~,w~: OF NEW SERVICE CENTER aMa~,¢,~,~Torman C~,::er' sh~w~ the new ~ight ~o participate wi~h the Inter- deposite~ fro" m lmymtmlm at tim new ~iV~ ~ater IPo~er ~ center m~li~te Seho~! Dist~ L'~ originally opened in Moses,* ~'" : " ............... ~ ~ ' ;'' ' " • hi-annual reorganiza~ Improving of farmer- that state. Lake by F.W• Mattson, with opened in Othello this woek~ The depooitery b in back of an atttratttivo reader board wlflch hiring a Seattle consultant to ~tin for one count sportsmen relations and The president of the new the Bruce facility constructed will be available for community ammouneements.' work on an Affirmative g .. party is scheduled m working to open up more group stressed that although in 1958. The Moses Lake Action Policy for the District. this weekend, with lands for public hunting will the organization will be Operation was closed several ~)st Off~ • Lyda explained that all first • years ago, with the Bruce class districts in the state party not planning be the initial aims of a working to open more lands. plant operated by C F Matt i until early next Washington State Public for public hunting, the aim!s ...... .. " TO e~ o~1 must have such a policy approved by Mar. 30. Cost to son since gnat time Sportsmen's Club formed at a not to take away the farmer s wly-elected Republi- meeting here last Thursday. right to control his land. n .. " ¢" " On Saturday the ISD for the consultant will y central committee Approximately 40 persons Duncan said one proposal LetTerS TO ~onTo be $1.000 with the individual sled to meet this attended the organizational presented is now working in ....... districts expected to share in , Dee. 14, at 1 p.m. in session of the group as Oregon. The club there gets 5hll Arrlvlna Special Saturday hours are the expense. ,~ planned this weekend at the The directors also officially LS county courthouse officers were elected and farms to post land for hunting new officers for the plans set for improving public by•permission on!.)', and then Letters to Santa Claus are Othello Post Office to assist Grand opening ceremonies complete office space, an voted to change the district patrons with the Christmas are seheduled for 10 a.m. here operations center [or main- retirement policy making wo years, hunting in general in the gets state turns aUoted to the still beinu welcomed at The mailing, Postmaster Homer Friday for the new Washing tenanee crews, both indoor retirement mandatory at 65. hn Ritter of Ritzville, state. ° ¢hariman for the past Named officers were Dave acreage. Club members then Outlook to be included in theMullen reported today, ton ~Water Power service and outdoor storage for all Yearly exceptions had been patrol the land lor the farmer special Christmas edition ofMullen said the local office center located at 4th and supplies and three bays for possible under the old policy. ars, is expected to be a Duncan, president; Rich Mol- an~ nenp aim protect it. the paper !be for re-election•lotte, vice president; and Bob ,,Other efforts will• be to get Youngsters wishing to have willfrombe8:30oVena.m.fOrtofUllnoonServicethis Hemlock.Manager Norman Coulter indoOrAnotherVehiclefeatureStOrage.ofthe newStereo¢r ,lstem ~tal of 19 Republican Parrish, secretary. Directors aLn,punl.~c scnooi sectmns open their letters published should Saturday, Dec. 14. reportedthat the new facility, building is a community t committeemen elect- are Juan Guel and Ivan mnunung ano to get tne s~ate send them to Santa Claus, in "We hope this will help which has been under con- meeting room, which will be ~ the Nov. 5 general Parker. law cnangen to allow wildlife care of The Othello Outlook, patrons get their cards and struction since last summer, available for organizations. Theft Probed ).Will be eligible to cast Hopes are to have state- agentsto go into private clubs Box O, Othello. The letters packages on, the way to their went into full use early this Coulter explained that the ~ tn the re-organization wide membership in the mremorcement purposes., will be prepared for printing destination, Mullen said. week, with an open house new meeting room is exactly Theft of a stereo and tape ings. group. Officials reported that Lmncan sam tne group m and then forwarded to the He noted that persons planned all day Friday. the same sizeas the one in the system valued at more than Muscott, county Dem- two persons from as far away now compmung its constitu- North Pole chairman, reported as Spanaway attended last tion and by-taws and attemp- The snecial edition is mailing packages to distant Activities will open with a old building, but noted that it 1,100 is under investigation .... states should get them in the ribbon-cutting ceremony at 10 is completely equipped with here by Othello Police. zlay that she won t be Thursday s meeting• Also in tmg to file reports to achmve scheduled to be nublishe,~ on mail by the end of this week to a.m. Expected to be present kitchen equipment. reorganization meet- attendance was a group from non-profit status. He said the Dec . ~ I~t'~ Chief Low Johnson said the . . . 24. and all ..... rs insure that they will reach are Don Oliason, firm vice Also included in the new system, including amplifiers, that party until early Hermiston, Ore., to explain next meeting ~s scheduled for received D . -u i.. .... by ec. 19 ...... their destination by Christ- president, and Rich Bakes, facility is a community reader tape player, record player and ,ar.four committeemen, similaro efforts underway° in ~an. ~ at ~ p.m. included, mas. division manager for WWP. board, which will be available speakers, was reported taken 1the dryland area of Poluce Unnts OH~ Jullior Finds Nafig lal Demo Coulter reported that the for notices advertising com-from the apartment of AUen open house will continue munity events planned by Murray of the Townhouse. nty, were elected by rnocrat party during d by through the day with building civic groups. The back of the The theft was reported about lent election, No one Purchase • • tours on tap for visitors and reader board features a night 4:10 p•m. last Saturday. r any of the Othello eef eExat, gg' 18 Role 15 Page refreshments tobeserved, depository in which patrons Police said that it appears " City C The attractiveb,000square- can drop payments. Coulter that burglars entered the foot building will provide explained that the depository ert Set ouncil , apartment through a window. "An exciting, busy and Convention of the National weekend that found 'him single-site operations for the can also be used for keys to In another theft two shot- Approval of purchase of tiring" time was the way an Democratic party held in meeting several national firm's 11-member staff which the meeting room to avoid guns valued at $100 each were ¢ogram of varied two new 1975 police vehicles Othello High School junior Kansas City, Me. Democratic dignitaries and serves 2,800 city and rural return trips to the office the taken from a vehicle owned by as music will be the from Hostetter Ford Sales summed up his experience Jon Krupa, son of Mr. and serving as personnel chauffer customers, following day after night Dennis Wallace of 929 Ash. • gt The theft was reported at 9:25 at the annual Chr~t- highlighted the meeting of the last weekend in serving as a Mrs• H.K. Krupa of Othello, for most of Washin on's Consolidated are business meetings. ncert scheduled or Othello City Council here e at the id-Term Mini- returned Monday from the party officmls, operations from a location on Another service attraction a.m. on Sunday. dx esday, Dec. 18, at 8 Monday night, peg M Krtlpa got opportunity to First avenue in the Holling- is a drying room where high ~i~::~::i~::~i~ i~:~'~:~,~::::::~:..........~,; ::: A 10-speed bicycle valued c¢ )rding to school The action to purchase the ~,".~",~:~:~*~:~.*::~::~ :,:::::~'* ~:~:~*~:~:~*~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::*~:~:~:::~:~:~:~ ~:~ participate in the event due to berry building, and shop and tension work poles, ropes and at $100 was reported stolen ld irector Clarence new cars came following .... :::~:~!~;~:~::::~:~::.:.~,.:~: ;~:~:::.:,, u~:~i~'~