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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 12, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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December 12, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!GET PERFECT MARKS State's Farm Exports Top $409 Million number of 263 Juniors at 3.0 were PattyConnie Coffman, Denise Par- were listed on the Alamillo, Sharon Boyd, Sos- rott, Danette Simpson, Rox- honor roll at ten DeLeon, Renae Goodrich, anne Weed, Leslie Faires, School released Charles Fegert, Linda Hilmes, Alan Kottwitz, Gall Largent, Ran Miller, Susan Roylance, Con- OLYMPIA - A record $409 million worth of Washington- produced agricultural pro- ducts was exported in the fiscal year ending June 30. State Director of Agricul- ture Stewart Bledsoe said the Lintvedt, JeffNadine Baldridge, Shannonhie Tax, Kathy Yenney, Sally 1973-74 figure jumped one- by school officials. McLean, Scott MeRle, Julie Davis, Julie Jelmberg, Joanna Lopez, Heather McDonald, third over the $302 million ['1 [~ total, 43 received Montague, Terry Maser, Joey Norton, Dulcie Wheeler, Debbie Miller, Jennifer PAin- total for.the 1972-73 year• ne Edward Re-alado For the entire United 4.0 grade averages Niblett, Chris Potter, Debbie Patricia Berger, Ted Reames, y, s , . e nine week period. Ross, Mike Snyder, Leah Carol Rata and Scott Kum-RobertLa-ne RudvRamirez States, exports of agrmultural [] & Antacids [] )rs led all of the Vowels and Janet Watne. mer. Kathryn JReicher~, Davi(] products in fiscal 1974 with 79 students on Getting grades above 3.0 to ~..~ur,,~h- ~ .... .t,,lle Slosh and Brian amounted to $21.3 billion, far ~or roll with 20 Sophomores 3.5 were Becky erieur, Blackburn• above the $12.9 billion for [] M |ssa~ers [] Lg perfect grades.Sophomores above 3.5 wereValerie Ward, Brad Adams,Sophomores at 3.0 were fiscal 1973. anior class had 62 with Cheryl Crowley, Deborah Cheryl Essary, Julie Lybbert, Dennis DeLoach, Debbie . Wheat exports from Wash- and nine 4.0 students, Riddle, Cammie Surgeon, Alan Sandar, Doug Dickson, Favaro, Justin Hater, Deb-,ngton amounted to $248 [] |q JeS [] Le sophomores placing John Bliss, Cynthia Carlson, Mae Eng, Darla Eppich, Jeff ~rah- Hflmes," Kath-j Keener. .... million in 1973-74, accounting eight. The freshman ~:~:~:::~:~:~::~ ,~ Ricky Rubalcavaand Jirifor about 60 percent of the 59 on the roll with i:ii~iiiiii~ ~~ .I.~-o State's total The wheat S V I~UlCL0 hpertoct Marks4"0 grades, i~:i~iiii!z~i~i~::~ii~i~ii~ [] Baby Blankets [] ~:~ "Freshmen figure for 1972-73 was $182 Frosh class memebers with million. ,.~niors with 4.0 marks i!i~iiiii!!!i~/ ii~ ,mdy Anderson, Jana ::i::i:::':::::::ii:i::!!~i/ ~~ 3.5 or above were Kristi In second place were [] Piggy Banks [] Flashlights Taylor, Dean Bethmann, Pat- vegetab!es and vegetable finn Bird, Chris BoB, iii~i~:,~i ~~~ ricia Connly,, Laura Hutchi- preparatmns, at$56 m!llion. Carlson, Debbie ~i!ii~!~iiiiil ~F~.".'~;~ Nell Gilbert, Cindy ~:~i::i~i~i~: ~~Dietrich,San' DOnMonaO Connell,Fields, Dougjose productsAm°ngexportedtne otnerfromPrmc~pa~this [] After Shove Lotion [] Mod(ds oey Hurliman, Donnaii:::::~:~i~:~::i~: ~/ . ":!