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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 26, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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December 26, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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May Mrs. Carlos Ruiz, announced the and forthcoming of their daugher, Garold L. Jessen. son of Mrs. Gladys Seattle. graduate High School and is by Chef-Reddy fiance, graduate of High School, Seattle, the U.S. Army electrician for Lamb Connell. is planned for in Sacred Heart Church. dance has been y, Dec. ~e Othello Golf and Club. will be open to and guests of high age, and will by "KarismaY of is scheduled from ENTERTAIN AT CENTER - A novel '~l'was The Night Before Christmas" presentation was given last Thursday night at the Othello Convalescent Center by members of le Visits Former on i J Mrs. Lester Darnell ind Pop - arrived month from a by bus which• took tg their in Alabama. reason for the trip r's relatives if since he has never after leaving his 79 years ago. And said, "Relatives out of the woods to Public Notice those from Ala- first cousins came !nessee, Georgia and a Visit. stayed with a Darnell, in a house Spot his grand- was built ...up hill, 125 years ago. land marks left old oak tree and a grape vine. went to Cappie's she found a tree and an ivy mother planted 85 .... and where her is now a [:for barn. e :urslon They visited with her two sisters in Hanford, California and Tucumcari, N. MET., where her brother and his wife joined them; spent Thanks- giving in Roswell, N. Mex. with Cappie's daughter, Mrs. Margie Martin, where they were joined by her son and his wife, the Duke Hornsbys, and visited in Odessa Tex. with Lester's only living brother, Lenon, and a nephew and his wife. They will be re-living the trip for some time, since Cappie secretly and openly did lots of taping of the family reunions. Pop will be 90 on his next birthday and Cappie, 80. I know I can substitute syrup or molasses for sugar in cake recipes, but they're expensive too. Is there any other way to cut down on sugar? The easiest answer is to stop baking cakes altogether, but that's not always possible. Eunice Meakin, Extension nutritionist at Washington State University, says you can cut back on sugar in your two-egg cake recipes without replacing it with a sugar substitute. Derby Bridge To Aid Center At the Christmas luncheonWinning high in the five- of Othello Derby Bridge Club week round of play was Hazel held Thursday, Dec. 19 atF "s - ' os y. Dorothy Harris won Freddie's Restaurant, Othello ~°second high and Helen Fulks Convalescent Center was third high. voted recipient of derby The next session begins Jan. monies for the coming year, 13, according to Gerry John- with funds to go for a special son, chairman. project. the Beehive Group of the Othello LDS Ward. All of the performers were in special costumes for the act. Cooperative Extension Service by Lorraine Kingdon Try eliminating one-fourth of the sugar and see how your family likes the results. If that goes over, cut the amount back by one-third or maybe even one half. Don't try to reduce sutar by more than one-half the amount called for in the recipe. And, add a little extra shortening when you only use one-half the sugar. Make no mistake about it, your cakes will taste dif- ferently. As you reduce the amount of sugar, the cake will become drier and will not rise as well. But the cakes are still edible. identify the mystery person- ality Norman Coulter. The clues and their ad locations follow: NC and Grew up in Spokane, both Ever- green Implement; North Cen- tral, Michigan Native and THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK - Page 7 Winner in OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1914 