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P°,. 6 - T.E OT.mO OUTtOOK Decorated Bus Provides Merriment for Driver and Students
StlARING GOOI)IES - Three members of the Paradise Lutheran Church share the
results of receipes featured in this week's column. From left are Donna Schroeder, Helen
Fulks and Sandy Parehen.
()n,, ,,f the more interesting seemed to Mrs. Phinney there They had one whopping big Ilolliday, Bonnie and Randy Burbank; Joan, Mol
parties to come out of this were a few extra whisperedparty'. Britt, ReneeGoodrich, Johnny Robin Para and Joyce,
holiday season was that given secrets - and Thursday morn While they ate and dec-
by children of Othello School " "
she came prepared orated, ',rs Phinnoyavo ded Dance Slated On New Yea
Bus No. 169 as a surprise for The kids painted snow any extra big bumps; she
their driver, Elaine Phinney. flakes, wreaths, Santa Claus, drove slow and made long A New Year's Danee for all ing chaperone the dar~
Ii began when the childrenChristmas trees and a boy and And she furnished each local high school and college urged to contactC1
from kindergarten through girl kissing under the n~istle, child a ,'an of pop to ease the students will be held nextBrandvold i
hi,,h school, asked permission ix, e on bu. windows. Theygoodness of all that food eaten Tuesday under the sponsor-Ear-- n "'I
to ,h,'orate their bus fornamed lheirbus"Ihwbie, theon top of breakfast. "After alr', ship of the OthelloBand I'ISrromolt
('hristnms. And since few ri(ie I,ove Bus" - anti painted that, she said, "they still had a Boosters. Marine Cpl.
this time of year, it was too. They draped green andwhole day of school to go?" lave music will be provided
dvemcd safe and permission
wa~ granted.
In hiLd~ spirits the children
mad. plans Wednesday night
,m the ride home of just how
lht'y planted to decorate. It
white streamers on the ceiling
and edged the windows in red
crepe paper. They sang carols
...befort, their mouths got too
full of cookies, apples and
homemade fudge and divinity.
Taking part in the fun
mornintr were Cindy and
P;obby Hutches, Heather
Eppich. Teresa and Fred
for the dance which will run
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and be
held at the Hiawatha multi
purl)ose . room.
Parents interested in help-
Serna, son of Mrs. Marii
of W. Main St., Othe~
promoted to his prese~
while serving with
Marine Air Wing
Marine Corps Air Sta~
Ad effective
December 26
January 6, 1975
In this issue are recipes
shared bv women of Paradise
Ialtht,ran (;hutch.
'l'ht' first is from Sandy
Parrhen. who calls it
says it has been hi her family
as Iota, as she ('all remembt.'r.
She gives tim original reeipe,
but admits thai she adds more
cinnamon and leaw,s out a bit
of the allspice for her family.
INtHtEI)IENTS are 1 cup
sugar; 2 tahh,spoons shorten-
iag; I/4 tsp. salt; 1/2 tsp.
cloves; 1'2 lsp, allspice; 1
ia})IeSl)oon baking soda; 2
i;tl)lrsl)oons (:inllamon; o cups
fh,ur; 1/2 (:up raisins; 1 (:up
nUtS; I pound mixed candied
fruil ~lnd 1 ran of tonlato soup.
METIIOI): I'reheat oven to
300 degrees. Mix ingredients
:is given. Pour into a greased
tuht* pan. This ix a very stiff
hatter. Bake one hour. Cool
sli,O}lly and turn t)ut. Store in
cups finely chopped onions;
threefi)urths cup butter or
margarine; 3 tsps. powdered
thyme; 2 1/4 tsps. sage; 1 1/2
to 3 tsps. salt; l 1/2 tsp.
[)cpper; three4ourths cup
chopped ~eiery; three4ourths
cup coarsely chopped celery
leaves and 1 cup coarsely
chopped pecans.
METHOI): Cook onions in
the melted butter or marg-
arine until limp, stirring often.
Add Thyme, sage, salt,
pel)per and mix well. Nov,' stir
in the chopped celery and
ceh'ry leaves. Cook 3 5 min--
utes. Turn off burner and let
stand while mixing the bread
l'our the t)read crumbs into
a large t)an. Pour in 1/2 gallon
of milk and using your clean
hands mix together until the
br('a(t has absorbed all the
milk. Then add the pan of
(.elery and onions and also add you ha
And now for you candy
lovers, a I)IVINITY recipe
from Helen Fulks that every-
one I've talked with calls
delicious. It calls for 2 1/2 cups
sugar; 1/2 cul) plus 2
tablespoons ('orn syrup; two-
thirds cups water; 1/2 tsp.
salt; 1 tst). vanilht; 1 cup nuts;
2 egg whites and 4 tablespoons
butter. METttOD: Cook first 4
ingredients to 240 degrees.
Pour one-third of syrup over
beaten egg whites. Pour very
slowly. Cook remaining syrup
to 256 degrees and pour over
egg white. Remove beaters
and add vanilla, nuts and
butter. Stir slowly with a wood
spoon until thick enough to
drop by spoonfuls on waxed
paper. Do not beat.
Four good recipes to make
And so ends the
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