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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 12, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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December 12, 1974
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Pqe 4 - OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1974 MEMBER L ?Working for Othello's Balanced :growth". Entered as Second Class Matter January 21, 1947, at the Post '.Office at Othello, Washington under the :Act of March 3, 1879. Published every Thursday morning at Othello, Washing- "ton 99344 by the Basin Publishing Company. : iR.D. (Dan) LEARY ...i .......................... MANAGING EDITOR' :180 E. Main DEAN H. JUDD ........................................................ EDITOR 'Subscriptions $5.00 'RICHARD REX .............................................. AD MANAGER yearly in Adams, JESSIE M. PLANT.. .......... ', .......... . .......... SOCIAL EDITOR ~ Benton and ' gETTY HASTINGS .................................... I...:....'sEcRETA-~ Franklin Counties, $6.00 elsewhere. MARGE FEYDER .............................................. AD LAYOUT~ Stz~e copies - 15¢ L - ~. , By ROBERT CUMMINGS We will welcome all identifying information, particularly corrections which readers have to offer for pictures appearing in this column. Just call The Outlook 488-3342 or Gladys Para 488-2812. The pictures are provided by the Museum and Art~ Society with Mrs. Para providing the text. This is Mrs. Ezra Isacc {Ike) Case, second wife of the widower Case, who went back East to marry her in 1917. He, with his two daughters May and Belle, had previously become established in the livery stable business in Othello in 1907, when the town was beginning to build and boom. Both she and her husband lived out their years in Othello, and are buried in the small cemetary north of town on hiway 17. She is shown with a child presumed to be that of her step-daughter May, who had married Harry O'Neil, and associated with her father in the livery barn. Behind her is the two-room house in which the Cases lived which, to- gether with the two adjacent lots, make up the site of today's new Washington Water Power building. Case originally purchased his two of the three lots from the Western Townsite Co., which did the first platting of The by dians the downtown area. Milwaukee Land Co. had taken over ownership and sale OLYMPIA - The villian to override a stack of Evans' starts to climb, $34.79 -in of all city lots by 1910, and behind that whopping boost in vetoes. Detroit and $36.72 in Chicago. from that source the third lot natural gas rates announced a It should be easier in the On the East Coast, you was originally bought, passing couple of weeks ago was the 44th Legislature. In the almost wonder why people through three ownerships Canadian government. There House, where the Democrats don t go back ~to illumination before the WWP purchase of was nothing anybody in the have 62 members, they need by candlelight. Certainly color it in 1971. Case built his two houses, State of Washington could do to pick up only four Republi- TV can't be much of a bargain his own in 1907 and h!s about it. can votes for the necessary at $48.05 per $1,000 KW in The additional amount two-thirds. They need just Philadelphia. That same daughter and son-in-laws natural gas users must pay is three in the Senate. amount of juice costs $53.76 in next door in 1913, across the exactly the same as the Enough of the RepublicansBoston, and in New York City, north and south ends of the Canadian government boost who voted with them last time a whopping $77.40. two lots so that they would both face east on 4th Ave., in the price at the well head. will be back to make the task Reversing the Ratios rearranging a bit the inten- The pipeline company didn't comparatively easy. While'legislators argue have any choice but to pass Matter of Relativityover State Supt. Frank tion of the townsite company s city plan. Both houses even- the increase on to the Like everything else, rates Buster Brouillet s proposed tually burned, the Case house distributors, and the state for electrical power have been $1.5 "billion budget for state Utilities and Transportation going up; public and private public school support for the Company didn't have any power alike. So Tacoma City next two years, researchers choice but to permit the Light, which has just propos- on the Hodse Education distributors to pass it along to ed a 20 per cent rate hike, has Committee are delving into the consumers, done some research in hopes the future. They are studying White Arabs of somewhat consoling its the possibility of reducing the Known as a "tracking" customers, pupil-teacher ratio in grades increase, such price boosts are With the 20 per cent boost, one through three to 15 to 1. automatic. The latest wasn't Tacoma will be chargingThis would reverse the the first in the past couple of $12.80 for 1,000 kilowatt present practice where the years. It merely attracted hours of electricity. It points ratio is usually 28 to 1 in the so much attention because it out that rates in other parts of lower grades, then scales was so large. It caused one the state will vary either downward in the upper. state official, who prefers to upward or downward, de-In studying costs, it is remain anonymous for pending upon where youlive conceded the switch would be obvious reasons, to refer to and from whom you buy. more costly. But they now are the Canadian governmental But "regardless of where studying whether the cost officials as the "white Arabs." you live or where you buy, would be offset by reducing Incidentally, those tracking you still are getting a better the needfor so many special increases don't have airy bargain thanother areas.