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Tiberior Saldivar Takes Bride
Is Topic for In
Church Rites in Moses Lake
Zeta Tat Meet -,oe go o n,,o.
By Jessie M. Plant from California to Florida are
, 488-2935 Larry Willging, and Kenny "Conversation" was the
t just that the whole Peters, both 17. topic presented to Zeta Tat
seems brighter when Larry is the son of Mr. and chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, Dec.
n shines, it's that we Mrs. Rudy Eillging and 6, by Mrs. Zane Whipple of
this special problem Kenny, the son of Mr. and Spokane.
our house - our little Mrs. Carl Peters. Mrs. Whipple is the ad-
left over from last Visited on the three-week ministrative assistant to the
vacation were Kenny's uncle general manager of Expo '74
it flourished in and aunt in Ordway, Colo., and will assume responsibi-
Patio garden, growing and Larry's sister, Leanna lities of Spokane YWCA in
. , January. She began her, talk
and leggy. It doesntFadness, in Los Angeles. with the statement, Con:
look like a poinsettavI~ Also visited were Disney
little tufts of lea e World in Florida; Nashville, versation is communication
here and there. Tenn. end"The Cowby Hall of and went on to tell that in
green. Not one speckFame";) Disneyland, Knott's talking with people from
Berry Farm and the Redwood "kings to hippies" at the Fair,
I seem to Forest. / she didn't know which she
enjoyed most.
that bright sun- ************
gives it the brilliant red Back to Oklahoma Mrs. Whipple is the mother
there it sits by theMore arrivals home are Guy of Mrs. Rick Lochmiller.
for the sun to and Irene Powers who spent a The meeting was held in the
month touring in their new Lutacaga gym to decorate for
isn't very long tillmotorhome, with their that night's Holiday Style
Who wants a tall, ultimate destination their "old Show and to finalize last
'green poinsetta plant-- stomping grounds in akin-minute plans•
managed to make it home". The chapter has planned a
a long year? Relatives and friends were bowling pizza party for
on, sun. Shine! visited in Sayre, Weatherford members and husbands Sa~-
crystalline organza over taf-
feta was worn by Sane
Montemayor for her Nov. 17
wedding to Tiberio Saldivar,
The ceremony was perfor-
med in United Methodist
Church, Moses Lake, by the
Rev. Frank A. Jackson, in a
setting of basket arrange-
meats of white carnations and
The bride's parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Noe Montemayor of
Crystal City, Tex. Mr. and
Mrs. Tiberio Saldivar,
Othello, are the bridegroom s
The bridal gown was
designed with short sleeves
and a high neckline. Lace
appliques accented the gown,
waist-length illusion veil and
chapel train. Matching lace
edged the gown hemline and
encircled the train. The bride
wore a crown of fashioned
from white wax and crystal
flowers and carried a match-
************ and Alta, Okla., where they urday, Dec. 14, at 8 p.m. ing bouquet. "
were surprised by torrential • • • n~. -- Attending as maid of honor
TriptoEast downpours and tornadoes. W~dd[n~ D~]tp. was Mayra Saldivar in a i
er great-sounding Sightseeing enroute took ..... O .... floor-length white gown with
was one recently them through scenic spots in ]e A ....... J lace trim.
AI and Sally Koch to Utah, Arizona and New t3 rtllNOU[~Ce~] Bridesmaids were Pavia.
rania where they
Perales, Moses Lake; Nora
t daughter, Mr. and Mexico• . . The engagement of Cheryl Montemayor, Crystal City; t
They were accompanied to
try Gall and their "~k ..... Baldridge to Gaff Stromme
u Janoma oy a cousin, larry h .... Diana Perales, Gloria Ramirez
Mike and Tommy, in - - - , as oeen announcea oy net CRYSTAL TEAS- DAVE REDINGER
lJuster of Weatherford, ano .............. and Consuelo Estrada, all
It. b J rr ....... r parents, Mr. ann lvlrs, l~ussell
y e y, niswiieanamotne . • r~ o/ n r_l *| Moses Lake. Allworeformal pl S tAp ][ D
g to Billings, Mont ....... Baldrldge. His parents are Brlaal ~.ol rrovlae owo o ,. oo ar.o =r'o
on the re~urn trip. I" " "" - ~---'~°'-am
.'hs continued their ************ Mr. ano lv, rs. ,ahem o~r - lavender and white carna- e e r at~
to Pennsylvania by _ me, Kodiak, Alaska ~ m° r d[='| tions.
