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6.98-! $5.98-
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PM's L.P.,s T S
W .E, A, O .,o 95¢ I $1 I $1
nat five days as they attempt to piek up momentum for the I !
eudereuce race. Team members from leR in iront are Joey ,
Cagers Hit Strid
j Save More a J 702 E. Main .,7
Money at485-3594
Open Three Gam- , Home S!avnd s,c
Fresh from a convincing Huskies "jelled' in their game latent with 11
80-48 trouncing of Connell at Connell, Preuninger re-
Tuesday night in which they ported, hlsWednesday" sq.uad he no,wit ~ ~ ~ |~,c ~/~'-"~,, ~
lived up to pre-season ex- hopmgo .can.
pectations for the first time string Iour or rive wcmrms m ~ ~~!
this season, Coach Daryl take into conference play
Preuninger s Huskie cagers whichopens.l.n January. '~
will be looking for three more ,,. t~oo(I tlnmgs~no.w' ..
victories as they open a I was pmasea w,tn ~ne I The rugged country ohar
three-game home stand dur- perzormance ana starteo to I Ilk . t of the Northwest corot
ing the next week. see lots of the little things IAIk ~~ i~ '[!i - with the natural honest fvl
Tuesday's victory boosted happening . which we ,.have
the Huskies to a 2-1record for been workmg towara, tne I, and fbers of Pendeton to
their first week of action, coach reported. I was nappy ~I ~~~' I!~ the mood for this Fall s out~
They opened with a 69-52with our defense ana xel~ we 1 wear. Shirt $22J
decision over Royal lastput excellent, man-to-ma, ntnougn .~ne ~ab~ ~/~ilL!i!i!li
Friday, but then were nipped pressuLe, °n.tnem If
71-70 by Hanford at Richland game. l~ne Kms.were neipmg-
on Saturday. out aria covermg ~ne open
Facing another busy_ week, man more,, like we,, have been ~/, ~~-_~/:,~ ~~j!~ ~ ~
the Huskies will open the w~kmgtoward.. .... I - " O
home stand against Lind xfe ~o:Ci~us~ens c~cSe ~i~~ M
Friday, be looking for revenge nop g ........ -
against Hanford on Saturday tinue the hot.,sh.OO~lng rney ag O t e
and then face Connell again on nave snown in tn:nl~I~e~ ~nr~ "~
next Tuesday. games. ~rney c~ .... I// ~~!~,ii! ~I me?2j~h!
Elated over the way the el ~ cnances Tuesaay nsgnL
for a hot 53 per cent. That,
CI. A.. (r,h'll coupled with a 31 for 56
Jl$ performazkce at}~n~ord puts ~ .111 t $ I
- - ..i them at over48 per cent fOrindivi, pE NDLETO S/
H,td,d~ml In the season.
"We have several !
tl B | ...... duals hitting in the 50 and 60
~'~ L~~ per cent range," Vreuninger--~-.°o"°~ 37-36 ~:o ~ ~ ~,~
A number of teams re- Tough B Team I•
mained undefeated as play Lind, the opening opponent
continued this week in the in the home stand On Friday ~
Othello Community Schools night, will be playing up two DC)~ n-to-earth ~, Real,action toys from John Deere made {~
volleyball league, classes from its B level, but = = ~-" IF~ rougn and tumble.., pleasing both kids
In Tuesday night play thecan't be overlooked by the ese f-" t~tl/S ~ parents since 1930! See the full line of gre
Air Base stayed on top with Huskies. The Lind team has ~%,#t11~,11 I tst, l,y /~[/(C/fl, ~ toys and old favorites at your John Deere,
its third straight victory, but finished second in the B i -- / ~ J,~/~// ~__.~ dealer's: pedal-driven tractors, 1/16
still must face three other tournament the past two that ~_~/~/ ,7[ / scale models, and 2-inch miniatures.~
tl lit ~~*~~/ / ~ [ For those special gift-giving
league teams who remain years, and has three starters
unbeaten, returning off last year's team. • "• /-~-,---------- ~ ~t ~ " / l! I occasions and real down-to- ~1~1
The Airmen dumped the "Lind has two or three last,, earth fun!
Pilgrim Lutherans 3-0 Tues- athletes who can carry a team
day while the Lions were and we certainly can't look Generation II I I IIIIlll~N~r,] ~- .J~Jr"~J[~L..