Next Paper Due to the early deadline for the next two additions of The Outlook, winners of the Who's Who contest won't be an- nounced until the following week. Contests will still run from Thursday morning until the following Monday at 5 p.m., however. Entries in this week's contest can be made at The Woodworker. ,, In last week's contest "28 was the lucky number with that many clues used to MYSTERY PERSONALITY - Norman Coulter, district manager for Washington Water Power, was the featured personality in last week's Who's W~no contest. WWII Vet, all Freddie's Restaurant; Menominee, 4-20, Born in 1911, WWP, District Manager and Ex-Chamber president, all Akin's Thrift; Mary Jean is teacher, Ron's Cabinet Shop; Cougar, Vess Jewelry; WSU grad and 251 S. 9th, both Woodworker; En- gineering degree, Zavala's Place; sells juice, Doe HellE- day's Chevron; electrifier, Farmer's ElectriC; Married in 1939, Othello Bowl; Son in A person"always ready" toreceived his discharge in assist in a worthwhile com- February of 1945 with the munity project, last week's rank of 1st lieutenant. Who's Who was Norman Coulter returned to work Coulter, district manager for for WWP and was in Spokane Washington Water Power. until July of 1962 when he A resident of Othello forbecame district manager at more than 12 years, Coulter Grangeville, Ida. Six weeks has been a strong community later he was transferred to Pullman, Jack's Bargain Barn; boosterand is a past president Othello as district manager. Norma Jean in Seattle, "of the Othello Chamber of Plans call for him to retire in flames were different colors. Benavidez Cafe; four grand- We loved the effect and would children, Roy's Auto Service; like to do our own this year. Lion, Dari-Land; Levy boost- What chemicals should we use? You ('an easily get colored flames for your fireplace by pre-soaking chips, cones or tightly rolled newspapers in vhemical golutions. Use about a pound of chemical per gallon of water; be sure you use rubber gloves when you're handling the wet chips, etc. Copper sulfate mades a green flame; potassium chlor- ide makes a purple flame; and Commerce. April of 1976. He has served one term as Coulter and his wife, Mary the Chamber president and Jean, have two children, Jim, a er, Othello Fabrics; Red Cross chairman, Hostetter Ford; 488-9960, Riccio-Jenkins Agency; 4th and Hemlock, A&W Root Beer; and 488- 2686, Bentley's. has been a strong booster of student at WSU, and Norms the group through the years. Jean, who is married and lives He has been both chairmanin Seattle. They also have four and co-chairman of Schoolgrandchildren. District special levy com- mittees, and is a member of ............. the Lions Club and former calcium chloride produces an direction of the Columbia orange flame. Be absolutely Basin Development League. NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS certain you get these particu- Coulter has also been E.R.P.-34 lar chemicals and not some- chairman of the Adams Crushing and Stockpiling Kembel Quarry Site thing that sounds similar be- County Red Cross Chapter Notice is hereby given by the cause some chemicals areand worked on numerous BoyBoard of Adams County Comings- quite explosive or otherwise Scout fund-raising drives in signers that they will receive sealed dangerous to handle, the county, bids for crushing and stockpiling Reception Her, Sunday 9 Newlyweds Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. refreshments were in bridal Larry Jensen were honored at colors of orange and yellow. a wedding reception Sunday Mrs. Harland Dunsire cut and afternoon, Dec. 22, at the served wedding cake, and the A topping of fruit and/or home of his parents, Mr. and bride's sister Mrs. Larry whipped topping will make Mrs. Jo J. Jensen. Brothwell of Othello Radar the dryness less obvious. So : The