D Family Gathers The bride-elect graduated
imrnrnTlnn wr ~tn~|Alar Armando S. Saldivar at- Whe engagement and forth- b n announced by her
uane ana lsaoeue t~aver- f .............
on highlights were .... ram utneuo rlzgn bcnool ano m~'~v ~A v m'v'w ~,~p'l m~vv ~/ tended as best man.
kam were "oineo b tnelr • coming marriage of Cr stal parents, Mr and Mrs Bob
City where Sally ateson, PDuane, anaJ" his wile'Y ira• ~ .......... received a bachelor of arts SD sors er Mr. and Y " "
Teas and Dave Rodinger has Teas of Othello
A miscellaneous bridal Water Power Building, were Mrs.°nFrankWCe Martinez,
~r the first time, took .... aegree In history irom west-
Spokane, ann sons, iviicnea~ ern .............. The prospective bride-
I ride in the Atlantic and ...... washington ~ate uouege shower was ~ven Monday Mrs. Robert Burton, Mrs .... ", .. ~." ....
and Joe of l-'asco Ior ThanKs- in ..... evening, Dec. ~9, for Cheryl Cecil Beckley and Mrs. Dale ~Vrtr~,e~I;.Vlra3aM~;S" ~e~e° ~ ~m.w',n--~ L~a,e groom is the son of Mr. and
~r feet wet...and Phila ..... ~eulngnam Vl
I1/1~/l lilt I~/~ Mrs' Vern Redinger of
giving dinner at the home ol .... • . . .
where theytoured the . , r~er nance was graauateo Baldridge, daughter of the Hastings .... " .• - ~; ~- •
!fat (:'Don't let them tell her brother, Vince Schouvii- " Russ t~aldridges, who will Decorations and refresh- ~na°r~:?~I~raa~a~rs." ~t::ai ~| |. | Othello.
• from Shelton Jackson Junior Miss Teas is a 1974
hares a shortage of ler(~t~eP:SC~ere a second College in Sitka, Alaska and marrvGailStrommeJan, l, in ments were in bridal colors of s~ _ . .. , .. rmn noulaav
. ~ graduate of Othello High
.s--_w,e saw them madebrother, Mr and Mrs Schou- attended~ ..... WWSC. . , . the ~ First Presbyterian avacado green and pink and ~er~]a~f~oe~:a~? Mr. ann Mrs. ~,~#~' T ~,t~ ,~ School. Redinger graduated
Church Miss Baldridge and her - •. " ......
~rsI said Sally). " " ~ a dan. ~ weaning is pmnnea
viller and family of Pasco, Ior ........... Co-hostesses for the party, mother were presented with Ce~ntereoC~{~u°nL:~y ~?~a~m~ I,t ~ ~ ! ! H~Ill ~ from OHS in 1973 and is
!~toured were the first . in rIrs~ rresoyterlan ~nurcn,
employed by P J Taggares
a total of 17 family members ^t~ ,,
i of the U.S. the Betsy . ~ neuo. held in the new Washington carnation and rosebud car- Catholic Church in Moses Once 'again the magic of .... "." •
eating turkey and trimmings , • The wedding date has been
home and Market . sages Mrs. Gordon Hays decorating ..........
e'where everything" IS" together~*********** Slumber Party ~ .n r . / " Lake, was hosted by parents will" provide" the theme of the set_ mr /~pr• o. at tne ~rst
vrlage realurea Party game winners were of the bridegroom ..... • ,, Southern Baptist Church of
t from pushcarts and Utah Trip, Held b Ralnbow" a. r . ~l I Mrs. Jake Holland, Mrs. Fred The ........ newlyweds are honey- evening mr tne annuaI ~vzer- _ . ..
! drink from wine - It was off to Utah s Cache Y /41 t.oumry LIUD Schleifer and the hrldo t.. h~' mooning In ~vzex]co ws~y, rymakers Club Christmas Othello.
on the streets. Amaz ...... -~- ........ eri" "" dance.
COmmented Sally. Val}e.y for the George L. A slumber party in Paul - • Special guests were Mrs. Acapulco. ana ~vz a.a ~uca- The gala will be Saturday,
i~ 37th wedding an- ~allshurys, with Debbie, Revere Masonic Hall was a Emma Lot Herliman won Vernon Baldridge and Nadine tan, M.ex!co. ~ne.y w]~n make Dec. 14, beginning at 9:30 ~o~w~.ffim....
onors at brld e r their iirs[ name inutneno
~ry was celebrated Janet, Lanette, and Carol party event for members of first place h " g at Bald idge, aunt and cousin of " p.m. in the IOOF Hall. Music k~fl ]~l]~ | "~'~
' in Custer, Mont., at a Ann, for.a Thanksgiving visit the local Assembly of Rain- the December luncheon-card the bride-elect, e- • r~l for dancing will be provided L ..... ""~
given by relatives of with both sets of parents, bow Girls last Friday night party of the Womens Division Others attending were Mrs. ~_rll~r~ ~|~lrl by Art Church and the
aad their arrival home Thanksgiving day was following the basketball of Othello Golf and Country James Erickson, Mrs. Louis ............. . .... . .... MARTINEZ, Mr. and Mrs.
