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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 12, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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December 12, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Rates - Minimum 15 or less $1.50 each word 10 cents• Weeks or more - 15 words or less word 8 p.m. Tuesdays. 488-3342 Ren a s service hours 8 5 p.m. daily. Closed The Outlook F(ll In (llld 180 E. Main 11o, WA 99344 televisions, stereo car tape decks, units, mis- equipment• 441 S. 10th. tfn Automobi es Public Notice FOR SALE and dryers. 488-3651 for sale, Call 488-3577. ZIG ZAG MACHINE 1074 Excellent condition!! Makes button embroidery, hems, etc. Pay off of $64.00 Easy terms. Cash. For free home no obligation call Columbia Sewing. Notice ,**************** MACHINE ex- Call after 4 FOR SALE Sears Exercise EXPERIENCED electrical Bike $35.00 Phone 488-3566 serviceman for center pivot FS-50-P irrigation systems. Perman- ************************* ent year round position. Call 765-8861 for personal inter- BAILING WIRE - If you really want to save $$$ buy view. now, guaranteed qualities, HW-50-51-C ************************** Davis and Imports wire. Visit EXCELLENT opportunity Feed-Seed-Hay excellent condition, Xmas, $90. Call i, Royal Slope. the Ranch Rite Corral, Yakima, Wa. 509-248-1747. FS-50-51-C ************************** LARGE 2 bedroom duplex, carpet drapes, appliances, ~;155 00 plus utilities. Call 488-3946 aiter 5 p.m. FR-50-ftnc-C ************************* TWO BEDROOM trailer for rent. Call 488-3868. FR-50-TFN-C ************************** ONE BEDROOM furnished house. Call 488-2893. FR-50-C ************************* for Sales oriented petroleum truck driver. Year around. Good pay scale, pension, paid holidays, contact Western Farmers. Othello. 1296 S. Broadway 488-2641 HW-50-51-C ************************* HELP WANTED Good opportunity. In- come very good. Light work. Hours to suit you. The niore hours you woi'k the more income very suitable for ambitious 'young couple or individual or older person. For further information contact per- sonally Johnny Mercer Realty. 1972 VEGA GT four-speed, trans, new engine, good condition. Call 488-2322 after 6 p.m. A-50-51-C ************************** 1968 CHEV. half-ton pickup, 36" insulated canopy, extra gas tank. 488-9422. A-49-50-C ************************* 1958 FORD PICKUP and 1960 Falcon sedan Also 239 CI Ford V-8 motor and 1969 Opel engine. Call 488-2180 FS-49-50-C J Leasing Cars or pickups 24 or 36 months. See us for a real deal. Guenther-Lee Chevrolet Othello, Wash. , , FARM MANAGER for 650 A. sprinkler-irrigation in the Bruce area. 488-9560 HW-49-tfn-C DUROC cross sow - bred to farrow soon,. $125.00. Call 488-3746 evenings. L-50-C ************************** LIVESTOCK WANTED -any kind - will haul. 488-3098. L-50-TFN-C ************************** NOT RESPONSIBLE Keith Erickson's bills. /s/ Lyda Erickson P-50-C for ...... FOR SALE NEW 1975 TRiTIC .~LE-GR.~IN CON: . Kmgswood 14 x 70 2 ,********* TRACT. We finance seed - . ' bedrooms front kitchen pay wheat price - plus bonus ' ' FISCHER FLUTE for protein• American Tritical dishwasher, continuous Inc., #5 Eighth Ave. Nampa, Idaho 83651. 47-50-C ************************* Personal VACUUM excellent condi- Pay off SEE WHAT MARY KAY af only $67.50 in six cosmetics can do for you. Call of $10.00 monthly, for complimentary facial. cash. Call 488-9641. Cynde 488-5323 or Jean Sewing 488-3341. P-44-tfn-c G78 x 15 used tires. Wanted FT-SLR, 35 mm with case, extra I100.00 Call 488-9950 PONY $40., and saddle $30., TV $110., call So., cleaning range. Othello Manor, Bench & Taylor Rd. 488-9261. MH-49-C ************ IWe now have for sah, a used II) ft. and 12 ft. wide sel tip in hwal mobile home ('Otll'i ~. Hammers Mobile llomes Radar Rd. Othello 488-9202 B6! Kelp! in one capsule, Potter Drugs. FALL CATTLE PASTURE WANTED. Call 488-9747 or 488-3734. W-23-TFN-C WANTED USED sprinkler system. Main line and wheel lioes. 