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Othello's Huskie wrestlers
kept their dual meet string
intact with a 51-8 trouncing of
Quincy here last Thursday,
but then had their season
tarnished just a bit with a
third place finish in the 2nd
Annual Othello Takedown
Tournament on Saturday
The Moses Lake Chiefs
handed the Huskies their first
In expressing disappoint-
ment in the Huskies' inability
to defend the tournament title
they won last season, Coach
Wayne Schutte attributed his
charges' problems to "possibly
wanting the title too badly".
"We got a little too over-
agressive in the early matches
and then became sloppy," he
explained. "After we got
behind, the kids seemed to get
team "setback" of any kind ira frustrated then were really in
almost two years as they won trouble. It was more of a
the six-team takedown event, mental thing, and later on the
The Chiefs, who were kids were just trying too
defeated earlier this year in hard."
dual competition by the Four Huskies First
Huskies, proved to be better Although the Huskies man-
wrestlers on their feet as they
piled up 340 points to claim the~ roge 8 -
tournament title. OTHELLO, WASHINGTON
Another Class AAA team,
the Kamiakin Braves, placed
second with 304 points,
followed by the Huskies at 270.
Epbrata was fourth at 197,
followed by Connell with 169
and Pullman with 153.
aged to place only third, they
did dominate the individual
placings with four team
members picking up the most
points in their weights. The
individual titlelists were Scott
Bliss with 64 points at 148, Nell
Gilbert and Craig Herbert
both with 28 at 122 and 178 and
Terry Kast with 22 at
Doug Sams, Kamiakin's 101-
pounder, had the biggest point
total of the meet with 78, and
The champion Moses Lake
team had just three individual
champions, with Connell,
Kamiakin and Pullman all
placing two each.
String at 34
Last Thursday's big victory
over Quincy gave the Huskies
a 6-0 dual season record and
was their 34th straight
victory. It also gave them big
wins over three of their four
conference opponents. They'll
be facing the remaining team,
Bliss was second. The Huskies Omak, when they return to
had another gear miss in
Kevin Beus, who had 28 points
at 129, just two behind Mark
McCary of ConneU.
action again on Jan. 4.
The lone losses in the match
came against a pair of Jack
veterans who placed at the
regionals last season. Jack
Thornton edged Rudy Mendez
7-4 at 115 and Jack Foglesong
had an 8-3 win over Chris
Jones at the 168 pound spot.
The other Quincy points
were provided by heavy-
weight Gary Neito as he put
the first blemish on Kast's
record holding the Huskie to a
3-3 draw.
Seven Unbeaten
Schutte currently has seven
members of his squad who still
have to face their first defeat
after six matches. Senior 129-
pounder Beus has the top
record at 5-0 with three pins
and two decision, Sophomore
John Bliss is also at 5-0 with a
pin, decision and superior
decision at 158 and two
decisions at 178.
State veterans Scott Bliss
and Gilbert are both unbeaten.
Bliss has two pins, a default
and superior decision at 148
for 4-0, with Gilbert 3-0 at 122
with two pins and a decision.
Sophomore Justin Hafer is
3-0 at 101 with a pin and two
decisions. Another sopho-
more, Herbert is 4-0-1. He has
a pin, superior decision
and decision at 178, with a
decision and draw at 190.
Junior heavyweight Kast has
two pins and a draw in his
action to date.
Schutte reported that the
Huskies will have practice
:::!: sessions through the holidays
:~ and hopefully will be ready for
another big win when they end
a two week break and head for
Omak on Jan. 4.
GOING FOR POINTS - Nell Gilbert of Othello attempts to come around on an opponent
for points during the tournament on Saturday night.
THIRD FOR HUSKIES - Coach Wayne Schutte, left, and team captain Scott Bliss
accept the third place trophy from vice principal Jess Cruzen.
TAKEDOWN CHAMPIONS - lmflvidmfl weight champ-
ions in the takedown tournament here 8~turday are shown
at the conclusion of the event. From left in [rant are Doug
. Shins, Kamlakin, I01; Jack Wise, Moses Lake, 108; Tom
Lloyd, Moses Lake, 115; Neff Gilbert, Othello, 122; Mark
Gyms Open,
-Skating Set
Open gym and roller skating
will provide lots of recrea-
tional activities for local
youngsters during the holiday
Community Schools direc-
tor Mike.Lang reminded this
week that the High School
gym will be open from 2:30 to
4:30 p.m. this Friday. Dec. 27,
and Monday, Dec. 30. The
McFarland gym will be open
from 9:30 a.m. to noon on
Tuesday, Dec. 31.