~st in time to spend spent inNewton at the home game. The time was spent Club. Rickman, Mrs. Ivan Whitney LIA[~--,o I" .... ~, Merrymaker Band
potlucz ainner wm oe Servando "~thello be 8 l's
~giving day in Kenne- of his parents, the Leroy G. finishing,articles sold at last The event was held Tues- and daughter, Renee; Mrs. IIUlIUUy I.Vt~lll served at 1 p m, with" ham, - .~' ~ ~ , y, n.,
• " . o ozs., t)ec. o.
~ith a daughter and Salisburys, where 30 family Saturday s Beta Flea Market. day, Dec. 3, in the clubhouse• Jack Averett, Mrs. Harvey - • -- -- turkey and rolls provided by DELGADO, Mr. and Mrs.
',the Ted Turners. members gathered for dinner Chaperoning were Mrs. Winning second high was Yager, Warden; Mrs. Jack N~ lll~f~flv the club. All attending are ~-o~ ~--ol ~i*" "~ ~ ~ ~t,o
************ and visiting. Richard Hanks and Mrs. Elsie Ruth Livezey; third high, Tam, Mrs. Mike Kari and Mrs. ' ~" --vv'~'~l asked to bring" a dish of their ........ llV~ ozs:". DecV ~,8 ~ ........ ~' :ii
To Washington . Then on to the home of her McFarland, mother advisor• BerniceMatthews" fourthBob Hunt ..................... ~ el•ice and their own table ~.~,mz.T~n M," ~,,,~ ~,,~'°"
. . ~ , . . ~ . . ' o - - .... ~ars t~uy rowers Will serve ervice ......... ' .............
Y~et another traveler par~lets; t~e' M.M. R~tI~al-d~ A regular meetmg ~s high, Margaret Pease; fifth ." ......
Mrs Bill Kdmmer Mrs as chairman Ior ~ne ~enlor s • - . Paul, Royal City, boy, 72bs.,
'~ the east. in Mendon before returning scheduled tonight, Dec. 12, in high, Gwen B!llington, and Clarence Kummer Mrs Dei Citizens Club Christmas Assistin~ Mrs. . Hays with 14 .zs- ........ r~
home Sunday. the Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.m. row, r~e~y r~eg~m~)al .......... decorations will be Mrs Bob A r an ;
Hanna arrived home " ~ ....... party, ~o ne nero luesaay, • LL MAS, M. d Mrs.
~ampe, ~vzrs. ~aie wyman ......... Boersma, Mrs. Doug Haver- Otk~n. hay ~ th~
ram a three-week trip • • ~ec l~, z'~u p m in ~ne
~k her visiting in ~J~m~ ~m and Mrs. Able Schneider.. '.. • ................ ~ .......
• • washr~gton Water Power kemp and Mrs. Harold Hod- 12 ozs, Dec 10.
m~ ~ A m~ Sending gifts but unable to ..... " ...... ges. " "
~ • ~ -- -- . ^-^ ~-~ ~..-u OUllOlng. ~ne may De con~ac~-
~ton, D.C. ! m • • ~ • a~en(1 w~ mrs. ~ru ........
raveled to Minnesota --.. ~ m P-~on M-s n~w ~ .... ea at 4~-~711 for part•mars.
one day ahead of the I • - ...... er, reportea wans to attena
vhere she visited By Jessie M. P t , using the rolling pin...on the add to sugar mixture Add Mr~.~lack"C'°uite~r- l~Irs~.'Mi'k'e Tour chairman, Veta Fras:
eana lv rs wayne
s and friends in Recipes in this weeks dough, of course! remaining ingredients and P " the Ice Ca ades in ~ -
~olis and Battle Lake. column have undoubtedly ************ simmer ..... un~ snghtl-y thicken- Bachtold. Dec 28 ForP infor"~*~^-~p°zane~-n
:ling on' to Washing- enriched Christmas gather- APPLE CAKE AND ed , " '. ..............