~l'he classes for students with relation to some general rate closest comparable to rates in learning disabilities in the increases which can be ex- the Pacific Northwest is upper grades. pected within the next few Memphis, Tenn., where the It is a long-range study; weeks, charge is $17.29 per 1,000 something which couldn't :i:!;? ,:ii::x i! i/¸:fl,f;:¸i: in the mid-thirties after they had moved to another home, and the O'Neil house in the fall of 1927. The small property, com- posed of the two houses and l TENYEARsAG0 their lots, passed through many hands--ownerships and rentals--before being ultima- award in 1959 and 1960, was tely acquired by WWP after it" presented the 1964 honor was zoned "commercial" by the city. newly-elected December I0, 1964 Harvey Baley, incumbent member of the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District board, appeared early Wed- nesday to have retained his position in Division 4 in the district election conducted Tuesday. William AcAnlis, district manager, reported that re- sults from balloting at the Othello City Hall on Tuesday showed B ayley with 201 votes to 106 for Hugh Glenn, who was opposing him. Grand opening of the new Othello First National Bank is scheduled in" Othello next Wednesday, Dec. 16, with special open house tours planned at the $130,000 facility throughout the re- mainder of the week. Officials reported that rib- bon cutting ceremonies to officially open the building will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday with open house tours to follow throughout the day. Ralph Parks, Block 49 farmer, became a three-time winner of the Othello Kiwanis Club's "Corn Farmer of The Year" award here Tuesday evening when he won over four other area corn growers with a new record production of 182.1 bushels. Parks, who also won the tors, was also dent, he will no voting power on the Ron Drake and were elected to t0tal of 12 board of whom will have powers. December 10 Bids will be in Olympia on parts of the state ll-G, the through to the Basin, according Barber, district Wenatchee for highway The Basin Theater~ its doors to the Sunday afternoon showing of their since extensive according to John of the The old Pastime been completely and rebuilt, new added, new seats, slanting carpeting and snack add to the theater. A farm to route will be read in about six weeks, to Walt Athey, engineer. The Block 87 area on northwest of told the Outlook during the 8th Annual Ki- wanis Corn Banquet held at the Othello High School corridor. Over200 persons attended the event held as part of the club's Farm-City week observance. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO - December 10, 1959 At a special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce board of directors, Dec. 8, Keith Bruner was elected 1960 president of the Othello Chamber of Commerce. Vern Marsh will serve as vice president and Miss Jennie Leach will serve as treasurer. Previous to officer election five board directors were ,elected last week to complete the total of 11 directors needed with voting power. They were Miss Jennie Leach, Dr. Juanita Patterson, Keith Bruner, Ed Emry and Vern route is now on boards and should be that time. The directly north on the main canal then swing northw Why settle for less your money can be ing higher interest company es a payment 21 years old). start with as little CALL I John E. Deite sought by all major gas distributors in petitions now pending before the Utilities and Transportation Commis- sion, to maintain a fair rate of return in the face of increased costs, including wage boosts and inflated prices for materials. The latter require lengthy hearings and reams of test- imony. The results will seem These are rate hikes being KW. In San Francisco, it's $24.07; San Diego, $29.84, and in Los Angeles, $30.27. Get into the Mid West and it possibly be converted to bill form overnight. But commit- tee members believe it is worth the effort. .w. Prepared by Othello School District of[k isis The O'Neil house, pictured above, had four rooms and outdoor plumbing. However the old rocker on the front porch and the table in the little bay window were blessed by both the morning sun and the afternoon shade. this roof over the family's It was from Kannenwisher Marsh with unexpired terms heads. Before she came of that WWP finally made theto be completed by Fred purchase in 1971, after three Shelton, Norman Eilert, legal age Helen, the daughter years of pressing by the local Robert Smethers, Wallace of the Lees, possessed the office for its inclusion in the Blore and Art Swink. Since final deed, paid for with her budget. first job. When the Lee house burned in 1927, Case desired to put together his original pro- mild in comparison with the CAN AN ATTORNEY BE attorney for advice in devel- latest jolt. The companies YOUR DISTRICT'S BEST aping a staff reduction policy; that year the A.O. Lee family then sold it to John and Mary seldom get all they ask for, FRIEND? in the purchase of property; moved in from their Bruce Kelly. The property was home and t ~ amount they are A county prosecutor, a as a resource for administra- homestead to buy the houseto the Kellys for many years, seeking is only about 12 per private attorney and a super- tire in-service training; to on a two-year contract. And, until they sold it to the Ben cent of what the Canadians intendant of schools brought review all policies prior to as with so many others, it was Kannenwisher family before are getting from their most