488-9747 or 488-3734. W-23-TFN-C ************************* WILL DO baby sitting- my home. Call 488-9266. WW-49-tfn-C Real Es ate CHRISTMAS pre- I CRAFTS daire delux dish- | Gifts, Ideas, Decorations ed only 4 months. |and Christmas Arrange-| condition. Call |ments galore for the| bef°rem5op p.m. |Christmas season at the| • • ICraft Dept. In I ,, .,,,,,,,,,, I Mel s Plumbing I of pecans and [ 354 So. First I the United Women• Call or 488-2387. ecrealion Ec uit: *** SNOWMOBILES: The New RCA solid State 1975 Raiders are in Now. console, and large CAMPBELL'S With record-player, SNOWMOBILE SALE War- radio and tape deck, den-349-2753 new call 488-3287, R-49-52-C '23 TERRY TRAVEL TRAILER, fully self-contain- ed, very clean, $3,000. or best offer. Call 586-3506 evenings• MH-50-51-P Pe Fri. 12/6 - lost 6 month old, Semi long hair brown and white cocker spaniel and bird dog mix. PTe-ase Call 488-9234 .as Rings Candles Swags P-50-C We wish to thank our kind friends, Mason's and Stars for all their acts of love and sympathy and Floral Tributes during our recent loss of Husband, Father and Brother. With greatful thanks to all of you for this tribute to our loved one. /s/Mrs. Jackson D Hubbard Dale A. Helbig and family Mrs. Don Ferguson Mrs. Al Strandskov C-1-50-C HOMES FOR-SALE Full basement house in good location. Fireplace. Family room with large Rec Room in basement. Fenced in Backyard. Large 5 bedroom home. Family Room. 2% baths. Fireplace. 3 car carport. Beautiful new 3 bedroom home. 2 Full Baths. Fire- place carpeting. Shake roof. Large 2 car Garage. WARDEN Large 3 bedroom home full daylight Basement, 2 fireplaces, covered patio deck. shown by Appoint- ment only. ************ WE NEED HOME LISTINGS TODAY Call: Ray Kostad 48g-9541 E LTOR Kostad Realty', • _ 760E.Maln .-Gifts Othello IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom, lY2 baths, large family room, 1500 square foot living area, carpet throughout. Call 488-3506 or See at 646 So. 3rd, Othello. 49.50 THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK . Page 11 OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1974 Lovely new homes, and Pine, 3 &4 bedrooms. Let us show you. 100 acres rill ground Royal Slope-S85,000. Half section near investment property, 000. - Terms• 325 acres under wheel lines, house & shop. Ready for spuds - $337,500. Good Restaurant with H license. Man & wife opera- tion. Total price $12,500. LAND RUSH COMPANY P.O. Box 117 Othello, 99344 488-5238 488-2153 346-2573 50-51-C FOR SALE Nice home in country. 1% acres. 3 bedrooms. Ful basement. 3 miles town. BeautifUl new home. 2 baths. Kitch, loaded. Micro-wave oven Large family room. location. Nice new 4 bedroon home...3 baths. One of best areas in town. 8%% interest financing. This home will sell fast...See us today. five bedroom home...3 8%% interest... ~lit level, lots of living space in this well planned APPROVED SINGER DEALER Sales and service. We service all makes of sewing machines. Call 765-7701 in Moses I,ake. All work Guaranteed. S-29-TFN-C ************* Cozy 2 bedroom home. ;1500 down $100 A month Large 3 bedroom home. ~ull Basement• Located on three view lots in Royal City. Terms available. ************ 20 ACRES BEAUTIVUL property. 3Vz miles Othello. Domestic Owner will in smaller parcels homsites. 40 acres with 2 bedroom home some out-buildings- irrigation equipment, 4 miles from othello. FARMS and irrigation water available on site. Good Soil. Private oil 3 miles from town. Terms available. 50 acre farm unit in City area, view property undeveloped, good terms available TREMENDOUS INVESTMENT solid commercial Estate contact Discour 50% For quick Sale. call us for further informa- tion. JOHNNY MERCER" REALTY Next to Post Offite 488-5244 Evenings and Sunday' 488-3231 CARPENTER WORK WANTED ************************* Carpenter. Cabinets. Re ST. BERNARD PUPPIES 2 INCOME PROPERTY in modeling or new building. months old, purebred (not Othello, $10,000. down 20% to Over 30 years experience. No job too big or too small. reg). Call 934-5353, Beverly, 28% annual return by owner .... Wa. Call 503-399-0122. Will trade labor for ? Call[ FS-50-P -- - RE-43-tfn-C 488-9643. ************************** ************************* TFN AA and AIAnon meetings 7:30 Thursdays. 381 E. Main AA 488-9432 AIAnon- 488-2443. S-42-TFN-C i OTHELLO ROOFING I New re-roofs and repairs.| All work guaranteed. Fi-I nancing available. For freeI estimates 488-9502. 1 TFN I RON'S SEWER and drain- line service. 