stopping the Irrigation Dis- past them, Preuninger re- Riding Trsvtor ~ ~ W~[ ~ ~ ~'I'4~
Rugged, easily [ 7-'-- [;;~:J f)~--~. " ~~~
trict by the same score. An ported, steerable, pedal- ~-'~--"I~-~i~ I ~' ~I~ //~~L~
Akins vs. Jaycees game was Ready l or H~miord driven. Matching ~ ~.~~ "~I ~[ ~lJJ~ ~.~ ~II~ o ~'~
postponed to next week. He said he feels confident 2-wheel trailer. ~"~r~'~'~ ~]~ ~.~ ~,--i~,~ ~))J~' ~--~'~~~~
The Air Base leads the that his Huskies can get past
league at 3-0, but is followed the Hanford team which ~ ~%~~#~o~
by the Lions at 2-0 and ambushed them on Saturday ~ ;i I
Jaycees and Akins, both atnight. /~\ Powered_.. 13~ :t i ~ +°b~hl-;~
I-0. "We led all of the way and Battery- John
~nowmoolles II =. rear-me
Games next Tuesday, Dec. really out played them, and ~ Trac~s move, ~--~=~-- ,= ~ 9~½ inG~
17, will be Air Base vs. there was noreason we ~\ ~kx~ headlights ~ I: ~"~'~ In~
Jaycees at 7 p.m. at the Air should have lost, Preuninger ~ k ~k beam. 12 ~~ J
~k "~ ~. inches tong. t~ . ~~1
Base gym. At 8:30 p.m. at ~ if s ~
tion District vs. Muscottand "UU n~qU~lU ~ II " SG::::::~n~
Pilgrim Lutheran vs. Wednesday night play . --~l . , II ~i~nA~ 13! ! i i! I~Y --, --__ tLh°e°rkS/'k~ing'
the currentunbeatenleaders ~J~MV ~_~r~ Conne ,s 1 b 9 4'ncr e
are Evergreen Implement and - -w=..= jr ~s~
Petrolane, both at 2-0 GameSBig 0 ~" ^thoverl'O "uni r varSitaction ~!i ~!!D FI FI Pi iI
• 'lIne u el J O y EVERGREEN IMPLi Ii [NT
last Wednesday saw Ever
een dum the Silver Slu s basketball team got help from
3~, whilep Vetrolane wgs ae~:t$~al~a;Sirt~6 SqUn d 0nited Industrial Pork • 488-5291
stopping the School District ;. ~, ...... a hL~Y~f ~.n '.P.~ ~
3-2. In theoth~r2game vic;ory Connell in ~~
toppea - . ..... I
weGr:m Sg h:s Wve en;SedtY Tu aYi 'og#t put the Pups,' F, N E'S
"" -- v ""v "" and first week record at 2-1 as
retrolane s. ,u er ~mgs ........... CANDY i :ANDY
School D',strict vs KRSC tney oeat t~oyas ~z-~o nere
........ "7" "^ it last Friday, but then lost
P~ext we~nesaay, uec t~, ......... ~ - •
......... vs ~'1 " and vu-o~ ~o tlaniora on vaturaay.
will De J~JN,~; i~ Ug8
" " " -- t 7 Trailing 30-18 going into the
Jsvergreen v, re,rolane a ......... CANES ', CANES
- -- "'~ " ;-" 1 "~" trict vs secona nan, t~oacn t~ene t~oya
..... w~cn venoo LnS " rut sovhomore Brad Adams I
Big 0 at 8:30 p.m. - • ". •
and jumor Jon Krupa into the
~tm~ ~m ~I~=~ game and they sparked the I
y==. , ,m =-~.=~,.~==~ victory. Adams came through PKG. OF 30 I Reg. 10¢ co.
mber 0wler with 18 points, with Krupa Reg. 39¢
~,, -- ...... hitting nine and pulling down
.... 11.oo ......... 331, 2/$!
feature m the women s d,vl .... ",... ....... '* -o**'-- ~ [ i '
men as ~ne _~ovemoer yowler any rebounds in the first half
of the month at Othello Bowl and Adams and Krupa seem- ,
was decided by one pm last ~ k us" Boy
• , ed to s~ar , d
weeKen(l, renorted
Charlotte Johnson claimed S"'urda'" at Richland it was 'rIllI~
the women's title as she rolled o,.,.~:,,~.~ .... ,,~v h.,tth. L -,
a.1,233 to.tal to .edge Jan ;upscou"l~ln"t"gtc'hu'; i'n~th'a't 1'
tlumes, jus~ one pm rack a~ ~ me throu~
............ one. Adam_ ca oh Othello 6 24 42 64 Page 0 0 1 0
z,~_azrmcmgtmrawas,ern • • " TduH;~;:~**I:''"t~*;gI1;~ il}i tlRI~
... • .... wsth 32 peats for the Pups m " ~Wi' 11
~enn a~ z,~r~, the second hal{, but it wasn't I Vowels had a wider enough to offset at 43-24 P[2 1~ II IIIII )~?~';;~'"
margin in the men s division
halft~me lead the Hanford
as he roUed a l,284 good for ~am had built uo The i}~ i i i 1i ~tLO~f~~!2~!~)~! J ND i
first place. Finishing 28 pins .~nhomnr~ rnrnvid~';t"......... t.hp. W ~,,~,,
back in second pla.c~, at 1,256. m-o~t'iva-'~io'n for the Pups as he
was S~ve, Kenfie!d, .wsth hit on 11 of 16 field goal tries er .
tlomer .Mullen l, nlra Wl,ll a " i1 ~, t~fi4~uldrsgo~r~179
and was 10 for 11 from the
1,251 total. . free throw line during the last 10 OZ. PI o,..,
More Snorts two quarters. C~O~~ O 1il :'T4t:
r-- On Friday against Royal
• On Page 16 the Pups had to rally from, Sc~t~b~conne q?r~lr~: 308 30 345448 S¢0°~ehebi~°ConneRq~r7 ~: 604,, . Reg. 69¢ .oo~.~."