• . .......... * ~n.unnl ] reservations, she may be MEE~
ings at Sacred Heart Catholic BRANDY SAUCE is the ............ [ Ii ___ YI'--'II'R"- | reached at 488-2309. FREE TO INTERESTEDG ROWERS
~. by plane, she was Church in Christmases past, recipe given by, Catherine
~nined by a brother, ~ ~ ~ | Sixteen new members were
}een of Battle Lake. for each one is an old family Pare, who calls it very good . From Willie Hilmes comes a • .... • welcomed into the club at the
favorite, tried and true The recipe says t " ns
of his son, Duane er "" _ _ o m~x 4 cu~_ German recipe, ~r~v r~o~ ~A. R~. Dec 3 meetin Membershi
~ad family, they spent . Women o.fthe Alt Sac.tory diced apples with 2 cups PFEFFERNUESSE, or Pep- ~ .... V~"'~ .... ", ..... " now" totals 69 g" P "
nave proviaeu the recipes, r A s n • c, il - f~l ,, .~ oecuea DeeI on a Dun, green •
~YS "socializing and ....... saga. dd /2 cu~ cOoklno 0.4 pernu~s, yne says, ureambeans, fruit cup, cake and. Giving the program was AREAS OF DISCUSSION WILL
the sights". Then left with Lorraine Lehefeld rep- 2 e~gs, beaten; 2 cues flour: 2 together ~ cups sugar ann ~ milk Fern Wilkinson with a slide
Y Airportthemorning resentIn.g St. Ann's .Guild! tsp. cinnamon; 2 tsp. baking cup shortening. Add four TUESDAY, Dec. 17 -narration of Arizona and
~e big plane crash. Willie Hllmes, ~ve zvzarze, ann soda" 1 ts~ salt" 1 c-~ INCLUDE:
• , ~-" , -r eggs,~taolespoonssourmuK Macaroni and cheese, peas, Yellowstone National Park
***~******** Catherlne************Para, St. Theresa. chanced:.., nuts,~ - and 2 tsn.. ~o~e ner~ uv e at., ,, an-~-t~veat c weU'ant~rln~ au jello with fruit, bat rolls with vacations. V~r|ot|o$ -- ||O~|~|t -- ~l]t"J||-
Convention vanma, about 45
~ far, and not all fun Lorraine Leliefeld tells this minutes at 350 de~rrees Serve g: " ~' p p - u s, /~ cup peanut butter and milk. _.
story about the cookie recipe with whil~ned Certain or ::pn?:isin~s CU~d~a~etsa~idrslt WeWhEDNESDAY' Dec. 18- Mrs. Bagwel[ Is So~l Availabillty-Groud Prepmrlflon
was the trip taken she share, s this week. BRANDY "SAUCE" 2 cups " T:e6ncadds "pler with bun' cOrn'
by the Russ Bald- "Gerry s mother, who is water; l cup brown sugar; ~/~ m~tXet~%;~ndgrb:~ten esauce, fruit bars and Honored by TOPS Herbicides - Fertilizer - Harvest
over su got the recipe Ira• a can white sugar. ~/~ t~n chit. 9.
Vere off to an annual . - ~ .:,.~ r o .... ~ ....... """"'"", '" ~°~'-',~-,~ ~,~ u~l~.~_[/~ oTHU_RS_DAY,kDeC.mlge= mAt the Dec. 4 meeting ofven.fried chic en ash d~''~ ^ ""
~eet convention in ne,ghbor named Granama.. tsp. cornstarch; 3 tablespoons ~o~,.~i Heeds
mmbt Idom |o|
t er name has oeen lost over butter; 1 tsp. rum flavoring ..... xr...v " , lUr; INO. _N rs. l: I/l
la" held Dec" 3"5 at the years, hence the name, % cup pine apple juice; juice of ~o~e'he- ~°~'" ~'~: ~"' ""~ pot at oes with gravy, cran-Bagwell was crowned queen ,--------------------------_ ----------
.~Way Inn. GRANDMA S COOKIES. '/~ orange; juice of '/~ lemon D~u~g will~eIIsti~l~n ""n'an'a'S'~nul nail a berry sauce, one-half orange,, for the month of November. WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 18
. . ." .... bread and butter and milk. Runnerun was Mrs. Ray
e ladies there was a "Gerry's mother baked ~ and 3 tap. brandy flavoring, any or overmght. ~.ou m FRIDAY, Dec. 20 - Ham- Gama - .
ad a shopping tour to these cookies all year rounfl METHOD: Combine water shape of large fountam pen burger on bun, mustard and A C'hristmas nartv, olanned Ollmllo, Wlshington Moses Like, Washington
as well as a tour of but at Christmas time she cut and sugar and brin~ to a boil ann cu~ in "/~ inch slices. BaKe catsun mixed ve~,etables, r~. 10 ~4- 4-]h~ ~--~ ~4~ ~.