Skating times at the Luta-
caga gym will be 9 to 11 p.m.
for pre-school to 11 years and
noon to 2 p.m. for ages 12 to
adult on Friday, Dec. 27, and
Monday, Dec. 30.
Family night is set for 7 to 9
p.m. on Friday, Dec. 27, with a
skating session ages planned
Saturday, Dec. 28, from 10
a.m. to noon.
The difficult task of keeping the Othello girls to face the Good
a team "championship sharp" winner of the Yakima Valley The coach
during a two-month lay-off is District in the first gameof the charges with a good
now facing Coach Janice four-team event, team effort as they
Capps, whose Othello girls'
basketball team claimed the
district championship with a
61-47 victory over Wenatchee
last Thursday.
As district champions, the
Huskiettes have now won the
right to enter regional play-
offs, but must wait until Feb.
18 to return to action.
The local district plays an
"early season" with some of
the other teams in Eastern
Washington just now starting
their season.
The regional is set for Feb.
18 and 19 at Wenatchee with
The OHS Alumni will be the
next opponent for Coach Daryl
Preuninger's steadily-
improving Othello Huskies,
who ran their season record to
6-1 with a tougher-than-
expected 58-47 decision over
the Royal Knights at Royal
City last Friday night.
The Huskies, who get a
two-week break from regular
season action, will host the
Alumni squad in a game this
Saturday at the local gym.
The contest, which counts as
one of the 20 on the Huskie
squad, will feature a number of
• recent Huskie basketball stars
The region winner will then even terms throu
advance to a four-team state quarters with the
playoff to be held Feb. 21 and Wenatchee team
22 at Pacific Lutheran in broke the contest
Tacoma. with a good fourth
"The difference in t
Mrs. Capps acknowledged was our bench and
that the Huskiettes, who are half defensive effort
currently unbeaten, may have their guards,"
trouble keeping their too, reported. "Both
mentum going through the and Nancy Pershall
long break, and played very
"Under state regulations we our starters a
won't even be allowed to have That mad~
practice sessions until 10 days Wenatchee had no
before the regional tourna- they could count
ment starts," she explained. Mrs. (
guards hit for
between them
half, but were held
in the final two (
Othello defense
in action against the varsity.
The Huskies have won the
event the past two years, and
will be big favorites to keep
their winning string intact.
After Saturday's game, the
Huskies' next action will come
on Jan. 3 when they host the
defending NCW champion
Omak Pioneers in their first
conference season.
Tough Game
Preuninger called the
Huskies' win over the Knights
last Friday a "tough game"
and said he was only
disappointed that he wasn't
The McFarland Mustang seventh graders rolled over
cagers managed a split in their Chief Moses counter-
action against Chief Moses at parts easily as they controlled
Moses Lake last Thursday. the game all the way.
The eighth graders droppedScoring included Brent
their second one-point game of Walker, nine; Gary Lebacken,
the season by a 45-44 score, eight; Scott Preuninger, six;
while the unbeaten seventhDavid Davis and GregHusted,
graders were rolling up a 37-22 both four; Line Burton, three;
victory. Duane Salsbury, two; and
Coach RoE Hardt credited Brad Beus, one.
Takedown Placers
101 - Doug Sams (K), 78; Jim the eighth graders with a The Mustangs will be idle
Thorn (ML), 20; Bill Stephenson (P), strong game despite their loss, during the Christmas holidays
16; Justin Haler (0), 6.noting that his squad has been with their next game coming
108 - Jack Wise (ML). 58; Jay showing lots of improvement, on Dec. 7 when the B squads
Delong (El, 40; Rod Hamilton (K),
34; Andy Nuno {0), 10. ' The Mustangs led most of will play Warden.
115 - Tom Lloyd (ML), 24; Chip the way in the game with Chief ~ ~ ~'
Taylor (K), 14; Mike Quann (P), 8; Moses taking the lead and the
Phil Hintz (El, 4.
122 - Nell Gilbert (0), 28; Sam victory with just 20 seconds
Edwards (ML), 24; John Math (C), remaining. The Braves out- ~__
16; Steve Naccarroto IK), 10. scored the Mustangs 17-10 in
129- Mark McCary (C}, 30; Kevin the final quarter.