~ Gutierrez, Marilee Jelmberg, State were fruits and pre- t, Steve Niblett, :~:~:~::i~:i:~i~! Sandra Jones and Shahs parations, $19•8 million; hops Pershall, Deeann iii~iii:::~ Stock. and hop extract, $17.8 million; [] Photo Albums [] Film ~11, Vicki Pastas, Holly ~i~:~:~ Between 3.0 and 3.5 were feed grains, $15•8 million; ~off, Dan Sarles, Barn- ~i~ Tommy Vanourek, Janet hides, $9.5 million, and pep- ~k, Danny Thieme, ~:~: ~~ ;~;° Goodrich,¢Mary Pecks, Brad permint and spearmint oil, Walker and Sarah~:~i:::i:~:~:~:~: : z~ ..... " 5 Boersma, Suzy Coffelt, Laura $7.5 million. ['1Fenton Glassware [] Planters ~:i!i~i~ i~i.: .~ i!l ....... :~;Field, Steve Gross, Gaylene lag the junior list were ~i~ii~ ~~ Kent, Terryi Schlagel, Debbie ~n, Sharon Calahan, ~~ ~~! Snyder, Jonathan Snyder, ~ [] 8 Track Tapes []' Chanel ainard, John Erick- ~~. ~ ~ Steven Taylor, Lorrie Walk- I . ~lerie Hilmes, Jayne ~:.~ ~'- '~ er, Debbie Worsham, Becky [See your dentist twice ........ .::::::.:: :.:i::::i:~:j:j:~i:ii:ji~i:,j:)).:!:!~'~!i~!!i~i!::~::::::':' :':'" ":"" Kenny Pecks, Bob '' Johnson, Shawn Logan, Craig I - a year. • :~.-:::-i::.::~!~!>,:~.~" • ~:..:.'.'.'.::::,:.:. ......... ' ~,'z,::!:::.'.-',.,.'- ~ ~, . Z and Bryan Stmkel. ~~~ Andrews, LaDawn Black, | " [] Hairsetters by Clairol [] Fame ~ores with 4 0 --ades ~~;~~ . gr . ,, John Bloom, Doug Donahoo, | .... aaine Anderson, KimIN PRODUCTION-JenniferCargileportrayod Alice in Linda Gilbert, Susan Hunt,I Get a physical Mark Bunch, Todd a recent Spokane Falls Community College musical Ruben Martinez, Omar Med- I " " ~S Frank Erickson,production of Alice in Wonderland and Through The ins, Sharon Ochoa, LoriI once a year. [] Colognes g Se [] Faberge Iiuff, Allen Rodriguez Looking Glass." The play was presented in November. Miss Smith, Sandra Taylor andI ..... ~ol Shollenburg. Cargile is the daughter of Mrs. Jack Barker of Othello. Christine Tennant. I ff YOU can't meet DO St de t$ Roi Freshmen at 3.0 were Stan I ..: . [] N.edle Craft Kits Hypnotique . • u If se Buck, Vickie Donley, Linda Iwithy our insurance Emerick,Mark Feyder, Iagent at all.., get Gunnell, Robert Hamm, I u new one. [] Popcom Popp [] Paint Kits ~e Rosengrant. ~ q~ 41~ • ~ I | il~ • m LeandroGonzalez, DonnaI " _ ..... Seniors ingston, Fred Lopez, Ricardo | ,,, ~ ....... ,m-.- ~aeniors with grades ~I~U tot t UD rrolec Kathy Klingeman, Lisa Liv- I 1.,,.,,,/;,, ~i were Winnie Bur-_ .......... Martinez, Mark Peterson, I ~"~........... "'"' []Brut Iv Bira C, arrie Her- Winners were listed this son, car-K,t, diCKS .arga,n Kenneth Rehaume and Lauri ~ [] Jewelry Boxes [gn ~oh':- Mar,, week for the drawing featur- Barn; Jim Robinson, tennis Roberts. ~" ~'~'~',~"~,:::;~h~ ed at the Othello-Royal bag, Western Auto; Al Bul- ~,.,,~-,~o,~ ~.~r~.~, basketball last Friday under lock, $20 gift certificate for ~ g~e~l:"~)aie"D~a~er~ the sponsorshipoftheDiver- Magoteaux, P.J. TaggaresM TRAILER SALES [] Electric Cass [] Candles ~o o .....Oo]o~,o,sifted Occupations Club at Company; Sandy Boyd, tran- ~ar' "~"~""~";"e'ws' Othello High School sistor radio, Potter Drug; m&m Grand Couh'e, Wash. eaa p, ~urt ~nare , • , (509) 633-0303 Collect ~rewo- .t;-, 14",lland Marge Feyder was the Jade McLean, electric drill, ............................. o ~'ric [] Hair Dryers [] Shave Kits [Laro ~h ..... ~cAf- winner of the grand prize of a t~roaoway ~umoer; i, u