al si ghts in Boise... - " " CJllffOII Ro$tIIlIlII AIID
at 3 .................................... Ihillmnut Inn
~u ue eesior aDen[ IU k
er-d ante attended fancy shapes and frosted Add salt. Dissolve cornstarch minutes gtil "" peaches, Christmas coo ie Verne B. Smith, will feature a
50{) conventionair- them. She raised her family of in a Little water to soften and 14S0 Fist l~lJl ]000 ~llJll Df|¥g
eight children on them and un set. and milk. gift exchange between mem- ~:30 $.lll.
t*********** they came to be known by her bers. The party will begin at
grandchildren as Grandma's 8:30 p.m.
at Lake Tahoe Cookies. THURSDAY - DECEMBER 19
Somerville "I struggled with the huge Official to Visit
children enjoyed a
week of Thanks- recipe for years and then one l)rgt, FREE: Film and slide
year Gerry helped by rolling Mrs. Elsie Jacobs, Wash-
Carnelian Woods on and baking them. He enjoyed ington Rebekah Assembly Hlllhl's In Presentation
at a lakeside it so much he has taken over president, will make her ~'~0.'.=. FREE: Coffee and Donuts
were sonsKeiththis recipe and makes the official visitation to Hattie ........... .,. ............
and Bud of cookies three or four times a Rebekah Lodge at 8
year. He has also added "his Monday, Dec. 16, in the I~()nF SPONSORED IY: Pacific Coast Soybean,
and daughters,
own touch--substitutes 1 cup Hall. Room !01, Seattle First National Bank Building
Kimberly, honey for 1 cup sugar- and A Christmas gift exchange
Santucci, San Walla Walla, Washington 99362 (509) 525-5051
their families, now they have come to bei;~:: is planned.
family group for know as GRANDPA'S
dinner were COOKIES by our grandsons."
Santucei of NOTE: These coups called
and Mr. and Mrs. for are the old-fashioned
coffee cup and they measure
and family, 1~/4 cups. [ PROFESSIONAL MEN
of the San- INGREDIENTS: 2 cups FARMERS" , ETC.
molasses; 2 cups sugar; 2 cups | m
Mr. and Mrs. John shortening or lard; 1 tsp. j
Verdes, Calif., ginger; 3 eggs, well beaten; 7 YOU SHOUI~ ACT ON THIS BEFORE
and continued ! I ~|
or more cups flour; 4 tsp.
until Sunday. baking soda; 1 tsp. salt; THE END OF THIS YEAR.
hopes to make two-thirds tsp. cream of ! |
a yearly event, tartar; V~ tsp each of nutmeg
o,o e Ji!l I
Smiths home coffee. METHOD: Boil molls- The Bankers Life of I~s Moines, whom I represent in this area, now offers an HR I0 master plan that
family permits use of the new highor limits of up to 15 per cent of earned income (not to exceed $7500)undcr
ses, sugar and lard one ,::" 1 1
Pecheco, Calif., minute. Cool. Add eggs and recently enacted federal law (seo table).
attended the coffee, then beat in dry With this higher limit, some of you may be able to actually triple your allowable contributions.
Sandy's brother, ingredients. Chill the dough. I If you have postponed availing yourself of these benefits, now could be the ideal time to start. !
as junior Roll V~ inch thick on floured I All, or a portion of your contribution, can be accumulated for a fixed r©tircmemt annuity which The
board and bake at 350 degrees | Bankers Life is currently crediting with 8 per cent interest. Get all the information, now, so you can take
at the wedding for about 10 minutes, advantage of it during the 1974 taxable year ....
*Served as ringbear- ************ I I
Annual Annual Annual
Lorraine brought some of Robed N. Ashlon, Hanger income income income |
of the visit was these cookies along with the I Columbia Basin Agency $3o,oo0 $4o,ooo$So,o0o I
~ach day in beauti- recipe and they are delicious.
~!1 C~hct-545.180S
Moist, cakelike and not too PO Box 283/, Pesco, Wn. Old limit $ 2,500$ 2,500$ 2,500
gingery. She says they keep |
especially well. Maybe you i THE BANKERS LIFE
home from FAVORITE RECIPE - Lorraine and Heidi LoUefeld and Santos Veliz walt to test the New limit $ 4,500 $ 6,000 $ 7,500
took them driving can talk your husband into results of a favorite recipe being taken h'om the oven by Catherine Pare.