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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 12, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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December 12, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pago I0 - OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1974 up to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on the south line, rlmningthe the I/4 corner ly and the necessity of paying, the Ordinance No. 181 16th day of December, 1974, for of the north line of Section 9, twp. increased costs of garbage servIcein be further amended to construction and improvement of 16, R. 36 E.W.M., for a distance of the sum of $35,500.00 and the follows: the following projects: approximately one mile. The above disbursement at the Police Depart- "Section 4. CITY 1. The furnishing and installation described of land to lie 30' east and merit and Park and Recreation the City Clerk shall be of a complete hangar building 30' west of the section centerline, department in the dum of $3,608.00 monthly salary of $81 containing ten (10)T-shaped bays of NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN and $4,458.00, respectively, could SECTION 3. That metal fabrication including concrete that all persons interested may not have been reasonably foreseen Ordinance No. 181 as paving of the hanger floors; and appear andbebeardatsuch hearing by the Othello City Council in be further amended to -"~-]Purnishing and placing con- upon the report and recommen- adopting the 1974 Budget, and follows" dation of the County Road Engineer therefore an emergency exists. "Section 5. CITY crete n~vin~ in the existing either to proceed or not to proceed Section 3. The Uthello City Taht the City municipal airplane hanger measur- ing32 feet x'197 feet approximately, with such establishing of such Budget is hereby increased by the a monthly salary of County Road. sum of $43,566.00 of excess revenue SECTION 4. That this (excepting two of the twelve bays Dated at Ritzville, Washington, collected and to be collected and the shall take effect on already paved). Plans and specifications may be this 2nd day of December, 1974. disbursements of said sum as herein Passed by the BOARD OF COUNTY specified are hereby authorized and Council and A obtained from the" Othello CityCOMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS the 1974 Othello Municipal Budget on this 9th da~ Clerk at 512 East Main Street, COUNTY, STATE OF is hereby increased accordingly. /s/LyallMel Othello, Washington, during regular WASHINGTON Section 4. This Ordinance will ATTEST: /s/ Judith business hours, upon request. /s/by W.E. Longmeier take effective five (5) days after City Clerk The City of Othello reserves the Ralph H, Danekas passage and publication. Published in the right to reject any or all bids and Gordon Hays Passed by the Othello City on this 12th day of waive formalities. DATED this 27th day of 12-19-2T Council and approved by its Mayor on this 9th day of December, 1974. November, 1974. /s/Lyall H. Menser IN THE /s/Judith M. Hawley, City Clerk ORDINANCE N0.480 Mayor DECLARING AN PUBLISHED in the Othello AN ORDINANUr~ ~r~,.ArtGING Attest: /s/ Judith M. Hawley IN THE ASSESSOR'S Outlook on the 5th and 12th day of THE 1974 OTHELLO MUNICIPAL City Clerk THE November, 1974. BUDGET BY THE SUM OF Published in the Othello Outlook on AND FIXING A $43,566.00, TO. BUDGET this 12th day of December, 1974. "PLACE FOR REVENUE IN EXCESS OF THE THEREON, ADAMS NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS ORIGINAL BUDGET RECEIVED ......................... WASHINGTON FOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN THAT SUM AND DISBURSING STATE OF WASHINGTON Whereas, An that the City of Othello, Washing- SAID FUNDS TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY arisen in the ton, will receive bids up to the hour DEPARTMENT, PARK AND NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO which could not have bees , of 8:00 p.m. on the 23rd day of RECREATION DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATE PUBLIC ::: December, 1974, at the office of the AND THE GARAGE SERVICE WATERS the year 1974, and City Clerk, City Hall, 512 East Main DEPARTMENT AND TAKE NOTICE: That Viola whereas, An Street, Othello, Washington, for the DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Michel of Othello, Washington on the Assessor's office Due ~,/..r~/~z~/~ ........ ~.:..:.:i.:~..... following merchandise and services WHEREAS in order to pay for October 7, 1974 under Application of more hell to be purchased by the City of garbager collection services for a No. G3-23801 filed for permit to hour day for one appra TO PRESENT CANATA SUNDAY - Combined choirs of Director for ther presentation, which will be open to the Othello, during the year 1975. new garbage contract, the lowest approptiate public waters, subject office ddputies, and the First Presbyterian, Christiu and Pilgrim Lutheran public, is Carrol Keeter. Separate bids are invited on the bid of which was substantially to existing rights, from two (2) wells the amounts of: churches will present a Christmas Canata here next S~Klay. following: higher than the previous contract, in the amount of 400 gallons per Salary for 3 for 8 hour 1. Janitor service for City Offices, the City of Othello had to increase minut~e, for the purpose of continu- June 1, 1974 to December t:n n 'urc" st0 Co, ' ight Library, Council Chambers and its garbageratesandshallcollect ous group domestic supply and $1600.00 Salary for Pete basement, in the remainder of the calendar seasonal irrigation of 10 acres deputy 1000.00 BeneI r 2. Bulk premium gasoline, automo- year 1974 the sum of $35,560.00 in The source of the proposed Cross," 37.70; industrial tire lubricating oil, bulk diesel oil excessof the sum orginally appropriation is located within 15.00; Retirement, $150 --- NOTICE OF CALL and hydraulic oil. and NWI/4NEV4NEVa and Security $200.00, 402 OfMi Cantata nday Superior Court of Washington for 3. Tires, tubes, and repairs and WHEREAS, the City has receiv- NW'/4NEV4SWtA of Section 16, Board "Hearing - Azt ADAMS County service thereon, on the Cityca additional funds under theTownship 16 N., Range 28E W.M., Mileage; 600.00 Making IN THE MATTER OF THE vehicles. Emergency Employment Act in the in Adams County. ESTATE OF John L. Langdon 4. Automotive vehicle repair, sum of $3,608.00, and has received Protests or objections to approval $4352.70; and whereas, the Board Pub Notice Deceased 5. Welding and heavy duty under the Comprehensive Em- of this application must include a Commissioners have The Christmas cantata from several eonnuntiyChoir members come from Notice is hereby given that the equipment reoair, plovment Training act the sum of detailed statement of the basis for "Night of Miracles" will beehurehes onSunday, Dee. 15,the Christian, Pilgrim undersigned has been appointed and 6. Chlorine for lagoon and swimming $4,458.00, for a total sum of objections; protests must be ac- of the time and place and that said Board presented at the First Pres- at 7 p.m. Lutheran and Presbyterian has qualified as Executor of the pool. $43,566.00 in excess of budgeted companied by a two dollar ($2.00) Commissioners. all bell byterian Church, Seventh and The cantata has been churches, above entitled estate; that all Bid forms may be obtained from income, and recording fee and filed with the have consented to the persons having claims against said the City Clerk The City of Othello WHEREAS, the City has budget- Department of Ecology, (address) the declaration of an Seootney, by acombined choir written by John Petersen, Along with the choir num- deceased are hereby required to reserves the right to reject any or ed the expenditures of said excess Eastern Washington Regional Of- budget expenditure; well known composer of bers, special solo parts will be serve the same, duly verified, on all bids and to waive formalities, funds as follows: To the Police flee, East 103 Indiana Avenue, NOW THEREFORE Dec 19 Meet church music. The choir will sung by Phyllis Blackburn, said Peoples National Bank of /s/ Judith M. Hawley, CityClerk I)epartment,$3,608.00; to thePark Spokane, Washington...99207within RESOLVED by the • be under the direction of Dean Taylor, Dean Largent Washington or its attorney of, PUBLISHED in. the Othello and Recreation Department, thirty (30) days from December County Commissioners Carrol Keeter and will be and Lloyd Kottwitz. record at the address below stated, Outlook the 12th and 19th days of $4,458.00; and to the garbage 19,1974. sembled that an emer For ~.,.,ri'r;s*;an and file tbe same with the Clerk of December, 1974. contractor, $35,500.00, and12-19-2T exist which could accompanied bySandy Book- The community is welcome said Court, together with proof of WHEREAS, the City Council ..... foreseen at the time of er as pianist. Pastor Nell to hear this Christmas can- such service, within four months could not havereasonalv foreseen at ORDINANCE N0.481 budget; Slated Thompson will narrate, rata. after thedateoffirstpublicationof HEARINGCOMMISSIONERS' NOTICE OF the time of adopting the 1974 AN ORDINANCE TIXING THE BE IT FURTHER Women this notice or the same will be In the Matter of the Location and Budget the receipt of and the ~_,, A~T~.~ OF THE CITY by the Board of barred, necessary expenditure of these I:~EASURER, CITY CLERK AND stoners, that n Establishment of the Snyder Road additional funds; CIT~'Aq'T()RNEY OF THE CITY 23,1974 at the hour Date of first publication Novem- County Road A holiday program and a her 28,1974. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT the Commissioners OF OTHELLO speaker from the national PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF ORDAINED BY THE CITY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY courthouseiuRitzville organization will be featured WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF bc the'time and place when the Othello Christian By:/s/J.H. Taylor that the 30th day of December, OTHELLO, as follows: OTHELLO, as follows: upon this emergency 1974, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock a.m., Section 1. The 1974 Budget of the Woman's Club holds its Vice-President in the office of the Board of County Section 1. That Section 3 of which time anyone City of Othello is hereby increased Ordinance No. 181 as amended shall for or against said December meeting on Dee. 19 Executor of said Estate Commissioners, Ritzville, Wash- by the sum of $43,566.00 of income at 12:30 p.m. at the Cimarron First Southern Baptist low, served by classroom Address 101 East Main Street Othello, Washington99344 ington, has been fixed as the time be further amended to read as be heard; and place for hearing upon the reort and disbursements, follows: DONE at this regular Section 2. The necessity of"Section 3. CITY TREASURER. the Board of County Restaurant. The Rev. Lester A. Wetz- teachers and the Alter Fred Shelton, Attorney ..... for of the County Road Engineerincreasing garbage rates and the That the City Treasurer shall be at Ritzville, Washington Guest speaker for the stein, executive director of Society. Estate P.O. Box 333 - 190 East Main appointed in the matter of the collection of additional funds to pay paid a monthly salary of $835.00 per day of December, 1974. meeting will be Virginia Pope Alcoholic Problems Associa- Tuesday evening, Dee. 17, Othello, Washington 99344 establishment of the Snyder Road, from Tacoma. She has been tion, Seattle, will be guest seventh and eighth grades Telephone: (509)458-3303. County Road, the termini, general remainderthe garbageof 1974,collector'in thef°rsumtheof Iongevitym°nth' togetherbonus withof $362.00an annualfor BOARD very active in the Christian speaker Sunday, Dee. i5. He CCD classes will hold their • P-'-~ASE'-'~N"O~'C-E'~thatcourse and width of which, as $35,500.00, the receipt of Emer- eleven years or more of continuous /s/W.E. .... recommmended in such reportgenry and Comprehensive Era- Woman s Clubs and is pre- will lead the Church TrainingChristmas party. ~,sealed bids will be received by the being as followsz sently serving as area rep- hour at 6 p.m. and the ************ Othello City Clerk at 512 East Main A strip of land 60 feet in width ployment Act funds in the sum of service,NovemberPayableof eachin laStyearDaVthereafter.,,oeriod of Ralp~ resentative in the Tacoma evening worship service at 7 A three-day Feast for Our Street, Othello, Washington 99344, beginnning at the V4 corner of the $3,608.00 and $4,458.00, respective- Section 2. That Section 4 of 12-19-2T area. She will also be the p.m. Sermon topic will be Lady of Guadaloupe is being soloist for the luncheon. Acceptable Alternahves . planned Dee. 12-15 at Sacred The featured program will *********** Heart Catholic Church. The be presented by Celeste United Methodist celebration will begin at 5 Stricker of Celeste Holm A full evening of family fun a.m. Thursday morning with Florist and the theme will be is on the agenda for the mananitas (birthday greet- "holiday decorating." Fourth Wednesday Family lugs) sung to Our Lady, An invitation to attend the Night scheduled Dee. 18. The followed by mass in Spanish. meeting is extended to all program begins at 5 p.m. in Menudo (breakfast) will fol- local women. A free nursery the church with games, low. "Las Aparieones", ("The " service is offered for those recreation and crafts, aAt wishing to attend the lunch- Mexican dinner will follow Apparations of Our Lady") con and are in need of service. 6 p.m., with a 50 cent donation will be performed Friday, For reservations for thebenefitting the church World evening, Dec. 13, beginning at luncheon or nursery service Service offering. A film, "The 8 p.m. in the church base- call Mrs. Ron VanLanding- Parable", will serve a class ~ment, by a theatrical group, ham, 488-9903; Mrs. James time for all ages. Chairmen Tatro Del Piojo, from Wash- Morgan, 488-3939; or Mrs. are Fran Taylor, Connie ington University, Seattle. Paul Ernest, 488-2452. Larson and Shirley Dever. There will be a 12 noon "If you have made reserva- ************ mass in Spanish Sunday, Dec. ~:~ tions to attend and find that Paradise Lutheran 15, followed by a Mexican you are unable to do so, please Children of the Sunday dinner, singing and film, "On