former Sandra Miller is Station attended the punch will a nice, thick, gooey the dauuhter of Mr. and Mrs, bowl. Pouring coffee was Mrs. frosting--but that takes sugh'r~ WalterS. Baei~jr., of~tektn~~ M~ke Adams, sister of the and lots of it. Me. groom. Last year some friends The couple was married gave us "logs" for the Dec. 9 in Reno, Nev., andThe newlyweds are at home fireplace that had been honeymooned in Ogden, Utah. on Royal Slope where he is treated with chemicals so the Party appointments and engaged in farming. Born Apr. 20, 1911 in Menominee, Mich., Coulter came to Spokane at the age of one with his parents and has lived in the Inland Empire since. He graduated from North Central High School and then received a commerical en gineering degree from Wash- ington State University. He started to work for WWP in Spokane in 1939 following graduation, and then married his wife, Mary Jean, before entering the Army in Decem- ber of 1940. Holding an ROTC com- mission, Coulter was involved in training programs at bases in California, Florida and New England during the war. He 35,000 tons of mineral aggregate at Kembel Quarry Site Until 11:00 A.M. Monday, January 6, 1975 at £heir office in the courthouse at Ritzville, Washington, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Proposal deposit acceptable to Section 37, Chapter 64, Law of 1949, in the amount of 5% of the total bid. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the County Engineer at Ritzville, Washington without deposit. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Dated December 16, 1974 BOARD OF ADAMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Chairman /$/Ralph H. Daneku Commissioner /s/Gordon Hays Commissioner Attest: /s/ Susie B. Razey Auditor and Clerk of this Board 1-2-2T Cash Prizes .! Cash Prizes CLUES be hidden in ANY SECTION. When you. We invite you to do your EmpLoyees of other spon- "Where to look for Clues," this issue. You do not have to rcn under 12 must be correct total number of clues EI)(byanyoneLThe publisher in any of these best to outwit us! ' " " hidden in all ads of sponsoring of the Othello Outlook will be that additional CONTEST RULES ~;Zl~~ merchants ARE ell- above). If by coincidence, the list all these clues-just give the accompanied by an adult. name of WHO'S WHO (or total number of them. Don't6. This week's contest ' merchants, a BONUS OF $20the judge in alI questions and of that firm This is a family fun contest! 2. Nothing to buy- use any other facts about him or her) forget to add your name and starts when you receive this elsewhere in thisOne entry per person (family slip of paper for your entry happen to appear in news address, Then, drop your issue and closes at 5 p.m. the paper and of four could submit fourblark. Not necessary to be items, editorial matter or entry in the box located atthe Monday of the following week. clues may also beentries(. Anyone may enter pre one to win. Not necessary other places in this news- sponsoring merchant, whose 7. At that time (5 p.m. next UNLESS a member of your to ,,' a subscriber to the paper, these will not count as ad hasa heavy black border on Monday) a drawing will be any of these~ads as family is employed by theOthello Outlook to enter,clues in this contest, this page in this issue, held at the store where entries be scattered... Othello Outlook or by the:l WHO'S WHO may be 4. Teenier, write down the 5. There is no other place have been received for this be from one to five merchant whose ad is heavily an¢ me in the Othello area. name you think WHO'S WHO where entries will be ac-week's contest. The first entry or none. This is abordered this week (this Clues fGr his or her identity is. Add the total number of cepted. An): member of the drawn that correctly identifies of skills...and weapplies ONLY during the ~iil