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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1952 Published by the Othello Out look as a public service for the Othello Schools
Class Notes
First Grade News
Mrs. Faudree
Lynda Curtis has the chicken
pox. We hope Lynla will soon
come back to school.
Mrs. Coleman
Mrs. Martin's name was left
off of our list of x~isiting moth-
ers. Mrs. Koch, :Mrs. Lonz~ay:
~Irs. L~ieboldt and Mrs. Gra,ham
have also been to see us lately.
We are now reading in our
third book in reading.
We are painting Christmas
presents for our mothers.
Third Grade News
Our Christmas Party
We are going to have a
Christmas party. We are going
to bring decorations for the
Christmas tree. The room help-
ers are going to help Sam.~.
Santa is going to give out our
by Judy S~mith
Community Christmas Tree
Sandra Bro, wn and i helped
MY. "Brown, Dr. Warner, Mr.
Cameron, Mr. Hanks and Mr.
Donley put lights on the Christ-
mas tree.
,by :Mary Caml~ell
On Christmas it is jolly; on
Christmas we .ave ,holly; on
Chr}stmas we hav~ been, so let's
play and run.
by Judith Ann Stewart
Othello, Wash.
Dec. 15, lg52
Dear Santa Claus,
I .would like to have a doll, a
cat and a dog.
Please see ff you have it.
I love cats and dogs.
I am eight years old now.
.Arita 'Mathers
My Baby Brother and
His Duck
We tied Art's duck to a string.
Then we tied the string to a
nail. After that we let Art see
it. He thc;ew the duck around
and around him. We laughed
and la.u~hed at him.
by Marilyn Ha~nmer
Box 17
Othello, Wash.
Dec. 15, '1952
Dear Sar~ta,
iI)o you know what I would
like for Christmas.~ :I would
like a doll and a bike chain. I
would 'like a doll because the
stuffing came out of my old
"doll. I would like a new bike
chain because the chain on my
bike broke. My sister, bina.
would like ,a new dOll. Cora is
my sister, ,and she would like a
doll, too.
One of your friends,
Peggy Duncan and A!lcu
Mart~ were the Who's Who's
newsmakers last week. This
week's two are:
Guess who our Queen is. She
stands five feet tall and weighs
a neat 114 pounds. Her blue
eyes always shine. (Usually be-
cause of the boy below.~ Her
waist is a slim 24 inches, and
her blond hair is neatly combed
She likes music and plays an
instrument. (I don't want to be
telling so I won't tell you what
She haa a very pretty com-
plexion and is a good dancer.
She is the Queen of the school
and maybe is or has been Queen
of something else. (We'll let you
I guess I'll name him ",fl~t-
top." He was another one of the
ldds Who was "butchered" at
the 'barber shop about a month
He drives two things: ,(1) a
car, and (2) the girls .crazY.
'He towers five feet and elev-
en inches high. His blond hair
and blue eyes match perfectly.
He weighs 135 tons (oops, I
mean pounds).
Well, I'll sign off with this
Monday, the Physical E~l,uca-
tion class, supervised ,by Mr.
W,aldo, began learning how to
play girls' baskethall. A few of
the girls did not care to learn,
but it is hoped their attitude
will change as heir knowledge
of basketball advances. The
girls hope that they can work
up at least two teams and play
among themselves.
Christmas vacation will soon
be here. ~veryone is lookiag
there were many people going
to Bethlehem to stay over
night while goirtg to pay their
Among the ~)eople were :Mary
and Joseph. They couldn't find
a ,hoIel that had an empty room,
so ithey had to sleep in a barn.
Far away in a town were ,three
wise men. riley saw a bright
star so they climbed on their
camels and followed the star to
see ,where it went. It led them
to the ,barn where Mary and
Joseph were. Their b~by Jesus
was lying in the manger. The
wise men presented him gifts.
That is what Christmas means.