488-9711. Ser- vicing all surrounding coun- ties. 24 hour service. S-43-tfn-C ************************* PEACOCK PAINTS. Let us put color into your world. Don't stall - Call 488-2041. PAINTING CONTRAC TORS. S-42-TFN-C ************************* MACKS TREE SERVICE Mac & Gall Macks, over 15 years Experience, (509) 549-3647, Lacrosse, Washington 99143. TFN-c IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT LEASE on oblong one-quarter section, more/less, of farm land, 8 miles SW of Odessa. Write - Clarence Gies, 1007 W. 19th Ave. Spokane, 99203. FI-4-50-C llltllli~tlt NOTICE OF MARSHAL'S SALE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EASTERN DISTRICT OF NOTICE OF MARStIAL'S SALE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA E.\STERN DISTRICT OF WASH. l'uMic notice is hereby giw,n, that hx x iriue (if a writ of Order of Sale, ,lah,d November 8, A.I). 1974, i~lied ,)nt ,ff the District Court, of Ihc l'nited States for the Eastern lli~,rici of Washington on a judg mcnl in said Court, on the :291h ,he of Oetnber, A.I). 1974, in +'~t,)r of the United States of \lllt'l'iC3 ;ll](t against J. Marcell l>ih'lwr, ct ;il I have, on this 21st day ,If X(l~¢inl)er, A.I). 1974, h, vied Ul,On lhe f,)lhlwing described real c*late, sitnated in the County of .\d:nn~ and Slate of Washington. to x~ ii: Th:fl tmrtion of the Northwest (~uai'ter nlihe Northeast Quarter of Scclim~ :10. Township 15 North, llant~e ;28, E.WM.. lying South of (?anal No. WI/3A, in Adams Connty Washinghm. The Wes! 30 feet of I,ot 9 and the East 30 feet of Lot 10, Block 200, ¢)TttELI,O LAND CO'S FIRST ADDITION TO OTHELLO, accord- int~ in the Autditor of Adams ('ounh', Washington; and The' West ;'/2 feet of lint 2 lind the East 36 feet of Lot 3, Block 38, BAI~RETT ADDITION TO TOWN OF OT|tELLO, according to the pkn !hereof of record in the office of !he .\u(litor of Adams County Washington. Together with all inlprovenlents and appurtenances thereunto be- longing and the rents, issues and profits thereof and all ditch and water rights (if every~ nature appurtenant to said real property. and that I will. accordingly, offer said real estate for sale, at public ~,q'il(iUt' I(} the highest and best companied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, (address} Eastern Washington Regional Office, East 103 Indiana within thirty (30) days from December 19, 1974. 12-19-2T STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY NOTICE OF APPI,ICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS TAKE NOTICE: That Viola Michel of Othello, Washington on October 7, 1974 under Application No. G3-23802 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, snbject to existing rights, from a well in the amount of 200 galhms per minute, for the purpose of continuous domestic supply and seasonal irrigation of l0 acres The source of the proposed al)propriation is located withiu SE % of Section 17, Township 16 N., Range 29E W.M., in Adams County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be ac- companied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the I)epartment of Ecology, (address) Eastern Washington Regional Of fice, East 103 Indiana Avenue, Spokane, Washington.....99207 within thirty (30)days from December 19,1974. 12 19-2T STATE OF WASHINGTON 1)EPARTMENT OF' E~OLOGY NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO WASH. bidder, f.r cash, on the 27th day (if Public notice is hereby given, that l)e,'enlbcr. A.D. 1974, at 1:30 o'chwk by virtue of a writ of ORDER OF i>.:u., at the front door of the Adams SALE, dated November 13, A.D. (',uintv (onrthouse at Ritzville. 1974, issued out of the District Washington. Court. of the United States for the Doled. Spokeane, Wash., Novem Eastern District of Washington on a brr 21. A.D. 1974. subject to existing rights from a judgment rendered in said uourt, on - (;eor~e A. l,ocke II.S. Marsh i well in the amount of 200 gallons per the llth day of November, A.D. Fastcrn District of Washington minute, for the purpose of contin- Iq7 t; in [:tVOf of the United States of l),,iin C. Smith uous manufacturing use. \im.ri,'a and atminst Frank F. Soliz U.::,. Attorney The source of the proposed , ,d lhwtcm'ia Soliz I have. on this 21-: da~ .f N.vember, A.D. 1974, ,.x ,,',1 u!l,m lhc fallowing described ",':il ,";14h'. 