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December 26, 1974 |
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Neff R.Thompson choir sang when I was born, Christmas is not so much an
Church nor did you, I would suppose, event as it is a person.
a child, "What is So, obviously we are not the The celebration of Christ-
and you will find center of Christmas. mas, may be fun, but it is not
his interests are~ Christmas is He whom essential. WAit,is essential is
this favored holi- prophets of old told would the person of Christmas•
I adult this samecome to restore a broken Scripture says: God was a
and he will reveal relationship .wi[h¢-~:AtmFg~ty Christ reconciling the world
of his understand- God and He"w~idsave people to himself.
his God. frona~ their sins. I do not Chritmas is about the
"What is
can almost be
kind of an answer.
~er to excape vague
in which so many
let's ask a
question, "
is Christmas?
is He whom the
at his birth. I do
anyone ever men-
to me that a heavenly
have a greater need to receive" gift of God.
S these things ourselves, before Just as Jeasus came in the
anta we can propose to offer then, flesh many years ago, he has
to others. So, Christmas must promised to return again to
lnta Claus, be pointing us in the direction receive all his believers into
]hristmas I would like of a specific person, who his eternal kingdom. So, our
raake-up, a Patches undoubtedly is greater than festivities of this holiday are
doll, a "purse and a we. of little value, unless we have
• Whatever personal mean- "accepted the person of Christ-
Tami Krebs mg we attach to Chmstmas, it, masand are ready and waiting
I would like
with toys in it.
Mike Rogers
like to get some
babytenderiove for my
this year.
Tracy Baker
I would like
dolly, a bunk bed
and a bike
believe anyone know we were greatest gift ever given. God
going toarrive on the scene of has given us himself. God
earth any longer than nine could have given us anything
months before we arrived, with out a deficit in his
And we usually find it difficult celestial budget, but God gave
to solve our own prqblems, himself and it cost him. God
let-alone be a savior for the creater has let himself be
others. So, it appears Christ- known, not as one who is
mas must be about someone isolated up in heaven, but as
else. one who is intensly involved
Christmas is the one person in our lives. Because the
who will consistantly give to person of Christmas is God's
all of us, love, joy, peace, gift to you, you must decide
patience, kindness, gentle- whether you will accept Jesus
ness, goodness, faithfulness Christ intoyour heart and life,
and self-control. I sense we or whether you will reject this
above all, recognizes the birth for his second coming.
of one who is both God and The appeal of God to each of
man, Jesus the Savior. us is to accept His gift of love.
Christmas always stands out He has come to us asking that
as a testimony to the world we open our life to the Christ
that God has in fact revealed of Christmas. When we have
Himself and His will through done this then we will know,
the person of Jesus Christ. who is Christmas.
Tracy Hanks ......
would also like 2
************ .
like to get these : ::: :
for my Christmas :
a lightbright, baby- ,
a rubadub dolly.
Sherri Mace
**$.$11¢***1i, 1~t
I would like
a train and a
Ryan Anderson
I would like
Crissy doll, a new
I'll tell you the
when I see you.
Shelly Rogers
tried to be a Good
bring be a barbie
and a barbie Doll.
bring my sister
an a pull toy.
some cookies for
the North Pole down
like some new
please, also would
new dishes and a
ire your elves doing?
Rudolf and his red
will leave milk and
out for you at
you some pictures
i have been a
boy. Please bring
~sp derby set, roller
big brown dog.
Brad Roberts
"YOU CAN HAVE A BITE", says Tracy Baker, five, as she offers her
three-year~Id foster sister, Annette, a cookie from the family's traditional
cookies tree. Cookie making goes on at the Dennis Baker home throughout the
entire holiday season and Steve, six, knows they're good. He wouldn't mind
good. I want a hat, gun, boots want a truck and cowboy, also
all cowboys, a bike.
Love, My little sister Kattie
JerryY. wants a doll she is 6 mo.
************ Love
Dear Santa Claus Peter Yorgesen
I'm Peter and 3 years old. I ************
like a doll, a boat,
gum machine.
are you? I'm dooing
school. I am in the
are your reindeer? Is
going to lead y6ur
stuffed animals too.
is up already.
Kellie Rodgers
LOVE Kellie
Age 6 years
Claus, How are
got any new baby
I would like to have
talkie for Christmas.
to have a toy
some games. Have a
Love Shaun
Cody would
fire engine and a
Thank you
Tell Rudolph hi.
you Milk and
5 years old been
from us to you...
with our thanks for letting us serve
you. Happy Holidays to our friends!
30 S. Ist
Roy' Barber Shop
J~ E. (Roy) Veliz 488-7609
FULL OF DREAMS this Christmas time are Cheryl Baldridge and Gall Stromme who hold
golden nugget bands with which they will pledge their troth on New Years Day. Cheryl is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baldridge on whose wedding anniversary the young couple
will marry. The unusual rings came from Anchorage, Alaska, Gail's home ~tate. What a great
time to be making wedding plans ..... with friends home from college to share in the glad news
and agala round of holiday festivities. To Cheryland Gail, the sparkle of the season seems a bit
brighter this year, especially for them.
having a bite. Looking on from the rocking chair is Michele, seven, with her
new sister, Minga, eight months. When the two little girls arrived at the Baker
home the beginning of December, Miehele delightedly said, "We got two early
Christmas presents!"
Wrap it up with a
smile and our good
w shes. Thanks to all.
804 SI Broadway
May your Christmas sparkle
with joy and
Please accept
665 E. Windsor
[ et's all sing a carol
of peace, serenity
and goodwill, this
special holiday
season. Many thanks
to all our friends for
your loyal patronage.
716 E. Main
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a watch with
Love Betsy Castaneda
Dear Santa Claus,
I will want a herman Worm.
Signed Allen Cox
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a walkie talkie
Lee Beckman
We'd like
to express our
warm wishes:
enjoy a peace'-
ful, serene
Thank you
all so much.
53 N. Ist
2 2S First
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hristmas is the time for togetherness.
Tenderness. Loving.And the greatest gift
of them all -- peace. Live it fully this
season. Sincere gratitude to our patrons.