Beus (0), 28; Ray Perales (ML), 24; Kevin Skogen led the
Bob May (K), 12.
135- Dwayne Yecka (P), 22; Dave Mustangs with 15 points with
Delong tEl, 21; Steve Niblett (0), 8; Barry Adams getting 14.
Ruben Sifuentez (K), 8. Other scoring included 10 by
141 - Glen Zureske (P), 32; Mark
Hara (ML), 22; Bruce Pritchard (K),
148 - Scott Bliss (0), 64; Kevin
Jenks {C), 22; Bart Johnson (P), 20;
Clint Moore (E), 6.
158 - Jerald Earl (ML), 36; Ron
Carlson (El, 10; John Bliss (0), 8;
Paul Boyd (K), 8.
168 - Ray Koehler (C), 20; Bob
Moffett (K), 16; Chris Jones (0), 14;
MeCary, Connell, 129; Dwayne Yeclm, Pullmu, 135; Glen
Zuroske, Pullman, 141; Scott Bliss, Othello, 148; Jeraid
Earl, Moses Lake, 158; Ray Koehler, Comaell, 168; Craig
Herbert, Othello, 178; Scott Akridge, Kamiaidn, 190; and
Terry Kut, Othello, heavyweight.
Gordon Killian and five by
Randy Roylance.
Coach Cecil Johnson's tall
F-M Matmen
Lose First
able to get better balance in
the scoring department.
Big Roger Nield, who is
averaging at a 23.6 per game
clip for the Huskies, had to
take charge to pull out the
victory against the pesky
The Huskies depended al-
most entirely on Nield's
scoring punch in the second
• half as he connected on eight
~field goals and finished the
game with 26 points.
More Balance Sought
"We want to get more
balance in our scoring, but
knew we needed the points
and went to Nield in the
clutch," Preuninger reported.
"We kept our poise through
the game despite some de-
fensive mistakes."
Guard Paul Stephens had
another strong night for the
Huskies as he had 10 assists
and only three turnovers, and
sophomore Jurgen Webb
drew praise from Preuninger
for filling in well when Todd
Burton got in foul trouble
early in the game.
Nield had 15 rebounds in the
game with Capps getting nine.
Preuninger also noted that
the Huskie shooting was off
a bit in the game as the team
dipped below 40 per cent for
the first time this season with
23 for 59 from the floor for 39
per cent.
Capps ' 3 2 2 8
Burton 0 4 4 4
Webb 1 2 3 4
Othello broke to
lead in the first
have Wenatchee
front 32-29 at the
atchee 13-6 in the thi
to edge back into th~
then broke the
a 19-9 fourth
Othello hit 42
the floor in the
per cent at the
compared with 32
33 per cent for
Othello also had
edge in
15 by Shannon Day
Danielson and
Donald, both 14;
Norton, 13;
three; and Chris
In the prelimin
Brewster won
beating Omak 36-34
The Othello
wrestlers added
tory to their strin
rolled over their
straight I
here last Thursday•
Getting the
the Pups were Joe
Rod Greene, Dan
Andy Lampe.
Othello 24 - {
135 - Joe Mendez
22 22Br dhead, 1:47,
(0) p. Joc Grey, 4:5: ; :9
0 0 1 0 {0) p. Rick Moiser, :33;
|n Boyd 6 0 1 12 Lampe (0)p.
TOTALS 23 12 15 58 4:27.
Showing ROYAL Fg Ft Pf Tp
• Kallenberger 0 0 4 0 Pharmacy
• hllred 1 0 0 2
The Othello JVs saw their Brown * 5 1 4 11 by Bill Bethmal
season record slip to 3-4 as Smith 5 3 013 • " -
they turned in one of their Hudson 3 4 4 10
poorest performances of the TOTALS 181116 47
season in a 61-33 loss at Royal OTHELLO: field goals, 23 for 59. MERRY
39 percent; free throws, 12 for 19, 63
City last Friday. percent; rebounds, 44; turnovers, And we re wishiv
"We played very poorly and17. ROYAL: field goals, 18 for 58, 31 yours the happi
were never really in the percent; free throws, 11 for 17, 65
game," Coach Gene Boyd lP~rcent;, rebounds, 30; turnovers, ChristmaSand friendlyin allmeanithe
reported. Score by quarters: wonderful old
He praised the effort of Othello 15 ~ ~ ~ call to mind.
sophomore Jurgen Webb, who Royal 11 time for family
Lee Hogue (ML), 14.