be hidden ONLY in ads for clues you can find in ALL the family may bring in all the WHO'S WHO will win $10. If do our best to outwit week this ad is bordered(, spor,~oring merchants (see ad~of'sponsoringmerchantsin ,'ntries for that family. Child- TItAT entry also lists the will be paid. Whenever this his decisiop is final. BONUS is not won, it will be Family participation gives added to next week's BONUS- you a bettelc chance to win the which will continue to grow jackpot...your wife, husband until it is won. or some bright-eyed young- 8. Every possible precau- sEer MAY spot'.that clue you tEen will be taken to prevent miss! typographical errors that Got any Perry Mason in might be mistaken for clues, you? Think YOU can outwit but errorless typography the contest? R¢member you CANNOT BE. GUARANTE- can't win i~ you don't enter. =,, i • Lowrey Organs q ;~t~__l' i I 00• One House For BENAVIDEZ CAFE ,. Pianos • ...... Complete Music Store S ~l~ ~l~ All Your Insurance Needs. • Electrophonic Stereo Complete Tire & "On the. e Is Our Business"Mexican & American Foods I Farm Service tworthyStores. Open 7 Days a Week SupermarketRADiOSHACKol .d -- kd A & W RQOT BEER RICCIO.JENKINS Catering Service to Ware- BASIN kLEAN'S houses, etc. 2J OF OTHELLO INSURANCE tRDWARE cRAE J us,c GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZES! 4,h&CedarStreets AGENCY TIRE CENTER ...... Don Ruttan 488-3651 32 E. Main Othello, Wa. 7o2 z. Main 4SS-~S4 488-2657 22 l~. First 488-9751 4158-g606 |, • Ill l l :esidential (_2the l dr lU l'Cd Rae at Scootney LEP-RE-KON. WIRING Custom Cabinets-Sawfiling iii~. ~L -K~chen-Cabinets ZAVALA'S PLACe ..,....u'" Hond.3"'h"l -Carpeting rob Too Small Furniture Refinishing ¢:~'~a( -Wallpaper - Paints ;ric Baseboard Entertainment Lounge Mexican Food-Beverages Groceries, Meats, Veptablel • ~--~g~iM~" Beer & Wine to Go Where You Get A T~asum of ,Heating ROWS Huge Dance Floor '" " = THE Open7 Days a week . a Bw]I Chuck" Booth & CABINE-T'SHOP OZMABnON MO'rEZ, epair/o::: ..... WOODWORKER pmr. Owner lrlie & Frank and IqtEBTAIJ~ i S ELECTRIC ormerly Yargers 5i2 E. Main. 488-3993 14~ UAIS sra~er 48s-3902 26 E. LAaCH 341So. 1st PH. 488-5219 1796S. Broadway Othello 1115 E'.', Main Othello OTHELLO. WASH. 99344 , ,, ...... 111111 .... I~ ...... Authorized Singer Dealer ~ DOC /~4 [~1~ C0,ELAND' V~ FREDD|E'S endly Super Mar- ', ~j/(:!" Fabrics-Lessons- ~ HOLLIDAY - LUMBER Get Am E=l t Ovabed saves o. your Notions Or T.,,e-.p .... RESTAURAilT budget every day. CHEVRON SERVICE ' ~-:'~\ 745E.'Main Free Pick-up & DeliVery, Complete Bufld-ing Sup: ~ EVERGREEN Chinese-Amer[~nFood ..... WS TXRIFT 4{ ]tr 'r, Othello Air Conditioning Service plies for Contractors and IMPLEMEHT,-N¢ Nightly i~' ~5~l~ie~ Expert Atlas Tune:ul) FinancingD°ItY°urselferSAvailable ROy'S ~ ~kl) United' Indusi;rial Park {ain Othello ! 445 E. Main PH. 488-7636 Open 6 Days a Week 126 s. ~roadway ~-~mS Othello "488-52-22 67S. 1st " 488-270~1- , #~ !~. 488-8233 JOHN r)[ I:~lf I I I II IIIII Top Grade CELESTE HOLM tEEZERMEAT ' JOE'S ENJOY eRESH VESS JEWELRY - r Home or Locker A Dive!on of $pe~__.~ . FLORIST PASTEURIZED Sign Up For Leag~s "488:9953 -New Holland Hay Equipment This Week's "Who's Who" CENTRAL HOMOGENIZED No Answer ServEs Blades-& CuttersSpecial! '*Flowers *Office Supplies 6--6 GRADE A Ik *Diamond Rings~ Men-Women ~lxed Lea~es "- • " *Ceramics *Candle~rner *Earrings "4ss-2os~ , HEW HOLLAND. 1975 F-750 I0 Wheeler Truck.*Terrarium Plants Tires Lubrication Slushes - All Fl~vors *Seiko Watches ~"S LOCKERS OTHELLO- J!OSTETTER e~ng Invitations Batteries-Meter Oil ~)~_ ~ , *Ear Pi.ercing OTHELLOgOWl : ;h-ice -~-hello 645 S. Broadway 488-9607 FOR / 830 E. Main 110 E. Main 488-7696 ~. lllh and E. Main 488-3501 ~61 So. 6ti~~ ~88,2852~ 1" i9 Z. Oak 4SS-gr~f -~ud-spreads fertilizer 488-905~ ,,, Rob'in at Lutacaga !¸¸:¸ ~iiI