Program Is Plonned
Announcing the all-school,
community Christmas prc~gram
to be held Monday the 22 of D~'-
cem~ber, at 7:30 in the school
It is presented by the school
children for their mothers, fath-
ers and lriends. Everyone i.s in-
vited and urged to attend. The
program will be as follows:
T~he Clapping Sor~g-- Othello.
hiffh school band
:Silver Bells -- Othello high
school girls sextet
Why the Chimes Ran~(Play)--
1st and 3rd grades
Adeste Fidelis -- high school
Jesus Thou Dear Babe Devine--
high school girls glee club
Christmas at ,the Clarks (Play)-
2nd and 4th grades
Zenith Overture--high ,school
Joy to the World ,(Radio Scriqot)
high school speech class and
high school girls ,_~lee ,'lub
Ar~gels We Have Heard on High
.high school chorus
-O Holy Night--high school chor-
Shadov~graph (Play) -- 5th and
6th grades
forward to it..Our vacation will
be started Tuesday, Decerr~ber
23, and will last until January
'5. The students are all looking
forward to such a long vacation.
Sixth Grade News
We have a new boy in our
room. His name is Jesse Rogers.
He came lrom Kingston, Idaho.
We ,are also working on
Christmas projects. They are
wastebaskets, puzzles and. spat-
ter paintirtg.
We also have a new globe.
Wdkelected class officers. Our
president is Bruce' Triton; vice
president is Jimmy Spence; sec-
retary is :Marcia " Radly; and
sergeant• at arms is Blanche
We are going to have ,an ama-
teur shoo on Thursday.
Laura Bischof~
I hey for Christmas
Othello, Wash. • •
Dec 15, 1952
Doreen Hoehn --A blue eyed ,blonde.
I wish you wotgd br~g me G " Pat Hammer --- A lot of money.
truck ~and a jeep with a ~railer. ~hirley 'Bush --- One letter and one Christmas card.
£mrry McCourtie- Motorcycle.
Mary :Mayeda -- One little letter.
Allan White- Wrist-watch.
Larry Crider -- A new girlfriend.
Barbara Stone -- A boy.
Janice Kanenwisher .-- A ~ormal.
:Mary Martin -- Piano.
Sharon Tennyhill --,Brown eyed blonde.
,Terry Ferguson --- A Chrysler Imperial, w~th everything on it.
Fritz ,Kliphardt -- A new car.
Audrey H aight -- Short brunette.
Jerry Showalter -- 1953 Cadillac h~rd-to~ converthble.
W'arning to the ots . . .
:My brother wants a football.
My dad wants some ,gloves, his
~re wearing out, blt we bought
him some and gave them to
him. My mother wants some
turquoise earrings.
One of your ~r~nd&
Larry Spencer
Our Chrisnnas Party
The third .grade is having a
Christmas party December 23,
195~. Our parents are in.ted to
the third ,grade party.
These ,are the children on the
games committee: :Laura Bisch-
off, [Darry ,Spenee, Ricky Schell
and ~loria Tilson. The c~ildre~
on the re~eshments committee
are Arita :Mathers, Faye Brit-
tenham and Jimmy Smith,
'Room helpers are Patricia
Ann Graham, Judy Lee Smith,
Judith Stewart and :Marilyn
~by Gloria Tilson
Christmas is just 'round the comer,
It's really creeping near
And this 'is just a warner
I give to you each year.
Santa is packin the toys now •
He'll be ready to start very soon
He'll ~be m~kin the rounds to every house
With dolly% trains and balloons.
But---that is only for good tots.
And I regret to say
If you aren't good, on Christmas
You will be sorry all the day.
It .is not too hard to ,be good though
Just obey your mother and dad.
And I'll bet you, old Santa will
Make it the best C,hr~tmas you've had~
Fourth Grade News
What Christmas Means
~a~bout two thousand years ago
AintLove 8rand?
"Going steady, an i.nteresting
su~bject was discussed today,
December 11, by Miss Shirley
King. Miss ,King is a pretty bru-
nette with sparkling hazel eyes.
