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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 19, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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December 19, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY,, DECEMBER 19, 1952 T H E O T H E L L O O U T L O O K PAGE FIVE - by Dr. Grant Venn The growing need and conse- quent growing demand for ad- ult use of the school facilities has made it necessary for the Othello school directors to es- tablish a policy for use of the buildin?:. "Fhis poliW at~empt~ to assure maximum use of funds and facilities for the edu- cation of Othello's s.-hool child- ren. Tax monies are voted for this purpose and therefore the money must be u.~ed for the educational program. The in- crease in enrollment has made it necessa~, to get full value out of funds budgeted. The directors are most any ious that the schools also serve all people in the community whenever it does not interfere with the educational needs of th children. To prevent any misunder- stand,ing as to the policy estab- lished and to inform the com- munity of the proce&.~re in scheduling the building, the en- tire policy is published below. It is ,hoped that this policy is fair to all groups and does not excluOe ,any groups in need of the school facilities. School Board Policy Regarding Community Use of School Buildings The school buildings and fa- cilities in Othello are p-imn~it- for the education of Othello's s~hool children. The use of such facilities shall ,be made avail- a'ble to these children when ap- prov,al under Board Policy is ,granted Vhrough the school su- perintendent. No charge will 'be made for su,=Jh use when ac- tivitie'g held in the school are directly for the benefit of school age youngsters. All func- tions held outside of school hours must be scheduled wit~ the superintendent's office ten (10) days in advance. The school facilities are avail- able to all other organized non- pl'ofiit groups in the Othello school district subject .to the fol- lowing provisions: 1. Every ,group shall schedule their activity at least I0 days in advance with the office of the superintendent. ~. The ,building will be sehed uled on the basis of first come first .served and no group may sehedtde meetings for morethan 10 days in advan~. If two groups ask for the same facility at the same time the one whioh has used it least wil'l get first chance. 3. At the time of schedulim~ a $10.00 deposit will be neces- sary. This deposit will be re- funded to any group that cares for and returns the building in good condition. If the building is not main- tained this fleposit will be used to pay for cleanin'g nnct maintenance. Any group that doesn't give proper care t~ the ,building may be refused further use. 4. A minimum charge is neces- sary to cover expense in- volved. These charges are as follows: 1. Three dollars ($3.00) to cover heat and li$ht, 2, Two dollars ($2.0(I) per hour to cover the cost nf having a custodian in ehar, ge during ~use of facil- ities. 5. When ,an event 'is scheduled I ! II . • Season's Greetings CAW & CAW ATTORNEYS Phone 3663 Othello i I I ! iiilllm I IIII SPOKESMAN-REVIEW Available 8t II~ Bates Hotel Ken Bat~ Phone 3313 I l l person will be in chart{e, paM by the schools, who will ()pen the building and see that net> c.s~ary heat. light and other needs are furnished. The nec- essary cleaning and care o[ the facility is to be done by the group using the building. At no time will keys for the school be issued to any grou0. If time is needed to prepare for the affair arrangements should be made in advance. 