178-•Craig Herbert (O), 28; Steve
Phipps (C), 26; Ken Hoyt {E), 16; To Ch/ef Mo
Gary Boone (P), 12.
(K), 34; Deno The Othello Freshman- had eight points and eight ........ ano ~ne re.vwa, ~.
Genco (ML), 28; Jim Lewis (El, 26;
Bob Calissendorff (P), 12. McFarland Mustangs were reboundsafter in one downqUarterfrom°f ships. ChristmaS.good- w! ~"'tIt
Hwy - Terry Kast (O), 22; Steward handed their first loss of the play coming
Thomson (K), 14; Don Williamson season following four straight the varsity. Dave McCole also ,. " "" " "w" i~want t~
(ML), 12; .T.opy**C**oc.h.rane (C),1L ~ictories as they were sur- drew credity for more ag- 3ee )`our aeflTIST T ICei~ls so
Othello51-~mincy8 prised in a 41-37 loss to Chief gressive rebounding as he led O )'ear. ~~arouna
168- Jack Foglesong (Q) d. Chris Moses here last Thursday.the team with 11. ~Christ~
Jones, 8-3; 122- Octavlano Solos {0) The Frosh-Mustangs had toThe JVs will see their next ... . . | ~time
d. Kevin Whitner, 9-2; 108 - Andy
Nuno {O) d. Rich Webley, 8-2; 178- give ,away two matches on action this Saturday when UeT 0 pnysicoI /most s
• ~ have so
CraigHerbert(Ols.d.ArnoldYbara, forfeits, providing theBraves they play the Frosh m the once a . Year. ,
16-4; 148 - Scott Bliss (O) p. Earl their margin of victory, preliminary of the Varsity- ~:~be than /~
Bushman, 2:23; 129- Kevin Beus (O) The mat action was marred Alumni game. _ • ~ ..... :~and
p. Kent Bates, 2:50:115 - Jack
Thornton (Q) d. Rudy Mendez, 7-4; by one injury as eighth grader FRIDAY: Fg Ft Pf Tp t[ )'OU can t meet want
135- Chan Bailey (O) p. RayRiverea, Mike Williams was injured Adams 4 0 0 with )`our insuronce :. ..other% Pl
1:58; 158 - John Bliss (0) p. Mike when he was slammed to the ~rupa l u a z --- -- .-- w,~. ,,
Witzel, 1:25; 141 - Brad Solbrack (OI
Niblett 1 0 3 2 a{ieni, fit all.., get truly wonderful ti~1
Nield 2 O 4 a flew-~e. " year is a part of the
d. Scott Ashby, 7-6; Hwy - Terry
Kast (0) and Gary Nieto, draw 3.3; hospitalized Friday for a~anaar u z ~ z . . ....... in~
190- Mitch Buck (O) p. Paul Worley, possible fractured skull, but McCole 3 0 0 6 oays we. De ~oo~ ~ L
5:05;101- Justin Hafer (O) by forfeit, x-rays proved negative and he Regalado 0 2 1 2 L.,Izmilh'r in the years to ¢
Webb 3 2 3 8 : • ,,,,~, ...... ~ s~,~.l 1 nlease be accenting
TOTALS 14 51633 In,z,,,rm, " - -~
is recovering at home. Score by quarters- best wishes for Y
Frosh-Mustang points in the ~o
event came from Williams on a Othello " 6 2030 33 yours having your
default; pins by Randy Britt Royal 1829 42 61 4~-3C:)42' ] Merry Christmas!
and John Snyder; a superior ........ 1 .........
decision by Monty Jones; BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .... !
decisions by Don Schlagel,
Custom {;utf(ng"
Locker Remls
On .the Farm "Shttgkter-i
Ruben Martinez, Kerrie Beus
and Kevin Roberts and a draw
by Bob Harem. '
The Othello JVs lost 42-23 as
Oscar Gomez and Randy Haler
had pins, Jesse White scored a
decision and Terry Poe had a
The Frosh-Mustangs are
scheduled to fact Warden and
• Royal in their next dual action
here on Jan. 7.
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