three points of view to the their presentation to therailroad earnings that kept 1950. recent price hike. question of legal advice for school board; to review ] First I VirtudlyVeto-Preof school districts. But all agreed negotiations documents and legal advice and review of ] Church oftheNazarene I The practice of making bills on the absolute necessity of proposals, and in other cases, proposed actions, policies and 1 Eighth and Ash "veto-proof by passing them having competent legal advice Always try to be honest with procedures. Reduction in | Don McCarty-Pastor as referenda direct to thereadily available• your attorney, Minnitti said, force and employee evaluation | Ph. 488-2283 ] voters--thus bypassing the Lewis County Prosecutor and once you are advised, use policies are two major areas | Sunday Services i Governors desk--is gainingBrian Baker suggested that the advice, where legal advice is neces- l Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. I popularity again, with re- school districts which use the finements, county prosecutor as the!r Eivin Vandenberg, private sary prior to adoption. At- |MorningWorship-10:45a.m attorney, suggested that even torneys are moving more into |Evening Service- 7:00 p.m. The method first was attorney discuss the district s when a county prosecutor advising on administrative |Wed. eve. service 7:00 p.m. devised by a Democratic needs personally with the gives good legal service there processes now because that is i ~ friendly place to be" controlled Legislature in 1965. prosecutor. Under an increas- may be times when a school the major area of litigation. A gerrymandered congres- ing load of criminal cases, district should contact a - .mm~-.-- sional redistricting bill was some prosecutors have cutprivate attorney, such as passed as a referendum to back on civil staffs to keep during negotiations or at the avert a veto by Gov. Dan budgets in line. Baker also time of a strike. In general, M~ KE'S Evans. This was the first time urged school superintendents when a district has a problem it had ever been done, and it and boards to support thewhich requires some specific was promptly challenged in prosecutor who seeks a larger kinds of legal experience, it is the courts, but the Supreme appropriation from the county wise to consult a private Court ruled in the lawmakers' council if it is needed to attorneys, discuss costs first favor, provide services to the school (pay on an hourly basis, not a It wasn't used again until~ district. If the public attorney retainer, to get your money's last April, when a state is unable to provide adequate worth). Also be careful whom lottery bill was passed in this service, school districtsyou consult. It is wise to seek OTHELLO manner after Governor Evans should seek private legalan attorney with a wide had vetoed an identical representation, knowledge in school law, even measure. North Kitsap Superinten- if that person is not a resident FORMERLY HI-WAY Is It Neeemmry? dent Robert Minnitti, whose of your communtiy. Now legislators are ap- district uses a private at- In consulting an attorney, BARBERSHOP parently refining the process torney, says the most impor- school administrators should for the coming legislative tan, aspect of working with a beware of allowing the at- session. They are filing two legal consultant is to betorney to write school policies Mike Mahaffey bills on certain subjects, comfortable and confident, or make the policy decisions. identical in every respect His school district has used an What the district needs is except one. One carries a clause referring it to the voters. The other measure doesn't. The one without the refer- endum provision will be tried fn'st. If it passes, and the Governor permits it to be- come law, the other bill will be forgotten. But if the first measure is vetoed, the other ANGELES OFFICE MACHINES scales service qt::W & USED typewriters & calculator /O.b 4443 will be passed immediately, to take the issue to the people. But there is some question whether all this trouble is necessary. The 43rd Legisla- ture was the most vetc~proof of any since the Roland Sometime before 1918, Casepetty, and bought back the lot sold his holdings to W.C. and damaged house as it Ogden, the owner of the stood, reselling it all later to a Othello Times. In the fall of railroad man named Low, who Due to the response of our "HEAD-HUNTERS" Barber Stylist ad in the Othello Outlook, I will be in Othello on Mondays starting Monday, December 16th from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. Fully trained in all phases of modern styling iechniques. Shear cuts-razor cuts-regular cuts. 1624 S. Broadway OSelle Ill Hartley administrations nearly 45 years ago. Though the Democrats lacked a two-thirds majority in either house, they managed to pick up enough Republican votes LADLES CUTS WELCOME Keith Bruner, one of the Christmas gifts for Community savers. Instead of spending all your money, why ;~ot put some away in a savings account with us and we'll give you a free gift . . . Yours to keep, or to put under your own tree for someone special. • Tool Set For Car or Home *100 Deposit @ Teflon IJned iO" Gourmet Pan with Cover s500 Deposit *750 Deposit J O Ckanaei Muter, Poeket Size Portable Radio '1,000 Deposit • Zippered Tote lag *5,000 Deposit O Styling Hair Dryer *7,500 Deposit 71/~ 4 yr. s.vings ceaificale / ~ v/~ q,l~ minimum / -- per annum 6~4 ~O~lmSh ........ flcate per a~um ~ '1,~ m~,dmum ~k)/Z per s~um I • per s~mm Th's offer 15 made onl~ qton' O0 die.%. WENATcHEE 700 NORTH MISSION STILEETo PHONE 663-71443 BP, ANCH OFFICES IN • MOSES ~ @ ELLENSBUIgG • OTHELLO • SPOKANE