6. At no time will any adult us(? of the school ,be allowed to interfere with the educational use of the building. A group may schedule school OFFICE FURNITURE and EQUIPMENT BASIN Typewriter Co. S ales and Service Office & Portable TypewriCers Adding Machines Cash Registers Calculators 124 S Fourth Phone 4463 --WIRING--- General Contracting Oil Burne~ Srv. & Supplies 409 W. Clark Phone 5651 Authorized Sales & Service Parts for all makes "Same Day Service" Mosher Vacuum Cleaner Clinic 423 W. Clark. Phone_ 6671 Eastern Washington's Complete Ladies Store CROWN JEWELERS ~eC..,oultre Benrus Watches Lock Diamond Rings Name Brands Jewelry Guaranteed.. Repairs 415 West Lewis GUENTI-IER TR2kCTOR Co. AUis Chalmers and Fevgusan Ma,|hin{rry Wyss Irrigation Pipe Jacuzzi, Fairbanks Morse Pumps WJllys Cars and Jeeps 31-3 S. 4th Phone 4672 mL MOVIHG STORA 4 PACKING PASC0 TRANSFER Inc. PHONE 6311 Opposite ;%sco 117 North Fire Dept. Third S~eN III I I II1| facilities for use and charge ad- HAVE YOU DONATED YOUR OLD BOOKS TO THE miss:on for profit. In such ease_2 JR. CHAMBER LIBRARY BOOK DRIVE? Do so today! these activities'; will have last choir(, and the schedule of charges will be $25.00'per night or 25'; of the gross income, whicheve:' i.-: !he ar~e'," !)'.,,'~ the rc~:ular fee (:har;l(, ~f all other groups. The :dP.,inistra'i¢m .,v,~:', r:,- fuse the use of school %:ilitie~ to any group based on the fore- going policy. All persons must be out of the school on week nigbts by 11:00 p.m. On weekends 12:30 will be mandatory closing time. Save With U. S. Savings Bonds FORD FARMING HEADQUARTERS PRESTON TRACTOR CO Phone 6122 Sales and Service 1124 W. Ainsworth Paste BUILD FOR SECURITY WITH SAVIXG,q • PASCO BRANCH. YAKIMA FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. C. S. Churchman, B:'.neh Manager Current Dividend 2L5~ Each Account Insured ~p to $1O,000,0O 422,W. Lewis St. Pasco,VJass Phone 3631 i II H HI I I I Bt, y PP, gCO FRANKLIN APPLIANCE APPLIANCE CO. --MAGNOVOX-- Radios Phonographs Television HOTPOINT APPLIANCES Largest Record department in the Tri-Cl*y Area 408 W. Lewis Phone 3292 TRUCK and TBAC"D, F: E C K I:' P I N (? ECON[Nv Tire & -'p',~ F ;d:':, 'tq 9 p.m. . . 522Y~r. I, ewis Pien~s Instru)nen,ts Sheet Music -- Records RUSSEL'S MUSIC SHOP Everylhing Musical 508 W. Clark Phone 4153 Lad & Lassie "TOTS TOTEE!2f;" Phone 3542 510 W. Lew:s PLEISS -- DAVIS, lnc PASCO -- RICItLANI) Furniture --- Applb,~c~.s -- Carpet -- Radio and Appliance S.:r'.,. Complete Drapery and Interior Dccora'.ing Fc:vic -.}~F ',Vri=N HOUSE -" 1: :, : ,JL . ~:~'L!'l~(~ns ". :. " " - - ".. " ~: :; Work F':e I::sAru:tions !~.:~ :::v" er Crocheting a: c:u la~i room I=a~:c -- R;chland LumLer arid t'{!t! Company T~owen Paints 1~ ulders' H~rdware ', "~ "',o a"d Doors Pb-,vcod Footings H Pasco Paint & Picture Vish our Nu Hue Color Bar Choose the color you desire Over 1500 colors in paint Glass Wallpaper Framing 114 S. 4th Phone 5431 Motor Sales Cadillac -- Pontiac Phone 3394 ~ll VI,,,:.~ Woo4~ CAFES--L'~.C~.[2--KEYS ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CENTER Norge, Bendix Appliances Zenith, RCA Radios Sales and Service 4,th and Clark .... Phone 7211' Pine end Blue SHOPPE CH] ",!'S WEA From 1: ~:~; t,o ' Fz:e D -qi- cry i ' ~ ~ "~ ' '" ~ r ' Phone 5252 iiI,~,on~,~~ .d.~,,.d i i~O! ~~--~~ ,,' ~.,,. ~,.....~,.~°~-Ti~.~ i merchandise of known quality . , ~ ~...,.,(: ' WOMEN'S--CHILDRENS :~ lr~ ~.~i0Lj APPAREL & D~Y GOODS '~ .v." ~:/ .. SIBE~RY S Dept. Store .. } '~c*,-F! '~ : ";i: e ~ervi:e Phone 6141 .... 410 W. Lewis Fine Clc:h~s f~,r I~ "~ JOHNSTON FURS If You Don't Know Furs-- --.Know" Feur furrier 712 N. 4th Ave. Phone 5761 DR. HAROLD E ,OLSEN Optome~igt Eye~ Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 3881 210 N. 4th St. Service Guarontecd EePair Motorola Radios For Home and Car Samsonile Luggage Leather Goods Sam & Scotty's Phone 4492 912 l.e;,:i~ Ycur C'~.= & Build/ g F:':p.qi ~s Hen ~quarters )'a; e2-any plywood and Lumber T~ i~,P:~ lO PANE [ ul.h Ec7 Painls • :.,)l' t S ! L'%R DWARE "; F. ,~th St. Phone 5523