She is a nice ,person to know.
Miss Kir~g based her speech
on a play which she herself had
written, named, "_Ain't I~ve
Grand?" ri'he play has seven
characters and is based on the
theme of going steady.
The speech was gi~cen to the
boys and girls of Othello high
/~f. ter reviewing the play,
Miss King expressed her views
on going steady. She does not
believe in it."
The students of the journal-
ism class have been hearir~~
topics similar to this discussed
for the past week ,as they studi-
ed writing speech reports. One
student would make a speech
and the other students would
listen and take notes. Then they
Would write a report of the
speech from their notes.
The above report is an exam-
ple of the type of report they
have been writing.
'by~ Barbara Spitzer
We are also going to have a
public Christmas play.
Rickey ,Lochmfller
Seventh Grade News
The seventh grade is working
on decimals in math.
They are now studying our
universe in science.
One of the junior high cheer
leaders is from our room. She
is Shirley Vietzke.
• "he seventh grade has estab-
lished a new lost and foun~d de-
partment. We plan to elect a
new clerk every two weeks.
,Drop in and see our bulletin
boards! Me,an Ennis and Kathy
Grow 'have made a 'beautiful
scene of Santa and his reindeer
riding through the night Bar-
bara Spitzer and Judy Cox are
making a snappy picture of
Santa 'by the fire place. Wayne
Finkt~iner and Larry :M~Cour-
tie are reeking a cute scene of
a ,pond and ice skaters.
Eighth Grade News
,We started about 8:30 oi~ De-
cember 1.1, Mr. Hartl drove the
bus. When we got up to the
base we went into the operation
room. Col. Kundrat told us
about the :base and ,explained
the different buildings.
First we divided u,p in grnu~s.
The boys went with Mr. Hard
,and :Major Reese. The~girls
went in the operation room
while the boys went to see the
,~oloevea (sic) with Capt. Russ-
ell. The.operation room was
very dark. except the lighted
maps. Behind the mop was
some men putting marks on it
to show where there, was
planes, g4~e showed ,ho~r ~o read
it. When we finished with that
and went over to a table, w~o.,'e
there was a radio scope
showed mountains and planes.
The game Friday night
proved to be the turning point
in the Othello Huskies luck. At
the start of the game Farrel
Stephens, Richard Mulligan,
Jack Mulligan, Rex King "and
Tom Finkbeiner were on the
floor for the first attempts at
raising the score.
At the end of the first quarter
the score was: Marlin :~ , thello
10; half: Marlin 12, Othello 19;
third quarter: Marlin t7, Othel-
lo 40; at the end: :Marlin 29,
Othello 60.
The game was very good all
the way through. High point
man for Othello was Jack ~VIul-
ligan with 12 points and high
point man for Marlin was Zun-
del with 11 points.
Yes, '"We heard the "Bells.'
We heard them last year and
the year before that and still
the year before that. ]3ut will
we, ,the American people, hear
the bells this year ahd next?
Will we be able to go to the
church we please, or will we be
able to speak or do what we
like? There is only one thing
that we can do about this, and
that is to go to the church o1~
our choice and pray that we
can keep these evil people call-
ed Com~nunists out of the U. S.
of .America.
by Teddy Tax
You could hardly see the planes
because they are so much like
the mountains. The men who
did it had to have years of
training./tAter that we went ov-
er to the .house with the baloev-
en (sic) on it while the boys saw
the operation room. ,First we
walked up some stairs and then
went in a:elevator and climbed
some more stairs. /kfter leav-
ir~g there we went over to the
cafeteria and had some milk.
We went about 10:30 back for
school. We thank the men who
work on the base for a very en-
joyable time.
There are two new students
• in the freshman class; they are
Benny Rodgers and Geraldine
Blaker, both of whose fathers
work on construction near Oth-
ello. Our class got its school pic-
tures today and the coach (Mr.
Waldo) looks dike ~3enjamin
:Franklin. Our happy throng is
very content so that's all of.our
the staff