4tnate,t in the County of \,!:lnl~ :ind State of Washington, to xx it: S E W I N G M A C H I N E Lot 2, Block 28, AMENDED REPAIR in your home. No PLAT OF THE TOWN OF OTHELLO. according to the plat extra charge for service calls thereof of record in the Office of the in rural area. Any make! Any Auditor of Adams County, Wash- model! Reasonable rates! All ington, and that I will, accordingly, work guaranteed. Call offer said real estate for sale, at public vendue to the highest and 488-9641. best bidder, for cash, on the 27th APPROPRIATE PUBI,IC WATERS TAKE NOTICE: That Spokane Rendering Company of Spokane, Washington on June 28, 1974 under Application No. G3-23272 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, PlainlifF~ .Uhwney. appropriation is located within 12 19 IT NW% of Section 33, Township 16 ============================= N., Range '.)9 E'. W.M., in Amtnts Columbia Sewing. day of December, A.D. 1974, at 1:30 in the amount of 6,300 gallons per 19, 1974. ;-48-TFN-C o'clock p.m., at the front door of the miute, for the purpose of seasonal 12-19-2T STATE OF WASHINGTON County. DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY t'rotests or objections to approval NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO of this application must include a APPROPRIATE PUBLIC detailed statement of the basis for WATERS objections; protests must be ac- TAKE NOTICE: That State of companied by a two dollar t$2.00) Washington Department of Natural recording fee and filed with the Resources of Olympia, Washington Department of Ecology, (address) on June 21 1974 under Application Eastern Washington Regional No. G3-23507 filed for permit to Office, East 103 Indiana Avenue, appropriate public waters, subject Spokane, Washington....99207 with- to existing rights Irom two 12) wells in thirty (30) days from December Adams County Courthouse at irrigation of 640 acres. , , "end'IIRitzville, Washington. The source of the proposed .I 1970 Plymouth 4-doe-It! Diamond rings, I)aled. Stmkane, Wash.. Novem- appropriation is located within Well ants, earrings. " • h,,r 21. A.I). 197-1. #1 NEV4NWV~, Well #2 NEV~NEV~ |with air, full power. SacriI Ears pierced free with| ~,(;c,,r,,,eA 1.ocke U.S. Marshal. All in ofSection16, Township16 N., |rice!!! $500. I purchase of piercing studs.| Esl;,rn District of Washington Range 31E W.M., in Adams County. iOthello Hydraulics 26 E! Ih,an ('. Smith Protests or objections to approval |Larch 488-3902 I VESS JEWELRY 1 U.S. Al'ornev of this application must include a l'laintilTs A.tiornev. detailed statement of the basis for 150-51 I II • 61 S. 6th 48 28521 12-19-4T " objections; protests must be ac- cars 3n. BELOW ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES 74 'Nova Auto, bucket seat, PS Was $3295 Now $2895 74 Impala PS, PB, auto, air. Was $4195 Now $3895 73 CheveHe malibu coupe Auto, PS. Was $3295 Now only $2995 74 Grim Torino coupe Auto, PS, PB air. Was $4150 Now only $3795 72 Impala Coupe Air, PS, PB Auto. Was $2895 Now only $2595 72 Impala 4 door Sedan Air, PS, PB, Was $2695 Now only $2295 73 Chev. ¾ ton pickup Auto, PS, PB, Camper special Cheyene Was $4295 Now $3995 74 Nova Coupe. automatic, PS Air was $3795 Now $3395. Over 25 new pickups in slock. 74 Chev. % ton pickup PS PB Auto, 5000 mile. Was $4550 Now $4250 UNDER WARRANTY 74 Chev. ¾ ton, auto, PS, PB, 7500 miles. UNDER. WARRANTY Was $4795 Now $4495 73 E! Cumino PS PB auto, tilt wheel,radio. SAVE 74 Chev. cab & chassis 2 tanks, 4 speed, PS*PB* Was $4995 Now $4595 UNDER WARRANTY 75 Impala 4 door Sedan Air, PS, PB, auto, cruise tilt wheel,steel belted tire. Was $6373.80 Now only $5575 75 Caprice 2 door Coupe, Air: PS, PB, Auto, tilt wheel, cruise split seat, steel tire, air. Was $6896.50 'now only $5995 75 Caprice Station wagon 9 person, cruise, auto, PS, PB, air, luggage rack, steel belted tires, 400-V8, Tape Deck, Seats, Power door lock $1200 discount. 75 Vega 'Hatchback Coupe Tinted glass, steel belted tires, radio, Now only $3195 75 Impala 9 passanger Station wagon, door locks, PS, 'PB, auto, air, cruise control & more. Now only $5895 75 Monte Carla Landau PS,PB, air, auto, tilt wheel, cruisecontrol. Now only S 50. ALL USED CAR & PICK- UPS LISTED CARRY 30 DAY FULL WARRANTY EXCEPT FOR TIRE & BATTERYS our pr/ee before you buy. II !7 /!i i i i!! • :ii ;/ i {'/ ~i¸ /i! i( 1:7 ?i! 14