r - ~ra~' l~ieh'ar~ "Brad combination stereo' tape deck kett, two prime rib dinners, k ,, ,- ,' ~ ' nurchasedfrom McRae's Cimarron Restaurant; Ruth LISTEN TO THIS!!! 55 double expando -- Almost the r' ~usanTaylor and ~ - - • nn~,, Music, according to director Leatham, persona!care packs, L:'"~" ' " n "0Robert Eckert WigWam" Vivian Gama, room of a double wide! Priced only $6950. graaes netwee ~. • ' . t Were Anita Billman, Eckert reported that the wrench set, New Holland; IN STOCK: A large, large Broadmore 24x64. Three ~ss Linda Porter drawing raised $750 for the Craig Stickel, head phone set, large picture windows in livingroom. Family room with [l^~..~t. w~;~,o*h club treasury. He explained Zitting's; Mrs. Carl Peterson, bar. READY FOR DELIVERY! . ...... .... °~)~' "~ D~'~a~vis'i that ~he funds will be used for get ~af shock absorbers, Basin Sylvia community and school service Tire Center. Klitzke,projects to be adopted by the Eckert expressed apprecia- club. tion to the merchants, all Included will be graduation employers of D.O. stude.nts, grants for top D.O. students for donating the pri~., d for the planning to continue their drawing. education, and the annyal employer appreciation ban- quet to be held next spring. Employers who have been participating in the program will be honored at that time. Winning top honors as salesmen in the contest were students John Capps with a socket set from New Holland and Marcia Curfman with a terrarium from Bentley's and a digital clock from Mont- gomery Wards. Other prize winners in the drawing with donors of the prized also listed follow: Don Herbert, teenburger, fries and shake, A&W of Othello; Tim Oase, Mrs. Carl Peters and Ernie Ramose, all 10 pounds of sugar, Lep-Re-Kon Mart; Mary McCann, two gallons of ice cream, Basin Distributors; Carol Emry, handmade pillow, Convales- cent Center; Kim Boyd, case of cola, Akin's Thrift; Carol Emry, 10 pounds of fertilizer; Mabel Valentine, $5 gift certificate, Othello Fabrics; Margie Hobbs, auto mirror, Downtown Self Serve; Mar- garet Jordan, lamp, McLean's Hardware; Bill Bethmann, transistor radio, Sprouse- Reitz. Others were Tom Fergu- Kevin Patty Taylor, Allen Peters, Karla Miller, Berner, Kathy Steve Kelley, Jan Elaine Rickman, Cindy Coffelt, Della Moore, and Chan at 3.0 were John Bisnett, Susan ~, Janet Johnson, Chris risty King, Lucy Pegram, Gay Paul Stephens Tax. Juniors juniors above 3.5 Mohr, Jeff Rea, Betty Bongiorni, Jnn Hansen, ]ones, Lisa Berger, Gerald Byers, Michael Mud- Rosenberg and from 3.0 up to Bird, Jolleen Stoker, Curt Beus, Randall Far- Pars, Bruce Erickson, Mike Prior, 'lance, Allen Del- Ferguson, Paul Logan, Michelle Par- Simpson, Kathy Hymns, Andy Mendez and You Reviewed Policy Lately? your dwelling and/or personal can be. insured for RE- COST means no depreciation on a loss M&M Trailer Sales Grand Coulee, Washington 99133 Call (509) 633-0303 Collect THIS CRUSHED ROCK IS GOOD FOR DRIVEWAYS, ROADBEDS, ALLEYS, FILL MATERIAL I OFFER GOOD 2 WEEKS Average size alley with 12 property owners can be graveled for less than $10 each. our office for a quick appraisal be sure your home is insured to due For broad coverages, good service reliable insurance companies CONTACT HANKS & FIELDS INSURANCE INC. 488-2649 804 S. BROADWAY OTHELLO 488-2662