a :!i: call and make a cancellation," School will re-enact TheBarren Hill", history of Our a spokesman urged. Nativity Wednesday evening, Lady of Guadalupe told in i: Dec. 18, in the animal shelter English, in the church base- .....Po~lucl, Set at Othello Fairgrounds. The ment. A dance at Lutacaga ...... program begins at 7:30 p.m. School that evening from 6 b and is being presented free p.m. to midnight will feature By Royal Clu ,or all residents of Othello live music by Mats Y Sus community. Dominants. ROYAL CAMP - A potluck The evening will be done in The cultural event is open to dinner has been sehedule~l for musical style with eongrga- all residents of Othello corn- Sunday, Dee. 15 by the Royal tional singing. In charge of munity and area. Free will Neighbors Club. The event arrangements are Mrs. Gil contributions will be welcom- will start at 1:30 p.m. at the Johnson, Mrs. Glen Hysjulien ed. ************ Royal Camp Community hall, and Kathleen Henning. Assembly of God " ::: fi~:::~::ii: ...... with everyone in the com- ************ A skating party in Kenne- munity invited to attend. First Presbyterian wick is being planned Thurs- Each family should bring Marytha Circle hosted a day evening, Dec. 19, for all one hot dish and one cold dish. potluck supper and program members of the congregation. The meal will be followedMonday, Dee. 9, in the Cars will leave from the by community games and Fireside Room for all women church around 6 p.m. Hours of Christmas carol singing, of the church. A program,' skating will be 7-9 p.m. For more information, in-"Light of the World", was terested persons should call taken from scripture and I 346-9352 or 346-2316. favorite Christmas carols • were enjoyed by all present, Milwaukee Women ************ Pharmacy Facts Sacred Heart Catholic Emma Lot Hurliman was ,by Bill Bethink' Schedule Potluck h os~ss to St. Anus Guild's Milwaukee Womens' Club Christmas potluck last even- You know? There really will Meet Monday, Dec. 16, at ing Wednesday, Dec. 11. St. just doesn't seem to be the home of Mrs. Elmer Theresa Guild will have it's Lottes for the annual Chris- holiday potluck at 7 p.m. anything a little child won't tmas potluck luncheon. Thursday, Dec. 19, at the swallow, does there. Little children have swallowed such ...... The party will begin at 12 home of Mrs. Donald Herbert things as paint, glue, lighter noon and will include a gift and the Ave Maria Guild fluid, bleach, ammonia andthe exchange and installation of potluck will be hosted by Mrs. list can go on almost endles- ~.:::~ new officers. Ellis Charvet in her home. sly. A case of serf-inflected .i~?~::i:::. Mrs. Robert Donley will be Each Guild will hold election child poisoning almost always seated as president for 1975. of officers, amounts to the Others taking office are Mrs. ************ parents' not Walter Owens, vice presi-Oh Dec. 17 and 18 the CCD making certain dent; Mrs. Elmer Lottes, class, grades one through six, that all poison- secretary; Mrs. Linton Shaw, will have a Penitential Service ous substances treasurer, and Mrs. Charles and will decorate the church and things have Lintvedt, historian, tree. Refreshments will fol- been kept com- pletely out of S~x terrific gifts, either free bargains plus the highest bank earns 6¾% ytelds 7.08 4 year the child's or available at a real sawngs, just nterest rate around, now. at F delity earns 7½% y,elds 790 reach. So, isn't for starting a new account or On regular accounts, no Withdrawals . ) before maturity TODAY the ~, : best-possible adding to your present F dehty m,n mum 5¼% yields 5.47 on earn at pass-t)/_ day for you to check through account. $1000 t me depos,ls. 90 day book rate I FIDELIqpy you home to be sure literally Come ,n Take advantage earns 5¾% yields 600:1 year less 90 - "t .-. . everything a child could /~vlngs J~&nK swallow has been carefully Of the best of two worlds great earns 6½% y,elds 6.81 30 month days ,nterest , ............. ,' put out of reach? Isn't it our Gtft Deposit $100 $200 $300 $1000 $5000 duty as adults to make certain nothing which can poison a Deluxe Gillette Trac II Razorfree free free free free child is ever left within his or Needlepoint shoulder bag $1 $1 $1 $1 free her reach? Why Not Install an ' Your doctor's prescription Braun Mini-dryer $12 $12 $12 $7 $2 is the main reason for our Braun style k,t $18 $18 $18 $12 $8 Alarm System being here to serve you. Friendly professional service (Braun/s a very high qUS,/lty manufacturer of small 8DD/18nces /n West Germany ) CALL DAN SIMPSON is always yours here at Sony clock-radio $t6 $16 $tl $11 $6 Othello Rexall Drug. 724 Main 488-2337" the place where we're Stainless flatware $15 $ 5 $15 $12 $8 always glad to see and be of 11:11: service to you. WE WAHT TO HELP YOU FIGHT INFLATION.